A Framework for Ranking Critical Success Factors of Business Intelligence Based on Enterprise Architecture and Maturity Model

Ramina Farshadi, Eslam Nazemi, Neda Abdolvand
Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management  •  Volume 17  •  2022  •  pp. 543-575

The aim of this study is to identify Critical Success Factors (CSF) of Business Intelligence (BI) and provide a framework to classify CSF into layers or perspectives using an enterprise architecture approach, then rank CSF within each perspective and evaluate the importance of each perspective at different BI maturity levels as well.

Although the implementation of the BI project has a significant impact on creating analytical and competitive capabilities, the lack of evaluation of CSF holistically is still a challenge. Moreover, the BI maturity level of the organization has not been considered in the BI implementation project. Identifying BI critical success factors and their importance can help the project team to move to a higher maturity level in the organization.

First, a list of distinct CSF is identified through a literature review. Second, a framework is provided for categorizing these CSF using enterprise architecture. Interviewing is the research method used to evaluate the importance of CSF and framework layers with two questionnaires among experts. The first questionnaire was done by Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), a quantitative method of decision-making to calculate the weight of the CSF according to the importance of CSF in each of the framework layers. The second one was conducted to evaluate framework layers at different BI maturity levels using a Likert scale.

This paper contributes to the implementation of BI projects by identifying a comprehensive list of CSF in the form of a holistic multi-layered framework and ranking the importance of CSF and layers at BI maturity levels.

The most important CSF in BI implementation projects include senior management support, process identification, data quality, analytics quality, hardware quality, security standards, scope management, documentation, project team skills, and customer needs transformation, which received the highest scores in framework layers. In addition, it was observed that as the organization moves to higher levels of maturity, the average importance of strategic business and security perspectives or layers increases. But the average importance of data, applications, infrastructure, and network, the project management layers in the proposed framework is the same regardless of the level of business intelligence maturity.

The results of this paper can be used by academicians and practitioners to improve BI project implementation through understanding a comprehensive list of CSF and their importance. This awareness causes us to focus on the most important CSF and have better planning to reach higher levels of maturity according to the maturity level of the organization.

For future research, the interaction of critical success factors of business intelligence and framework layers can be examined with different methods.

business intelligence, critical success factor, maturity model, enterprise architecture
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