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Conference Proceedings

Volume 8, 2008

Marilyn Ford, Tony Jewels
In attempting to give students the opportunity to work on group projects with other students, yet ensuring students receive the marks that they each deserve, a management strategy for dealing with group work initially proposed by Ford and Morice (2003) was implemented. The present paper discusses the implementation of this strategy with its positive and negative outcomes. While good students were, ...
group projects, assessment
Amanda Regolini, Frederic Berger, Emmanuelle Jannes-Ober, Luuk Dorren
This article describes the emergence of collaborative work between researchers and information professionals through the presentation oftwo tools developed within Cemagref. The first tool is a traditional database and the second a Wiki; they were both implemented by information professionals with the contribution of information technology (IT) experts. The role of Cemagref information professional ...
scientific and technical information, scientific publishing, monitoring, database, wiki.
Doug Vogel, Maxwell Guo, Phil Zhou, Stella Tian, Jacky Zhang
Pedagogically-driven support for groups is a continuing challenge as we move forward in embracing technology in an ever changing educational environment. SecondLife (www. is a virtual environment that is receiving global attention and recognition. In this paper, we compare SecondLife to other group support technologies through an extended T echnology Acceptance Model (TAM) lens. Th ...
virtual worlds, technology acceptance, TAM, group support, pedagogy, Second Life
Mariana Hentea
The continuous growth of cyber security threats and attacks including the increasing sophistication of malware is impacting the security of critical infrastructure, industrial control systems, and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) control systems. The reliable operation of modern infrastructures depends on computerized systems and SCADA systems. Since the emergence of Internet and W ...
industrial control system, SCADA control system, cyber security, critical infrastructure, requirements, risk management, security framework
Miguel Hernandez y Lopez, Carlos Francisco Lerma Reséndez
This paper deals with the basic aspects of Honeypots, their use in modem computer networks and their implementation in educational environments. Initially, the implementation of Honeypots solves a common problem of Information Security and Forensics: The dissection of the elements that make up an attack against a computer system. Next, the paper explains the different types and functions of Honeyp ...
Honeypot, honeynet, intrusion detection system, computer forensics, virtualization.
R. Luyinda, M.E. Herselman, G.H.K Botha
This paper presents the proposed IT Control objectives for implementing the Public Finance Management Act of 1999 (PFMA) for the Republic of South Africa. The aspects covered in this paper show the main concerns of accounting officers in implementing the PFMA. The ability of IT Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT) to enable the participation of IT in the design and imp ...
PFMA, Internal control; COBIT; Control objectives; implementation
Janice Sipior, Burke Ward
Despite government oversight, consumers continue to be concerned about the security of personal information used by corporations. Consumer concerns give rise to the necessity for corporations to manage information security. Navigating the multitude of existing security standards, including dedicated standards for information security and frameworks for controlling the implementation of information ...
information security, security standards, security policy, strategic information security management, IT management.
Azad Ali, Frederick Kohun
Academic computing programs often want to keep pace with technological changes by frequently updating their program contents. These program changes are often reactionary and lack uniform standards. Thus some of the changes are often rolled back and, as a result, face additional changes shortly after their implementation. A helpful strategy in computer program updates is to utilize a standard curri ...
Comparing two computer programs with IT2005, Computer programs and standard curriculum, Computer programs, technology curriculum IT2005, AIS, AITP, and ABET-CAC
John Beachboard, Alma Cole, Mike Mellor, Steve Hernandez, Kregg Aytes, Nelson Massad
Despite the availability of numerous methods and publications concerning the proper conduct of information security risk analyses, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) face serious organizational challenges managing the deployment and use of these tools and methods to assist them in selecting and implementing security safeguards to prevent IS security compromises. This paper builds a case for ...
information security, information assurance, risk management, risk assessment, open source, open content
Antonio Cartelli, Mark Stansfield, Thomas Connolly, Athanassios Jimoyiannis, Hugo Magalhaes, Katherine Maillet
This paper reports on the work of a European Commission DG Education and Culture cofinanced project PBP-VC, Promoting Best Practice in Virtual Campuses, which is aimed at providing a deeper understanding of the key issues and critical success factors underlying the implementation of virtual campuses. The paper outlines a tentative model of issues underpinning best practice in virtual campuses deri ...
Virtual Campuses, eLearning, Best Practice, Constructivist Learning Environments, Problem-Based Learning
Dimitar Christozov, Stoyan Denchev, Stefka Toleva-Stoimenova, Katia Rasheva-Yordanova
The paper shares experience accumulated in launching and implementing a curriculum model for bachelor level training of professionals - Information Brokers - to serve as mediators and consultants to different kind of clients. This requires that professional possess knowledge and skills in several areas as information technology, mathematics and statistics, business and economics, and consulting sk ...
Information Brokerage, curriculum model, baccalaureate level
Alex Koohang, Liz Riley, Richard Spiers, Kevin Floyd, Julie Santiago, Alicia David, Payton Glore
This panel will inform the audience about an undergraduate IT program's preparation and process for ABET accreditation. The School of Information Technology at Macon State College is seeking accreditation from the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET). ABET accredits academic programs that prepare graduates for entry into the following professional disciplines: 1) applied scienc ...
. Accreditation, ABET, IT curriculum, educational objectives, program outcome, continuous improvement
Iwona Miliszewska
This paper reflects on the skills required by university graduates to participate successfully in today’s global economy. The development of these skills in students throughout Australian universities has been guided by Core Graduate Attributes (CGA) policies. While information literacy skills have been recognised in most policies, more advanced information technology and communication (ICT) skill ...
ICT skills, graduate attributes, digital technology, communication skills
Grace Tan, Anne Venables
In an ideal world, review and changes to computing curricula should be driven solely by academic concerns for the needs of students. The process should be informed by industry accreditation processes and international best practice (Hurst et al., 2001). However, Australian computing curricular review is often driven by the need for financial viability of programs with declining student numbers as ...
computing education, IT education, academic review, curriculum development
Arthur Tatnall, Mohini Singh, Stephen Burgess, Bill Davey
E-business courses were introduced in many universities around the world about ten years ago. Sometimes they were introduced at the undergraduate level, sometimes at postgraduate level and sometimes at both. This paper will present a case study examining the postgraduate e-business courses in two Australian universities and how they have changed over the last few years. The paper describes factors ...
E-business, e-commerce, university postgraduate curriculum, curriculum change.
Muhammad Shaheen, Zahoor Ur Rehman
The numbers of Computer Science professionals are rapidly increasing in Pakistan. Earlier revisions ofthe CS curriculum made by Higher Education Commission (EEC), Pakistan were based upon the critical skills needed for the professionals according to the demands of market. Unfortunately no effort was made to determine the critical skills needed for computer academicians. As part of the course devel ...
curriculum development, computer academician, programming instructors, database instructors, networks instructors, teaching assistants.
Henry Wolfe
This paper highlights the rationale for all IT degrees being focused on Information Assurance holistically throughout the entire degree. It takes a look at the failure of industry to produce an operating system that provides user control of system activities and primarily serves the user rather than other special interest groups (Microsoft, Digital Rights Management, other applications vendors, et ...
cryptography, forensics, information assurance, education.
Milos Bogdanovic, Aleksandar Stanimirovic, Nikola Davidovic, Leonid Stoimenov
Most universities where students study informational technologies and computer science have an introductory course dealing with the development and design of databases. These courses often include usage of database design tools. In this paper, the #EER tool is presented, the task of which is to make the process of relational databases design easier for the students and partially automatize it. The ...
Database design, educational tool, EER, conceptual data modeling
Elena Maceviciute, Thomas D. Wilson
We describe a project to evaluate an image database within an educational context. The partners in the EURIDICE project were educational institutions in a number of countries, together with other agencies and one commercial partner. Input to the database was provided by the commercial partner, a public library, and state archives. Evaluation was guided through a workshop in which all institutions ...
learning objects, evaluation, EURIDICE, information users, image database
Stephen Smith, Samuel Sambasivam
Electronic Data Capture (EDC) is increasingly being used in the pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device industries to gather research data worldwide from doctors, hospitals and universities participating in clinical trials. In this highly regulated environment, all systems and software must be thoroughly tested and validated, a task that is burdensome in terms of time and cost. Starting with da ...
electonic data capture, object orientation, prototyping, clinical research
Laura Bergstrom, Johan Frojdman, Kaj J. Grahn, Jonny Karlsson, Goran Pulkkis
This paper presents a virtual learning environment for HIP (Host Identity Protocol). HIP is a potential future Internet protocol currently under research. The main idea with HIP is the separation between the location and identity information by introducing a new cryptographic name space, called Host Identity (HI). This feature provides enhanced network security as well as easy management of mobili ...
animation, didactical, learning environment, HIP, security, mobility
Seta Boghikian-Whitby, Yehia Mortagy
This study surveyed how students’ backgrounds prepare them for online education. The study compared learning outcome between traditional and non-traditional (adult) undergraduate students in online and face-to-face sessions; the difference in learning over time; and the effect of prior online experience. Student learning measurements included: pre-test, final examination (post-test), and final let ...
Distance learning, Online education, learning outcomes, e-learning, Internet Based Learning. effectiveness of online education, f2f.
Nicole Buzzetto-More
Learning that is facilitated by electronic technologies, otherwise known as e-Leaming, can be either fully online, mixed mode (also known as hybrid), or web assisted; however, regardless of the delivery method, there are numerous tools and features at the disposal of students and instructors, and it is important for the e-learning community to examine both preferences and usage of these features. ...
e-learning, asynchronous instruction, web-based instruction, minority education, hybrid learning, online learning, assessment, online examinations
Annemieke Craig, Annegret Goold, Jo Coldwell, Jamie Mustard
The extensive introduction of online technologies to support teaching and learning is impacting how teachers teach and students learn. It is also affecting both teaching staff s and students’ perceptions of what each others’ roles are. The research reported here is part of a larger study that explored different aspects of teaching and learning in online environments. This study was undertaken with ...
Online learning, E-learning, online teaching, role of online teacher, role of online learner
Timothy Ellis, William Hafner
Providing students in an asynchronous learning network (ALN) a rich learning environment is not easy, especially in terms of promoting higher cognitive functioning such as analysis and evaluation. The use of project-based, collaborative assignments has been demonstrated to foster greater depth of learning in traditional classroom settings, but this type of assignment is very difficult to plan, dev ...
project-based learning, collaborative learning, distance education, asynchronous learning networks.
Stacy Kluge, Elizabeth Riley
How, where, when, and what we teach has been significantly influenced by technological innovation. Radio, television, and computers have all altered how information is presented and how students interact with that information. This paper describes how virtual worlds provide a mechanism to incorporate constructivist, experiential, and student-centered learning practices into the classroom. The auth ...
virtual worlds, Second life, constructivist learning, authentic learning, metaverse, Sloodle
Shona Leitch, Matthew Warren
The review of literature pertaining to systems analysis and design and the design of systems for online teaching and learning has identified some “gaps” and has shown the need for a more specialised and specific method for the design of such systems. This paper presents research that was conducted to collect information to assist in the filling of the gaps of the systems analysis and design knowle ...
Soft Systems Methodology (SSM), Method for Educational Analysis and Design (MEAD), Online learning.
Agostino Marengo, Michele Baldassarre, Alessandro Pagano
The aim of the project is the development of an innovative, Open Source-based eLearning portal, which provides high scalability and versatility, as well as it is easy to upgrade; it aims at meeting some changeable requirement in the field of distance learning (yearly or even monthly innovation). The modular structure and flexibility provided by the portal makes this system adaptable to any kind of ...
LMS, e-learning, open-source, distance learning, web technologies.
Plamen Miltenoff, John Hoover, Galin Tzokov
Based on recent proliferation of online education and ongoing technological revolution, this research focuses on interaction of students and faculty as a main contributor to the success of online education. A survey of 22 items was distributed to faculty members and students from the Midwest of the U.S. and 3 Eastern European countries during the period of 2002-2003. The data collected reflects st ...
online interaction, library role, use of computer labs, state of technology
Torsten Reiners, Heinz Dreher
In modem learning environments, the lecturer or educational designer is often confronted with multi-national student cohorts, requiring special consideration regarding language, cultural norms and taboos, religion, and ethics. Through a somewhat provocative example we demonstrate that taking such factors into account can be essential to avoid embarrassment and harm to individual learners’ cultural ...
cross-cultural education, adaptive learning paths, learner profile, dynamic content selection, concept analysis, Normalised Word Vector algorithm
Raafat Saade, Weiwei Tan, Fassil Nebebe
This study is one of the few empirical studies to examine students’ acceptance of a web-based learning system (WLS). By incorporating intrinsic motivator into the technology acceptance model, our model attempts to explain students’ behavioral intention in using the system from a motivational perspective. Unlike most studies using subjects from developed countries, this study aims to extend knowled ...
Technology Acceptance Model, Web-based learning system, extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, Developing country, China
Raafat Saade, Qiong Huang
This document presents a five year development initiative that sought to implement a learning management system clearly differentiated from the CMS domain. The present article reports on our research work showing our effort towards a design of a true learning management system which entails pedagogical strategies embedded into the system design and the online learning environment. This is characte ...
Learning management systems, learning objects, collaboration, AJAX, OOD, online
Retta Sweat-Guy, Craig Wishart
As more and more colleges and universities offer courses designed in the e-leaming format, quality of instruction and student performance are becoming, progressively more, issues that need to be addressed. This study is an attempt to add to the literature on student performance in traditional and e-learning environments as well as exploring student-centered and learner-centered as an instructional ...
e-learning, student performance, instructor-centered, student-centered, instructional strategy, traditional environment.
Irit Alony, Michael Jones
Lean manufacturing has been widely adopted by many production companies. Apart from the operational difficulty associated with conversion from a traditional, functional based operation, adoption of Lean manufacturing involves significant organizational transformations. It requires formation of work teams, comprised of multi-skilled workers. The work teams are preferably self directed and need to c ...
Lean manufacturing, Just-in-time, cellular manufacturing, Organizational Behaviour.
Tanja Krunic, Ljiljana Ruzic-Dimitrijevic
The idea of the paper is to investigate how much the online user privacy is respected by website owners, and how online privacy can be improved. We first focus ourselves on issues like possibilities of misusing personal data, data collecting and user-tracking. Then we give a short report about legislation in the EU concerning user privacy. Some facts about user confidence are given as well. They a ...
privacy, website, misuse, web design, user.
Audra Lukaitis, Bill Davey
This study looks at web use in hotels using a set of dimensions developed by Hashim, Murphy & Law (2007). The study investigates future directions of web use by looking at trends in one of the most established web communities. We found that the web features in the Hashim et al. dimensions model were universal across all types of hotel accommodation. We also found that directions such as disinterme ...
Web site evaluation; Web site design; Web site strategy; e-Tourism; ICTs in Tourism; Hotel web sites
Julian Terry
This study surveys forty four project leaders of recently completed e-commerce sites regarding customer participation in e-commerce development activities. Throughout the literature for four decades, a commonly cited factor pertaining to system success has been user participation in the systems development process. The business need for a rewarding customer experience on an e-commerce site would s ...
User participation, project management, electronic commerce, systems development
Noa Aharony
The current research aims to explore and analyze the application and use of a wiki, in a knowledge-management academic course. The research will focus on the level of collaboration among students and on the kind of interaction that takes take place during the learning process. The population of this study was comprised of wiki pages which were gathered from a knowledge-management wiki course in Is ...
wiki, collaboration, interaction, web 2.0, knowledge-management.
Azad Ali, Scott Mensch
This paper discusses the pedagogical considerations and the steps that have been taken by faculty members within a technology program to update their web design courses. The department of T echnology Support and Training (TST) - Eberly College of Business and Information Technology (ECOBIT) at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) has been updating their courses in response to technological cha ...
Web design course content; Web design curriculum, Courses in web design, Pedagogy of web design course, Content of web design courses
Annemieke Craig, Catherine Lang, Julie Fisher
The first documented day-long program to encourage girls to consider computing as a career was held in 1987 in the U.K. Over the last 20 years these one-day events, labeled Girls into Computing days, have been conducted by academics and professionals to foster female-student interest in information technology (IT) degrees and careers. This paper charts the growth and popularity of these types of e ...
Gender, female, computing, under-representation, recruitment
Dieter Fink, Stuart Garner
The paper examines the presence of knowledge-related wisdom in student assignments by applying the constructs of wisdom developed by researchers at the Max Plank Institute for Human Development in Berlin. They are factual knowledge, procedural knowledge, contextualisation, relativism, and uncertainty. Reciprocal instructor wisdom was operationalised as intellectual excellence, inter-personal skill ...
knowledge-related wisdom, manifestations of wisdom, student assignments, student wisdom
Stuart Garner
This paper reports on the findings from a quantitative research study into the use of a software tool that was built to support a part-complete solution method (PCSM) for the learning of computer programming. The use of part-complete solutions to programming problems is one of the methods that can be used to reduce the cognitive load that students experience during their learning. The tool that wa ...
learning, programming, cognition.
Bruria Haberman, Cecile Yehezkel
The rapid evolvement of the computing domain has posed challenges in attempting to bridge the gap between school and the contemporary world of computing, which is related to content, learning culture, and professional norms. We believe that the interaction of high-school students who major in computer science or software engineering with leading representatives ofthe computing community of practic ...
self-learning, out-of-school learning, project-based learning, mentoring, role models
Said Hadjerrouit
Despite the importance of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) as a school subject in secondary education, there is a lack of an integrated ICT pedagogy that is elucidated within a broad framework of educational practice. The focus is still on technicalities and reproduction of knowledge rather than conceptual understanding of ICT. To realize the potential inherent in ICT, there is a nee ...
Design-based research, digital literacy, ICT pedagogy, learner-centered ICT teaching, learning cycle
Philip Jegede
The study investigates the nature of relationship between ICT attitudinal constructs and use level of Nigerian teachers. A total of 467 teachers randomly drawn from teacher-training institutions participated in the study. Two research instruments; Teachers ICT Attitudinal Scales and Teachers’ Use of ICT Checklist were employed in collecting relevant information. Data collected were analysed using ...
Key Words ICT Attitude, Use Level, Constructs, Perceived usefulness
Yuka Kato, Yukio Namba
Both industry and education struggle to foster the development of human resources who can manage and design information systems at an advanced level. Human resources, particularly within the field of business modeling, must develop the competency to conduct business in the real world. Determining how to foster competent human resources is an urgent and important issue for all educational programs ...
information systems, requirement, architect, learning process, conceptual data modeling, competency, team learning, instructional design
Herman Koppelman
The concept of pedagogical content knowledge has been explored in the context of several disciplines, such as mathematics, medicine and chemistry. In this paper the concept is explored and applied to the subject matter of computer science, in particular to the subdomain of building UML class diagrams. It is argued that the identification and analysis of problems that students experience with impor ...
Pedagogy, computer science education, UML class diagrams, exercises.
Mikko-Jussi Laakso, Lauri Malmi, Ari Korhonen, Teemu Rajala, Erkki Kaila, Tapio Salakoski
Abstract Debugging skill is an essential part of the programming skills. It is also highly related with program comprehension skills. In this paper we present a novel tool, called ViLLE, which supports learning debugging by promoting students' understanding of target program. ViLLE combines visual debugging features with the support for roles of variables. These roles promote activating schemas of ...
Dorothy Langley, Miky Ronen, Shlomit Ben Shachar
The Open Assignment Submission (OAS) is an innovative regime whereby students submit homework assignments of an appropriate nature into a designated open forum provided by the Learning Management System (LMS). Our previous research, carried out with a cohort of Education graduates, indicated possible benefits and challenges of OAS as a means of supporting assignment submission through learning fro ...
Open Assignment submission, LMS, peer examples, learning support, viewing patterns, assignment submission patterns
Iwona Miliszewska, Anne Venables, Grace Tan
The problems encountered by students in first year computer programming units are a common concern in many universities, including Victoria University. As a fundamental component of a computer science curriculum computer programming is a mandatory unit. It is also one of the most challenging units for many commencing students who often drop out from a computing course as a consequence of having fa ...
analogy, automated assessment, collaboration, introductory computer programming, programming support, student mentors.
Mahendrenath Motah
The paper examines the moderating influence of the “Big Five” model of personality, emotional intelligence, and the impact of multiple intelligences, on the use of soft skills among final year students. The present work investigates the variables which affect students in the elaboration of their research projects during their final year of study. 187students reading for their final years were aske ...
Personality, soft skills, intelligence, big five model, research project, multiple intelligences.
Eugenia Ng
T eacher education, which encompasses teaching, teaching effectiveness, the factors that determine teachers' thought processes and performances, and the social policies that affect teachers in all aspects and stages of their careers, is the fundamental groundwork and primary foundation, for attemptingto undertake various innovative and model learning and teaching approaches. However, a number of s ...
blended learning, cooperative learning, information technology, online learning, peer learning, pedagogy, student teachers
Celina Olszak, Ewa Ziemba
The article aims at presenting a Web learning portal that allows for improving employees’ competencies in implementation of the Internet related technologies in business. Such a portal is dedicated to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The starting point for considerations is in suggesting initiatives that are necessary to undertake in the SME sector in the context of the knowledge based e ...
a Web learning portal, e-learning, internet technologies in business
Stavroula Patsiomitou
The paper draws on a didactic experiment conducted in a secondary school mathematics classroom in Greece which aimed to explore a) ways in which students develop problem representations, reasoning and problem-solving, making decisions and receiving feedback about their ideas and strategies in a DGS-supported environment b) ways in which students develop rigourous proof through building linking vis ...
DGS, van Hiele model, mental schemes, Linking Visual Active Representations, Reflective Visual Reaction, rigourous proof
Moshe Pelleh, Bruria Haberman, Tammy Rosenthal, John English
Courses on Operating Systems (OS) are essential in computer science education. The topic provides the students with an excellent opportunity to experience the interplay between theory and practice. Specifically, a project-based-learning (PBL) instructional design for an OS course can provide the students with opportunities to engage in practical projects. The PBL approach enables students to take ...
Operating systems, project-based learning, system-level perspective, professional practice.
Teemu Rajala, Mikko-Jussi Laakso, Erkki Kaila, Tapio Salakoski
Program visualization is one of the various methods developed over the years to aid novices with their difficulties in learning to program. It consists of different graphical - often animated - and textual objects, visualizing the execution of programs. The aim of program visualization is to enhance students’ understanding of different areas of program execution. Typical program visualization tech ...
program visualization, novice programmers, effectiveness of visualization, programming, programming learning, programming teaching.
Keith Whittington, Michael Yacci
This paper proposes the Active Learning for Classroom Management Model as a method to structure active learning experiences. The model was devised and tested in an Introductory Computer Programming course. Stages in the model are explained with examples of classroom activities. The model was evaluated twice in series of quasi-experiments and limited support was provided for improved student perfor ...
Active Learning, Learning Model, Innovation, Programming
Azad Ali
Technology education faces multiple challenges in the new millennium. In light of an increasing, overlapping and widening spectrum of technological fields of study, it has become imperative for students to be able to articulate their course of study and for technology departments to be able to assess the intended outcome of their program of study. The traditional approach of teaching one course at ...
Electronic portfolio, E-Portfolio, Digital Portfolio, Student digital portfolio.
Nicole Buzzetto-More, Ayodele Alade
Electronic portfolios are a student-centered outcomes-based assessment regime involving learners in the gathering, selection, and organization of artifacts synthesized into a compilation purposed to demonstrate knowledge, skills, and/or achievements supported by reflections that articulate the relevance, credibility, and meaning of the artifacts being presented. Electronic portfolios have been fou ...
Electronic Portfolios, Electronic portfolios, Assessment, Student Learning Outcomes
Kevin Allan Johnston, Susan Benvenuti
It is widely accepted that assessment determines learning: what is learnt, how the learning takes place, the extent to which the learning is retained, and the extent to which that learning can be further developed or applied (Biggs, 2003; Boud, Cohen, & Sampson, 1999; Entwistle & Entwistle, 1997; Rowntree, 1992). This paper examines an assessment intervention undertaken independently by two South ...
assessment, large classes, academic literacy, student engagement, newspaper
Olga Petkova, Don Petkov, Marianne D'Onofrio
This paper describes research experiences in student learning assessment in information systems programs. These research experiences resulted from research implemented at two Connecticut State universities during the past six years. The paper provides an overview of the expanding research in Information Systems education assessment and links assessment work at the program level with the use of sta ...
program assessment, action research, assessment, information systems education.
Robert Joseph Skovira
The paper discusses an evaluative technique or rubric for judging students’ responses to and observations on issues of computing. The paper discusses the frames of globalization, economics, social-cultural, and ethical as dimensions structuring the observations as well as the rubric.
Globalization, economic, social, cultural, ethical, frames, rubric
D. Neil Westley
The question to be examined in the intended research is whether and to what degree access to previous files gives students an advantage during a practical IT test , i.e. does it produce higher results on tests and if so how much? The hypothesis is that viewing previous files will make little or no difference to student performance. This was validated by the results.
. access to files, open book, mid-eastern, IT, foreign language instruction
Antonio Cartelli
The paper reports on the features of the framework for digital literacy support and documentation, developed within a research project the author is working on, with some colleagues in other Italian universities. First a short introduction on the features of today society often called “knowledge society” is reported, and the problems of digital divide and digital literacy are discussed. Soon after ...
digital competence, digital divide, digital literacy, information literacy, information system, web technology.
Michael Jones, Irit Alony
Blogs are a new and intriguing form of communication and personal expression. Researchers are only just beginning to realise the value that these media present as sources of data for research. This paper begins to unveil the untapped potential that the blogosphere provides for research. The paper begins by introducing blogs, explaining their evolution and the important role they play in society. A ...
Blogs, Blogosphere, Qualitative Research, Research Methods, Data Analysis.
Zlatko Kovacic, Dragan Vukmirovic
This paper explores factors such as socio-demographics, income and wealth and e-skills that may influence the adoption of the ICTs at the individual level. We examine to what extent these factors contribute to the digital divide between different social groups in Serbia. We use the panel data from the survey “ICT usage in Republic of Serbia” in 2006 and 2007, covering over 3000 individuals/househo ...
ICT adoption, digital divide, Internet usage, gender, education, income, Serbia, classification tree, logistic regression.
Cecille Marsh
Previous research conducted by the author investigated the socio-political backgrounds of two groups of female students studying computer-related university programmes. They came from distinctly different backgrounds and were enrolled at two institutions with very different legacies. The author found that socio-political factors, in particular the role of a dominant female household head and aggre ...
Computer self-efficacy, gender and computing, computer programming, gender stereotyping
Mahendrenath Motah
The applications of the Information, Education and Communication approaches to all sectors have brought unexpected changes in the attitudes and behaviours of people of all ages. The overwhelming amount of theoretical and empirical work done regarding the impact of ICT on educational processes has highlighted the benefits of ICT to students, teachers, and parents. Mauritius is faced with a double d ...
Social cost, Information, Education and Communication, Information and Communication Technologies, social change, digital opportunity index
Robert Schultz
Globalization, the coalescence of the economies and cultures of this planet, has raised new ethical issues. Information Technology (IT) is an enabler of globalization, but IT also produces new ethical problems. There is already a substantial literature in philosophy and political theory on globalized ethics, but not much on IT’s special impact on globalized ethics. This paper is a sketch of the ma ...
Information Technology, Globalization, Ethics, Justice, Social Contract, Rawls, Utilitarianism, Global Institutions
Karen Simpson Nikakis
The discovery, development or invention of new objects and phenomena by humankind, requires a new set of words to be coined or adopted to describe it. This is also true of the Information Communication Technology (ICT) world. Words are not neutral, regardless of which dialect or language they occur in. They carry with them associations and connotations based on their previous applications and alli ...
connotation, denotation, nomenclature, lexis, coining, subtext, portmanteau, neologism, phonetic, alliteration, Power Distance, Uncertainty Avoidance, ICT, lexicon
Niranjala Weerakkody
Mobile phones in Australia record one of the world’s highest rates of ownership among children under 18. This paper examines issues of mobile phones and Australian children and the various discourses (systematic frames) used in discussing their effects. These are the optimistic (gains); pessimistic (losses, costs or harms); pluralistic (technology per se is neutral but how it is used matters); his ...
Mobile phones, technology and discourses, technology and framing, framing, discourses, children and mobile phones, parental power and mobile phones, Australia, digital leash, digital umbilical cord.
Peter Eachus, Simon Cassidy, Sarah Norgate, Lynne Marrow, Leah Greene
Higher Education is increasingly relying on e-leaming as a means of providing students with teaching and learning resources. Almost inevitably, this means that students interact with these learning resources through the medium of the computer screen. Although there have been significant advances in the design and implementation of on-line resources, exactly how students interact with these resourc ...
Eye tracking, Internet self-efficacy, visual search, e-learning
Andrew Moshirnia
Though the number of collaborative websites, or wikis, continues to grow, few studies have examined the role of graphics in a successful wiki design. This study examines the development of graphic organizers within an academic wiki over a period of 8 months. Wikis traditionally rely on a text-only approach to allow for user flexibility. However, this study found that the ability to easily add link ...
Web Based Learning, Collaborative Publishing, Graphic Organizers.
Alex Koohang, Kevin Floyd, Julie Santiago, Steve Greene, Keith Harman
This paper presents the birth of an open source learning object repository (OSLOR) from design to implementation. Critical design issues such as user interface, type of LOR, standards, metadata, and the programming language were considered in the process. These issues revolve around the essential characteristics of LOR, i.e., interoperability, reusability, and accessibility. Conclusion and recomme ...
Learning object repository, LOR, open source, OS, OSLOR, LOR design, accessibility, reusability, interoperability, sustainability
Namdar Mogharreban, David Guggenheim
Learning objects have long promised dramatic savings of time and money in course and curricula development, but they have failed to deliver the return on investment that seems a natural extension of their existence - reusability. Because a single hour of online instruction can take up to 300 hours to develop (Kapp 2003), reusability is the core value message offered by learning object promoters, f ...
Learning Object, Reusability, Learning Style, Learning Pod, XSL, XML, XHTML
Rachel Or-Bach
Worked-out examples serve an important role in the educational process. In order to take advantage of such carefully designed examples, students have to "make sense" of the examples and retrieve them whenever it is appropriate. This calls for a knowledge management process to be conducted by the students; a process we implemented as a learning task during a Knowledge-Based Systems course. Students ...
Knowledge management, metadata creation, metadata scheme, worked-out examples, community of practice.
Gholamreza Fadaie
The present paper offers that most of the advocates of discipline of library and information science believe that there is a lack of theoretical foundation and rational identity. The author maintains that there has been an error in defining the subject by confusing library with librarianship. That is many researchers have derived the concept of librarianship from library. Therefore they came to de ...
Library, Librarianship, Information science, Information studies, Meta science, Theoretical foundation, Classification, Retrieval.
Kevin Parker, Robert Williams, Philip Nitse, Albert Tay
In order to realize the objective of expanding library services to provide knowledge management support for small businesses, a series of requirements must be met. This particular phase of a larger research project focuses on one of the requirements: the need for a document classification system to rapidly determine the content of digital documents. Document classification techniques are examined ...
Knowledge management, Competitive intelligence, Digital libraries, Document classification, Normalized Word Vector, Library as Knowledge Management Center, Small enterprises
Ala M. Abu-Samaha, Rima Shishakly
This paper presents an assessment of School Information Systems (SIS) Utilization in the United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) primary schools through a holistic descriptive approach that involves explaining, studying and analyzing the current technical status of the schools’ SIS. To do so, the researchers used a series of case studies (documents analysis, questionnaires and interviews) of a number of prima ...
Information Technology in Education Management (ITEM), Information & Communication Technologies (ICT), School Information Systems (SIS), The United Arab Emirates (UAE), Information Systems Utilisation and Primary Schools.
Bill Davey, Chris Cope
In this paper we show that interviews between IT consultants and clients are considered best practice in terms of methods for eliciting IS requirements as part of IS development projects. The process of conducting successful conversations with clients as part of requirements elicitation interviews is not well understood. The paper reports a literature survey which established current understanding ...
information systems, requirements elicitation
Harald Fardal, Jan-Oddvar Sornes
Developing information systems (IS) strategies and choosing the right IS portfolio for an organization require, among other things, identifying the most appropriate IS projects, determining how best to organize the IS staff, and arranging for IS procurement. All of these actions involve decision-making. This paper analyzes IS strategic decision-making in organizations, with the Garbage Can Model ( ...
IS strategy, IS strategic decision-making, Garbage Can Model (GCM)
Nitza Geri, Orit Naor-Elaiza
Understanding the factors that affect continued use or discontinuance of an information system beyond initial adoption is one of the most challenging issues in information systems research. This paper combines information economics, the technology acceptance model (TAM), and diffusion of innovation theory, and analyzes barriers with respect to the continued use of information systems. The suggeste ...
information systems continued use, continuance, technology acceptance model (TAM), diffusion of innovation, human computer interaction, value of information systems, distance learning.
Kenneth A Grant, Candace T Grant
Knowledge Management exploded into visibility as a management topic in the mid-1990s with a significant impact in the IT applications area. It has had high visibility for the last decade and, in recent years, has come under some critical scrutiny - - questioning the success of many of the attempts to manage knowledge, especially those with an IT focus, as well as some suggestion that it was merely ...
Next Generation Knowledge Management, Knowledge Models, IT, Communicating Meaning, Philosophy
Ljiljana Ruzic-Dimitrijevic, Bozo Nikolic
The paper describes the initiative of the management of a higher education institution to design and realize an Information System (IS) in order to implement new study rules for new study programmes that are in agreement with the Bologna Declaration. The authors based their work on the common theory about projecting ISs, but with focus on expected practical results. The goal is to achieve better o ...
projecting, information system, study rules.
Raafat Saade, Weiwei Tan, Dennis Kira
While much of the prior information system (IS) research has employed technology acceptance model (TAM) and theory of planned behavior (TPB) to explain user’s technology acceptance behavior, most of them use self-reported use intention to develop their investigation. The purpose of this paper is to empirically examine the validity of behavioral intention’s prediction on actual system usage under a ...
TAM, Planned Behavior, Multimedia, Intentions, Usage
Raafat Saade, Peter Schneider
The purpose of this paper is to present the results of an end-of-project impact assessment (IA) of a Social Enterprise Development Center (SEDC) (created in Pakistan 7 years ago). The SEDC was created in 2000 to provide mainly training to non-government organizations (NGOs) and be a central recourse for their communication, resource sharing and support. The IA entailed the measurement of a large n ...
Portal, NGO, Pakistan, Evaluation, Impact
Terry Smith
Many companies now actively use the Web as a key marketing and sales vehicle for their goods or services. To be successful, e-commerce Web sites must be useful, easy to use, easy to navigate, and easy to understand - measures of the Technology Acceptance Model’s (TAM) variables Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use. Although many studies have used the model to better understand e-commerce ...
Technology Acceptance Model; Web site usability; E-commerce
Ignacio Soret, Carmen De Pablos, Jose Luis Montes
This paper presents a model to measure and to explain knowledge and sustainable competitive advantages generation within the Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) framework. Some specific goals are: a) identification, selection and validation of intellectual capital and of sustainable competitive advantages, b) study of what we name associate concepts: facilitators, implantation drivers and critical s ...
efficient consumer response, ECR, cooperation strategies, best practices, intellectual capital, sustainable competitive advantages, structural equations model
Simon Tshinu, Gerrit Botha, Marlien Herselman
This article explores the possibility of integrating some of the most referenced ICT Management Frameworks in managing ICT infrastructure in the banking sector. This was done by identifying core components that it should address and the related frameworks that need to be applied at each component. In this context, this article is also prompting further research in managing ICT infrastructure throu ...
ICT management framework, ICT management, banking organisation, ITIL, COBIT, CMM, ISO 17799.
Oludele Awodele, Victor Dibia, Oghenerukevwe Onoruvie, Sharon Okoruwa
Conventionally, enterprise services that can be utilized by mobile devices such as E - mail, instant messaging, data transfer, news and event notification have been typically achieved using GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) connections to access internet servers that provide these services. Thus, even in a local area, disadvantages such as full dependence on GPRS service providers, incurred GPRS ...
Bluetooth LAN, Bluetooth Programming, JSR 82 API, Mobile computing, J2ME MIDlet
Ruti Gafni
Mobile and wireless devices and networks enable "any place, any time" use of information systems, providing advantages, such as productivity enhancement, flexibility, service improvements and information accuracy. These benefits can be nullified by using systems of insufficient quality. Mobile-wireless information systems face new kinds of problems: narrow bands, small devices, tiny screens, and d ...
information systems, mobile, wireless, quality, software engineering.
Jeetendre Narsoo, Nawaz Mohamudally
The functional approach to software development has been used for years and new methodologies have evolved, including, object-oriented approach. Objects are sharing an important part in the software business. They have become the building blocks of many systems whether commercial applications, real-time applications or embedded systems applications. As objects represent an abstraction of the real ...
Software Development, design patterns, one-function structure design pattern
Olufade F. Williams Onifade, G. Adesola Aderounmu, Oluwasikemi Tayo
The objective of connection admission control (CAC) is to keep the network load moderate to achieve a performance objective associated with Quality of Service (QoS). Cell Loss Ratio (CLR), a key QoS parameter in ATM networks, is essential for proper network resources dimensioning, congestion control, bandwidth allocation and routing. In this research, we employed fuzzy logic technique in Statistic ...
ATM, Fuzzy Logic, Connection Admission Control (CAC), B-ISDN, QoS.
Firas Alkhaldi, Mohammad Olaimat
This paper presents a logical, mathematical and geometrical interpretation of the previously presented term, infoledge. There is a strong relationship between the infoledge concept and complex numbers, which is utilized by the researchers in the mathematical interpretation of the infoledge concept. Autopoietic theory skeleton is the starting point in the current paper. Further more, the physical c ...
autopoietic theory, imaginary numbers, complex numbers, cognition, infoledge, knowledge transfer.
Peter Bednar, Christine Welch
What is normally described as bias? A possible definition comprises attempts to distort or mislead to achieve a certain perspective, i.e. subjective descriptions intended to mislead. If designers were able to exclude bias from informing systems, then this would maximize their effectiveness. This implicit conjecture appears to underpin much of the research in our field. However, in our efforts to s ...
bias, misinformation, phenomenology, multi-valued logic, informing systems, analysis.
Dimitar Christozov, Stefanka Chukova, Plamen Mateev
Nowadays the product warranty plays increasingly important role in any business transaction. It is a valuable attribute of the product and it is used extensively in marketing and advertising. It is a tool to enforce the competing power of the producer on the market place. There is a vast literature on the product warranty related to the product malfunctioning. In this study we address another type ...
information asymmetry, misinforming, warranty, risk, degree of acceptance. 1 This research is partially supported by NFSI-BG, Grant No VU-MI-105/2005
Gholamreza Fadaie
Worldview as a kind of man's look towards the world of reality has a severe influence on his classification of knowledge. In other words one may see in classification of knowledge the unity as well as plurality. This article deals with the fact that how classification takes place in man's epistemological process. Perception and epistemology are mentioned as the key points here. Philosophers are us ...
Worldview. Classification. Categorization. Human perception. Epistemology.
Zbigniew J Gackowski
For more than 25 years, the framework of Ives, Hamilton, and Davis (1980) for research in computer-based (C-B) management information systems served hundreds of doctoral dissertations without yielding results of lasting validity. This paper summarizes the more lasting results from prior studies about the nature of informing for operations (whether human or robotic) as seen through the lens of deci ...
Informing, information, operation factors, model, framework, examination priorities, principia of informing.
Nitza Geri, Seev Neumann, Rebecca Schocken, Yishai Tobin
This study suggests an attention economy perspective on incomplete information, asserting that people use partial information as basis for action, hence an effective information system should provide them just with the most useful partial information, and should avoid redundant information that wastes their limited attention resources. These assertions were empirically examined via simulation of a ...
attention economy, information economics, speech-reading, lip-reading, linguistics, human computer interaction, effectiveness of incomplete information, value of information
Panagiotis Petratos
In this article the subject of Informing through user-centered Exploratory Search and Information Retrieval utilizing human-computer interaction strategies is analyzed. Exploratory Search is a new field that has sprung from the more general Information Retrieval. Informing Science is a trans-discipline which transcends a large variety of fields and seeks how to best inform all the clients of inter ...
Information Retrieval Systems, Human Computer Interaction, Exploratory Search.
Oludele Awodele, Oghenerukevwe Onoruvie, Sharon Okoruwa, Victor Dibia
The ongoing migration of mobile lifestyles and the increasing capabilities of portable systems will continue to drive demand for more flexible and portable battery charging systems (Brown, 2006). The use of computers has been limited due to lack of constant availability of power -issues such as data loss, transaction breakages, data compromise have become major challenges in areas (especially thir ...
Network power sharing device (NPSD), DC-DC step-up voltage/current regulator, battery sensing, constant voltage supply, oscillator, driver, female power connector
Vladimir Burcik, Gary DeLorenzo, Fred Kohun, Robert Skovira
It has been argued that culture effects how individuals implement, understand, and teach the curriculum of business courses within a society’s educational institutions (Burcik, Kohun, & Skovira, 2007; DeLorenzo, Kohun, & Skovira, 2006; Hofstede & Hofstede, 2005). The curricula and their subject matter of business faculties reflect the societies in which the curricula are developed and in which the ...
. cultural, organizational learning, business, curriculum
Manzarany Kadell, Sameer Sunhaloo, Jeetendre Narsoo
We present the initial study based on the development of an online tool for sales representatives of cosmetic products in Mauritius. The management tool to be developed is expected to help the sales representatives to better manage their business. Virtually all the sales representatives in Mauritius are currently using a manual system and hereby face lots difficulties to optimize their business. W ...
sales representative, cosmetic products, web-based stock management tool.
Mariana Machado, Luiz Augusto Marcelino, Pollyana Mustaro
The present research aims to evaluate digital learning objects architecture and build metrics -based on analyze of the financial, administrative and software engineering aspects - to define a prevision of the necessary investment to develop digital learning object. To develop some metrics it was necessary an online survey research with professionals that works with digital learning objects develop ...
learning objects, metrics, software engineering, methodology, measure investments.
D. Neil Westley
This study examines the relationship between students overall result in a midterm grade in Excel and their ability to predict how well they will perform on specific topics in three Excel tests. The metacognitive skill of predicting performance on specific topics permits appropriate focus in preparing for tests. The hypothesis is that very good students will have significantly more success calibrat ...
student prediction of performance, mid-eastern, IT, Meta cognition
Timothy Ellis, Yair Levy
This paper introduces the importance of a well-articulated, research-worthy problem statement as the centerpiece for any viable research. The aim of this work is to help novice researchers understand the value of problem-based research by providing a practical guide on the development of a well articulated and viable statement of a research-worthy problem as the starting point for all research. Ad ...
Research methodology, research problem, problem-based research, research questions, theory-based research, doctoral education.
Linda V. Knight, Theresa A. Steinbach
Building upon previously published articles from 18 different disciplines, this research delves into the area of how academics inform one another, addressing the issue of how academic scholars can determine the optimum journal for submission of their research. A comprehensive model of the journal selection process is developed, including 39 detailed considerations spread over three major categorie ...
Journal, research, outlet, journal selection, journal publication, journal submission, publishing, manuscript.
Habib Karimpour, Ayaz Isazadeh, Mohsen Sadighi Moshkenani
Web-based application development is a difficult task, since these applications include various features, like graphical interfaces, navigational structures, business models, and wireless communications, as well as other issues, such as serving a multitude of users, and the need for shorter development time. To overcome these complexities, it is indispensable to use web-based application designs a ...
object-oriented hypermedia design, navigation, decomposition, component-based architecture, multithreading.
Bavani Subramaniam, Sai Peck Lee
With the development of the World Wide Web, conference management can be further elevated by using a powerful and intelligent tool that provides a borderless communication. This can be realized with a conference management tool using ontology functionality. Ontology provides diverse capabilities in terms of functionalities and flexibility. Defining a detailed conference specification via ontology ...
Semantic, Ontology, Conference Tool, Conference Organiser

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