Conference Proceedings
Volume , 2017
proceedings, InSITE, conference, informing science, IT education
i - iii
Aim/Purpose: This study aims to investigate various characteristics from both victims as defaced websites and defacers that linked to a risk of being defaced through a set of descriptive analysis.
Background: The current figures from a spectrum of sources, both academic and non-academic reports, proved a progressive increase of website defacement attacks to numerous organisations.
Methodolog ...
defacement, re-defacement, entertainment and defacer
1 - 9
Aim/Purpose: To measure the change in team skills resulting from team projects in professional and graduate school courses, a pilot study was conducted among students in two courses in a graduate school of business and one in the pharmacy school of the same institution of higher learning. This pilot study evaluated (a) students receiving training and practice in working as part of a classroom tea ...
team skills, pharmacy education, business education, multi-disciplinary collaboration
11 - 20
Aim/Purpose: In adolescents’ cyberethics education, case-based discussion, debate and role-playing are commonly used instructional strategies to engage students in critical dialogues in an open setting. However, the open setting is entirely different from the private and individual environment when adolescents go online. Teachers are in a position of higher power and peers’ observation provokes ...
cyberethics, adolescent, self-presentation, self-knowledge, self-awareness, self-assessment, pressure-free, information ethics, information security, privacy, intellectual property, netiquette
21 - 22
Aim/Purpose: The aim of this paper is analysis of applicants for study at the University of Economics, Prague (UEP) that are coming from foreign countries. The second aim is to learn the graduation rate of foreign students.
Background: Knowledge about applicants results are important for changing entrance exams according to the changing situation in high school education systems and according ...
mathematics, English, economic study applicants, Vietnamese students, Russian students, entrance exams
23 - 37
Aim/Purpose: During an evolutionary time for Iran the purpose of this research study was to establish the outsourcing best practices in the area of supply chain by investigating in the construction firms in Iran, which is identified as the most successful industry in outsourcing.
Background: Clarifying outsourcing decisions have been a difficult and challenging task because the outsourcing its ...
outsourcing, decision making, supply chain management, construction, Iran
39 - 50
This paper outlines two different methods of peer assessment used in team projects at Newcastle University. One of them requires team agreement, whilst the other allows students to assess each other anonymously. Our results show that students are not convinced about the validity and fairness of either approach, and this illustrates that we need to do more work on teaching them how to assess fairl ...
software engineering, peer assessment, contribution matrices, team projects
51 - 62
Aim/Purpose: This paper proposes to bridge transdisciplinary team characteristics with the study of communication in teams. It proposes the question “”what does the systematic study of transdisciplinary teams tell us about communication?” This paper addresses (1) a typology of transdisciplinary teams for observation and analysis; (2) features of communication within transdisciplinary teams; and (3 ...
transdisciplinarity, teams, features, characteristics, communication
63 - 64
Aim/Purpose: Inconsistent findings on the effect of various determinants of cyber security behaviour emphasise the need for further understanding of the applicability of compliance theories. The paper provides a critical review of determinants of users’ cyber security behaviour and establishes directions for future research.
Background: Cyber security behaviour has been studied using a range of b ...
security compliance, theory of planned behaviour, protection motivation theory, rational choice theory, general deterrence theory
65 - 76
Aim/Purpose: In many public and academic libraries, ebooks are being pushed on users mainly due to budgetary and space needs even though readers are still showing a strong preference for print books.
Background: Many librarians are focusing on how to get readers to use ebooks when they really should be considering how ebooks fit into learning, whether formal or self-learning, and the preferences ...
books, ebooks, textbooks, user preferences
77 - 83
Aim/Purpose: Development of a conceptual model linking early class preparation to improve class participation and performance.
Background: Class preparation and class participation are precursors for the students’ performance.
Methodology: Literature review.
Findings: In a student-centered class environment, class preparation remains essential for the successful collaboration and partic ...
class preparation, class participation, conceptual model, grade performance, active learning, flipped-classroom
85 - 95
Aim/Purpose: This research critically reviews literature examining the prior empirical and case study research studies to help educators and to shape the conceptual framework of what and how to prepare for MOOCS (Massive Open Online Courses), especially in Vietnam, SouthEast Asia, and developing countries.
Background: MOOCs are a disruptive trend in education. Several initiatives have emerged r ...
MOOCS, eLearning, online education, constrain of MOOCs, MOOCS frame-work, Vietnam Higher Education
97 - 115
Aim/Purpose: This case study examines the last-mile logistics model as implemented by Lazada Vietnam, as well as the logistics challenges in the local business environment that led the e-commerce company to dually employ the inventory/retail model and the marketplace model for delivering orders to online customers in Vietnam in search of the way to perfect their last-mile logistics.
Background: ...
last-mile logistics, Lazada Vietnam, Lazada Group, retail/inventory model, mar-ketplace model, Vietnam e-commerce, discussion case
117 - 126
Aim/Purpose: The study focuses on how 107 third and fourth year college students use social networking sites to communicate, to coordinate activities, and to collaborate with family members, classmates, and friends.
Background This research study looks at the students’ social networking site usage patterns, their frequency of use, online social behavior as well as awareness of risks relating to ...
social media; social networking site; cyberbullying; online interaction
127 - 137
Aim/Purpose: Using United Nations as the backdrop, this article present a theory-based conceptual model. The results of this empirical study also identify the most influence factors to the success of change management to the United Nations.
Background: In 2000, the issue of management reform started taking center stage in the United Nations, and change efforts were presented to various govern ...
change management, United Nation context, integration, theory of change, integrated management model
139 - 145
Aim/Purpose: To investigate the state of anxiety and associated expected performance in online courses at the undergraduate level.
Background: Online courses continue to increase dramatically. Computer related anxieties remain an important issue, and, in this context, it has evolved to online learning anxieties with deeper psychological states involved. Consequently, performance is compromised ...
anxiety, elearning, performance, online, gender, age
147 - 157
Aim/Purpose: How to spread an anti-littering message amongst Vietnamese youth.
Background: We outline the design of a mobile game aimed at educating the target audience on the value of not littering.
Methodology : We use key theory from the literature to inform the design of the game.
Contribution: This paper outlines an approach to education that could provide value in re-conceptualizing ...
mobile learning, serious games, Vietnam
159 - 169
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this study is to shed light on how students learn within an environment tailored to knowledge creation.
Background: We build on Nonaka, Toyama, and Konno’s three key elements: SECI model, Ba, Leadership as well as current knowledge management researchers critiques and improvements.
Methodology: Based on an introductory marketing course, we used an in-house web ...
immersive learning, collaborative learning, marketing
171 - 182
Aim/Purpose: We introduce interactive and collaborative learning tools into a “traditional” finance course and collect feedback from the students concerning satisfaction, engagement, and overall learning. The aim is to show that collaborative learning methods have a place in finance academia.
Background: Finance education still relies on the traditional education model. We implement a collabora ...
peer-to-peer, collaborative learning, online education, hybrid education, finance education, student opinion
183 - 189
Aim/Purpose: A grounded research study to understand ERP implementation failure. This study was done in a United Nations agency.
Background: An organization mid-size ERP system (AGRESSO) was implemented over a period of 6 years in a United Nations agency, under conditions of political pressures and limited budget.
Methodology : Observations and quasi-structured interview method was used to ...
ERP, United Nations, implementation, success factors
191 - 200
Aim/Purpose: This study investigates effects of natural catastrophes on the cost of sovereign debt in developing countries and discusses MNC financing strategies.
Background: Over the last decades, natural disasters have increased in both number and severity. The combination of higher event frequency and intensity, coupled with fragile economic conditions in emerging market countries, may affe ...
natural disasters, location choice, multinational corporations, international strategy
201 - 225
Aim/Purpose: It appears that humans can become mal-informed and often consciously or subconsciously resist revising their mal-informed perspectives.
Background: We need to apply behavioral and/or cognitive psychological approaches rather than traditional “educational” approaches.
Methodology: Literature review
Contribution: Suggests revising research focus to affective rather than cognit ...
malinformation, information resistance, decision-making
227 - 229
Aim/Purpose: Awareness of eSafety and potential online dangers for children and teenagers.
Background: The study examined eSafety among children and teenagers from their own perspectives, through evaluations of their awareness level of eSafety and of potential online dangers.
Methodology: This is a mixed-method study with both quantitative and qualitative elements. The study includes questi ...
Internet, children, teenagers, eSafety, cyberbullying
901 - 902
Aim/Purpose: This study examines how the use of a Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) application influences the learners' attitudes towards the process of learning, in voluntary and mandatory environments.
Background: Mobile devices and applications, which have become an integral part of our lives, are used for different purposes, including educational objectives. Among others, they are u ...
Mobile applications, foreign languages, MALL, Mobile Assisted Language Learn-ing, m-learning, gamification
903 - 904
Aim/Purpose: Since the late 1980s the Indian monopoly on the export of Cardamom has suffered a sharp and devastating setback from which India cannot recover. The research is looking into the reasons and suggests remedies.
Background: The main problems are the competition from Guatemala, higher production costs, an increasing domestic demand, the lack of action from the Spices Board of India
cardamom, global marketing, Guatemala threat, Spices Board of India, export market
905 - 906
Aim/Purpose: This paper seeks to show how University of South Africa (UNISA) is using technology to connect lecturers, tutors and students of [UNISA] in an underdeveloped region in South Africa (SA) to reduce cost and time of travelling to access information, tutorials and help [available] in designated centers, hence making quality and higher education more accessible and less costly.
Backgro ...
higher education, technology, underdeveloped
907 - 908
This paper is a review of the progress of the Vietnam socio-economic and development plans, and an assessment of the extent to which Vietnam is putting in place the critical social and economic development structures that will enable it to reach the status of “developed nation” in the time set (2020) by its national strategic plan. The research will identify and review trade patterns, trade poli ...
developing nation, trade, terms, patterns, preferences, development and policy, foreign aid, import substitution, export-led growth
909 - 910
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology]
Aim/Purpose : Executive doctoral programs in higher education are under-researched. Scholars, administers, and students should be aware of all common delivery methods for higher education graduate programs.
Background: This paper provides a review and analysis of executi ...
higher education, executive, graduate programs
Can Learners Become Teachers? Evaluating the Merits of Student Generated Content and Peer Assessment
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology]
Aim/Purpose : The aim of this project was to explore student perceptions of the value of both the creation of video content and exposure to other students’ work though peer assessment and inclusion of exemplars as unit materia
Background: The research was in a first year i ...
student generated, peer review, flipped learning, peer assessment
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology]
Aim/Purpose : The uptake of university by regional students has been problematic for various reasons. This paper discusses a program, initiated by a South Australian regional university campus, aimed at attracting regional students into higher education.
Background: A qual ...
university participation, increasing university aspirations, Year 10 students, regional university experience
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology]
Aim/Purpose: Despite millions of apps on the market, it is still challenging to develop a mobile app that can run across platforms using the same code.
Background: This paper explores a potential solution for developing cross platform apps by presenting the hybrid app a ...
hybrid apps, mobile app development, cross-platform web app, Ionic framework
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology]
Aim/Purpose: In today’s changing economy, economic growth depends on career and technical programs for skill training.
Background: This study discusses the key area in promoting individual learning and skill training and discusses the importance of career education and t ...
workforce development, technology, unemployment and employment growth, labor force, education and job training, economic growth and instructional technology
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology]
Aim/Purpose: Share research finding about ransomware, depict the ransomware work in a format that commonly used by researchers and practitioners and illustrate personal case experience in dealing with ransomware.
Background: Author was hit with Ransomware, suffered a lot ...
Ransomware, Malware, Crypto 3, Crypto 4, Computer ransom
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology]
Aim/Purpose: This study was designed to examine the effectiveness of mentor’s work with immigrant children and adolescents at risk, using the Elements Way.
Background: The New Media offers our “screen kids” a lot of information, many behavioral models, and a new type of s ...
screen kids, empowering, new media, immigrant children, children at risk, mentors, the Elements Way
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology]
Aim/Purpose: Assess the affordances and constraints of SimReal+ in teacher education
Background: There is a huge interest in visualizations in mathematics education, but there is little empirical support for their use in educational settings
Methodology: Single case s ...
pedagogical affordances, technological affordances, SimReal+, visualization tool
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology]
Aim/Purpose : To understand the change of entrepreneurial initiatives by analysing some new initiatives that came up the last years based on IT enabled business models
Background: The theme is described from an educational perspective by offering examples of successful ent ...
entrepreneurial initiatives, case study, customer experiences, knowledge society
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology]
Aim/Purpose : Governments, private business, and academia have become increasingly aware of the importance of collaboration in multi-stakeholder, multicultural environments. This is due to the globalization and (developing) mutual relationships with other global partners, du ...
cultural communication, stakeholder theory, cultural competence
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology]
Aim/Purpose : This paper aims to describe how various Kanban elements can help alleviate two prominent types of challenges, communication and collaboration in Global Software Development (GSD).
Background: Iterative and Lean development methodologies like Kanban have gain ...
Kanban, lean software development, global software development, communication challenges, collaboration challenges
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology]
Aim/Purpose: This article examines how learning activities draw on resources in the work context to learn.
Background: The background is that if knowledge no longer is seen mainly as objects, but processes, how then to understand boundary objects? Our field study of lear ...
learning in organizations, network of practice, sense making, learning as prac-tice. boundary objects
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Skills and Lifelong Learning (IJELL)]
Aim/Purpose : To develop a framework for utilizing Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) to assist non-native English migrant women to acquire English vocabulary in a non-formal learning setting.
Background: The women in this study migrated to Australia with vari ...
MALL, migrant women, vocabulary, tablet, language app
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Skills and Lifelong Learning (IJELL)]
Aim/Purpose: The research investigates the impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on Iranian refugees’ settlement in Australia.
Background: The study identifies the issues of settlement, such as language, cultural and social differences.
Metho ...
e-Skills, ICT, settlement, refugees
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Skills and Lifelong Learning (IJELL)]
Aim/Purpose: Students face many challenges improving their soft skills such as critical thinking. This paper offers one possible solution to this problem.
Background: This paper considers one method of enhancing critical thinking through a problem-solving game called ...
Games, game based learning, critical thinking, problem solving, learning outcomes
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Skills and Lifelong Learning (IJELL)]
Aim/Purpose: The teaching solution presented in this paper was implemented to overcome the common problems encountered by authors during years of practice of applied business studies teaching.
Background: In our school, we have deep multicultural environments where b ...
case study visualization, Pacific storytelling tradition, teaching methodology, computers in teaching, knowledge transfer, knowledge representation.
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management (IJIKM)]
Aim/Purpose: Unified Communications (UC) is touted as a technology that will transform business communication. While positive claims abound, the factors of UC attributable to its success have yet to be identified. By examining how users perceive UC impacts prod ...
Unified Communications (UC), business communications, communications channels, perceived productivity
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in Informing Science: the International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline (InfoSci)]
Aim/Purpose: We establish a conceptually rigorous definition for the widely used but loosely defined term “fitness”. We then tie this definition to complexity, highlighting a number of important implications for the informing science transdiscipline.
Bac ...
fitness, complexity, rugged landscapes, punctuated equilibrium, informing
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in Informing Science: the International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline (InfoSci)]
Aim/Purpose: Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) has been envisaged as a crucial tool for the growing creative class of knowledge workers, but adequate technological solutions have not been forthcoming.
Background: Based on former affordance-related pu ...
Personal Knowledge Management (PKM), Design Science Research (DSR), Informing Science (IS), Knowledge Worker, Affordances, Path Dependency, Fixations, Digital Ecosystems, Memes, Memex, Knowcations
Aim/Purpose: [This Proceedings paper was revised and published in Informing Science: the International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline (InfoSci)]
To develop and introduce a questionnaire that investigates the informing needs, information-seeking behavior, and supplier selection of procurement officers in Israel. The questionnaire’s internal consistency reliability is given. Additionally, ...
procurement, information needs, e-procurement, Israel
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in Informing Science: the International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline (InfoSci)]
Aim/Purpose: Sharing ideas generated in a Business Intelligence (BI) Applications class to upgrade an Information System in to an Informing System.
Background: Course Registration is the essential university’s business process in a university that follo ...
information systems, informing systems, business intelligence, analytics, course registration
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in Informing Science: the International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline (InfoSci)]
Aim/Purpose: The main aim of the research is to examine the performance of second language English speaking students enrolled in the Business Statistics course and to investigate the academic performance of students when taught under the constructivist and ...
business statistics, constructivist approach, second language English speakers, student motivation, academic performance
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in Informing Science: the International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline (InfoSci)]
Aim/Purpose: An important objective of any firm is escalation of its performance and the achievement of competitive advantages. Supply chain agility plays a prominent role to enhance the level of firm’s performance. Moreover, information technology (IT) pla ...
IT integration, supply chain agility, market performance
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in Informing Science: the International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline (InfoSci)]
Aim/Purpose: Information Technology students’ learning outcomes improve when teaching methodology moves away from didactic behaviorist-based pedagogy toward a more heuristic constructivist-based version of andragogy.
Background: There is a distinctive di ...
learning outcomes, pedagogy, andragogy, behaviorism, constructivism, learning theory, instructional strategy