A Model for Using Social Media Content to Promote 3D Thinking on Sustainability Among Students in Integrated Mathematics, Language, Arts, and Technology

Musa Saimon, Zsolt Lavicza, Theodosia prodromou
Journal of Information Technology Education: Research  •  Volume 22  •  2023  •  pp. 481-496

This study aimed to develop a model for using social media content to promote 3D thinking of sustainability among students in integrated Mathematics, Language, Arts, and Technology (MLAT) classrooms.

Social media is one of the most relevant platforms among students of the 21st century to the extent that connecting it to classroom learning becomes interesting to the learners. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) requires teachers to implement an interdisciplinary teaching approach while promoting skills for dealing with sustainability issues. ESD enables students to think about three aspects (economics, environment, and society) of sustainability. In this paper, the ability to think about the environment, society, and economics simultaneously was termed “3D thinking of sustainability.” Social media content can be a catalyst for promoting students’ application of 3D thinking of sustainability if integrated into the classroom. However, teachers fail to use social media content in their classrooms because they lack the know-how to integrate them. Therefore, providing teachers with a model for using social media content in their teaching can help them integrate it into their classes.

Design-based research was adopted by the researchers (wo mathematics teachers and one curriculum expert) who were selected through purposive sampling, and twenty students who were selected through convenience sampling. Data were collected from the teachers’ interviews with twenty students through observation and reflective journals and from students’ assignments through document analysis.

The major contribution of the study is the development of the model for facilitating students’ application of skills from the domains of mathematics, language, arts, and technology to understand sustainability issues. Furthermore, the study shows the value of social media in learning from the point of view of using them as context for applying interdisciplinary skills rather than media for teacher-student interaction.

The model with eight interactive phases was developed. The proposed model requires the teachers to be knowledgeable content-wise in various disciplines or to collaborate with teachers from other disciplines.

Practitioners are encouraged to adopt this model in the implementation of ESD.

Researchers may test the application of this model in other integrated subjects and levels of education.

The standard of living of any society is related to people’s awareness of threats to sustainability. Therefore, the more education promotes 3D thinking of sustainability, the more the standard of living is guaranteed in our societies.

To evaluate the applicability of the model in various educational contexts.

education for sustainable development, social media, social media content, sustainability, inter/transdisciplinary teaching approach
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