Examining the Effect of Fake News Awareness on Social Media Users’ News Sharing Behavior
Despite the widespread presence of fake news on the internet, many individuals continue to share information without verifying its accuracy. In response, this study examined two types of news-sharing behaviors, Unverified News Sharing and Authenticating News Before Sharing, and their influence on the spread of fake news on social media. Fake news awareness was also incorporated into the paper as a moderating factor.
The proposed conceptual model illustrates how an individual’s general approach to news sharing can predict the behavior of fake news sharing. The model was further expanded to include the construct of fake news awareness to understand how it moderates the behavioral intention to share fake news.
A survey method was employed to collect data from 450 respondents in India and to test the conceptual model. Structural equation modeling was employed.
It contributes by developing a framework to examine the multifaceted nature of news-sharing behavior and its role in the dissemination of false information on social media. The study expands on the fake news literature and offers practical recommendations for policymakers aiming to reduce the spread of fake news on social media.
The findings revealed that unverified news sharing is a strong predictor of fake news dissemination while authenticating news before sharing reduces fake news sharing. Moreover, fake news awareness was found to weaken the link between unverified news sharing and fake news distribution.
It is recommended that researchers investigate how different cultures, regions, or countries respond to fake news, including variations in awareness, susceptibility, and methods of combating it. Researchers could also explore the psychological factors that make individuals more susceptible to fake news and the role of fact-checking and algorithm changes in improving user awareness of fake news.
Integrating moderating variables like demographic factors and conducting longitudinal studies will strengthen the model’s reliability and adaptability, providing a more detailed insight into news-sharing behavior.