Use of Mobile Health Applications by Lay Users in Kuwait

Sumayya Banna, Basil Alzougool
Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management  •  Volume 19  •  2024  •  pp. 032

This study aims to explore the use of mobile health applications (mHealth apps) by lay users in Kuwait. Specifically, it seeks to: (i) identify and highlight the impact of factors that contribute to their use of mHealth apps and (ii) validate a model of these users’ usage of mHealth apps.

The advancement of information technologies has paved the way for efficiency and effectiveness in healthcare sectors in developed countries. Kuwait has attempted to revolutionise healthcare systems through mobile applications of information technology solutions to educate users on better methods of receiving customised health services. However, end-user usage of mHealth apps remains in the infancy in developing countries, including Kuwait. Lay users are often vulnerable and frequently overlooked by researchers and health technology providers.

A cross-sectional study was conducted among 225 lay users of mHealth apps in Kuwait using an online questionnaire to achieve the study objectives. A purposive sampling method utilising convenience and snowballing sampling techniques was used in which all the respondents were lay users. Descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, and regression analyses were employed to analyse the collected data.

The study contributes to the extant literature on health informatics and mHealth by providing a comprehensive understanding of how technological, social, and functional factors are related to mHealth apps in the context of developing countries. It identifies key drivers of mHealth app use, suggests expanding the TAM model, and facilitates comparisons with developed countries, addressing gaps in mHealth research.

Four factors (i.e., perceived trust (PT), perceived ease of use (PEU) and behaviour control (PBC), perceived usefulness (PU), and subjective norms (SN)) were identified that influence the use of mHealth apps. These four identified factors also contributed to lay users’ use of these mHealth apps. Among these four factors, perceived trust (PT) was the main contributor to lay users’ use of these mHealth apps.

Based on the empirical results, this study provides feasible recommendations for the government, healthcare providers, and developers of mHealth apps. The findings urge developers to enhance app functionality by prioritising privacy and security to build user trust while outlining guidelines for future development focused on user-centric design and compliance with data privacy regulations. Additionally, the government should establish supportive policies and funding, ensure regulatory oversight, and promote public awareness to foster trust. Healthcare providers should integrate mHealth apps into their services, train staff for practical use, gather users’ feedback, and collaborate with developers to create tailored healthcare solutions.

Additional research is required to apply probability sampling techniques and increase the sample size to generate more reliable and generalisable findings. Additionally, the young age segment must be considered here, and research must be extended to consider the moderating role of demographic factors like age, gender, and educational levels to better understand the adoption of mHealth apps.

lay users, health information, mHealth, Kuwait, mobile health applications
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