Impact of User Satisfaction With E-Government Services on Continuance Use Intention and Citizen Trust Using TAM-ISSM Framework

Devkant Kala, Dhani Shanker Chaubey, Rakesh Kumar Meet, Ahmad Samed Al-Adwan
Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management  •  Volume 19  •  2024  •  pp. 001

This study investigates the drivers of user satisfaction in e-government services and its influence on continued use intention and citizen trust in government. It employs the integration of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Information System Success Model (ISSM).

Electronic government, transforming citizen-state interactions, has gained momentum worldwide, including in India, where the aim is to leverage technology to improve citizen services, streamline administration, and engage the public. While prior research has explored factors influencing citizen satisfaction with e-government services globally, this area of study has been relatively unexplored in India, particularly in the post-COVID era. Challenges to widespread e-government adoption in India include a large and diverse population, limited digital infrastructure in rural areas, low digital literacy, and weak data protection regulations. Additionally, global declines in citizen trust, attributed to economic concerns, corruption, and information disclosures, further complicate the scenario. This study seeks to investigate the influence of various factors on user satisfaction and continuance usage of e-government services in India. It also aims to understand how these services contribute to building citizens’ trust in government.

The data were collected by utilizing survey items on drivers of e-government services, user satisfaction, citizen trust, and continuance use intention derived from existing literature on information systems and e-government. Responses from 501 Indian participants, collected using an online questionnaire, were analyzed using PLS-SEM.

This study makes a dual contribution to the e-government domain. First, it introduces a comprehensive research model that examines factors influencing users’ satisfaction and continuance intention with e-government services. The proposed model integrates the TAM and ISSM. Combining these models allows for a comprehensive examination of e-government satisfaction and continued intention. By analyzing the impact of user satisfaction on continuance intention and citizen trust through an integrated model, researchers and practitioners gain insights into the complex dynamics involved. Second, the study uncovers the effects of residential status on user satisfaction, trust, and continuance intention regarding e-government services. Findings reveal disparities in the influence of system and service quality on user satisfaction across different user segments. Researchers and policymakers should consider these insights when designing e-government services to ensure user satisfaction, continuance intention, and the building of citizen trust.

The findings indicate that the quality of information, service, system, and perceived usefulness play important roles in user satisfaction with e-government services. All hypothesized paths were significant, except for perceived ease of use. Furthermore, the study highlights that user satisfaction significantly impacts citizen trust and continuance use intention.

The findings suggest that government authorities should focus on delivering accurate, comprehensive, and timely information in a secure, glitch-free, and user-friendly digital environment. Implementing an interactive and accessible interface, ensuring compatibility across devices, and implementing swift query resolution mechanisms collectively contribute to improving users’ satisfaction. Conducting awareness and training initiatives, providing 24×7 access to online tutorials, helpdesks, technical support, clear FAQs, and integrating AI-driven customer service support can further ensure a seamless user experience. Government institutions should leverage social influence, community engagement, and social media campaigns to enhance user trust. Promotional campaigns, incentive programs, endorsements, and user testimonials should be used to improve users’ satisfaction and continuance intention.

An integrated model combining TAM and ISSM offers a robust approach for thoroughly analyzing the diverse factors influencing user satisfaction and continuance intention in the evolving digitalization landscape of e-government services. This expansion, aligning with ISSM’s perspective, enhances the literature by demonstrating how user satisfaction impacts continuance usage intention and citizen trust in e-government services in India and other emerging economies.

Examining the factors influencing user satisfaction and continuance intention in e-government services and their subsequent impact on citizen trust carries significant societal implications. The findings can contribute to the establishment of transparent and accountable governance practices, fostering a stronger connection between governments and their citizens.

There are several promising avenues to explore to enhance future research. Expanding the scope by incorporating a larger sample size could enable a more thorough analysis. Alternatively, delving into the performance of specific e-government services would offer greater precision, considering that this study treats e-government services generically. Additionally, incorporating in-depth interviews and longitudinal studies would yield a more comprehensive understanding of the dynamic evolution of digitalization.

e-government, user satisfaction, continuance intention, citizen trust, India
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