Using Activity Theory to Enhance Rigor in Qualitative Literature Synthesis

Albertus A. K. Buitendag, Joey Jansen Van Vuuren
International Journal of Doctoral Studies  •  Volume 19  •  2024  •  pp. 016

This study presents an alternative use of the activity theory methodology as a tool and lens for synthesizing and evaluating qualitative data in scholarly articles. This research offers particular value for methodology experts and researchers by introducing a novel analytical framework that links theoretical frameworks with practical literature review techniques, providing a structured approach to demonstrate analytical rigor in qualitative research synthesis.

Many doctoral and other scholars find it challenging to synthesize the literature under review for part of their studies and subsequently fail to demonstrate rigorous analysis and interpretation.

This methodological research paper introduces a new approach to scholarly literature synthesis and evaluation. As such, no particular methodology is deployed.

This study proposes a novel method to guide doctoral, master’s, and other scholars in adding and demonstrating evidence of rigor to their work. We do this by showing how the concept of code and theme identification as part of the grounded theory method of inquiry and the elements of activity theory and grouped viewpoints can be used as a lens to examine the literature. We practically demonstrate our suggestion using two straightforward examples.

Employing the suggested method and approach as an analytical instrument can benefit doctoral and other scholars by showcasing a substantial degree of conceptual interconnection among the various theories under review and providing evidence of rigor.

Employing the suggested method and approach as an analytical instrument can benefit doctoral and other scholars by showcasing a substantial degree of conceptual interconnection among the various theories under review and providing evidence of rigor.

Researchers can test the validity and effectiveness of our proposed approach in their own studies.

Presenting doctoral students and scholars with an alternate approach to assist with the literature review process.

The practical application of the suggested approach and method can further be investigated, demonstrated, and evaluated in future studies.

methods in literature review, qualitative coding, evidence of rigor, analytical synthesis, activity theory
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