Improving Learning Management Systems to Better Assist Computer Science Teaching in Qatar Higher Education Institutions [ABSTRACT]

Mosa Alokla, Mais Alkhateeb, Dipl. Mohammad Alokla
InSITE 2023  •  2023  •  pp. 006
Hybrid learning first appeared in the late 1990s as a new way of teaching for distance learning that used computers and the internet to improve students' learning and encourage teachers to change their teaching techniques, resulting in a shift in learning from a teacher-centered model to a more student-centered model.
This study contributed to theory, practice, empirical and policy. Theoretically, the study considered the investigate the mediating effect of human resource information system on effect of perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyments, hybrid attitude, hedonic motivation, learning experience, and engagement, on satisfaction in Community College of Qatar (CCQ).
Furthermore, as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic, many postsecondary schools have moved to online delivery and learning, forcing many instructors to experiment with online and HL approaches, such as online multimedia and video presentations. In comparison to traditional face-to-face techniques or pure online settings, current research has largely verified that HL is seen to be beneficial (Hill et al., 2017) and has the potential to boost student happiness.

Research Problem. Hybrid learning (HL), an emerging of online and face-to-face training, has also been increasingly adopted to solve the issues linked with the need for a new pedagogy (Allen, et al., 2007), by discussing Qatar Higher Education Institutions, the region in which this research will be conducted, this research will be to conduct the Hybrid Learning Approach (HLA) on the Higher Education Institutions in the State of Qatar, which has seven Community College of Qatar (CCQ) throughout the country and has been forced to change its teaching methods due to the Covid 19 pandemic.
In hybrid learning, student happiness can impact motivation, student achievement, and completion rate. The course materials, which incorporate multimedia, simulations, hands-on exercises, and games given through the internet with live classroom sessions, may contribute to satisfaction in the mixed setting. Therefore, this study will bridge the gap created by the previous study to investigate the mediating effect of human resource information system on effect of perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyments, hybrid attitude, hedonic motivation, learning experience, and engagement, on satisfaction in CCQ.
The unit of analysis of this study will be CCQ. The students in the CCQ are the respondents of this study. The choice of respondents for the present study was considered in relation to the knowledge required on the issues under investigation.
The purpose of this study is to add to a better understanding of the present status of CCQ. Therefore, the population of this study consisted of all students in the 7 CCQ. Therefore, the populations of this study are 40,687 students.
This study employed probability sampling design using proportional and simple random sampling. As a result, the pilot test questionnaire for this study will be based on existing research.
The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Hybrid Learning (HL), Community College of Qatar (CCQ), MOH IN Qatar, COVID-19, Square Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM)
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