Conference Proceedings
Volume 5, 2005
In this paper we discuss a simple but comprehensive form of feedback to essay authors, based on a thesaurus and computer graphics, which enables the essay authors to see where essay content is inadequate in terms of the discussion of the essay topic. Concepts which are inadequately covered are displayed for the information of the author so that the essay can be improved. The feedback is automatica ...
AEG, Automated Essay Grading, visualisation, automated assignment assessment, formative assessment, graphical representation.
The essay discusses the development of a way of doing learning outcomes assessment for Java programming courses. It presents a tentative model for doing learning evaluation utilizing a report mechanism. The essay presents the opinion that this report is framed by the explicit and implicit learning outcomes assessment models found in a course’s description and objectives and in the Object-Oriented ...
learning outcomes assessment, learning evaluation, assessment model
Over the past decade, the New Zealand government has instituted radical changes to the tertiary sector financial infrastructure. As their traditional benchmarks of student ability and aptitude have been eroded, the consequences for employers and their recruiting practices have been largely ignored. This paper examines the reasons for this erosion and points to factors that have influenced the decl ...
Assessment, ICT Employers, Tertiary Funding, Research Pressure, University Teaching
Modeling Human Activity Systems for Collaborative Project Development: An IS Development Perspective
This paper investigates the idea of human activity systems (HAS) appropriate to the characterization of the purposeful human activities behind the design of suitable information systems (IS) support, especially in the context of group-based project work. Specifically, we are interested in the knowledge context of a group of people collaborating in the peculiar scenario of project development. Our ...
Collaboration, design scenarios, human activity systems, soft systems methodology
Adoption of Internet-based communication and learning technologies could overcome the limitations caused by the social and cultural values of a society. Zayed University (ZU) is a female-only university in a modern Arab country that holds dear its high appreciation to cultural and social values. This paper explores the impact and effectiveness of the outcome-based technology-mediated learning envi ...
. Learning management systems, e-learning, social and cultural issues, asynchronous learning.
Use of information and communication technologies (ICT) and the development of tools to enable communication, can change the ways in which students in higher education learn, including online learning, both as individuals and through collaboration with other learners. This paper is a review of two cases of online peer evaluation of web sites or multimedia presentations, between students from sever ...
Collaborative and cooperative learning, online learning, dyadic exchange, computer mediated communication, virtual community.
This paper is based on an ongoing study that looks at farm management practices by Australian women cotton growers using farm management software, most particularly an agricultural decision support system, CottonLOGIC. The study is informed through a theoretical framework of structuration theory as a metatheory for probing the recursiveness of farm management and technology usage, and diffusion of ...
Communication, homophily, heterophily, gender, networks, diffusion theory, structuration theory, farm management, cotton, Australia
Group projects are an important part of Software Engineering education. However, conflicts that arise from group work can affect overall class learning and performance. It can be difficult for teachers to fully understand the social context of these issues. We explore the nature of self, peer and staff reflection to identify and mediate issues within a class. We have used a protocol that encourage ...
Group Work, social learning, reflection.
The Queensland University of Technology (QUT) challenges its teachers to provide innovative and dynamic learning environments that foster excellence in student learning. This paper discusses how the Faculty of Information Technology is using collaborative teaching and learning strategies to meet this challenge. The paper explores how team teaching and learning is being implemented within the Gradu ...
team teaching, library and information science, IT education, student attitudes.
This paper looks at the adoption of information technology in the Chinese stock exchanges and for online securities trading in China. Because these stock exchanges do not have any major preexisting technology to consider when they automate their operations, they are able to adopt advanced technology. However, the potential and advantages offer by this technology cannot be fully harvested without f ...
stock exchange, online securities trading, securities brokerage firms, Internet, seamless integration.
Three very typical examples of recently patented new E-commerce business models (commercial real estate transaction system, inventory database management system and Internet marketing resource allocating system) are analyzed. Common approaches to patenting new E-commerce business models are proposed and potential usefulness of patents as informing, marketing and protective instruments is discussed ...
E-commerce, informing science, marketing, patents.
The rapid growth of the Internet as an environment for information exchange and the lack of enforceable standards regarding the information it contains has lead to numerous information qual ity problems. A major issue is the inability of Search Engine technology to wade through the vast expanse of questionable content and return "quality" results to a user's query. This paper attempts to address s ...
Information Quality, IQIP, Data Quality, Information Retrieval, Search Engines
The guidelines “Towards a Culture of Security” emphasize a culture of security in all aspects of information systems, from designing and planning through to everyday use, and among all participants, from government down through business to consumers. In response to national needs, Information Security education has become a priority for many educational institutions in US for the past years. More ...
information security awareness, education, curriculum.
Many specialists believe that more emphasis on system infrastructure is needed, including the protection of the system’s data against unauthorized use or updates. This paper proposes a way to teach future information system specialists the main concepts involved, using a powerful yet very flexible method to implement access control. Constraints, widely known as context constraints, which depend on ...
teaching, access control, information systems, security, context constraints
The business organizations currently functioning inside cyberspace are vulnerable to threats and forms of crimes that were unknown prior to the Internet era. New challenges for security have emerged from this situation. It has become increasingly necessary to educate a large number of professionals to be better prepared to maintain the growing number of computer networks. Also, there is a need to ...
information system security auditing, survivability, 3D interface, network visualization
Information Systems Colleges are facing numerous challenges to develop and keep their curriculum current. Including certification objectives in IS courses give IS colleges the edge needed to remain competitive. Java, a modern object oriented programming language, has become a critical component of IS curricula because of its platform independence. This paper shows how to integrate objectives of th ...
Sun certification, Java programming, Curriculum design, Information systems.
What would happen if a typical computer programming course were submitted for peer review by a research journal? Using a format inspired by typical peer reviews, issues relating to rigor, relevance and course design are raised. In these fictional reviews, weaknesses of the traditional “lecture and test” approach to teaching are identified in all three areas and it is argued that such weaknesses ma ...
teaching, computer programming, course design, management information systems, pedagogy
This paper discusses the design characteristics of a doctoral program in information systems at a university located in Western Pennsylvania. The program design includes unique characteristics that are intended to minimize the attrition rate among the students enrolled. The paper begins by discussing baseline statistics and reasons for attrition rates in doctoral programs. The focus thereafter is ...
Doctorate of Science, Information System Doctorates, IS Programs, Pennsylvania IS Doctorate Programs, Computer Information Systems
The Information Technology (IT) Department of the Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences (GCCIS) at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) offers core courses in four threads. These threads cover various subject areas of Information Technology. Increasingly, students enter the IT program with prior programming experience from high school or college courses, work, or from other act ...
Computers, Education, Information Technology (IT), Information Science Education, Computer Science Education, Curriculum, Information Systems Education
The purpose of this paper is to suggest topics that may be covered in an introductory programming using Java programming language at a typical Information Systems (IS) program. The paper begins by explaining in general terms three different methods that are used for teaching introductory courses in programming. It then clarifies some common characteristics that distinguish IS programming courses. ...
Java Programming, IS Programming Course, Intro Programming, Programming Topics, IS2002 Programming Course
This paper describes the results of a study designed to assess the practical relevance of learning objectives for a course that corresponds to the IS 2002.4 recommended guidelines for an information technology hardware and systems software course. This study represents the first step in identifying the baseline technical knowledge that IS majors should possess upon entering practice. The survey re ...
IS2002.4 model curriculum, hardware concepts, operating system concepts, technical knowledge, MIS/CIS/IS curriculum
Efforts to define IT curriculum and accreditation standards began at the first Conference on Information Technology Curriculum (CITC-1) in December 2001, which included representatives from 15 Information Technology (IT) programs at four-year schools in the United States, and representatives from the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers ( ...
Information Technology, Curriculum, information systems, computer science
Many researchers - and their advisors on research method - adopt a doctrine called empiricism, which claims that researchers may only use empirical methods. This restrictive doctrine impoverishes any academic discipline where it is dominant. The main reason is that a discipline only qualifies for the status of a science after it has progressed beyond empirical generalisations to explanatory theori ...
Empiricism, Positivism, Research Methodology, research methods, empirical research, theoretical research
Only a strong interaction of people, information and technology can improve business performance. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the new age has to be a ‘hybrid’ business and information systems manager who can play a major role in strategy formulation for effective use of information technology, who does not neglect the human side of the information equation, and who does not forget that ...
business-information systems, information management, education curriculum, information orientation, IT productivity paradox
This paper explores open source as a metaphor for e-leaming. It builds the case that e-leaming and open source movement are rooted in the constructivist movement and the constructivist movement is itself rooted in the pragmatism and instrumentalism that pervades John Dewey’s theories of understanding as applied to learning. As a result, it is recommended that the use of open source as metaphor for ...
Open Source, E-Learning, Metaphor, Learning Object, Constructivism
The challenge today for educators interested in online teaching and learning is how to create, use and assess multimedia technologies for enhanced learning. Unlike hypertext and web-based instruction, the reliance on reading blocks of text is minimized. There still remains little evidence supporting multimedia to enhance learning. From the author’s perspectives, the challenge is to better understa ...
Multimedia, TAM, Information Technology, e Learning
As Web-based courses become more prevalent, tools need to be created that go beyond electronic page turning. The tools should allow for easy development of Web-based interactive instruction. The Learning Machine is data-driven tutorial software that is based on behavioral education philosophy. Development and presentation use the same database, but separate scripts, so that changes to content do n ...
Web, instruction, tutorial, programmed-learning, experiment
In this paper, we examine techniques employed to customize features within an information technology related leaning environment. Fine grained concepts form the basis of the system; these are initially configured hierarchically into sessions by the instructor to constitute a week’s worth of work. Tools however, exist to provide other forms of access. This constitutes a separation of the course’s k ...
learning environments, customization, instruction, course metadata, student profiles.
The Queensland University of Technology (QUT) is committed to providing outstanding learning environments and programs that lead to excellent outcomes for students. This paper will discuss how the Faculty of Information Technology is helping to meet this commitment by using information and communication technology to transform teaching and learning in ways in which engage and challenge students. T ...
e-learning, online learning and teaching; online searching, IT education, information literacy, student attitudes and expectations, holistic teaching and learning.
Institutions of higher education are just like other organizations forced to adapt to the rapidly changing environment that brings many new challenges. There are several obstacles in the way of introducing e-learning in these institutions. We can divide them into technology-based and culturally-based. Many benefits of e-learning such as cost-effectiveness, enhanced responsiveness to change, timely ...
efficiency, e-learning, personalization, quality improvement, technology, web portals
The trend toward conversion from traditional classroom to online courses follows the shift of learning theories from the behaviorist orientation that portrays learning as a primarily passive activity to theorist orientation which emphasize the active, reflective and social nature of learning. Learners are increasingly considered to be active constructors rather than passive recipients of knowledge ...
Learning management systems, LMS, online courseware
Digital technologies are closing spatial and temporal gaps while engendering expansive new international communities. Replete with symbolic interactions, these transgeographic communities inspire new realms of educational possibility, allowing educators and learners to broaden perspectives through intellectual discourse and collaboration while eradicating cultural divides. The Summer Ecosystems Ex ...
Information Communication, e-Learning, Co-operative Learning, Global Education, Distance Education, Global Networking, Instructional Technology
For novice designers dealing with a mass of information, the initiation phase of design of a web-based learning environment can last much longer than for professional designers. A professional designer can with the help of experience surmount technological, cultural and social barriers that might prevent the design of a good learning environment. However, the time aspects of information, what is n ...
design, designer, web-based learning environment, time, learning, information
This paper discussed the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning influences on adult learners. Distance learning has become popular in higher institutions because of its flexibility and availability to learners and teachers at anytime, regardless of geographic location. With so many definitions and phases of distance education, this paper only focuses on the delivery mode of distance edu ...
The paper first describes the main features of the project for vocational and educational guidance the author recently planned. The main aim of the project was to help students develop self guidance skills and overcome the difficulties they meet at school. The information system used in the project was based on the use of action research and social statistic strategies and calculations for the ana ...
Action Research, Assessment, E-Portfolio, Educational and vocational guidance, Information System, Informing Science.
Information literacy is the ability to access, evaluate, and apply information from a variety of sources in appropriate contexts to construct knowledge. In the current digital age, information literacy has inevitably been influenced extensively by developments in technology with the emergence of digital information literacy. The Internet has become a prominent source of digital information and stu ...
Digital Information Literacy, Information Synthesis, Knowledge Construction, Information Applications
What can you do to virtually teach the hands-on skills traditionally taught in labs? If you include simulations, active experimentation, discovery-learning techniques, numerous questions with detailed feedback, video, animations, and photographs, you can effectively teach practical hands-on skills through multimedia technology. Through discussion and demonstration, this session will highlight prac ...
virtual lab, practical skills, instructional design, computer-based training, interactivity
The completion of a high quality comprehensive sequence of the human genome has lead to the discovery of genetic links to complex diseases and the development of target drugs. Population genetic databases (PGDs) are a powerful resource to the systematic study of the genetic component of disease; in the quest to understand the impact of genetic factors on drug response data from laboratory experime ...
database, intellectual property, ethics, biotechnology, genetics, privacy
Research is currently being undertaken to compare attitudes and behaviour towards ethics in information technology between students at an Australian and a South African university. This work provides a background to ethics from the literature from which a behavioural model for micro-level ethical standards is proposed. Using a theoretical underpinning of Fishbein & Azjen’s Theory of Reasoned Actio ...
Ethical behaviour, Theory of reasoned action, International comparison
Ethical considerations are a very important aspect for each one of us. However, faculty typically are often so concerned with covering all content associated within course structure they may not have sufficient time for class discussion regarding ethical considerations relevant for one’s discipline. This is sometimes addressed by designing a specific course with a specific purpose being ethical co ...
This study measured the effects of reading goals on learning in a computer mediated environment. Reading goals are defined as the purpose one has for reading. Learning is defined as adding to one’s prior knowledge. A computer mediated environment is defined as reading text from a computer monitor. 125 undergraduates (77 females) were given one of three reading goals: read to understand the text, r ...
Reading goals, Computer-mediated environment, Learning, Learning from text
There is a growing importance of computerization, information flow and the tremendous use of Information Technology (IT) in all the fields including business, education, government and medicine. The significant improvements in IT continue to occur at an ever-increasing pace. The speed, size, cost, and capabilities associated with computers and telecommunications provide a wealth of highly attracti ...
Information Technology, Information Systems, Programming, Computer Education, Business Software, Internet and Internet Publishing.
Transfer of learning can be demonstrated by assessment tasks mirroring real life situations. This can be attempted in real organisations, or by simulating the real, life experience in a structured case study. In this paper we discuss experiences with work situated learning and difficulties that commonly arise. The alternative of encapsulating real life experience in hypermedia based materials is t ...
data model, business context, case study, virtual organisation, system analysis
Roles of variables, which describe stereotypic usages of variables, can be exploited to facilitate teaching introductory programming. This paper describes the evaluation of visual metaphors for roles used in a role-based program animator. The evaluation is based on several criteria: properties of the images, metaphor recognition and grading, and effects on learning. The study demonstrates that as ...
Roles of variables, metaphor, program animation, computer science education
Progressive programming assignments were used in an introductory Java programming course where every assignment built on the previous one. The major goal was to help students learn difficult, abstract concepts. This technique allows students to concentrate on the current topic while building on their previous work. This also provides an incentive for students to keep up with their work. Students o ...
Introductory programming, Java, paradigms of learning, programming assignments.
In this study the global Information Systems academic community is viewed as a community of practice in which knowledge is resident but inadequately shared. The article begins by examining the application of knowledge management in communities of practice, especially the knowledge needs of shared work practitioners and conditions that facilitate knowledge sharing. The central part of the paper pro ...
knowledge management, communities of practice, information systems
The Use of Technology to Facilitate Authentic Learning will discuss the rationale for developing authentic learning assignments that use technology and allow students to be engaged in exploration and inquiry. Constructivists believe that the most effective way for students to acquire knowledge is to apply that knowledge or instruction to resolve problems that are common to their experience. Theref ...
technology, authentic learning, pre-service teachers, inclusive education, constructivist learning
In our previous research, we investigated the automatic generation of questions with single variable and the application to computer architecture teaching. In the current research, we extend the previous approach to generating questions with multiple variables on Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) knowledge structures. Questions generated with the new algorithm are more complex and require more mathemat ...
Intelligent tutor, automatic question generation, difficulty assessment, multiple variables, guided problem solving.
In this paper the assumption that critical reflection skills are acquired automatically during postgraduate study is queried by examining whether keeping a reflective journal is an aid in developing reflective habits. All course outlines in the postgraduate program studied for this paper state that students will learn how to critique issues relating to the topic being studied. The assumption is th ...
Critical reflection, Postgraduate education, Computing
Systems Analysis and Design is a core component of an education in information systems. To appeal to a wider range of constituents and facilitate the learning process, the content of a traditional Systems Analysis and Design course has been supplemented with an alternative modeling approach. This paper presents an instructional design that incorporates a model from accounting literature (REA) with ...
Systems Analysis and Design, REA Modeling, Entity-Relationship Model, Database Model
Students majoring in the College of Business at this University are required to take a course in information systems fundamentals as part of their business core. While it is easy for a faculty member to cover the necessary topics, it has been this instructor’s experience that it is considerably difficult for students to see the importance and relevance of a study of information systems for success ...
Class Exercise, Active learning, MIS relevance, student interest.
Teaching future knowledge engineers, the necessary skills for designing and implementing intelligent software solutions required by business, industry and research today, is a very tall order. These skills are not easily taught in traditional undergraduate computer science lectures; nor are the practical experiences easily reinforced in laboratory sessions. In an attempt to address this issue, a s ...
Intelligent Systems, Expert Systems Development, Role-playing Learning, Game Design.
The aim of the research is to derive a framework for the evaluation of Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tool learnability in educational environments. Drawing from the literature of Human Computer Interaction and educational research, a framework for evaluating CASE tool learnability in educational environments is derived. The two main differences between this framework and existing eval ...
framework, CASE, learnability, UML
While most industries have aggressively leveraged information technology (IT) to improve quality and reduce costs the healthcare sector has lagged behind. Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) hold great promise for improving quality of care yet widespread adoption is lacking. Physician acceptance is critical to widespread adoption of ambulatory EMRs, yet there is little independent research on physic ...
Electronic Medical Records (EMR), Computerized Patient Records (CPR), medical informatics applications, medical record systems, physician acceptance.
This paper reports a study of information and communication technology (ICT) use in Norway and the United States. Forty-two depth interviews completed in both countries provide the data source. Using grounded theory as a research method, and Adaptive Structuration Theory as our conceptual base, we analyze these interviews to generate an empirical model of ICT use. The 1490 incidents identified in ...
media choice, organizational communication, cross-cultural communication, adaptive structuration theory, reflexivity.
Concept mapping is typically used as a classroom tool for students to construct their own learning by illustrating the relationships and linkages among complicated concepts and their component parts. This paper reports on the application of concept mapping to create curricular schematics for academic programs that must be aligned to specific competencies. The competencies are mapped and represente ...
concept mapping, teaching and learning, curriculum development, assessment, content management
In this paper a new three-tier video application infrastructure is proposed. Video learning object is introduced as the intermedia tier and it connects the video metadata and video application tier. In addition to the traditional text metadata such as title and description, a wide range of visual metadata including key frames, video storyboards, and fast-forward video are integrated into the video ...
infrastructure, video, metadata, user interface, learning object
The world of librarianship has undergone a sea change in its understanding of itself and of its role as a contributor to scholarship, teaching and learning during the past twenty years. It now seems poised to facilitate the opening of new vistas on future knowledge access and interpretation. It has become a leading force in the evolution of new intellectual landscapes while at the same time becomi ...
Book, Intellectual landscapes, Grid, Information, Knowledge, Future, Literacy, Librarianship, Digital, Repositories.
This paper explores the design and development considerations inherent in the production and deployment of a web-based programme management coordination tool (PMCT) that has been built on a native XML database (NXD). In selecting a small to medium sized enterprise (SME) as a target, specific problems had to be addressed. These practical issues are highlighted along with assessments and analysis of ...
Cocoon, Database, eXist, Internet, Management, NXD, XML
Discipline formation in information management is investigated through a case study of the origination and development of information services for scientific and technical information in Australia. Particular reference is made to a case of AESIS, a national geoscience, minerals and petroleum reference database coordinated by the Australian Mineral Foundation. This study provided a model for consid ...
Discipline formation, Information services, Information management, Australia, Scientific information, Bibliographic databases
The paper deals with integration of supply chains and specifically concentrates on the importance of distribution of information among various companies in the chain. It summarizes the most important concepts of supply chain management. Both technological changes and organizational improvements are essential for effective integration of supply chains. Therefore the paper shows how business process ...
supply chain management, information sharing, business process renovation, business process modelling, integration.
The many promises of learning objects (readily available quality instruction, reducing cost of production, personalized learning, interoperability, reusability, discoverability/accessibility, scalability, durability, content customization, and many more) have been the talk of the e-learning community in recent years. Higher education institutions have begun to capitalize on these promises by adopt ...
Initially, many repositories developed their own tools to facilitate the indexing of learning objects, adopting the standard that best fit their users at the time. Although metadata should be the common language of learning objects, without a common standard compliance system, one repository may not interact well with another. With the increased emphasis on sharing learning objects, metadata schem ...
The proliferation of technology-enhanced learning environments and digital learning resources in formal educational institutions (both K-12 and higher education) has led to a corresponding interest in improving the cost-efficiency related to developing and deploying such materials within these institutions. In the e-learning industry, which has been primarily concerned with training in corporation ...
In an era of lifelong learning, empowerment of the learner becomes fundamental. Therefore exploitation of the full potential of learning objects depends upon creation of an appropriate infrastructure to promote symmetrical control of inquiry. The learner needs to be empowered because learning is a discovery process and thus must be under his or her own control. In early stages of education it is o ...
In order to reuse learning objects created by others, they must be made available to potential users on the Web, and services must be provided to allow users to discover, obtain rights to, and use these learning objects in their own instructional scenarios. In the learning object economy, these services are typically provided by learning object repositories, which are collections of learning objec ...
Traditional methods for developing digital learning content usually produce very large, monolithic content that barely can be reused even in similar contexts, despite of the quality they can have. Nonetheless, digital learning content can be described as a set of highly reusable, low-coupled learning objects that can be put together in order to build adaptive, learner-focused content Nowadays, in ...
The definition used for learning objects considers them as any digital entity which can be used, reused or referenced during a technology-mediated learning process. Nowadays, this concept has became essential to the development of pedagogical content to be used in large scale educational projects to which are engaged a wide number of educational agents - students, teachers and faculty staff. Guara ...
Learning objects are constructed and used by a community during an undefined period of time and formatted as digital entities on diverse document types to be used, reused or referenced during a technology-mediated learning process. A Learning Content Management System (LCMS) is needed to their storage and retrieval. Electronic document management, data warehouse and data mining techniques will be ...
A theoretical discussion and practical guidelines for development and production of learning objects as a result of a structural document named storyboard will be presented. A storyboard must contain instructions and detailed description for development learning objects. During the instructional design phase, the storyboards are elaborated by the instructional designer with collaborate of subject ...
Briefly the objective of this presentation is to provide an overview of the origin of the concept and term of learning object in instructional design within the context of standardized, sharable, computer-based operations. Secondly, the philosophical foundations will be discussed mainly in terms of the framework of the crucial distinction between learning objects as mere external knowledge objects ...
This paper presents a technology-independent rational inquiry into informing systems in business environments. Depending on the primary concerns, informing systems should be examined from either the viewpoint of information disseminators or informing clients. The latter viewpoint is subject to extensive empirical studies within informing science and partially within the MIT Information Quality Pro ...
Informing schema, informing systems, information in decision situations, valid information, misinformation, disinformation, purpose-focused view on quality, operations research (OR) approach to data/information quality, quality requirements; information effective usability, usefulness, and economic usefulness; refinements to the Informing Science Framework.
This paper discusses the conceptual challenges faced in designing a new system of matching incoming records for a very large database from diverse sources. Problems of satisfying a “match” with sufficient flexibility and rigor in an environment of imperfect data are outlined.
knowledge representation, software design, information retrieval, matching, database finding duplicates in large databases, misinformation
Even though information technology (IT) educators have been teaching basic principles of information systems for over 20 years, business organizations have chosen to ignore or not implement them. By not integrating information systems and allowing uncontrolled manual intervention it was easier to commit the frauds and the financial scandals of the late 1990’s and early 2000’s. The frauds and finan ...
Sarbanes-Oxley, IT Education, IT curriculum, information systems, financial fraud, SEC compliance.
Existing mobility support models in cellular communications misinterpret mobility loss in cellular networks as congestion loss, thus it degrades the performance by invoking unnecessary congestion control action. In this paper, we investigated the performance of Double Buffer Technique (DBT) model for mobility support in wireless IP networks. The DBT model uses the END message and the TQRS timer to ...
cellular, mobility, wireless, handover, Double Buffer Technique, Internet Protocol, routing, seamless, QoS
As computing power and storage needs increase rapidly, companies are looking for ways to reduce costs and improve overall return on investment. Although this is not market responsibility, a better understanding of this knowledge would greatly help managers of the companies that are wishing to enhance their current information technology infrastructure. The purpose of this study is to review issues ...
virtual server
When faced with a decision to acquire and install a networking lab for business students, the question looms as to the purpose and the learning objectives for such a lab. In addition, the technology is expensive and the effort required to set up the lab, define its pedagogical focus and prepare experiments that help achieve this focus can be a daunting task. However, modern business colleges must ...
Networking lab, servers, networking software, switches, implementation
One of the most prominent congestion avoidance schemes in the Internet architecture is the Random Early Detection (RED) algorithm. Several modifications and enhancements have been made to the original RED so as to make it more responsive to congestion avoidance at the gateways. In this paper, we introduced the Dynamic Random Early Detection (DRED) model, which uses a newly introduced parameter i.e ...
tcp, congestion, DRED, gateway, queues, packet drop, fairness, throughput, probability
The implementation of measurement data logging with data communication based on Bluetooth technology is described. The design, implementation and testing of two applications are presented. The first application is an alarm system to monitor alarm sensors and warning systems on a mobile device. The second application is a temperature and voltage measurement system, which transfers temperature and v ...
Bluetooth, data logging, radio technology, sensor, temperature, voltage
It is sometimes very difficult for an organization to adopt a specific software project management methodology in a short space of time. It requires sufficient time, adequate financial support and skilled human resources in order to start with a comprehensive methodology. It is, however, often more appropriate to use a maturity model so as to progress from one maturity level to the next. Assessmen ...
software project management, maturity level, Mauritius, project management methodology, developing country.
Software project management probably is a sector that has witnessed the highest rate of project failure in the world. This is not the case with project management concerned with other disciplines due to better management of their inherent strengths and weaknesses. Hard skills, often described as a science and comprising processes, tools and techniques applied to projects are the main focus of many ...
soft skills, hard skills, IT project management, software project management, project management methodology, emotional - intelligence, psychology.
Software technology and computing resources have evolved and developed considerably over the past years and may be considered as the backbone of many business ventures today. However, the software project management environment has also changed and is continuously evolving. Currently software projects are developed and deployed in distributed, pervasive and collaborative environments. This means t ...
Software Project Management, Software Agent Technology, Project Quality Management.
The Environmental Justice Movement is an aggregate of community-based, grassroots efforts against proposed and existing hazardous waste facilities and the organizations that assist them. The movement has created a context in which low-income communities and people of color are able to act with power. Using interviews, participant observation, and various archival records, a case study of the organ ...
Communications, Environmental Justice, Social Networks
The divide between those who have computer and Internet access and those who do not appears to be narrowing, however overall statistics may be misleading. Measures of computer availability in schools often include cases where computers are only available for administration or are available only on a very limited basis (Gootman, 2004). Access to a computer and the Internet outside of school helps t ...
Digital-divide, education, K-12 education, Computer use, Internet access
Diffusion of information and communication technologies is a global phenomenon. In spite of rapid globalization there are considerable differences between nations in terms of the adoption and usage of new technologies. Several studies exploring causal factors including national cultures of information and communication technology adoption have been carried out. The focus of this paper is slightly ...
National Culture, eGovernment Readiness, Cross-Cultural Studies, Information Technology Adoption, Diffusion of the Internet, Hofstede
This article introduces the concepts of information politics and information culture and presents a case study that explores these concepts. The literature from the areas of IS theory and organization theory that provides a backdrop to these concepts is discussed. A case of an organization that has characteristics of both small business and voluntary organization is presented as initial validation ...
Information, knowledge, knowledge management, information technology, organizational politics, organizational culture, information politics, information culture
In this work we discuss the development of a web application in the domain of movie chains using a Blackboard architecture, which is a well-established style for solving the problem of control, communication and collaboration in a system; it has traditionally been accepted as adequate for heuristic problem solving though not generally used for web applications. We present and discuss how the Black ...
Software architecture, Blackboard architecture, web development, software metrics.
One of the characteristics in software development is that software systems require changes once they are deployed in an operational environment. When the software is being used by the intended audience it is almost inevitable that errors are found, requirements change or new requirements emerge because of changes in the business processes. Depending on the nature of these modifications and the li ...
Client/Server architecture; Legacy Applications; Middleware; .NET Remoting; Software reengineering
There are many successful applications of Backpropagation (BP) for training multilayer neural networks. However, it has many shortcomings. Learning often takes long time to converge, and it may fall into local minima. One of the possible remedies to escape from local minima is by using a very small learning rate, which slows down the learning process. The proposed algorithm presented in this study ...
Neural Networks, Backpropagation, Modified backprpoagation, Non-Linear function, Optical Algorithm.
There are many successful applications of Backpropagation (BP) for training multilayer neural networks. However, they have many shortcomings. Learning often takes insupportable time to converge, and it may fall into local minima at all. One of the possible remedies to escape from local minima is using a very small learning rate, but this will slow the learning process. The proposed algorithm is pr ...
Neural Networks (NN), Backpropagation (BP), Optical backprpoagation (OBP), Online Handwritten Character Recognition.
When people write a report that involves a complex argument towards a conclusion, they can use a design tool called the inference tree, which enables them to outline the argument, and quickly detect reasoning errors in the outline. Yet when the argument is very complex, the inference tree may spread over several pages, so that writers may often have to flip back and forth between those pages. To p ...
homological transfer, report writing, expository report, report outline, complex argument, inference tree
This tutorial aims at taking the participants through the concept and architecture of Web services, their components such as servlets, and JSPs; concept and usage of WSDL, and JAX-RPC-based web services. Furthermore, we introduce the concept of portals, portal page and portlets. A small part of the tutorial is devoted to the deployment practices of both - Web services and portlets. Relevant deploy ...
Web service, portal, portlet, servlet, service endpoint, WSDL, UDDI, SOA.
Portals are often seen as an appropriate method of informing clients. A problem of all web based solutions to informing clients is that the web is passive: clients must come to the web site. Approaches to research into use of portals are usually socio-technical, with common use of statistical techniques applied to survey results. Here we argue, informed by two detailed cases, that an actor network ...
Web portals, technological innovation, innovation translation, small business, actor-network theory.
An exploratory survey of business professionals from a broad range of organizations indicates that potential intranet benefits are both difficult to achieve and highly interrelated. Although many organizations implement intranets in the hope of generating cost savings or improving knowledge sharing across organizational units, this study indicates that the only likely benefit of implementing an in ...
intranet, knowledge sharing, productivity, information quality, information relevance, graphical modeling
The overall aim of this study is to determine the performance of selected web-based dynamic middleware systems that are used for designing and implementing dynamic web application systems. This is necessary in a world where more applications are moving to the web, and slow performance of such applications can discourage users, thereby reducing profit, and reduce programmers’ productivity and quali ...
Performance, Latency, Web-based, middleware, platforms
A telecommunication network produces daily large amounts of calling data which contain hidden and valuable knowledge. This knowledge can be used in determining the calling patterns of customer, finding too thrifty customers, also for locating the best area to concentrate on in order to boost profits. In this paper, we designed an algorithm named CLOTELE which is based on the ideas of the pattern-g ...
CLOTELE, closed frequent pattern, telecommunication database, knowledge.