The Influence of Augmented Reality Face Filter Addiction on Online Social Anxiety: A Stimulus-Organism-Response Perspective

Muhammad Alfi Syakir, Shafira Ayu Maharani, Yobelio Ekaharja Putra, Putu Wuri Handayani, Sali Rahadi Asih
Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management  •  Volume 19  •  2024  •  pp. 007

This study aims to analyze the factors that influence user addiction to AR face filters in social network applications and their impact on the online social anxiety of users in Indonesia.

To date, social media users have started to use augmented reality (AR) face filters. However, AR face filters have the potential to create positive and negative effects for social media users. The study combines the Big Five Model (BFM), Sense of Virtual Community (SVOC), and Stimuli, Organism, and Response (SOR) frameworks. We adopted the SOR theory by involving the personality factors and SOVC factors as stimuli, addiction as an organism, and social anxiety as a response. BFM is the most significant theory related to personality.

We used a quantitative approach for this study by using an online survey. We conducted research on 903 Indonesian respondents who have used an AR face filter feature at least once. The respondents were grouped into three categories: overall, new users, and old users. In this study, group classification was carried out based on the development timeline of the AR face filter in the social network application. This grouping was carried out to facilitate data analysis as well as to determine and compare the different effects of the factors in each group. The data were analyzed using the covariance-based structural equation model through the AMOS 26 program.

This research fills the gap in previous research which did not discuss much about the impact of addiction in using AR face filters on online social anxiety of users of social network applications.

The results of this study indicated neuroticism, membership, and immersion influence AR face filter addiction in all test groups. In addition, ARA has a significant effect on online social anxiety.

The findings are expected to be valuable to social network service providers and AR creators in improving their services and to ensure policies related to the list of AR face filters that are appropriate for use by their users as a form of preventing addictive behavior of that feature.

This study suggested other researchers consider other negative impacts of AR face filters on aspects such as depression, life satisfaction, and academic performance.

AR face filter users may experience changes in their self-awareness in using face filters and avoid the latter’s negative impacts.

Future research might explore other impacts from AR face filter addiction behavior, such as depression, life satisfaction, and so on. Apart from that, future research might investigate the positive impact of AR face filters to gain a better understanding of the impact of AR face filters.

augmented reality, face filter, Instagram, social media, Indonesia
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