Multi-factor Modeling as an Enabler of Supply Chain Risk Management

William G Cook
Muma Business Review  •  Volume 7  •  2023  •  pp. 121-132
Supply chains of large-scale, technologically complex products rely on a vast network of suppliers. While supply chain efficiency has improved with the expansion of globalization, supply chain resiliency appears to have worsened. Some would argue, in light of the effects of a global pandemic and war in Eastern Europe, that supply chains are increasingly fragile. Since 2000 academic research has expanded to address Supply Chain Risk and its focus on resiliency, going beyond Supply Chain Management which focuses instead more on efficiency. In this paper the author explores the application of multi-factor models in identifying and assessing risk factors that impact supply chain resiliency. This study describes efforts underway by the author to develop a data analytics tool to illuminate and assess the risks in supply chains for large scale weapon systems procured by the US Department of Defense.
Supply chain risk management, multi-factor modeling, factor analysis, Department of Defense, DoD, resilience, fragility, corporate failure prediction, risk factors
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