Writing Doctoral Dissertation Literature Review: Identifying the Prerequisites, Corequisites, and the Iterative Process for Writing the Literature

Azad Ali, Shardul Pandya, UMESH C VARMA
International Journal of Doctoral Studies  •  Volume 17  •  2022  •  pp. 433-458
Aim/Purpose: Identify the prerequisites, the corequisites, and the iteration processes in organizing and writing the literature review chapter of doctoral dissertations.

Background: Writing the literature review chapter of doctoral dissertations presents unique challenges. Students waste a lot of time identifying material to write, and the experience is generally that of frustration and time delay.

Methodology: This paper reviews literature to identify levels of information helpful for writing the literature review chapter: prerequisites, corequisites, and iteration process.

Contribution: The contribution of this paper is different than others that have been writ-ten about the literature review. The intended audiences for this paper are mentors, advisors, or academies that supervise students in writing their doctoral dissertations. This paper introduces the writing of the literature review by organizing the suggestions into groups of topics more familiar to academies than in other fields. The concepts of prerequisites, corequisites, and iteration are very familiar to educators; they often use them in their courses. The academic curriculums are built on such concepts. Thus, grouping the discussion into these terms familiar to mentors, advisors, or doctoral dissertations supervisors will put the findings into a more helpful focus for educators that supervise students in writing the literature review chapter.

Findings: Writing a doctoral dissertation literature review is long and complicated be-cause some students delve into the writing without much preparation. Identifying what is helpful before and during the writing and being mindful of the repetitive steps helps guide the students through the writing of the literature review chapter of doctoral dissertations.

Recommendations for Practitioners: Before delving into the writing of the literature review, it will be helpful to identify the prerequisites, the corequisites, and the iteration process that goes into the writing literature review.

Recommendations for Researchers: Writing the literature review chapter in doctoral dissertations remains challenging. More research would be helpful that focuses on the late writing stages. The suggestions we made in this paper could form a solid start for future research in this topic.

Impact on Society: The research findings will help doctoral mentors/advisors guide students in completing the chapter on literature review.
literature review, dissertation literature review, phases of literature review, snowballing in literature review
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