Modeling the Predictors of M-Payments Adoption for Indian Rural Transformation

Pooja Chopra, Prachi Verma, Renu Lamba, Monica Bedi
Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management  •  Volume 19  •  2024  •  pp. 028

The last decade has witnessed a tremendous progression in mobile penetration across the world and, most importantly, in developing countries like India. This research aims to investigate and analyze the factors influencing the adoption of mobile payments (M-payments) in the Indian rural population. This, in turn, would bring about positive changes in the lives of people in these countries.

A conceptual framework was worked upon using UTAUT as a foundation, which included constructs, namely, facilitating conditions, social influences, performance expectancy, and effort expectancy. The model was further extended by incorporating the awareness construct of m-payments to make it more comprehensive and to understand behavioral intentions and usage behavior for m-payments in rural India.

A questionnaire-based study was conducted to collect primary data from 410 respondents residing in rural areas in the state of Punjab. Convenience sampling was conducted to collect the data. Structural equation modeling was used to conduct statistical analysis, including exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses.

A new conceptual model for M-payments adoption in rural India was developed based on the study’s findings. Using the findings of the study, marketers, policymakers, and academicians can gain insight into the factors that motivate the rural population to use M-payments.

The study has found that M-payment Awareness (AW) is the strongest factor within the proposed model for deeper diffusion of M-payments in rural areas in the state of Punjab. Performance expectancy (PE), effort expectancy (EE), social influences (SI), and facilitating conditions (FC) are also positively and significantly related to behavioral intentions for using M-payments among the Indian rural population in the state of Punjab.

M-payments are emerging as a new mode of transactions among the Indian masses. The government needs to play a pivotal role in advocating the benefits linked with the usage of M-payments by planning financial literacy and awareness campaigns, promoting transparency and accountability of the intermediaries, and reducing transaction costs of using M-payments. Mobile manufacturing companies should come up with devices that are easy to use and incorporate multilanguage mobile applications, especially for rural areas, as India is a multi-lingual country. A robust regulatory framework will not only shape consumer trust but also prevent privacy breaches.

It is recommended that a comparative study among different M-payment platforms be conducted by exploring constructs such as usefulness and ease of use. However, the vulnerability of data leakage may result in insecurity and skepticism about its adoption.

India’s rural areas have immense potential for adoption of M-payments. Appropriate policies, awareness drives, and necessary infrastructure will boost faster and smoother adoption of M-payments in rural India to thrive in the digital economy.

The adapted model can be further tested with moderating factors like age, gender, occupation, and education to understand better the complexities of M-payments, especially in rural areas of India. Additionally, cross-sectional studies could be conducted to evaluate the behavioral intentions of different sections of society.

UTAUT, rural India, facilitating conditions, social influences, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, M-payments awareness, behavioral intentions, usage behavior
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