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Conference Proceedings

Volume , 2018

Eli Cohen
Table of Contents: Proceedings of the 2018 InSITE Conference
proceedings, InSITE, conference, informing science, IT education
.i - iii
Ashish K Das, Quynh Thi Nguyen, An Nguyen, Susan Thomas
Aim/Purpose: This study aims to provide a description of how flipped classroom was designed in the Business Computing (BC) course in order to adapt with the changes in the Vietnamese students’ learning needs, as well as social and technological developments that disrupt student’ behaviours and living styles. Background: The flipped classroom (FC) model is widely implemented, especially in the Eng ...
flipped classroom, learning styles, design thinking and student centric learning
1 - 11
Jorge Pérez, Meg Coffin Murray
Aim/Purpose: This paper introduces DigLit Score, an indicator of the extent to which educational institutions identify, assess, and amplify student digital literacy. Background: Digital literacy has garnered considerable attention of late among scholars, leaders, and journalists. Nonetheless, institutions of higher education have been slow to define, assess, and amplify digital literacy on par wi ...
digital literacy, technology, curriculum, assessment, student learning
13 - 20
Rimvydas Skyrius, Svetlana Nemitko
Aim/Purpose: This paper attempts an inquiry into some Business intelligence (BI) implementation challenges related to human factors, and uses empirical survey data to test how the required BI coverage relates to perceived level of BI culture through such important human factors in BI as information sharing. Background: Business intelligence adoption already has a formidable body of experience, ye ...
business intelligence, business intelligence culture, information and insight sharing
21 - 34
Ruti Gafni, Nim Dvir
Aim/Purpose: This paper describes an empirical investigation on how consumer behavior is influenced by the volume of content on a commercial landing page -- a stand-alone web page designed to collect user data (in this case the user’s e-mail address), a behavior called “conversion.” Background: Content is a term commonly used to describe the information made available by a website or other elect ...
content, landing pages, content strategy, impression-management, decision-making, human-computer interaction, engagement, ‎a/b testing, ‎e-commerce, ‎marketing
35 - 53
N Bruce Walton
Aim/Purpose: Explore the benefits of participating in competitive endurance sports. Beyond the obvious health and social benefits, endurance competitions offer significant psycho/social growth that translates into more a more effective professional life. Background: Utilizes triadic agentic theory to explain the transference of learning from di-vergent experiences. Methodology: Mixed method usi ...
endurance, competition, agentic learning, work engagement, problem focused coping, emotion focused coping
55 - 64
Andrew J. Zaliwski, Karishma Kelsey
Aim/Purpose: In our previous paper, we have proposed a methodology to deliver an applied business course to the multicultural audience having in mind embedding into the course cultural sensitivity and create a safe place for multicultural students to use own cultural metaphors in a learning place. We have proposed a fusion of ancient storytelling tradition creating an overall context for the teach ...
digital inclusion, case teaching, visual knowledge transfer, visualization of busi-ness thinking
65 - 78
Dennis Kira, Fassil Nebebe, Raafat George Saadé
Aim/Purpose: To investigate anxiety in online courses and its relationship with overall online courses satisfaction as it may vary with online courses experience. Background: Delivering online courses in higher education institutions continue to increase. Anxieties seem to be persistent. Although there are many technology and internet related anxieties studies, online courses anxieties are relati ...
anxiety, eLearning, satisfaction, online, experience
79 - 88
Helen Emasealu, Susan Nnadozie Umeozor
Aim/Purpose: This paper, explored features of popular social media in promoting research activities for successful integration of information services on social media platforms. Background: Leisure, in the early days, was more aligned with reading and research activities and enjoyed a long term monopoly until the advent of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). The society milieu is n ...
social media, communication, networking, librarians, research and academic activities
89 - 101
Christine M Cunningham
Aim/Purpose: This paper addressed the topics of sustainable agronomy, aquaculture, hydroponics and soil monitoring methods that show how to move towards a repairing mode and bioremediation in many locations across the globe. Background: Sixty percent of the world’s major terrestrial ecosystems are being degraded; the human ecological footprint is spreading across the globe. The major human impact ...
biotechnology, agbiotech, bio monitoring, sustainable urban & rural farming methods, hydroponics, aquaponics, endemic & keystone species, biodiversity, Biomonapp, sustainable corporate responsibility, CEA, RAS, emerging technologies, eco-friendly, phytoremediation, green biochemistry
103 - 126
Michael Jones, Yoke Berry, Irit Alony
Aim/Purpose: In many OECD countries, emergency response relies on volunteers, and while emergency incidents are increasing, volunteer numbers are declining. Volunteer turnover occurs at various stages of the volunteering life cycle (i.e., recruitment, training, socialisation, performance, and retirement), the socialisation stage has the greatest impact on organisations, as it occurs after the allo ...
volunteer retention, volunteer turnover, volunteering life cycle, socialisation, grounded theory
127 - 128
Nitza Geri
Aim/Purpose: Contemporary organizations and business models challenge traditional performance measures. Some of these measures may not be relevant, and all of them may not be appropriate for measuring some of the critical factors that organizations should focus on in the current business environment. Background: This research-in-progress examines the relevance of traditional performance mea ...
performance measurement, management accounting, Theory of Constraints (TOC), attention economy, cost accounting, value creation, financial statement analysis
129 - 130
Mina Richards
Aim/Purpose: This presentation will discuss how mobile devices are used to keep children busy and entertained during child care activities. Mobile devices are considered the 21st “Century Nanny” since parents and caregivers use those tools to engage children’s attention for indefinite periods of time. Research background on touch screen devices and children’s age groups are presented to map age to ...
mobile devices, children age groups, mobile apps, parenting
131 - 135
Yingxia Cao, Haya Ajjan, Richard Hartshorne
Aim/Purpose: This study intends to find out how the ‘Big Five’ personality factors (openness, agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, and neuroticism) impact on college students’ Facebook use (hedonic, sociability, and compulsive use) and whether GPA has a moderating effect on such use. Background: For college students, their favorite way of Facebook use may turn out to be predetermined ...
personality trait, Facebook use, hedonic use, sociability, and compulsive use
137 - 139
Yingxia Cao
Aim/Purpose: This study focuses on the role of personality in online shopping through analyzing its relationship with customer reported shopping outcomes and their satisfaction. Background: Customer satisfaction and outcomes in online shopping have been well-documented. From different perspectives, past research has analysed factors related to customer satisfaction, and to outcomes to a lesser e ...
online shopping, consumer interface, personality traits
141 - 144
Anil Gurung
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that may lead to adopting mobile commerce in a developing country in South Asia. Background: Access to information is key for communication and for controlling our environment to improve our lives. The growth of mobile phones and the internet technologies have greatly improved the access to information and encompassed the social ...
mobile commerce, mobile banking
Robert Allen Schultz
Aim/Purpose: To provide a summary of Technology vs. Ecology, especially outlining how a "wild animal" (aka hunter-gatherer) became the putative "master of the world" Background: Schultz is Professor Emeritus of Information Technology and has published numerous books and articles on: ethics and IT; ecology and IT; and database design Methodology: Standard research techniques utilizing material ...
modern technology, human development, human space, reverse temporalization, origin scenario
147 - 148
Sritharan Thambithurai
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2018 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 15] ABSTRACT Mathematics is fundamental to the study of Computer Science. In Sri Lankan state universities, students have been enrolled only from the Physical Science stream with minimum ‘C’ grade in Mathematics in the advanced level examination to d ...
theoretical Computer Science courses, academic performance, Discrete Mathematics
Jyothi Thalluri, Joy Penman
Aim/Purpose: [This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2018 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 15] The aim of this study was to concept test a novel instructional aid called Virtual Pathology Learning Resource (VPLR), which was used as a vehicle to communicate information, and enhance teaching and learning of basic sciences (Anatom ...
virtual learning, pathology, higher education, allied health science students, tissue specimens, case scenarios, medical radiation
Robert Thomas Mason
Aim/Purpose: [This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2018 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 15] This paper investigates the new technical skills that are needed for Data Engineering. Past research is compared to new research which creates a list of the 20 top tech-nical skills required by a Data Engineer. The growing availabilit ...
Data Engineering, Technical Skills, Data Science
Joseph K Mbugua, WATANYOO Suksa-ngiam
Aim/Purpose: [This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2018 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 15] Although cassava is one of the crops that can be grown during the dry season in Northeastern Thailand, most farmers in the region do not know whether the crop can grow in their specific areas because the available agriculture planning ...
Geospatial, Remote Sensing, Machine Learning, Suitability, Cassava Prediction
Boniface Kayode Alese, Olufunso Dayo Alowolodu, Olufunke Catherine Olayemi, Gabriel K Adelaja
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2018 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 15] Medical images are very sensitive data that are being transferred here and there either for referral cases or consultation. Since these images are very sensitive, they have to be kept securely. Since the advent of the internet, transferring of the ...
Medical, Quantum, Security, Cryptography
Selvarajah Mohanarajah
Aim/Purpose: [This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2018 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 15] The objective of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of educational games on learning computer programming. In particular, we are focusing on examining whether allowing the players to manipulate the underlying code of th ...
Educational Games, Game Based Learning, Learning Programming
Maor Weinberger, Dan Bouhnik
Aim/Purpose: [This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2018 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 15] In this exploratory study we investigate the influential factors of users' decisions in the dilemma whether to agree to online personalization or to protect their online privacy. Background: Various factors related to online privacy ...
Online privacy behavior, online personalization, privacy paradox, privacy concern, online privacy literacy, online privacy self-efficacy.
Andrew S Targowski, Henryk Krawczyk
Aim/Purpose: [This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2018 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 15] To monitor Sustainability Development Goals (SDG) established by the United Nations through the hierarchical architecture of informing systems Background: The paper discusses the case of Poland and its Gdansk region Methodology: The ...
Sustainability, Globalizing society, Sustainability Development Goals, informing systems, population bomb, ecological bomb, strategic resources depletion bomb.
Yahel Giat, Michael Dreyfuss
Aim/Purpose: [This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2018 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 15] This paper describes and information system for the maintenance and management of municipal lighting systems that also serves as a decision support tool for reducing power consumption on urban lighting. Background: Many municipalitie ...
Energy efficiency, municipal budget, integer programming, optimization
Ulrich Schmitt
Aim/Purpose: [This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2018 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 15] The proposed Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) for Empowerment (PKM4E) Framework expands on the notions of the Ignorance Map and Matrix for further supporting the educational concept of a PKM system-in-progress. Background: The acc ...
Personal Knowledge Management, Knowledge Management, Knowledge So-ciety, Creative Class, Knowledge Worker, Ignorance Matrix, Empowerment, Memes, Knowcations.
Josueth A Meza
Aim/Purpose: [This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2018 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 15] The purpose of this article is to establish the different impacts of technological changes in institutions generating irrevocable changes in today's society Background: Technological changes have had a positive impact on many aspects ...
Technological Changes, Electronic Government, Information and Communication Technology
Mathews Nkhoma, Clara A. Nkhoma, Long Tu Tu
Aim/Purpose: [This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2018 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 15] Authentic assessments offer students the opportunity to develop skills that implement the formal learning they receive in the classroom. Although there is a need for accounting graduates to possess a plethora of skills to equip them f ...
Reflective journals, critical thinking, accounting education, graduate-attributes, problem-based learning, work –integrated learning
Samuel Sambasivam, Kirby McMaster, Brian Rague, Stuart L Wolthuis
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2018 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 15] The primary objective of this research was to build an enhanced framework for Applied and Computational Math. This framework allows a variety of applied math concepts to be organized into a meaningful whole. The framework can help students grasp n ...
Framework, Applied Math, Computational Math, Data Science, concordance.
Thando Loliwe
Aim/Purpose: [This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2018 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 15] The objective of this study is to understand how the video lectures of the same length and content as the face-to-face lectures can be designed and implemented to have a positive effect on student performance; probably when the campus ...
Video lectures, organisation and design of the video lecture, quality of the video lecture and content, student performance, quasi-experimental design.
Yehia Mortagy, Seta Boghikian-Whitby
Aim/Purpose: [This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2018 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 15] Student dropout in higher education institutions is a universal problem. This study identifies the characteristics of dropout. In addition, it develops a mathematical model to predict students who may dropout. Background: This stu ...
Dropouts, Attrition, Persistence, Retention, Higher Education
Nicole A. Buzzetto-Hollywood, Hwei C wang, Magdi Elobeid, Muna E Elobaid
Aim/Purpose: [This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2018 issue of the Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning, Volume 14] The digital divide and educational inequalities remain a significant societal prob-lem in the United States impacting low income, first-generation, and minority learners. Accordingly, institutions of higher education are challenged to me ...
Digital divide, information literacy, first generation college students, technology readiness, HBCU, minority learners, technology assessment, digital literacy, under prepared students, IC3, computer skills, computer concepts course, computer education, generation z, computer skills assessment, UMES, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, SAM, Cengage, skills assessment management, Certiport, technological competency
Nicole A. Buzzetto-Hollywood, Ayodele Julius Alade
Aim/Purpose: [This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2018 issue of the Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning, Volume 14] This presentation presents the preliminary findings of a survey that sought to examine the technology uses, needs, interests, career goals, and professional expectations of Generation Z college students Background: Students entering col ...
Technology skills, career readiness, technological literacy, Generation Z, computer concepts course, computer education, computer skills assessment, UMES, minority learners, career and technology readiness, technology assessment, digital literacy, computer self-efficacy.
Valerie Mujinga Tshiani, Maureen Tanner
Aim/Purpose: [This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2018 issue of the Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning, Volume 14] The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of awareness, perceived benefits, types of data collected and perceived control on the privacy concerns of digital natives living in what is considered the smart city of Cape Town, ...
Smart Cities, Privacy Concerns, Digital Natives, South Africa
Boniface K Alese, Aderonke Favour-Bethy Thompson, Olufunso Dayo Alowolodu, Blessing Emmanuel Oladele
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2018 issue of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management, Volume 13] The wide use of online banking and technological advancement has attracted the interest of malicious and criminal users with more sophisticated form of attacks. Therefore, banks need to adapt their security systems to effectively stem threats ...
Multilevel-Security, Authentication, Soft-token, Cybercrime
Ewa Wanda Ziemba, Monika Eisenbardt
Aim/Purpose: [This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2018 issue of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management, Volume 13] The main purpose of this paper is to identify ways of consumers’ knowledge sharing with business and public organizations. Background: Contemporary consumers do not wish to be passive consumers anymore. They want to satisfy thei ...
Knowledge, knowledge sharing, prosumer, prosumption, consumer, customer knowledge sharing
Grandon Gill, Matthew Mullarkey, Ronald K. Satterfield
Aim/Purpose: [This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2018 issue of Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, Volume 21] Provides a theoretical model as to where we should source our information as the environment becomes more complex. Background: Develops a theoretical model built on extrinsic complexity and offers a conceptual scheme relatin ...
Extrinsic complexity, environment, informing sources, client, informer
Gila Cohen Zilka, Revital Cohen, Ilan Rahimi
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2018 issue of Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, Volume 17] Aim/Purpose: The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between teacher presence and social presence on one hand, and feelings of challenge and threat, self-efficacy, and motivation among students studying in virtual and blended courses on the ot ...
Teacher Presence, Social Presence, Challenge, Threat, Motivation, Self-efficacy, Virtual Course, Blended Course, Learning Community, Trans-actional Distance
Agyei Fosu
Aim/Purpose: [The full paper was previously published in the International Journal of Community Development & Management Studies, 1, 39-47. Available at] The main aim of the study is to identify some of the barriers to the integration of technology into the teaching of mathematics in high schools. Background: Writing on chalkboards as a metho ...
mathematics teachers, technological skills, training

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