Conference Proceedings
Volume 3, 2003
In this article we are going to discuss how new and old mathematics are related on works of Islamic mathematician and how history of mathematics can help education of mathematics to improve and motivate it.
history of mathematic s, education of mathematics, invention, Greek mathematics, Islamic mathematics, Indian mathematics
In Japan, e-Japan planning (Nihon Keizai Shinbun Inc., 2002) is actively moving forward and the infrastructure for a computerized society is being worked on. But, at present it is fumbling and groping to find good ways for a regional community to use IT. This university’s administration department (Administration Science), with information technology (IT) as its base, is pursuing increasing the ef ...
Multidiscipline, Regional community, IT system design, E-business, Undergraduate research
The purpose of this research was to explore the possible relationship between the Internet usage and the organizational performance in the Taiwanese e-commerce business organizations. The hypothesis for this research was: There was a significant relationship between the Internet usage and the organizational performance in the Taiwanese e-commerce business organizations. The method employed quantit ...
E-commerce Business Organization, Internet Usage, Organizational Performance
As the world’s store of knowledge increases, and knowledge-workers in contemporary organizations face the imperative of consulting that record, and contributing to it, in order to satisfy a diversity of users and uses, we need to find more efficient and effective ways of dealing with the vast volumes, and have strategies, processes, and systems for managing them. Hypertext technology is a good way ...
Hypertext, Knowledge Repository, Knowledge Worker, Methodology, World Wide Web
This paper examines how information technology is used in training. It also analyzes the consequences when a particular financial institution based in Barcelona starts to use new technologies to deliver a training program aimed at providing basic knowledge of the business to new employees joining the branch network throughout Spain. From our study, we conclude that there is great potential in the ...
The rise of consumer concerns of trust issue in e-commerce is due to the fact that when disputes occur in the cross-border environment, what is the level of protections (redress) that is available and which jurisdictions that is applicable and enforceable. This paper discuss the issue that with the current three major redress mechanisms, Online Dispute Resolution (ODR), Country of Origin and Count ...
Redress, Online Dispute Resolution (ODR), Country of Origin, Country of Destination
It is undeniable that report generation is one of the most important tasks in many companies regardless of the size of the company. A good report generation mechanism can increase a company’s productivity in terms of effort and time. This is more obvious in some startup companies, which normally use some in-house report generators. Application development could be complex and thus software develop ...
report model, report schema, report generator, XML, Component-based development
Technology can be utilized in education in several ways. Here we study development of a modem learning environment that integrates information technology into the learning process. Modern learning environments have two main functions: they can help in using traditional and digital media in learning. In addition, learning environment provides information on the courses and studies. A learning envir ...
information technology, learning environment.
On information markets, many suppliers and buyers of information goods exchange values. Some of these goods are data, whose value is created in buyer interactions with data sources. These interactions are enabled by data market services (DMS). DMS give access to one or several data sources. The major problems with the creation of information value in these contexts are (1) the quality of informati ...
It is claimed that the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is emerging as the accepted standard graphical language for specifying, constructing, visualizing and documenting the object oriented information systems development process. As such it has gained a place in many information systems programs. An investigation of Australian organizations indicates that the use of object oriented development met ...
Object-orientation, UML, methodology, systems development, education
The aim of this paper is to consider some possible directions for the future development of our library cum remote storage facility at University College Cork (UCC) in Ireland and the impact of digital knowledge products on such a future. It is an exercise in crystal ball gazing. The paper attempts to explore an emerging intellectual landscape, one no longer bound by the implications of the physic ...
Storage facility, preservation, digital library, depository, special collections, digital knowledge environment, life cycle, intellectual landscape.
The granting of loans by a financial institution (bank or home loan business) is one of the important decision problems that require delicate care. It can be performed using a variety of different processing algorithms and tools. Neural networks are considered one of the most promising approaches. In this study, optimal parameters and the comparative efficiency and accuracy of three models: Multi ...
knowledge discovery, classification, neural network, loan application
Misinformation is unintentional dissemination of misleading information. Misinformation can negatively influence decision-making and productivity within organizations. Therefore, it is essential for organizations to follow a set of principles to prevent misinformation. The purpose of this paper is to create a framework for preventing misinformation. This paper attempts to 1) clarify differences be ...
Misinformation, Information unbiased, Disinformation, Information biased, Information Architecture, Decision-making, Misinformation Prevention Framework, Information Architect
This paper describes a qualitative participatory research project conducted at the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications Conference in New Zealand (NACCQ2002). Data was gathered at a dynamic poster session. Results obtained indicated that majority of computing academics in the polytechnic community in New Zealand regard themselves as teaching in the core overlapping areas of Soft ...
Information Technology, Tertiary Educators, Qualitative Research.
In this discussion paper multiple points of view, and effects and sources of bias in qualitative research
qualitative research, bias, information systems
To achieve the vision of E-government organizations across the federal, state, and local government are challenged to improve efficiency and effectiveness, and to afford citizens the same access to information and services they have come to expect from E-business. E-government also has the potential to foster participation in governance. To achieve E-government objectives, leaders must collaborate ...
E-government, leadership, collaboration, education
Engaging in online activity is no longer a novel experience yet, there are many unresolved issues remaining in determining jurisdiction over the person which is a fundamental legal threshold in order to pursue one's legal rights. Two principal models for testing jurisdiction have moved to the forefront. One is the “Zippo test,” after the case in which it was first articulated which bases jurisdict ...
cyberspace, jurisdiction, sovereignty, intent, interactivity, due process, international, comity
An Intelligent Systems subject is offered in the final year of the Computer Science degree. The subject includes a diverse selection of topics in artificial intelligence and intelligent agents. The paper reflects on an innovative approach to the implementation of this subject. The development of the approach drew on educational research and the Informing Science paradigm. The aims of the approach ...
education, participatory teaching, active learning, experiential learning.
A Computer Science degree is offered by Victoria University both locally in Australia and transnationally in Hong Kong. The degree includes a compulsory final year project subject. The project, a team effort, involves the design and implementation of a real- life computer application for an external client. The project model in Hong Kong was modified to accommodate a variety of time, distance, and ...
transnational education, engagement theory, cultural constraints, project model
Currently the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is an industry standard for object-oriented analysis and design of software systems. Accordingly, teaching UML is part of curricula in many universities engaged in the field of software engineering. Yet not much has been reported in the literature on how efficiently such courses enable students to use UML in software development projects. In this paper ...
Software Requirements Analysis, Unified Modeling Language, IT-Education, Object-Oriented Analysis
The modularized code encapsulating object interactions is characterized by class hierarchies. In the implementation of mobile agents, we have observed that the changes in agent interaction protocols lead to uncontrolled subclassing and consequently to disorder. This phenomenon is known as entropy. The additional subclassing, modification to protocols, restructuring of the class hierarchies, change ...
complexity metrics, information theory, object-oriented programming, separation of concerns.
There are problems with the adoption and use of many organizational implementations of Web-Based Education (WBE). This paper puts forward the view that the problems stem from a misfit between the development methodologies commonly used to implement these systems and the context in which they are being applied. This misfit contributes to a number of the problems and shortcomings faced with implemen ...
WBE, Emergent Development, Development Methodologies
It is well known that learning introductory software development is a difficult task for many students. This paper discusses some of the resources and tools that are available, or have been experimented with, that might be of interest to instructional designers of programming. The resources and tools are discussed in the context of the four phases of the software lifecycle, these being: analyse th ...
novice programming; software lifecycle; programming tools.
“What did you leam in school today, dear little boy of mine?” asked the lyrics of satirist Tom Paxton a generation ago. “I learned our government must be strong./ It's always right and never wrong..../ That's what I learned in school today.” (A full set of lyrics appears at the end of the paper). Should the role of our classrooms be to serve as dumping grounds for tired old theories, or as launchi ...
enroll, teach, learn, question, relevance.
This paper describes research in measuring the code complexity of mobile agent applications designed with aspect-oriented programming (AOP) as captured in the AspectJ™ language. The modularized code encapsulating agent interactions is characterized by class hierarchies which are shared structures. Mobile agent design suffers from frequent changes in interaction protocols which leads to chaotic dev ...
mobile agent, contract net protocol, complexity, entropy based metrics, separation of concerns
Entity Relationship (ER) modeling (1976) is a popular approach to formulate a conceptual data model for designing properly structured databases. In spite of some criticisms of the model leading to numerous extensions added to the original ER model, it is generally believed to be a method of choice for designing common databases. Not surprisingly, ER Modeling is inextricably a part of all database- ...
ER Modeling, Conceptual Modeling, Learning Styles; Teaching Techniques, Individual Characteristics.
The focus of this paper is case and real-life problem-based (Ewell, 1997) experiential learning with computer information system projects at California State University Stanislaus. The experiential learning occurs within a four- stage cycle: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experime n-tation. The four principles and strategies applied to bring kno ...
Information systems, problem-based learning, practice.
The advent of the Information Age and global connectivity has placed ethics center stage in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). As the drive towards the establishment of a so-called IT profession gains momentum, ethical conduct and codes of ethics have recently been formulated and introduced formally. Initiatives in this regard can be attributed to, among others, the ACM a ...
Computer ethics, curriculum studies, computer science education
This paper examines the process and outcomes of a final project given to students at the end of their third course in Java programming. The purpose of the project was to assess the students' knowledge of program design and the various Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts covered throughout the three-course sequence. This project required the students to work in teams of two then interact wit ...
OOP, programming, java, teamwork, assessment
Distance Education in Library and Information Science Discipline: The Valdosta State University Case
The library and information science discipline in the United States has thoroughly embraced distance education to deliver its courses and other curricular offerings. Courses have been or are offered through a variety of mechanisms, some with deep historical roots, others are dependent upon new and emerging Internet technologies. Different distance education methods offer different opportunities bu ...
distance learning, asynchronous, Internet, distance education, DE, technology.
The purpose of this article is to explore e-commerce issues, such as marketing and logistics problems, and create viable recommendations. The issues that e-commerce faces will be examined through the marketing mix. Exploring the ideas of product, place, price and promotion, and applying them to e-commerce problems is the main focal point of this article. It is believed that the four concepts of th ...
Search results retrieved from textual databases may be presented in several ways. In commercial search engines, the most common method is the presentation of a list that includes the titles of the retrieved documents, and, sometimes, the first few lines of each document and additional information. A series of studies at the Hebrew University examined the impact of different textual elements presen ...
Search results, displaying list, information retrieval, interface for search results
This paper describes the design of a course on human-computer interaction that uses a lot of resources on the WWW. An inherent property of this design is that the course is flexible in several ways. Due to this flexibility the course can be used in rather different contexts. A number of these contexts in which the course is actually used are described.
web-based learning, flexibility, human-computer interaction, project-based education
The objective of this study is to provide empirical evidence of the role of information professionals in knowledge management programs. 386 information professionals working in Canadian organizations were selected from the Special Libraries Association’s Who’s Who in Special Libraries 2001/2002 and questionnaire with a stamped self-addressed envelope for its return was sent to each one of them. 63 ...
Knowledge management, information professionals, Canada, business organizations
Computer-based instruction assistance (CAI) plays very important role in e-leaming system. Distancelearning students can remotely access this kind of course materials. However, being an electronic form has created a growing need to protect them against illegal manipulation and duplication. Therefore, the more robust techniques are needed. Digital watermarking has been proposed as a solution to the ...
Information technology for education, CAI Security, Ownership Authentication, Visible Watermark, Fragile Watermark
This paper deals with the effects of integration of information technology in mathematics education. For this purpose we study the effects information technology has on both the content of mathematical courses as well as the way of presentation of the content. We find out that the content and educational goals should not be changed radically as the main purpose of mathematics is to enhance the min ...
mathematics education, evaluation, information technology, Internet, curriculum changes, cost benefit analyses
This paper discusses experiences in moving to lecture-free teaching for a systems analysis module taught on-campus. It describes the action research approach and the context for the module. It discusses the learning materials provided as an alternative to lectures, including the description of a website in some detail. The initial lecture- free teaching approach is explained and how changes to tha ...
systems analysis, student-centred learning, action research, teaching styles
Our proposal is to work out the client-informing policy that will guarantee success for e-commerce and provide significant utility to the customers. This idea is motivated by a need to create a marketing tool that will include marketing features that are not represented by currently existing supporting tools for e-commerce, e.g. different kinds of recommender systems. They have only local characte ...
e-commerce, management policy, informing policy
This paper discusses the observations of six instructors who team-taught an advanced computer fluency course over a period of three years. The course exposed students to complex information technology applications, such as geographic information and molecular design systems, in specific professional domains. One of the main goals of the course was to give students a glimpse at real-world applicati ...
Computer fluency, Non-majors, Lifelong learning, Co-teaching, Cross-disciplinary teaching
In the paper, a model for planning and evaluation of education is presented. In this model, the main goal of education is divided into 4 sub goals that should be obtained in every educational activity. The 4 main components identified in the model are: total knowledge gained, degree of usefulness of that knowledge, reduction of effort in later learning and effort invested in the educational proces ...
information technology, IT education, pedagogic model, university education
This paper reports on the 2002 experiences with students’ peer-review of modeling exercises in a third year Information Systems course. While the peer-reviews did yield some positive and promising results, there were also some problems, and the goals set when introducing peer reviews were not fully achieved. Based on an analysis of student performance and perceptions, main causes for the problems ...
information systems, conceptual modeling, inspection, peer-review
This paper presents the groundwork development of a computer assisted learning program called SelfStudy Interactive Lectures (SSIL). SSIL is an enriched classroom presentation that uses transcript-quality lecture notes and OFFICE programming features to facilitate and empower students’ learning at a greater depth than otherwise obtainable. A major feature of SSIL is its response to variation in st ...
Computerized education, inno vation, students
This paper wills emphasis the students’ and educators’ perception in learning programming languages between e-learning and ‘chalk & talk’ teaching method (traditional classroom) used for teaching students. The purpose of this study is to determine if students prefer learn programming languages through the use of variety electronic devices or media with multimedia features, by self-study method thr ...
‘chalk & talk’, e-learning, educational technology, self-study, computer-based training
Most courses on Discrete Mathematics are designed to emphasize problem solving, in general. When the goal is to cover the content, the learning and understanding takes a second place. Over time, the students’ understanding will have large gaps of knowledge that leads to non-enjoyment of the course and a great deal of anxiety. Given the choice, most first year students would not do the Discrete Mat ...
Computer Science education, mathematics instruction, problem solving, Bloom’s taxonomy, and quality of learning.
A self-healing network is a ‘dream’ for every network designer today. Abstractly it is a network that capable of maintaining the availability of network services. This would not be impossible to be turned into a reality if the networks are embedded with intelligence. By having the intelligent capability the network can be self- managed in response to events that taken place within the network itse ...
Intelligent Agent, Neuro Fuzzy Logic, and Network Application Management
Most information systems rely on networks in sharing data and information. Here we focus on networks and discuss skills and knowledge that are needed in the network development process. In general, information systems development is based on existing systems. Especially networks follow this rule, because all earlier development work and decisions impact the reliability and flexibility of the netwo ...
information technology, infrastructure, development, skills, knowledge
In this paper we describe the creative and innovative work that has emerged from the collaboration between content experts and creative designers. The project detailed here focuses on enhancing the current range of online learning opportunities for students studying a level one business mathematics course. We highlight some of the positives and negatives encountered when converting existing print- ...
Online mathematics education, worked examples, simulation, audio enhancement, Macromedia
The importance attached to user participation in contributing to the success of an information system has been a long held theoretical belief. Systems development techniques have been promoted that involve user participation such as prototyping, rapid application development and joint application design. Interestingly, the research literature on the topic has not been conclusive about the real val ...
electronic commerce, systems development, user participation
In this paper an application of software agents is described, aimed at supporting students working on team projects in the online situation. Online teamwork is problematical for a number of reasons, such as getting acquainted with team members, communications between members and knowing what progress has been made on the project. Software agents have the ability to monitor progress and offer advic ...
software agents, teamwork, online learning, task allocation, Prolog
Two groups of factors impact the success of e-commerce transaction: environmental factors and content of the messages exchanged between the seller and the buyer. The first group includes factors describing the environment in which the seller-buyer relationship operates, such as IT infrastructure, Logistic Infrastructure, Financial Infrastructure, and Government regulations. Second group -- content ...
e-commerce, warranty, risk, misinforming, malfunctioning
Internet has transformed our lives and the way we communicate, how we learn, how we work and spend free time, in essence - it has more or less changed every aspect of human society one can think of. This paper deals with the influence of Internet and information technology on work and human resource management. It observes main novelties and (inevitably coming) changes in areas of staffing, motiva ...
human resource management, knowledge economy, Internet and IT
Information and communication technologies offer us new possibilities to improve the way we develop our own work as both educators and researchers. In this paper we have stressed the particular case of their application to a Spanish Distance Learning University, the UNED, by emphasising the peculiarities of a distance learning traditional university, different from a virtual university or a tradit ...
distance learning, information and communication technologies, educational system, teaching style, learning style
Organisations of the twenty first century are increasingly dependent on knowledge, information- and communication technology (ICT). Due to the changes in modern organisations, a new role and set of expectations have emerged for ICT workers. Academic institutions have a responsibility to determine the needs of the ICT industry and develop the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities in their learn ...
Informing Science, Information Systems, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Higher Education, Business Analysis, System Analysis, Relationship Management, Information Technology (IT)
This paper describes experiences designing and developing a low-cost courseware system to support the taught M.Sc. course in Multimedia Technology in the Computer Science Department of University College, Cork, Ireland using a combination of both original and modified open-source components. The requirements analysis, design, development and testing phases of the system are all described. Finally, ...
E-Learning, Courseware, Open Source, Multimedia, Web Design
I have been exploring ways to incorporate online techniques into my MBA course in Management of Information Technology. The course uses small-group discussion of case studies, so online synchronous discussion seemed appropriate. After a small-scale successful experiment, I offered most of the spring 2001 course offering online. Although the students were enthusiastic, I got the disturbing feeling ...
online instruction, synchronous discussion, threaded discussion, online infrastructure, instructional effectiveness
This paper aims to identify associations between demographic and socioeconomic factors and home Internet use patterns in the Central Queensland region, Australia. It found that people living outside of Rockhampton, male, those with higher education levels, married, those with higher income level, or fully employed tend to use Internet more for work at home; people living in Rockhampton, those with ...
Community Informatics, demographic and socio-economic factors, Internet usage patterns, Central Queensland, consumer ICT behaviors, community informatics systems.
This paper reports on a social survey that was conducted in 2001 in Central Queensland, Australia, in order to identify the disadvantaged groups in relation to accessing the Internet from home. The research found that people in younger age groups, with higher education levels, being married , having children at home, owning a house/flat, with the higher income level, or being employed, had higher ...
Community Informatics Systems, Internet access from home, consumer ICT behaviours, demographic and socio-economic factors
In this paper, we describe the development of a personalised multimedia/hypermedia learning environment that utilises multimedia presentation techniques in its interface while still providing Internet connectivity for management and delivery purposes. The structure of the domain is based on concepts that can be presented in a variety of ways; multimedia players display the content on the client co ...
Personalised Learning Environments, Adaptive Systems, Dynamic course generation, Student profiles, Learning Objects, Cognitive Flexibility Hypertext
Malaysia is moving towards a developed country status and it is imperative that the healthcare provided be at a higher standard than it is today. As members of the healthcare team, nurses play an essential role in the provision of healthcare. As such it is timely that nurses’ education be upgraded. As most of them only have a certificate or diploma in nursing, one way to upgrade the nurses is by p ...
distance learning, online, nursing, perception, orientation
The digital divide is widely recognized as a contemporary problem between society and technology. Strategies for bridging the digital divide are often informed and guided by quantitative assessments of the deployment of information communication technologies. There are few rigorous qualitative attempts to assess the digital divide from either an ethnographic or a futures-oriented perspective. This ...
Digital Divide, Public Policy, Information Communication Technologies (ICT), Society and Technology, Qualitative Research
Currently, distance learning is increasing its application in Mexican Universities; despite that it is not enough to satisfy the demand of higher education in Mexico. This paper presents a comparative analysis of undergraduate student performance in two systems: face-to-face and On-Line education. This analysis was realized with two different courses: Local area network and Interconnectivity. Thes ...
On-Line Education, Computer Networks teaching, Educational Models
One of the options that telephonic systems have to optimize the required bandwidth is to migrate to statistical multiplexing systems. These multiplexing schemes also allow the convergence with current data communications systems. This work is based in the interconnection of telephonic systems through the data network using digitalization and voice compression techniques. The optimization of the re ...
Voice over IP networks, Differentiated Services, Quality of service
The Center of Instructional Technology and Multimedia at the Universiti Sains Malaysia (Science University of Malaysia) has for the past three years conducted a Multimedia Development course for the Masters of Education program. This paper will present experiences and opinions from both the instructor’s and students’ of the course. The course objective is to provide both theoretical and practical ...
Multimedia Courseware Development, Web Page Development, Theory and Practice, Authoring
Modern IT project managers require a range of multi-disciplinary skill-sets in order to increase the likelihood of project success. Delivery of a single course unit, which attempts to prepare students for the rigours demanded from this role, demands a delicate blend of topics from curricula administrators and a pedagogy that best suits its environmental constraints. The Faculty of Information Tech ...
IT Project Management, Case Method Teaching, Learning Approaches
The ensuing discussion of the evolutionary principles surrounding misinformation describes how misinformation creates similar mindsets and behaviour patterns. The evolutionary process of misinformation is often a battle of opposing entities or forces - the rhythm of domination and subservience, altruism and egoism. For misinformation to succeed it requires all interrelated actors to remain, inadve ...
power, control, selfishness, altruism, ethics
Virtual learning environments are a solution to some of the problems of providing an authentic learning environment. We encountered problems such as lack of funding and physical space, and risks and threats to our network environment when we contemplated providing a real, physical specialist laboratory to teach computer networking. We solved most of our problems by developing Velnet, a virtual env ...
virtual learning environment, Velnet, computer networking
Teaching how to program independently of teaching a programming language has been recognized as a worthwhile goal in computer science pedagogy, but many have abandoned the goal as being impossible to achieve in practice. Jackson Structured Programming (JSP) is a well-documented and proven program design method that is independent of any programming language. CASE tools have generally been used in ...
program design, visual design, design patterns, software engineering, constructive design, JSP, tree diagrams, modeling, computer science education, CASE tool
The Queensland University of Technology (QUT) is committed to ensuring that its students are not only discipline savvy but also skilled in generic capabilities. To facilitate the development of generic capabilities within its educational programs QUT has supported a project, which involved the creation of a web based tool known as the Student Capability Profile (SCP). The SCP aims to be a dynamic ...
genericQ capabilities, library and information studies, IT education, technology and education
This paper outlines the design and development of an interactive virtual laboratory toolset, TelcSim, designed to enhance students’ learning of basic telecommunication principles. This study establishes the increasing demand for technically competent IT professionals throughout this decade. Next, the mix, motivation, and background of students entering the university environment to obtain the skil ...
IT Education, Telecommunications, Simulation, Virtual Laboratory
Within many educational institutions across the world, the delivery of undergraduate and postgraduate courses is being facilitated by online learning technologies. The development and transformation of academic courses for online learning delivery provides a number of opportunities for both the academic institution and prospective students. However, there are a number of important issues that need ...
Online learning, deep learning, strategic learning, eBusiness, learner participation
Since small-medium sized enterprises (SMEs) play a vital role within many major economies throughout the world, their ability to successfully adopt and utilize the Internet and electronic commerce is of prime importance in ensuring their stability and future survival. In this paper, initial findings will be reported of a study carried out by the authors into the use made of the Internet and electr ...
electronic commerce, small-medium sized enterprises, Internet related technologies
This paper is a reflective discussion on the use of equipment matrices to determine infrastructure requirements in an education context. This position was originally presented within the wider framework of a government-funded research project to initiate national policies for implementing IT within primary schools. Equipment matrices were seen by the policymakers funding this reasearch as an appro ...
Education Policy, Infrastructure, Student-Focussed Education
Nowadays, universities are challenged by changing students’ requirements, demanding labor market and fast pace environment. The evolution of communication technology allows us to deal with these problems. Advances in e collaboration are crucial to modern learning process, as it prepares students to work in groups over tasks. In this article we propose comprehensive basis for e collaboration platfo ...
e-collaboration, e-learning, document management, groupwork, portal, knowledge management, communities
Information Technology (IT) is fundamentally a people business that involves integrating technology into human processes in order to solve problems and create new capacities. These integration skills are not often taught in undergraduate computing curricula. The Galisano College of Computing and Information Sciences at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) has been offering a course in the diffu ...
Technology Transfer, Diffusion of Innovations, Innovation, Communication
This paper describes a computer simulation game being developed to teach computer security principles. The player of the game constructs computer networks and makes choices affecting the ability of these networks and the game’s virtual users to protect valuable assets from attack by both vandals and well-motivated professionals. The game introduces the player to the need for well formed informatio ...
Computer Security, Education, Simulation, Game
Contemporary information databases contain many millions of electronic documents. Locating information on the Internet today is problematic, due to the enormous number of documents it contains. Several other studies have found that associating documents with a subject or list of topics can improve lo-catability of information on the Internet (Drori, 2000a 2000b 2000c). Effective cataloguing of inf ...
Frequently occurring words, Web documents classification, Search results list, Identify topics of documents
This paper presents a virtual course on network security. The course has been produced in a production circle of Virtual Polytechnic of Finland. A detailed description of course development and course content is given. The chosen didactical approach is outlined. The graphical design of the learning platform is presented and motivated. The IT technology and the IT infrastructure needed to implement ...
network security, distance education, learning environment, learning platform, graphical web design
This paper describes a number of issues that have arisen using some of the current methods for forming groups for collaborative group projects and how group interactions and group learning support student progress and development. The use of group projects prepares students for the workplace of tomorrow where they will encounter having to collaborate in teams. Firstly, the paper discusses the impo ...
group work, IT education, collaboration, group projects, computer literacy
This paper reports an analysis of IT software skills of some Victorian students on entry to first year tertiary studies in Business along with an analysis of their performance in “Office” type application assignments. The assumption that youth of today are IT literate on exit from school is questioned. Despite survey results suggesting a high level of skill in word processing and, to a lesser exte ...
IT skills, software skills, software knowledge, secondary students, tertiary students
Past technological developments have encouraged visionary information systems and created fresh linkages that transcend disciplinary boundaries. For example, the long-term research of animal identification technology has paved the way for the instigation and possible widespread implementation of SMHId. Unfortunately, the SMHId system does not come without its own social problems requiring a proact ...
SMHId, subcutaneous microchips, microwave radio frequency, GPS, satellite, health issues, health services
The paper focuses on the Business Intelligence systems. At the beginning, knowledge as an important and strategic asset that determines a success of an enterprise is presented. Next, some characteristics of the Business Intelligence systems are discussed and their architecture is described. Purposefulness of applying such solutions in an enterprise is highlighted. An integrated approach to build a ...
Business Intelligence, knowledge, Balanced Scorecard, Case Base Reasoning
Size is one of the most controversial influencing factors in the diffusion literature. Some authors argue that large firms have several advantages over smaller firms in the adoption of an innovation (Brown 1981), while others argue that diffusion of innovation in small firms is quicker than in large firms because of the advantages associated with small size (Acs & Audretsh, 1988; Julien, 1993; Lef ...
management accounting; diffusion; innovation; activity-based costing and business size
Graduates of today are not only required to demonstrate academic competence and the ability to learn, they are also required to demonstrate a range of employment skills that will enable them to make the transition from university to work. This paper explores reflective learning as an approach to embedding the graduate quality of collaborative working into an undergraduate bus iness course. It expl ...
Graduate Qualities, collaborative working, reflective learning, logic problem, Belbin’s diagnostic test, Rowe’s Decision Style Inventory, SWOT analysis
This paper explores the development and delivery of a Masters course titled ‘Collaboration and E-Commerce’. The course examines a variety of issues relating to E-Commerce with the major focus being upon collaborative aspects of web-related business activities. The aim of the course is to lead students to engage in actual collaborative processes and so to provide them with practical experience to s ...
IS Education, collaborative learning, e-commerce
The media generally, and the web in particular, offers learners access to increasingly large amounts of data. Some of this will be verifiable, some will be inaccurate or out of date and some will be either accidentally or deliberately untrue. Failure by students to recognise the existence of misinformation, deliberate or accidental, will lead to the uncritical use of web-sources materials with con ...
Misinformation, web, argument, inquiry, interpretation
This article presents a model of intelligent decision support using combined system that consists of two parts. The first part is responsible for classification of incoming cases into appropriate decision group, the second one realizes the inferring process in a deductive way. As an exemplary decisional situation we have considered situations when an unemployed persons claim for benefits.
decision-making process, classification, deductive reasoning, unemployment
During the past few years science faculties at tertiary education institutions in South Africa have had to face increasing pressure from national as well as provincial government bodies to improve the student throughput rate. Various suggestions have been made to achieve this goal. This paper investigates the viability of two of these suggestions for solving the throughput problem. It is part of a ...
Education, programming, assignments, pass rate, distance education
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are the major driving forces of globalised and knowledge-based societies of a new world era. They will have a profound impact on teaching and learning for two decades to come. The revolutionary change which is taking place in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), has dramatic effects on the way universities carry out their functions of ...
The primary aim of this study is to indicate what has been done about ICT implementation in rural areas in South Africa by investigating various case studies like the SchoolNet programme in Mpumalanga Province and a possible web portal for rural schools. Rural schools and some communities currently lack access to quality education and resources that their urban counterparts consider basic.
Software testing is crucial to ensure that systems of good quality are developed in industry and for this reason it is necessary to investigate the extent to which there is an alignment of software testing skills of Information Systems students at the University of Cape Town and industry practices in South Africa. A number of criteria were identified as the basis for this investigation. These crit ...
Software Testing, Testing Categories, Testing Framework
Each lower-level organization within in most Japanese companies has its own implicit code of conduct based on its own organizational culture. The structure of the ordinary Japanese organization is expressible as a closed space surrounded by higher walls on all four sides. Also the walls are expressible as roll-away fences, changing their positions by adapting to the changes in the environment. The ...
business ethics, information ethics, organizational culture, virtual organizations, Japanese organizations, utilizing IT
This paper deals with the conception and implementation of internet-based magazines such as online newspapers and e-journals. This topic will be discussed by the use of a precise e-newspaper implementation project called “ZeWIC”. ZeWIC is short for “Zeitung der Wirtschaftsinformatik in Clausthal”. It is a source of information for the students mostly for their study purposes at the Technical Unive ...
Today’s digital divide that separates the “haves” and the “have nots” is attributed in part to geography, race, income, employment, age, gender, and education. Not only do some segments of the population remain unconnected, but these sectors also have no desire to connect. Thus, the connected portions of the world must create an urge and necessity to connect so that even the most remote location c ...
digital divide, digital inclusion, information literacy, social responsibility, education, connectivity
The digital economy needs new indicators for emergent technologies, and to establish them, a risk analysis model is deployed as an Information System Meta research method. The role of the Utility Business Service Model (UBSM) in mitigating information technology and information systems (IT/IS) risks in the business activity: assisting to understand how the virtual enterprise paradigm is shifting e ...
Outsourcing, Utility Model, ASP business model, risk analysis, strategic, operational, knowledge, financial
After much hesitation, discussion, and power brokering, Australia adopted digital TV for its Free-to air broadcasting on January 1, 2001. However, by December 2002, only a few thousand homes had adopted the technology. This paper examines the implementation and regulation of digital TV in Australia from the point of view of the ‘established base’ the new technology will replace, theories on diffus ...
Digital TV, Australian broadcasting, Adoption and diffusion of digital TV, Broadcasting policy and regulation, Diffusion of innovations, Digital broadcasting in Australia, Broadcast spectrum allocation, Protectionism in broadcasting policy, Australian broadcasting policy, consumer response to new technology
The auditive modality, such as speech, signals and natural sounds, is one of the most important ways to present and communicate information. However, in computer interfaces the possibilities of auditive modality have been almost totally neglected. Usually the audio consists of simple signals (beeps and clicks) or background music. The present paper outlines some of the possibilities in presenting ...
Sound, Semiotics, Auditory interface, Sonification
The amount of unreliable information and actual misinformation available via the Internet makes its use problematic for academic purposes, particularly in a data-intensive discipline such as archaeology. Whilst there are many sources for reviews of websites, few apply the type of criteria most appropriate to archaeology. Information and library professionals have developed sets of criteria that ca ...
archaeology, evaluation, Internet, quality, web sites
The United States has one of the most technically advanced, most expansive, most evenly distributed, and most freely accessed communication system on the planet. Yet Americans are simultaneously one of the most poorly informed populations (in terms of diversity of opinions/sources, depth and breadth of knowledge, etc.). The proliferation of personalized information services, photo news galleries, ...
internet, news, information, knowledge, hyper-utilization, decontextualization, epistemological, technological determinism, citizen
Conventional technique of design in computer games normally use programming as the ultimate task for developing computer games. In this framework, the development of edutainment for developing computer games for kids will be spearhead towards educators. The development of this conceptualized environment will lead the users to build an application towards a distributed resource available to a group ...
Conceptualized Framework, Edutainment, Digital Games, Preschool, and Storytelling
This paper investigates the idea of knowledge work appropriate to the context of organization transformation. Specifically, we describe an actionable framework of knowledge synthesis, which accommodates the shift of information system (IS) support from automating to informating to knowledging. Our discussion intends to clarify the ideal of a learning organization which is designed to help transfer ...
Learning Organization, Knowledge Architecture, Knowledge Synthesis, Knowledge Infrastructure
This paper explores the way that professional women working in the IT industry discuss the nature of their wDrk. Previous work suggested that the way women talk about their work reinforces widely held impressions of the Information Technology industry (Nielsen, von Hellens, Beekhuyzen and Trauth 2003). In this paper Structuration Theory illuminates how this talk is characterised by dualisms which ...
Women in IT, Structuration Theory, Australia, Mentoring
In this paper, we describe the use of visualization of system dynamics models as client information and management tools. System dynamics is a methodology for analyzing and understanding how complex systems change over time. System dynamic models have been developed for a broad range of information to client applications - from resource management problems to the mapping of stocks and flows on fac ...
Client Information, Resource Management, System Dynamics, Video Visualization, Simulation
This paper uses the concept of scripts to couple Weick’s notion of enactment and Langer’s theory of mindfulness/mindlessness with empirical data on the use of ICTs in organizations. Our research is based on 72 in-depth interviews of advanced ICT users in the United States and in Norway. The findings: (1) show that the notion of clear-cut boundaries between an organization and its “environment” is ...
Enactment, Information and Communication Technologies, Scripts, Mindful-ness/Mindlessness, Communication Media Richness
This article proposes a pedagogical framework for teaching an introductory data communications and networking (DCN) course to Management Information Systems (MIS) undergraduate majors within a school of business. Building on the material provided in commonly used DCN undergraduate textbooks, the course introduces students to both theoretical and applied knowledge necessary to solve business and DC ...
data communications, networking, network design, IS’97.6, IS2002
This study compares how workers in Norway and the United States use Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Our data—72 in-depth interviews of advanced ICT users - was coded and analyzed using a grounded-theory methodology. As our organizing structure of comparing the two countries, we use Hofstede’s four-dimensional framework of national culture. Our results show that ICTs have a homog ...
Culture, Information and Communication Technologies, Cross-cultural studies, Organizational Communication
Data Mining (DM) is a very crucial issue in knowledge discovery processes. The basic facilities to create data mining models were implemented successfully on Oracle 9i as the extension of the database server. DM tools enable developers to create Business Intelligence (BI) applications. As a result Data Mining models can be used as support of knowledge-based management. The main goal of the paper i ...
data mining, cases modelling, Business Intelligence, data mining utilisation
Contemporary computers give huge possibilities for processing different structures of data e.g. multimedia data types and very unconstrained in construction - object types. Moreover these different structures are processed using methods called intelligent. Knowledgebases (a specific sort of intelligent systems), as a consequence of variety of solutions, belong ambiguous terms. Principally, applica ...
knowledgebase, knowledge management, intelligent system, management supporting, knowledge workers
Throughout much of the last five decades the process of introducing, integrating, and exploiting information technology in work organizations has posed formidable challenges regularly resulting in reports of significant underperformance and failure. On closer inquiry it emerges that such underperformance and failure are firmly rooted in an inability to foster a highly integrated approach to the ma ...
information technology; executive management; technology specialists; organization development; managing change
In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of empirical studies in software engineering that involve human participants. Such studies have heightened the need for considering ethical issues. Researchers have not only moral, but also pragmatic, reasons for treating participants in their studies ethically. They want to maintain their access to the data source and to get fun ...
ethics, experiment, empirical software engineering, logging
Information and Communication Technology, Decentralization, Sustainable Development, Public Services, Local Government, Regional Autonomy, Poverty Alleviation, Community Empowerment, Participation in Development, Free Trade Area, Free Market, Electronic Government, Capacity Building
The pivotal role played by computers in acquiring, storing, and processing financial information requires that accountants, and therefore accounting students, have a thorough understanding of the underlying principles of data composition and data structures. In addition, in order to facilitate the deep learning that will sustain these students past the point-and-click mechanics of the software duj ...
This paper provides information on customer focused e-learning (CFEL). It is an overview on the application area of CFEL and the potential of its business applications. Training of customers holds some undiscovered potential. CFEL is a new concept and little technical literature is available yet. In the majority of cases a differentiation is made between the category groups e-learning as business ...
E-Learning, Customer Focused E-Learning, Private Training, Educommerce, Product Training, Corporate E-Learning
One of the precepts of traditional models of software development is that detailed specifications, that is, what precisely the software should do, must precede the design and then creation of the code. This paper details scenarios of non-conformance to this model, and explores the issues that arise from the failure of the model.
knowledge representation, software design, information retrieval
First of all a survey of the most relevant definitions and hypotheses concerning data, information, communication and knowledge is proposed. Main aim of this introduction is to give to the reader a reference frame for the analysis of the students’ learning and for their knowledge construction works. Soon after some wrong ideas are analyzed with respect to the above conceptual frame, i.e. with resp ...
Informing Science, Data, Information, Communication, Knowledge
Telecommunications is one of the fastest growing markets in Estonia. Of the three Baltic States, research has shown that Estonia, while the smallest, has made by far the most successful foray into the wireless communication arena. Economic and public policy within the former Soviet Union had left Balkan communication infrastructure in disarray, and liberalization of the Estonian telecom sector was ...
Estonia, Wireless Communication, Communication Infrastructure, Communication Technology
This project looks at Internet usage within the Melungeon community of Appalachia. Although much has been written on the coal mining communities of Appalachia and on ethnicity within the region, there has been little written on electronic media usage by Appalachian communities, most notably the Melun-geons. The Melungeons are a group who settled in the Appalachian Mountains as early as 1492, of ap ...
Internet, media, digital divide, Appalachia, rural, oral history, ethnography, sociology, community
As mobile communication becomes more pervasive, there is an increasing need to study the potential uses of wireless organizational communication. The difficulty in analyzing information and communication technology (ICT) in organizational communication is the unintentional split between information processes perspectives and human communication perspectives in the discussions of workplace technolo ...
Wireless, Organizational Communication, Informatics, Meaning, Usability, Sensemaking, Uses and Gratifications
Group assignments are becoming increasingly popular in education, including Information Technology education. This paper explores problems with the use of group assignments and offers a new strategy designed to keep the good features of group assignments while removing the negative. Many students in Information Technology believe they should have group assignments because they will be working in g ...
group assignments, inequities in marking, industry-like group experience
In the information economy, the successful organization will be a sophisticated information-gathering machine that analyzes and manages information flow with the same skill and focus that the industrial company managed work processes. In the information economy, the successful company will be competitive on price and quality as a given, but will also compress cycle time to a minimum. Time compress ...
This paper describes a research in progress on the assessment of an undergraduate program in Information Systems. Different assessment methods suitable for MIS program assessment are discussed and a brief description of pilot assessment is provided.
Program Assessment, Systems Analysis and Design, IS2002
Modern software practices call for the active involvement of business people in the software process. Therefore, programming has become an indispensable part of the IS component of the core curriculum at business schools. In this paper, we present a model-based approach to teaching introduction to programming to general business students. The underpinnings of the new approach are modeling, abstrac ...
introduction to programming, model-based approach, teaching programming
Adaptive and fluid applications development methodologies such as Prototyping, RAD, FAD and Extreme Programming have emerged in recent years in response to organisational realities that include rapid change, uncertainty and ambiguity. These methodologies are well suited to the team-based approach that has become so important in the modern organisation. Yet, many educational programmes in the West ...
Organisational Learning; Team Learning; Prototyping; RAD; FAD; Extreme Programming; Teaching IS
Traditionally security has been the pervasive factor in organizational growth but its importance has surpassed that of any other issue in retaining a competitive advantage. Security is, therefore, of paramount importance in the retention of organizational innovation. The key in building a secure environment lies in an organizations ability to react to changing threats both from within and external ...
Security, Knowledge, Education
The need of professional master’s degree program in Information systems (MSIS) has been in great demand during the past few years. There may be several reasons for the people to pursue this particular degree. May be that obtaining MSIS degree help the people to climb to the next level of their current position, or as a source to networking with other people for future jobs, or for self esteem and ...
In 1911 a Yahi man wandered out of the Northern California landscape and into the twentieth century. He was immediately collected and installed at the just opened Anthropology Museum by Alfred Kroeber at the University of California's Parnassus Heights campus. Dedication invitations came from the U.C. Regents led by Phoebe Apperson Hearst. Maintaining the discretion of his indigenous culture this ...
Ishi, canon, insurgent, media, institutions
This paper is based on a survey carried out in the Malaysian environment. The paper starts with a definition of data warehouses, data mining and this is followed by a description of its current status in the Malaysian data mining environment. This is followed by a discussion on why data mining is a great challenge for an implementation in the Malaysian environment. Based on the feedback obtained f ...
Data Mining, Survey, Data Warehouses
Information technologies bring into view not only ideas and their transmission via electronic devices, but also means of expression and the meanings they assume for readers / listeners / viewers. This transformation -- from information through technology to expressions and their meanings -- is an intrinsic part of any electronically mediated communication. This project explores one such electronic ...
Pedagogy, Cultural Discourse, English, information technology, intercultural communication, Finland, United States, Tango Finlandia
The graduate program in History at William Paterson University explicitly promotes itself as emphasizing information technology. HIST501: Information Technology for the Historical Profession, a course required of all entering graduate students, serves as a foundation for the IT literacy the program seeks to foster. Teaching HIST501 has proved challenging, however, due to the diverse interests and ...
Information technology curricula, information technologies for the humanities, information technology and history
There has been extensive research on social networks but little is known about why some communities survive and some disintegrate. This paper provides a framework to explain similarities in many types of communities. In particular, a comparison of transnational communities and virtual communities highlights the efficacy of the framework in explaining how strong relationships within communities are ...
Social networks, transnational communities, virtual communities, social formation, social spaces.
Web-based learning environments provide an attractive method for information dissemination, but in many instances they can be just electronic equivalents of printed course materials. Appropriate learning objectives and pedgagogical strategies are minimal or non-existent. Too often web-based learning environments lack cooperative and collaborative activities with the unintended consequence of feeli ...
Flexible learning, teamwork, groupwork, web-based learning environments, social interaction, collaboration, cooperative learning
This paper reports the main findings of an exploratory investigation into the key factors necessary to designing information systems for online portfolio-based assessment in tertiary, professional, secondary and primary education that maximize benefits for all stakeholders. A review of contemporary practice in designing online portfolio assessment systems showed a widespread neglect of several key ...
Information system design, conceptual design issues, design heuristics, online portfolios, IS education
The potential in the Information and Computer Technology (ICT) sector to generate economic development and create pathways for a region into the Knowledge Economy (KE) has become widely accepted. Underpinning the theoretical understanding of what KE can offer has been the practical application of Porter’s competitive theory relating to industry cluster development. The increasing role of clusters ...
The run-up to a full-scale U.S. military attack on Iraq - “shock and awe” -- provided an unusual and ideal test the effectiveness of a parsimonious content analysis methodology designed to determine when a national leader made or would make a decision to go to war. As W. Ben Hunt’s work that is the model for this study anticipated, editorials in The Wall Street Journal clearly ramped up war fever ...
The Wall Street Journal, Newspapers, Media, public opinion, war, W. Ben Hunt, Iraq, President George W. Bush, United States
An interactive model of a digital textbook supplemented with a workbook has been designed. It represents the basis for the textbook on the CD-ROM related to the printed one. The digital textbook contains inner links, as well as outer links - access to the Internet resources. It is comes with worksheets for teaching, learning, self-learning and the knowledge testing. The contents of the worksheets ...
CD-ROM, digital textbook, education, Internet, links
Participants in interactions (particularly in interactive network media (WWW) aim to change their intentions, goals, decisions and actions - as well as those of other participants in communication. Integrity of information is therefore disturbed; changes are manifested as technical, semantic and social errors and lead to the creation of information, misinformation and disinformation. These become ...
Information Science, Information, Misinformation, Disinformation, Efficiency, Usability, Relevance, Usefulness
The proliferation of unrestricted Internet access has brought the community spam which has become a serious problem costing companies billions of dollars per annum. Typical anti-spam measures, such as filtering and blocking techniques, exist but focus on solving the spam problem on the message transportation level. Using such techniques may have impacts beyond the realm of spam-filters and block l ...
spam, spam filter, blacklists, information filtering, legitimacy, solicitation
Being able to establish and maintain an identity on the virtual world is becoming an increasingly important issue in the twenty-first century. These presentations address this critical issue from three perspectives: virtual identity fraud, virtual social support, and access to virtual communication technologies.
Naturally, humans seek physical and psychological joy. Romance, for instance, is one of the means. People are making quick use of the Internet technology to facilitate their seeking of romantic and quasiromantic experience via “virtual reality.” In this paper we concern ourselves mainly with meaning generation and interpretation in the virtual world. With analysis of a reported case of online dece ...
virtual deception, cooperation, implicature
Is technology equalizing or polarizing this world? The authors answer this question by personally authenticating the dramatic state of the digital divide via their own experience. First, the authors will define “digital divide. Second, justification will be given to the significance of the issue. Third, with citation of research literature, the authors will substantiate the gravity of digital divi ...
digital divide, technology, ICT, polarization
Information and communication technology has opened up both challenges and opportunities for the process of communication. This is particularly true for communicating effectively and efficiently in the digital age, where unique problems of creation and distortion, especially misinformation and bias, can arise. In addition, the broad diffusion of a communication medium eventually prompts both the p ...
The United States Supreme Court has ruled on several cases concerning the publication of misinformation, either intentional or unintentional. In the leading case, New York Times v. Sullivan, the Court ruled that public figures can recover damages for misinformation by proving "actual malice" from the publisher. As "publication" on the Internet provides the ability to quickly and anonymously modify ...
Defamation, Anonymous defmation, Libel, Cyber-libel, Sullivan rule, Misinformation, Actual malice
New technology asks members of society to reorder their thinking about their world. The deep penetration of new informing technologies in the Internet age invites people to reconsider their conceptions of language, bias, and communication. This paper establishes the contours of communication in cybersmear. Focusing on the character of messages, this paper considers the implications of emotive lang ...
cybersmear, language, defamation, emotive, legal, bias, U.S. Supreme Court
This paper describes a research project that analyzes how new technology can facilitate mentoring relationships. The specific new technology assessed in this research is the Internet. This is a particularly useful medium for communication in mentoring relationships because it expands the number and variety of mentoring relationships that can be facilitated, and it expands the time and space availa ...
It is estimated that by the end of 2005, over two billion human beings will be connected to each other through networked systems of mobile communications devices. By that time, the amount of communication that takes place between and among machines will exceed the amount of communication that takes place between and among human beings. It is important, therefore, that we focus our efforts on match ...
These four panelists tackle some of the thorny issues raised by teaching in the digital age. Topics include: preventing misinformation; the effects of digital technology on storytelling; developing appropriate e-learning tools; and unequal access to educational technologies