Impact of a Digital Tool to Improve Metacognitive Strategies for Self-Regulation During Text Reading in Online Teacher Education

Beatriz Ortega-Ruipérez, Ana Pereles López, Miguel Lázaro
Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice  •  Volume 23  •  2024  •  pp. 007

The aim of the study is to test whether the perception of self-regulated learning during text reading in online teacher education is improved by using a digital tool for the use of metacognitive strategies for planning, monitoring, and self-assessment.

The use of self-regulated learning is important in reading skills, and for students to develop self-regulated learning, their teachers must master it. Therefore, teaching strategies for self-regulated learning in teacher education is essential.

The sample size was 252 participants with the tool used by 42% or the participants. A quasi-experimental design was used in a pre-post study. ARATEX-R, a text-based scale, was used to evaluate self-regulated learning. The 5-point Likert scale includes the evaluation of five dimensions: planning strategies, cognition management, motivation management, comprehension assessment and context management. A Generalized Linear Model was used to analyse the results.

Using the tool to self-regulate learning has led to an improvement during text reading, especially in the dimensions of motivation management, planning management and comprehension assessment, key dimensions for text comprehension and learning.

Participants who use the app perceive greater improvement, especially in the dimensions of motivation management (22,3%), planning management (19.9%) and comprehension assessment (24,6%), which are fundamental dimensions for self-regulation in text reading.

This tool should be included in teacher training to enable reflection during the reading of texts, because it helps to improve three key types of strategies in self-regulation: (1) planning through planning management, (2) monitoring through motivation management and comprehension assessment, and (3) self-assessment through comprehension assessment.

The success of the tool suggests further study for its application in other use cases: other student profiles in higher education, other teaching modalities, and other educational stages. These studies will help to identify adaptations that will extend the tool’s use in education.

The use of Metadig facilitates reflection during the reading of texts in order to improve comprehension and thus self-regulate the learning of content. This reflection is crucial for students’ knowledge construction.

Future research will focus on enhancing the digital tool by adding features to support the development of cognition and context management. It will also focus on how on adapting the tool to help other types of learners.

self-regulated learning, metacognition, reading, teacher education, digital tool
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