Determinants of Online Behavior Among Jordanian Consumers: An Empirical Study of OpenSooq

Dmaithan Abdelkarim Almajali
Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management  •  Volume 17  •  2022  •  pp. 339-359

This study identifies the elements that influence intentions to purchase from the most popular Arabic online classifieds platform,

Online purchasing has become popular among consumers in the past two decades, with perceived risk and trust playing key roles in consumers’ intention to purchase online.

A questionnaire survey was conducted of Internet users from three Jordanian districts to investigate how they used the OpenSooq platform in their e-commerce activities. In total, 202 usable responses were collected, and the data were analyzed with PLS-SEM for hypothesis testing and model validation.

Though online trading is increasingly popular, the factors that impact the behavior of consumers when purchasing high-value products have not been adequately investigated. Therefore, this study examined the factors affecting perceived risk, and the potential impact of privacy concerns on the perceived risk of online smartphone buyers. The study framework can help explore online behavior in various situations to ascertain similarities and differences and probe other aspects of online buying.

Perceived risk negatively correlates with online purchasing behavior and trust. However, privacy concern and perceived risk, transaction security and trust, and trust and online purchasing behavior exhibited positive correlations.

Customers can complete and retain online purchases in a range of settings illuminated in this study’s methods and procedures. Moreover, businesses can manage their IT arrangements to make Internet shopping more convenient and build processes for online shopping that allow for engagement, training, and ease of use, thus improving their customers’ online purchasing behavior.

Given the insight into the understanding and integration of variables including perceived risk, privacy issues, trust, transaction security, and online purchasing behavior, academics can build on the groundwork of this research paradigm to investigate underdeveloped countries, particularly Jordan, further.

Understanding the characteristics that influence online purchasing behavior can help countries realize the full potential of online shopping, particularly the benefits of safe, fast, and low-cost financial transactions without the need for an intermediary.

Future research can examine the link between online purchase intent, perceived risk, privacy concerns, trust, and transaction security to see if the findings of this study in Jordan can be applied to a broader context in other countries.

online purchasing, trust, transaction security, perceived risk, privacy concern
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