Enhancing Waste Management Decisions: A Group DSS Approach Using SSM and AHP in Indonesia

Yekti Wirani, Dana Indra Sensuse, Deden Sumirat Hidayat, Erisva Hakiki Purwaningsih, Yudho Giri Sucahyo
Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management  •  Volume 19  •  2024  •  pp. 026

This research aims to design a website-based group decision support system (DSS) user interface to support an integrated and sustainable waste management plan in Jagatera. The main focus of this research is to design a group DSS to help Jagatera prioritize several waste alternatives to be managed so that Jagatera can make the right decisions to serve the community.

The Indonesian government and various stakeholders are trying to solve the waste problem. Jagatera, as a waste recycling company, plays a role as a stakeholder in managing waste. In 2024, Jagatera plans to accept all waste types, which impacts the possibility of increasing waste management costs. If Jagatera does not have a waste management plan, this will impact reducing waste management services in the community. To solve this problem, the group DSS assists Jagatera in prioritizing waste based on aspects of waste management cost.

Jagatera, an Indonesian waste recycling company, is implementing a group DSS using the soft system methodology (SSM) method. The SSM process involves seven stages, including problem identification, problem explanation using rich pictures, system design, conceptual model design, real-life comparison, changes, and improvement steps. The final result is a prototype user interface design addressing the relationship between actors and the group DSS. The analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method prioritized waste based on management costs. This research obtained primary data from interviews with Jagatera management, a literature review regarding the group DSS, and questionnaires to determine the type of waste and evaluate user interface design.

This research focuses on determining waste handling priorities based on their management. It contributes the DSS, which uses a decision-making approach based on management groups developed using the SSM and AHP methods focused on waste management decisions. It also contributes to the availability of a user interface design from the DSS group that explains the interactions between actors. The implications of the availability of DSS groups in waste recycling companies can help management understand waste prioritization problems in a structured manner, increase decision-making efficiency, and impact better-quality waste management. Combining qualitative approaches from SSM to comprehend issues from different actor perspectives and AHP to assist quantitative methods in prioritizing decisions can yield theoretical implications when using the SSM and AHP methods together.

This research produces a website-based group DSS user interface design that can facilitate decision-making using AHP techniques. The user interface design from the DSS group was developed using the SSM approach to identify complex problems at waste recycling companies in Indonesia. This study also evaluated the group DSS user interface design, which resulted in a score of 91.67%. This value means that the user interface design has met user expectations, which include functional, appearance, and comfort needs. These results also show that group DSS can enhance waste recycling companies’ decision-making process. The results of the AHP technique using all waste process information show that furniture waste, according to the CEO, is given more priority, and textile waste, according to the Managing Director. Group DSS developed using the AHP method allows user actors to provide decisions based on their perspectives and authority.

This research shows that the availability of a group DSS is one of the digital transformation efforts that waste recycling companies can carry out to support the determination of a sustainable waste management plan. Managers benefit from DSS groups by providing a digital decision-making process to determine which types of waste should be prioritized based on management costs. Timely and complete information in the group DSS is helpful in the decision-making process and increases organizational knowledge based on the chosen strategy.

Developing a group DSS for waste recycling companies can encourage strategic decision-making processes. This research integrates SSM and AHP to support a comprehensive group DSS because SSM encourages a deeper and more detailed understanding of waste recycling companies with complex problems. At the same time, AHP provides a structured approach for recycling companies to make decisions. The group DSS that will be developed can be used to identify other more relevant criteria, such as environmental impact, waste management regulations, and technological capabilities. Apart from more varied criteria, the group DSS can be encouraged to provide various alternatives such as waste paper, metal, or glass. In addition to evaluating the group DSS’s user interface design, waste recycling companies need to consider training or support for users to increase system adoption.

The waste problem requires the role of various stakeholders, one of which is a waste recycling company. The availability of a group DSS design can guide waste recycling companies in providing efficient and effective services so that they can respond more quickly to the waste management needs of the community. The community also gets transparent information regarding their waste management. The impact of good group DSS is reducing the amount of waste in society.

Future research could identify various other types of waste used as alternatives in the decision-making process to illustrate the complexity of the prioritization process. Future research could also identify other criteria, such as environmental impact, social aspects of community involvement, or policy compliance. Future research could involve decision-makers from other parties, such as the government, who play an essential role in the waste industry.

group decision support system, analytical hierarchy process, soft system methodology, waste recycling company, user interface design DSS
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