Ownership and Support: Boosting Performance and Well-Being in Safety

Teresa Di Fiore, Stefania Fantinelli, Veronica Giffi, Matteo Curcuruto, Michela Cortini, Teresa Galanti
Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline  •  Volume 26  •  2023  •  pp. 209-229

The aim of this study is to examine the role of psychological ownership for safety in boosting employee performance and the impact of Perceived Organizational Support for Safety (POSS) on workers’ well-being, considering the psychological aspects associated with workplace safety and exploring the mediating effect of employees’ commitment.

It is widely recognized that promoting workplace safety goes beyond purely physical measures and must also consider the psychological aspects associated with safety management. However, while some studies have shown the direct effect of POSS and Safety Ownership on safety outcomes, very few studies have explored the underlying mediating mechanism, as well as their impact on distal outcomes, such as well-being and performance.

The cross-sectional study was conducted on a convenience sample of a metal mechanic enterprise’s employees through an online self-assessment questionnaire.

This study contributes to understanding the mechanisms through which psychological ownership for safety, organizational support for safety, and psychological factors related to safety collectively influence organizational outcomes.

Two indirect significant effects are described. The first is between POSS and well-being, and the second significant relation is between psychological ownership for safety and job performance. When employees perceive that their organization cares about safety, they will experience a stronger sense of commitment and, in turn, they will be more satisfied in the work context, and they will improve their job performance.

Researchers should take a transdisciplinary approach to enable the integration of knowledge and perspectives from different fields that are essential to understanding the full range of implications and applications of safety management.

It could be interesting to investigate a different point of view on safety (e.g., top management or health and safety officers) and explore concerns about how to successfully communicate and transfer safety climate during remote working activities.

safety climate, psychological ownership for safety, organizational support for safety, affective commitment, job performance, well-being
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