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Conference Proceedings

Volume 9, 2009

Joseph Chao, Jennifer Brown
This paper discusses a collaborative service-learning approach to a software engineering course that involved partnering with local non-profit organizations and collaborating with a technical communication class. The main goals of the collaboration with the technical communication class were to provide the students with a real-world project that gave them experience with a crossdepartmental team c ...
Software Engineering, Agile Software Development, User documentation, Active Learning, Service-learning, Real-world project, Technical Communication.
Georg Disterer, Friedrich Fels
The objective of this student project was for the students to develop, conduct, and supervise a training course for basic work place applications (word processing and business graphics). Students were responsible for the planning, organizing and the teaching of the course. As participants, underprivileged adolescents took part in order to learn the handling of IT applications and therefore, improv ...
Student project, underprivileged adolescents, user training
Inge Hermanrud, Jan Oddvar Sornes
This study of media use and knowledge sharing within distributed organizations addresses two questions: (1) How do people combine different ICTs (information and communication technologies) when they engage in a professional knowledge-sharing network? (2) How are combinations of ICTs used when people engage in frequent as opposed to infrequent relations? Existing research exploring the role of ICT ...
ICT, professional network, knowledge sharing, multiple media use, GoToMeeting, Outlook groups.
Sumonta Kasemvilas, Lorne Olfman
Constructivist learning mechanisms such as collaborative writing have emerged as a result of the development of Web 2.0 technologies. We define the term mandatory collaborative writing to describe a writing activity where the group has a firm deadline. Our study focuses on how a wiki can fully support mandatory group writing. The motivation of this design science research study emerges from a grad ...
awareness, collaborative writing, constructivist learning, design science research, discussion, evaluation, MediaWiki, project management, Web 2.0
Joseph Klein
The need to divide attention in order to deal with information flowing in from a number of sources is observable in many work settings. Although most people can perform several simple activities concurrently, such as eating and watching television (Sharon, 1997), making simultaneous decisions is difficult (Pashler & Johnston, 1998). For the majority, task overload causes errors in performance (Gir ...
Computerized learning, Performance, Cooperation
Ada Wai Wing MA
To survive and thrive in the challenging context of the 21st century, education must keep abreast of global trends, including the priority of developing in learners the capability of lifelong learning for enhanced cooperation, care, reflective abilities, critical capacities and creativity. As a potential approach to achieve this goal, Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) is receiving i ...
CSCL, peer assessment, technology-enhanced assessment, lifelong learning
Ada Wai Wing MA
The scarcity of readily usable instruments to research learning in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) environments has posed a great challenge to devise appropriate analytical tools to investigate how individuals change their understanding or create a new personal construction of knowledge as a result of social interaction and negotiation within the group. Given this scenario, the Ac ...
CSCL, higher order thinking skills, textile studies
Raafat Saade, Qiong Huang
This document presents the analysis of a discussion forum used as a learning component in a ‘management information systems’ university course. By reporting on two macro level measures namely, participation and interaction, we seek to understand the occurrence of any collaborative knowledge-building activities/processes and at the same time work towards discourse analysis. Our analysis is based on ...
Online discussion forums, discourse, participation, interaction, elearning, online, asynchronous
Janice Whatley
Student team project work in higher education is one of the best ways to develop team working skills at the same time as learning about the subject matter. As today’s students require the freedom to learn at times and places that better match their lifestyles, there is a need for any support for team project work to be also available online. Team working requires that the task roles as well as the ...
ground rules, student team project, information systems, case study
Emmanuel Adagunodo, Oludele Awodele, Sunday Idowu
In this paper, we present a way to bring information to students by leveraging the availability of phones (with SMS capability), especially cell phones. We review the use of mobile phones for delivering examination results via Short Messaging Service (SMS) in a university, where student who have written examinations and anxious to see their results need to get their grades in a convenient and acce ...
Short Message Services, SMS, GSM, Result Checking, Mobile Phone, ColdFusion
Pao-Nan Chou, Wei-Fan Chen
In Taiwan, instant messenger usage has become the third most frequently engaged online activity following web cyberspace’s web surfing and e-mail. Among different kinds of instant messengers, Windows Live Messenger (WLM) is the most popular software program. The purpose of this study is to explore users’ name-display behaviors on WLM from a self-disclosure perspective. The study employs phenomenol ...
Instant messenger, Self-disclosure, Phenomenological study, Online social support
M. Randall Spaid, Sumitra Himangshu, Stuart Fleischer
In this descriptive study, the authors examined the online interactions of 45 teams of American International Schools (AIS) middle school students conducting science fair investigations with their distance mentors. Forty-five preservice teachers in a methods of teaching science college course served as “eMentors” using Blackboard™ and the 2.0 Learning Tools (wiki and blog) as their individually as ...
Web 2.0, distance mentoring, preservice teachers, science inquiry
Malik Sikander Hayat Khiyal, Aihab Khan, Erum Shehzadi
This paper mainly focuses on the controlling of home appliances remotely and providing security when the user is away from the place. The system is SMS based and uses wireless technology to revolutionize the standards of living. This system provides ideal solution to the problems faced by home owners in daily life. The system is wireless therefore more adaptable and cost-effective. The HACS system ...
Short Message Service (SMS), Global System for Mobile communication (GSM), Radio Frequency (RF), AT Commands, ubiquitous access and Automation.
Jeetendre Narsoo, W. Muslun, Sameer Sunhaloo
Everyday millions of containers circle the globe and 250, 000, 000 container movements are performed around the globe yearly through 220 ports. Approximately 2% of in-transit containers are physically inspected, while empty containers are rarely inspected. A serious container event could trigger a worldwide massive port shutdown. Government security officials recognize container shipments as one o ...
Radio Frequency Identification, Tracking System, SWOT Analysis
Dimitar Christozov, Stoyan Denchev, Stefka Toleva-Stoimenova
Human-technology interaction is an essential issue to the field of Information Systems. The fast growing quantity of available data shifts emphasize to data presentation in a way to increase informing effectiveness and efficiency. To build such information services, the designers have to obtain broad understanding on the concepts, models and processes of informing science. The paper shares the exp ...
Information; Information Systems; Informing; Informing Systems
Said Hadjerrouit
While there is a huge research literature on the field of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) as a tool in teaching and learning, there is much less research on the area of ICT as a subject or similar designations such as school informatics. As a result, there is a lack of theoretical grounding of the didactics of ICT and associated teaching and learning processes. One of the main reaso ...
Conceptual framework, design-based research, didactics of ICT, learning theory, school informatics, trainee teacher.
Dale Mackrell
This paper reports on a qualitative pilot study which explores the attitudes and aspirations of international students in the Master of Information Systems (MIS) program at an Australian university. The findings are preliminary but suggest that the MIS program is an extrinsic motivator since it is used by students as a catalyst to change their future careers and lives. Furthermore, the students ar ...
Education, information systems, skills gap, alignment, Australia.
Iwona Miliszewska, Anne Venables, Grace Tan
Victoria University will introduce a generic Science Degree in 2009. Students in the degree will share a common first year and then choose a specialization, for instance biotechnology, chemistry, computing, food science, or environmental science. This paper reflects on the need for the development of enabling information technology (IT) skills among first-year students in the Degree. Many students ...
IT skills, generic science degree, digital literacy, computer science.
Meg Murray, Mario Guimaraes
Database technologies are a core component of computing technology curricula. Their importance will only continue to expand as more and more data are retained in database systems. An effective database system is predicated on a good data model. Database design is the conceptualization of an underlying data model that progresses from identifying user requirements to graphically depicting those requ ...
database, database design, entity relationship diagrams, normalization, database software animations.
Martiniano Jake III Parawan Neri
The paper examines worldwide patterns of operations of IT education using 31 countries’ data on IT education focusing on contexts, inputs, processes and outcomes of IT education with the end-in-view of deriving sets of national policies for IT education in the Philippines. In all, 13 variables were used as multivariate inputs to a cluster analysis algorithm which aim to cluster countries in terms ...
IT education, context, inputs, process, outcomes, policy framework, cluster analysis, hierarchical method
Celina Olszak, Ewa Ziemba
The article refers to issues related to creating the information society in a region. The most important results of research carried out to analyze the information society development in Silesia are presented in the background of the information society idea and all activities that are undertaken with reference to the information society in the European Union and Poland. Methodology and obtained r ...
information society, information society strategy, Silesian Voivodeship, Electronic Public Services Platform (PeUP)
Shana Ponelis
Making sense of the exponentially expanding sources of structured electronic data collected by organizations is increasingly difficult. Data mining is the extraction of implicit, previously unknown, and potentially useful information from large volumes of such data to support decisionmaking in organizations and has led to an increase in demand for students who have an understanding of data mining ...
data mining, education, curriculum, curriculum development, graduate, postgraduate.
Paul Rosenthal, L Jane Park
This paper is an assessment of the topical coverage of current Managing Information Systems (MIS) textbooks. The MIS course is normally required of all undergraduate and graduate business majors , and therefore is their primary education in the use of IS/IT in the modern technology-oriented organization. However, the MIS textbooks researched do not attempt IS/IT management fluency. They do not eve ...
MIS textbooks, enterprise information systems, operational information systems, transaction processing systems, justification of IS/IT systems
Abdallah Tubaishat
Most computing programs still devote little time to software life cycle development, software processes, quality issues, team skills, and other areas of software engineering essential to effective commercial software development. A teaching project was developed and implemented by accommodating knowledge and practices that are applicable to most projects in the area of project management and in th ...
IS2002 Model Curricula, Software Engineering Body of Knowledge, Software Engineering Best Practices, Rational Suite Enterprise.
Matthew Warren, Shona Leitch
The development of Information Security as a discipline has only occurred in recent years. Currently Information Security topics are widely taught at tertiary institutions but these topics are taught from a technical perspective and in other cases from a business perspective. This paper discusses the development of a new security curriculum within Australia and how Australian tertiary institutions ...
Information Security, Framework, Curriculum Development and Australia.
Oludele Awodele, Olawale Jegede
Neural Network (NN) has emerged over the years and has made remarkable contribution to the advancement of various fields of endeavor. The purpose of this work is to examine neural networks and their emerging applications in the field of engineering, focusing more on Controls. In this work, we have examined the various architectures of NN and the learning process. The needs for neural networks, tra ...
. Neural Network, Artificial Neural Network
Oludele Awodele, Sunday Idowu, Omotola Anjorin, Adebunmi Adedire, Victoria Akpore
The proliferation of e-leaming systems in both learning institutions and companies has contributed a lot to the acquisition and application of new skills. With the growth in technology, especially the internet, e-learning systems are only getting better and having more impact on the users. This paper suggests an approach to e-learning that emphasizes active and open collaboration, and also the int ...
Social Networking, Integration, eLearning, Learning, Collaboration, Web 2.0, Universities
Nicole Buzzetto-More, Ojiabo Ukoha
Faculty today are challenged to meet the individualized learning needs of what is frequently a disparate student population while engaging in meaningful assessment of student learning outcomes. Learning styles and levels of preparation vary among students especially in the area of mathematics and the ability to diagnosis deficiencies and remedy needs can increase student success. Computerized home ...
Web-based learning, elearning, web-based mathematics instruction, online homework remediation homework management systems, computerized assessment, e-assessment, interactive tutorials, hybrid instruction
Alicia David
This presentation will discuss some of the current statistics regarding distance education in the United States. It will also address how student disabilities (and their associated accommodations) are and should be impacting these online course offerings. According to a recent government study, 66% of US colleges currently offer some form of for-credit distance education (National Center for Educa ...
distance education, accessibility, quality assurance
Alex Koohang, Liz Riley, Terry Smith, Jeanne Schreurs
This paper presents a learner-centered model for designing e-leaming assignments/activities within e-learning environments. The model is based on constructivism learning theory. The model includes two categories - the learning design elements (comprised of fundamental design elements and collaborative elements) and the learning assessment elements (self-assessment, team assessment, and facilitator ...
E-learning, constructivism, e-learning design, collaborative learning, assessment
Mohammad Sameer Sunhaloo, Jeetendre Narsoo, Ameeta Gopaul
In this paper, we give an overview of an interactive e-leaming tool which we have developed for kids aged from eight to eleven years old in Mauritius. By developing this software, we aim at promoting self learning and developing information and communication technology skills among the youngsters in Mauritius. The e-learning tool developed is based mainly on the science curricula covered at upper ...
e-learning, information and communication technology.
Craig Wishart, Retta Guy
There is much debate regarding the value and utility of grading discussions to ensure and assess full participation in the online classroom. Proponents of threaded discussions view it as an integral part of the learning process, where students seek knowledge and express understanding. Consequently, they deem it essential to assess participation. On the other hand, opponents of assessing or grading ...
asynchronous, communication technologies, discourse, e-learning, exchange structure analysis, grading rubrics, online discussions.
Lily Wong, Arthur Tatnall
To remain globally competitive, there is increasing pressure for universities to incorporate a greater use of technology and innovation into their curriculum. In response, many higher education institutions have adopted a blended learning approach, which combines traditional face-to-face delivery with online teaching resources, to deliver course content. This paper documents the implementation of ...
action research, blended learning, innovation, introductory accounting, learning outcomes.
Timothy Ellis, Yair Levy
The novice researcher, such as the graduate student, can be overwhelmed by the intricacies of the research methods employed in conducting a scholarly inquiry. As both a consumer and producer of research, it is essential to have a firm grasp on just what is entailed in producing legitimate, valid results and conclusions. The very large and growing number of diverse research approaches in current pr ...
Research methodology, reliability, validity, research questions, problem directed research
T. Grandon Gill, Uwe Hoppe
Although growing in popularity in other countries, the business professional doctorate has yet to gain traction in the U.S. Such programs, intended to offer advanced disciplinary and research training to individuals who later plan to apply that training to employment in industry, are frequently seen to be inferior to their academically-focused Ph.D. program counterparts. Furthermore, if the sole p ...
doctorate, professional doctorate, DBA, complex informing, diffusion, action research, research ecology.
Kathleen Terry, Robert DeMichiell, Clarence Williams
Much has been written in recent years on the subject of mentoring and many universities, organizations, and individuals have rushed to embrace the concept without thinking through what it means for the university, organization, mentor, and, most importantly, the mentee. This article is an examination of the various factors involved in the mentoring process. Knowledge gained, collaboration, situati ...
Mentoring, Mentor, Mentee, Neophyte, Practitioner
Mohamad Al-Laham, Haroon Al-Tarawneh, Najwan Abdallat
In recent years there has been considerable interest in the development of electronic money schemes. Electronic money has the potential to take over from cash as the primary means of making small-value payments and could make such transactions easier and cheaper for both consumers and merchants. Electronic money is a record of the funds or "value" available to a consumer stored on an electronic de ...
Electronic purse, Monetary aggregate, Money laundering, Open market sales, Smart card, Electronic money.
Dimitar Christozov, Stefanka Chukova, Plamen Mateev
This paper extends previous studies on quantifying the risk of misinforming by introducing models, which allow measuring the risk of misinforming in case of competing messages. These models are realistic representation of the market situation, where purchasing decisions are made based on the assessment of all available offers and selecting the one that meets at most the buyer's needs. The paper em ...
information asymmetry, misinforming, warranty, risk, competition.
Nitza Geri
The growing phenomenon of competitors that use a common interorganizational system (IOS) raises challenging strategic and organizational issues. Sometimes organizations join IOS initiatives although it seems to weaken their competitive position. This paper analyzes, in retrospect, the fully automated Tel-Aviv Continuous Trading system (TACT) implemented by the Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) and it ...
Interorganizational system (IOS), information systems adoption, information systems implementation, organizational feasibility, strategic value, electronic stock exchange, Theory of Constraints (TOC).
Andrzej Malachowski
The phenomenal success and popularity of a new Polish social networking portal (Our Class) is discussed. Essentials information on the portal, its functions and usability features are presented, together with an overview of technological platform employed. Statistical data is provided where appropriate to illustrate the phenomenon under study. The study attempts to provide a model m ...
social network site, virtual community, model of e-business
Wole Olatokun, Louisa Igbinedion
This study tested the attributes of the theory of diffusion of innovation empirically, using Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) as the target innovation. The study was situated in Jos, Plateau state, Nigeria. The population comprised banks customers in Jos who used ATMs. The sampling frame technique was applied, and 14 banks that had deployed ATMs were selected. Cluster sampling was employed to sele ...
Adoption, Automatic Teller Machine (ATM), Banks, Diffusion of Innovation, Nigeria
Kevin Parker, Philip Nitse, Albert Tay
The number of Internet purchases continues to increase, making customer relationship management even more critical in today’s Internet marketplace. Keeping existing customers satisfied is much more cost effective than acquiring new customers. However, the Internet has been plagued by inaccurate color representation since the advent of e-commerce. Color inaccuracy has many negative consequences, th ...
Customer relationship management (CRM), e-CRM, online customer retention, e-satisfaction, online customer satisfaction, visual merchandising, product presentation, e-tailing.
Terry Smith, Richard Spiers
Numerous studies have examined and predicted the usage of e-commerce Web sites using the Technology Acceptance Model and its primary constructs of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. Smith (2008) conducted an empirical study of four e-commerce Web sites with participation from a unique and often understudied segment of the population - the senior generation. In addition, he called for ...
Technology Acceptance Model, Web site usability, E-commerce, Senior generation, Net generation
Olufunke Vincent, Olusegun Folorunso, Ayodele Akinde
Adverts are used to make services and products known to its likely users or consumers in a very easy and dynamic way. These have become one major medium which business, organization or establishment could function effectively in a competitive environment. Manufacturers and organizations use adverts as a means of reaching their intending customers, as regards the goods and services they make availa ...
Static Agents, Advert Placement, Broadcasting Station, E-commerce and Mobile Agents.
Weijun Zheng
A vertical electronic marketplace (EM) is an inter-organizational intermediary within a single industry that enables participating buyers and sellers to exchange information about price and product offerings and to cooperate on commodity exchange. Using a Relational View (RV) perspective, this paper develops theoretical arguments that explain the impact of ownership on the likelihood of vEM surviv ...
B2B electronic marketplace, ownership model, relational view
Philip Jegede
The study examines the nature and impact of ICT trainings received by teacher educators in Southwestern Nigeria teacher training institutions. Four hundred and sixty nine teacher educators participated in the study by responding to three research instruments. The instruments enquired information on ICT training background, competence and use level of teacher educators. Data were analyzed using des ...
ICT , Assessment /Training
Frank Kurzel
In this paper, we report on a longitudinal study into instruction in a technology based course directed at the creation of multimedia applications. Students come from both the Computing and Media Arts areas and group project work has been the main assessment strategy employed. A metric referred to as the Difficulty was arrived at through a factor analysis of questionnaire data. This metric has bee ...
Instruction, instructional methodologies, constructivist environments, project based learning, peer assessment, peer review.
Jacobus van der Walt, Albertus Buitendag, Jannie Zaaiman, J. C. Jansen van Vuuren
A Living Lab is a new way to deal with community-driven innovation in real-life contexts. The Living Lab concept is fuelled by knowledge sharing, collaboration and experimenting in open real environments. This research explores the sustainable development of community Living Labs within a South African context. The members of rural communities need sustainable development support in order to creat ...
Living labs, Value Chains, Collaboration, Systems Thinking
Robert Joseph Skovira
The paper presents a rubric to be used in evaluating student’s efforts in a course whose subject matter is four framing conceptions: global, economic, social cultural, and ethical. The course is a requirement for an ABET accredited program. These are given as the grounds for constructing the rubric. The paper also reports on the course’s practices: reports.
assessment, rubric, global, economic, social cultural, and ethical framing conceptions, critical thinking.
Abdallah Tubaishat, Azzedine Lansari, Akram Al-Rawi
Currently colleges and universities are facing a number of problems, including ill designed curricula that do not address demands from the job market. There is also tremendous pressure from society on academic institutions to provide an education that results in guaranteed employment, especially given the soaring price of higher education. Currently, a number of academic institutions are facing th ...
e-portfolios, e-portfolio assessment system, outcome-based educational model, IT curriculum.
Shouhong Wang
E-portfolios have been widely used in the education community. Currently, e-portfolios are viewed mostly as a tool of assessment and showcase, but less as a tool of active learning. This paper proposes an ontological model that specifies a generic organizational structure of e-portfolios in the integrated reflection context. An example of design artifact of ontology of e-portfolios is used to illu ...
E-portfolios, integrated reflection, learning object, ontology, design research.
Gary DeLorenzo, Frederick Kohun, Vladimir Burcik, Alzbeta Belanova, Robert Skovira
It has been argued that culture effects how individuals implement, understand, live, and do business within a defined political, organizational, and ethnic environment. This essay presents a context for analyzing possible cultural shifts based on Hofstede and Hofstede’s conception that a society’s culture constituted in and presented in individuals’ views and routines determines an identifiable cu ...
globalization and change, global education, organizational cultural, Hofstede, cultural patterns, business education
Michelle W. L. Fong
This research paper assesses the impact of ICTs (which includes the Internet, mobile phone, pager, personal computer, and telephone) on Gross National Income (GNI) per capita in developing countries in 2005. It found a significant relationship between GNI per capita (in PPP international dollar) and adoption of each ICT (mobile phone, personal computer, and telephone) but not for Internet technolo ...
Economic growth, economic development, Internet, mobile phone, personal computer, telephone, and challenges.
Wole Olatokun
This paper presents disaggregated survey data on ICT ownership, access to public ICT facilities, capabilities and actual use of ICTs in two locations in a Nigerian municipality. The study analysed socio-demographic differences in access and use of ICTs using Sen’s capability approach. Survey research approach was adopted. The locations were a rural and an urban community. The population of the stu ...
Access, Capability Approach, Digital divide Information and Communication Technologies, Socio-demographic differences, Use, Nigeria
Raafat Saade, Fassil Nebebe, Tak Mak
There are relatively few empirical studies that examine cultural differences in students’ beliefs and use of web-based learning systems. Asian and Western countries have different systems of thought which are rooted in their respective national culture. Although there are a number of theories to explain individuals’ behavior within different cultures, there are few that focused on web-based learni ...
Web-based Learning System, Extrinsic Motivation, Intentions, China, Intrinsic Motivation, Enjoyment, Moderating, Mediating
Chakkrit Snae, Michael Brueckner
Since antiquity names have been very important to people. Naming from the past to the present has been continuously developed and has evolved into a variety of patterns. Each pattern has its own rules depending on local belief and language that has been developed until the present. In many cultures naming is not only important because every individual needs to have a name but have helpful names or ...
Thai naming system, statistical ontology, rule based system, phonetic algorithm
Liisa von Hellens, Kaylene Clayton, Jenine Beekhuyzen, Sue Nielsen
This paper reports on an exploratory investigation of the perceptions of information and communication technology (ICT) as a field of study and work in German secondary schools. A total of 160 students from five secondary schools in Lower Saxony participated in the study in February 2007, and four teachers of the students were interviewed. The investigation is part of the research carried out by t ...
Information and communication technology (ICT) education, perceptions of ICT careers, secondary school students, secondary school teachers, gender in ICT education, crosscultural comparison, German schools, Australian schools.
Malik Sikander Hayat Khiyal, Aihab Khan, Amna Bibi
With the repaid advancement of computer technology, the use of computer-based technologies is increasing in different fields of life. Image segmentation is an important problem in different fields of image processing and computer vision. Image segmentation is the process of dividing images according to its characteristic e.g., color and objects present in the images. Different methods are presente ...
image processing, segmentation, watershed transformation.
Vijayalakshmi S., Prabu D.
This paper proposes and evaluates a new framework for website image manipulation and its protection using ASP.NET framework in watermarking technique. The proposed framework shows how to protect the valuable website images from the unauthorized users and to preserve web server’s bandwidth by preventing other unauthorized websites from directly linking to the images of the authorized web server. Th ...
Watermarking, Authentication, Image manipulation, Meta data
Olufunke Vincent, Olusegun Folorunso
Image edge detection is a process of locating the edge of an image which is important in finding the approximate absolute gradient magnitude at each point I of an input grayscale image. The problem of getting an appropriate absolute gradient magnitude for edges lies in the method used. The Sobel operator performs a 2-D spatial gradient measurement on images. Transferring a 2-D pixel array into sta ...
Image Processing, Edge Detection, Sobel Operator, Data Communication and Absolute Gradient Magnitude.
Azad Ali
The purpose of this paper is to develop a conceptual model for learning to program in entry level programming courses. The intended model is aimed at providing a framework to simplify learning to program at beginner or entry level programming courses. Learning to program is considered to be a difficult task to many students and it has been attributed to the continuous decline in enrollment in tech ...
Introduction to Programming, Programming Conceptual Model, difficulty learning programming, entry level programming, beginner programming courses.
Nicole Buzzetto-More, Bryant Mitchell
Computer simulations have implications across disciplines and with learners at all levels. By requiring learners to develop and apply knowledge and skills in interactive changing environments, they encourage deeper levels of learning. Additionally, simulations have been shown to be particularly effective at teaching complicated concepts that depend on the ability to understand interrelationships, ...
Simulations, project-based learning, capstone, minority learners
Kevin Floyd, Susan Harrington, Julie Santiago
This study investigated the relationships among perceived course value, student engagement, deep learning strategies, and surface learning strategies. The study relied on constructs from previous studies to measure course value, engagement, surface learning strategy, and deep learning strategy. Statistically significant findings were observed between perceived course value, student engagement, and ...
learning styles, deep learning, surface learning, student engagement, course value, education (relevance)
Magdy Kabeil
The main purpose of this paper is to assess the role of management games in mapping students’ preferable learning styles to elements of business know-how acquisition in a specific environment. A management game is developed to cover five functional areas of a manufacturing company: marketing, research and development, human resources, production and inventory, and finance. Elements that advance th ...
Management Games; Business Simulation; Business Know-How Acquisition; Learning Styles; Business Education.
Hallgeir Nilsen
Pedagogic research has found that motivation, self-efficacy and value-expectancy are the most influencing factors on student academic behaviour (Bandura, 1997; Linnenbrink & Pintrich, 2002), which again are heavily influenced by how students experience success, confidence and well-being, lecturers motivation and enthusiasm, and how theory and practice is tied together. Universities will increase, ...
academic behavior, motivation, self-efficacy, expected-value, learning.
Sita Ramakrishnan
Software Engineering capstone projects have been running successfully since 2002 for the final year software engineering (SE) students of the Bachelor of Software Engineering (BSE) Program at Monash University, accredited by Engineers Australia and Australian Computer Society. Agile methods are being increasingly adopted in the industry. In this paper, we describe the objectives of SE capstone pro ...
software engineering, capstone projects, agile practices
Gary Senn
Online learning continues to be among the fastest-growing sectors of higher education. K-12 teachers and education professionals outside of the K-12 classroom are among the consumers taking interest in online learning. With many opportunities for technology-enriched learning, educators are becoming more interested in educational technology programs that will provide them with credentials necessary ...
Blended Learning, ELearning, Online learning, Web-based learning, Learner satisfaction, Student Perceptions, Faculty Effort.
Anne Venables, Grace Tan
Higher education programs need to prepare their graduates for the practical challenges they can expect to face upon entering the workforce. Students can be better prepared if their academic learning is reinforced through authentic workplace experience, where the link between theory and professional practice can be realized. Increasingly, such learning in the workplace is being seen as an integral ...
IT education, computing education, learning in the workplace, internship
Cornelia Brodahl, Bjorn Smestad
In this article, we describe the development of a classification system providing a framework for analysis of, and communication about, a subgroup of learning objects. The objects we consider are highly visual, animated, interactive, and mathematics-related, and we call them VaniMaps. Secondly, we discuss the use of the system. In the first phase, the development was based on literature studies an ...
classification, discussion, evaluation, learning object, mathematics, mathematics education, statements, taxonomy, teacher education, VaniMaps.
Namdar Mogharreban, Dave Guggenheim
Learning objects were to bring a seismic shift to the field of computer-based instruction by introducing transportability and reusability. Supposedly outfitted with the concepts taken from object-oriented (OO) design, learning objects have long promised dramatic savings of time and money in course and curricula development. However, they have failed to deliver the return on investment that seems a ...
Robert Skovira, Alex Koohang, Frederick Kohun, Richard Will
Harman & Koohang (2005) stated that a learning object “ .. is not merely a chunk of information packaged to be used in instructional settings. A learning object, therefore, can include anything that has pedagogical value - digital or non-digital such as a case study, a film, a simulation, an audio, a video, an animation, a graphic image, a map, a book, or a discussion board so long as the object c ...
informing objects, learning objects, Informing objects situations, dense Informing object, sparse informing object
Gholamreza Fadaie
In this article the author argues that LIS has suffered from lack of theoretical foundation. Recently many experts have tried to find a theoretical basis for the subject. Nevertheless they are not satisfied yet and they have not achieved to a consensus. The author argues that it is because they stood on a wrong foot. Content analysis is the main approach to this paper. The author believes that the ...
library and information science, information retrieval, theoretical foundation, meta science, information studies
Arun Kumar
One of the greatest challenges that academic and research libraries face today is to prepare the staff working in these organizations for the future. Preparation of library staff requires serious attention to the human resource programmes in libraries and consideration of the development needs and interests of staff at all levels, from at the top the University Librarian to the lowest level the Li ...
library, staff development
Kevin Johnson, Claire O Donnell, Kathleen Markey, Brian Lake
Health informatics is becoming increasingly important for healthcare professionals and strategies to promote health informatics development are becoming increasingly popular in undergraduate professional programmes. With this in mind, a blended or hybrid learning approach was piloted with an undergraduate BSc nursing module in the university. The aim of this pilot was to design, develop, implement ...
Blended, Learning, Technology Enhanced Learning, Perception, LMS, V ideo Recording, Teaching
Vangari Vishwa Mohan, Vahideh Zarea Gavgani
Information Communication Technology (ICT) has revolutionized the world communication order. People can be informed in more effective, efficient and convenient ways. Access to media has percolated to the grassroots. In spite of all such remarkable developments, whether ICT facilitates Science communication is a billion dollar question. Though information is freely and widely available by virtue of ...
health information, patient information needs, science communication, user preferences
Bozo Nikolic, Ljiljana Ruzic-Dimitrijevic
Risk assessment is a structured and systematic procedure, which is dependent upon the correct identification of hazards and an appropriate assessment of risks arising from them, with a view to making inter-risk comparisons for purposes of their control and avoidance. There are differences in the methodology used to conduct risk assessments. This paper presents some methodologies of risk management ...
risk assessment, information technology, risk management.
Olutayo Ajayi, Adebayo Akinde, AT Akinwale
As configuration of network services is faced with wide-spread deployment problems requiring considerable human efforts and involvement, Mobile Agent based Network Management System become a central concern. Moreover, the recent developments in the area of mobile agent based network management and ever improving Java Programming language have provided important tools for designing Secure Mobile Ag ...
Mobile Agent, Security, Protocol, Network Management, Aglet, SNMP
Oludele Awodele, Sunday Idowu, Omotola Anjorin, Vincent Joshua
Ignoring security threats can have serious consequences; therefore host machines in network must continually be monitored for intrusions since they are the final endpoint of any network. As a result, this paper presents an Intelligent Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (IIDPS), which monitors a single host system from three different layers; files analyzer, system resource and connection la ...
Intrusion, anomaly, signature, TCP/IP, ICMP
Martin Ehmke, Harri Forsgren, Kaj Grahn, Jonny Karlsson, Timo Karvi, Goran Pulkkis
Control signaling messages in Mobile IPv6 are mainly used to inform the home agent (HA) and the correspondent node (CN) about the mobile node’s (MN’s) new address when its network attachment point is changed. In order to prevent various security attacks, these messages must be protected. In the current standard, the control signaling messages between a HA and a MN are authenticated using IPSec, of ...
mobile IPv6, mobile networking, network security, identity based encryption, elliptic curve cryptography, key agreement protocol, Internet Key Exchange protocol, EAP, routing.
Adebukola Onashoga, Adebayo Akinde, Adesina Sodiya
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) is defined as a component that analyses system and user operations in computer and network systems in search of activities considered undesirable from security perspectives. Applying mobile agent (MA) to intrusion detection design is a recent development and it is aimed at effective intrusion detection in distributed environment. From the literature, it is clear t ...
IDS, Mobile Agents, Data Mining
Fjodor Ruzic
Since the information-communications systems lay on three interactive portions of infrastructure (network, information bases, devices/interfaces), the current Internet domination of Web 2.x will be finished very soon. The Internet as we are using today has to be changed. In particular, the next generation of Internet has to be more user friendly, information oriented and computerless interfaced. I ...
Information-Communications Systems, Internet, Web, Social Networks, Unified Communications
Adesina Sodiya, Adebukola Onashoga
Ensuring adequate security of information has been a growing concern of individuals and organizations. There is then the need to provide suitable access control mechanism for preventing insider abuses and ensuring appropriate use of resources. This paper presents an access control scheme that adopts the techniques of Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), Purpose-Based Access Control (PBAC), Time-Based ...
Security, Access Control, Resource Sensitivity, Insider Abuses, Privileges
Marguerite Barta
This paper explores whether students are customers, students, or both students and customers. The following are discussed: How do administrative members (deans, assistant deans, chairs, assistant chairs), full-time faculty, and adjunct faculty members within an online post-secondary learning institution perceive their students’ status within the organization? Are the students purely students, or a ...
student, customer
Nancy Inskeep, Bettie Hall
Common technical problems can overwhelm managers who lack basic technical experience. Many managers eschew technology projects due to their self-efficacy, or intrinsic beliefs about their ability to successfully solve specific tasks. Competitive organizations require managers who can not only take charge of problem situations involving technology without wasting limited resources, but also leverag ...
Efficacy beliefs; self-efficacy; business competencies; skills; career; technology; knowledge management; organizational learning; technical knowledge; individual learning; OTIS
Sharlett Gillard
As the field of research surrounding project management continues to grow, it is becoming more evident that success in the role of project manager cannot be attained with a technical skill set only. Project managers functioning within a matrix organizational structure and championing large-scale initiatives are in a communication paradigm unparalleled by any other management position. Excellent in ...
soft skills, project management, leadership.
Lakshmi Narasimhan, Prapanna Parthasarathy, Manik Lal Das
Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE) has shown significant prospects in rapid production of large software systems with enhanced quality, and emphasis on decomposition of the engineered systems into functional or logical components with well-defined interfaces used for communication across the components. In this paper, a series of metrics proposed by various researchers have been analyzed, ...
CBSE metrics, software integration, software reusability, software maintenance.
Nenad Stankovic, Tammam Tillo
Concurrent engineering or overlapping activities is a business strategy for schedule compression on large development projects. Design parameters and tasks from every aspect of a product’s development process and their interdependencies are overlapped and worked on in parallel. Concurrent engineering suffers from negative effects such as excessive rework and increased social and communication comp ...
architecture, concurrent engineering, software engineering, teamwork.
Eshaa Alkhalifa
The effectiveness of an informing system is based upon several factors that include the perceptual limitations of the person receiving the information. This paper examines the perceptual limitation of the amount of information that may be processed by the human cognitive system when this information is displayed in parallel through multiple windows. The experiments show that a sequential presentat ...
working memory limits, multimedia system design, computer based learning, perceptual limitations, student modeling
Antonio Cartelli
After a short overview of the results obtained by the use of information systems for teaching and research in paleography, the problem of the students’ access to information on the web is discussed. The difficulty students have in finding the “right” documents, among the ones freely available in the site of the “Materials for Latin paleography”, can be considered a particular branch of the broader ...
constructivist learning environment, online information system, socio-technical approach, teaching paradigm, web technologies
Ruti Gafni
Usability is one of the characteristics that compose the multi-dimension concept of information systems' quality. Technology improvements enable the building of information systems to be used "any place, any time", through mobile handheld devices and wireless networks. Usability is threatened by the use of mobile-wireless information systems, especially because of the use of small devices with tin ...
usability, information systems, mobile, wireless, quality.
Philip Jegede
The study examined ICT attitude, competence, and use pattern of teacher educators. It also examined the effect of age of educators on time used in interacting with ICT. Four hundred and sixty seven teacher educators from 10 teacher education institutions (5 colleges of education and 5 universities) participated in the study. Data were collected with the aid of four research instruments. Resulting ...
Age, Behaviour, ICT attitude, use pattern, Nigeria
Vladimir Jotsov
An emotion-aware method KALEIDOSCOPE is presented in the paper. It consists of a visualization approach, a method for information transfer-by-sense and applied approaches to maintain a natural-style dialog. The combination is purposed to provoke and keep positive emotions in the user and to maintain his interest in the problem. The main goal of this paper is to show how different machine-done visu ...
Education Systems, Information Technologies, Emotion-Aware Systems, Emerging User Informing Technologies, Intelligent System, Computational Discovery, Learning Formal Descriptions, Cognitive Psychology.
Raafat Saade, Dennis Kira
It has been reported that as many as fifty percent of adults, including first-year University students, have some sort of computer-related phobia. This report demonstrates that the use of computers still has some unpleasant side effects despite the Internet boom in the past decade. Past research shows that computer anxiety influences how users perceive ease of use of an information system. However ...
Online learning; Anxiety; Computer Self-Efficacy; Perceived ease of use
Michael Lane, Angela Howard, Srecko Howard
Energy consumption, the associated green house emissions has now caught the attention of mainstream organizations. Soon organizations will be required by legislation in many modern economies to report their contribution to green house emissions through their energy consumption. Office computing is a significant contributor to greenhouse emissions through electricity energy consumption. Until recen ...
Green IT, carbon footprint, greenhouse emissions, energy/power consumption, smart power blocks, instant-on systems.
Scott Mensch, Azad Ali
This paper details the experience of a particular department in integrating digital video games into a service learning project. The department of Technology Support and Training program (TST) within the Eberly College of Business and Information Technology (ECOBIT) at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) has taken the initiative to integrate service learning projects into their courses. Vario ...
Service learning, technology service projects, video game service projects
Syed Naqvi, Hafedh Al-Shihi
Information technology and communications have now become the main elements that move forward and help Oman in its national development process. Internet penetration in most developing countries like Oman is still low as oppose to mobiles dissemination, despite the government plans and strategies to enhance internet diffusion. Internet subscribers comprised about 2.5% of the general population of ...
Oman, e-government, m-government, technology adoption, success factors
Kirby McMaster, Samuel Sambasivam, Nicole Anderson
In a virtual memory system using demand paging, the page fault rate of a process varies with the number of memory frames allocated to the process. When an increase in the number of frames allocated leads to an increase in the number of page faults, Belady's anomaly is said to occur. In this study we used computer simulation to examine four conditions that affect the incidence of Belady's anomaly: ...
virtual memory, demand paging, Belady's anomaly, page fault, reference string, FIFO, Random Page.
Moshe Pelleh
In our world, where most systems become embedded systems, the approach of designing embedded systems is still frequently similar to the approach of designing organic systems (or not embedded systems). An organic system, like a personal computer or a work station, must be able to run any task submitted to it at any time (with certain constrains depending on the machine). Consequently, it must have ...
Computer architecture, Operating systems, Embedded systems, Scheduling.
Audra Lukaitis, Bill Davey
This paper proposes a method of assessing hotel web sites in a way that may allow prediction of first impressions of those web sites. A model is presented that combines the ideas of media frames as defined by Matthes and Kohring and work on first impressions by Kim and Fesenmaier. To obtain information regarding the utility of this model a small sample of older travelers’ first impressions was gat ...
web page evaluation, models of e-commerce, media frames, first impressions
Andrzej Malachowski, Paulina Przygrodzka
Results of own research and other studies on Polish women’s web portals are presented. The scope of research included primarily content analysis and the range of usability functions available on websites addressed to Polish women. A large part of the research covers women’s preference analysis in relation to content offered on websites. Statistical data illustrated the results. The results of this ...
women’s web portals, content analysis, usability functions.
Robert Mason, Timothy Ellis
The purpose of this discussion paper is to examine approaches for extending the ADL SCORM standard with additional metadata based on ADL approved methods. An introduction to the ADL SCORM standard is presented followed by a description of the SCORM components. Examples of how SCORM is lacking LOM in the areas pedagogy, adaptive learning and learning assessment data are then discussed. According to ...
SCORM, Learning Objects (LO), Learning Object Metadata (LOM), XML

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