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Conference Proceedings

Volume , 2019

Eli Cohen
Table of Contents: Proceedings of the 2019 InSITE Conference
proceedings, InSITE, conference, informing science, IT education
.i - vi
Golan Carmi, Dan Bouhnik
Aim/Purpose: This paper examines the behavior of financial firm employees with regard to information security procedures instituted within their organization. Furthermore, the effect of information security awareness and its importance within a firm is examined. Background: The study focuses on employees' attitude toward compliance with information security policies (ISP), combined with variou ...
information security awareness, information security policy, employee com-pliance, organizational culture, human behavior
1 - 2
Emmanuel C. Ogu, Chiemela G. Ogu
Background: The current decade has witnessed rising spates of threats and attacks that have threatened the safety and security of cyberspace, thereby giving rise to contemporary discourses pertaining the realities that these ominous trends portend for technology innovation and digitalisation, in the emerging global digital society. In the process, the technological capabilities that have been use ...
TeLEs, IT-aided education, cybersecurity, technology & education, infor-mation technology, technology & learning, pedagogy, information society
3 - 19
Val Hooper
Aim/Purpose: In the face of the onslaught of fake news, we aim to address the challenge of how we, as academics, can guide our students to be able to critically assess and evaluate information. Background Fake news has assumed alarming proportions and is a challenge to academia, organizations, causes and governments. How can our students be prepared to deal with this challenge? Methodology: De ...
fake news, social media, communication theory, the receiver
21 - 32
Grandon Gill
Aim/Purpose: The goal of the paper is to consider how the informing phenomenon referred to as “fake news” can be characterized using existing informing science conceptual schemes. Background: A brief review of articles relating to fake news is presented after which potential implications under a variety of informing science frameworks are considered. Methodology: Conceptual synthesis. Con ...
fake news, informing science, extrinsic complexity, conceptual scheme fake news, informing science, extrinsic complexity, conceptual scheme
33 - 34
Eli Cohen, Elizabeth (Betty) Boyd
Aim/Purpose: The paper explores the success of KGB Operation SIG to incite hatred for the purpose of overthrowing a democracy. Background: About 50 years ago, the KGB created the means to create upheaval in the middle east. This paper explores one such campaign and reveals some disinformation techniques in use today. Methodology: The paper brings together literature from many fields in its ...
Operation SIG, disinformation, Israel, propaganda, bias, KGB, Nazi
35 - 70
Dilip Singh Sisodia
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2019 issue of the journal Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, Volume 22] Aim/Purpose: The aim of this paper is to propose an ensemble learners based classification model for classification clickbaits from genuine article headlines. Background: Clickbaits are online articles with deliberately d ...
authentic news; clickbaits; ensemble learning; natural language processing; performance measures
Arthur J Grant, Eli Cohen
Aim/Purpose: To engage the reader to think more deeply about lying in the context to a discussion of fake news. Background: Many have read the scriptures holy to Christians; this discussion leads to questions about why even characters within tell things that are not true. Findings: The Hebrew and Greek Bibles are filled with instances where the characters, even G-d, appears to have lied, and ...
Bible, fake news, lying
73 - 79
Arthur J Grant
Aim/Purpose: The proliferation of fake news through social media threatens to undercut the possibility of ascertaining facts and truth. This paper explores the use of ancient rhetorical tools to identify fake news generally and to see through the misinformation juggernaut of President Donald Trump. Background: The ancient rhetorical appeals described in Aristotle’s Rhetoric—ethos (character of ...
fake news, facts, misinformation, disinformation, alternative facts
81 - 91
Pamela Felder
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2019 issue of the International Journal of Doctoral Studies, Volume 14] Aim/Purpose: This work expands discussions on the application of cultural frameworks on research in doctoral education in the United States and South Africa. There is an emphasis on identifying and reinterpreting the doctoral process where racial and cultural aspects ...
doctoral studies, internationalization; racial and cultural diversity
93 - 94
Gali Naveh, Dorit Tubin
Aim/Purpose: Continuing low percentage of on-time-completion of doctoral studies suggest the exploration of new approaches to the process is desirable. Background: PhD studies may be viewed as a project- it is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product. Project management practices have proven to be helpful in numerous domains. Methodology: Process analysis method will be app ...
doctoral studies, supervision, project management
95 - 97
Michael T Halpern, SJ Dodd, Carolyn Y. Fang, YIN TAN, Lin Zhu, Olorunseun Ogunwobi, Grace Xueqin Ma
Aim/Purpose: This paper will describe the initial development of systems to evaluate research education activities of a U.S. academic Partnership to train minority students as cancer researchers and provide preliminary data from monitoring Partnership activities during the first six months. Background: There is increased focus on multidisciplinary/transdisciplinary research training programs. ...
academic training, neoplasms, research center, doctoral students, minority groups
99 - 108
Eugenia M. W. Ng
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2019 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 16] Aim/Purpose: The flipped classroom approach is one of the most popular active learning approaches. This paper explores the effectiveness of a new pedagogy, known as FOCUSED, for postgraduate students. Background: The flipped classroom approach ...
blended learning, flipped classroom, online learning, peer interactions, post-graduate students
Moshe Goldstein, Ariel Stulman
Aim/Purpose: In this paper we wish to present a new direction for the instruction of a Principles of Programming Languages (PPL) course. Background: Teaching PPL using the standard curriculum found that the students do not understand the overall concepts, getting lost in the abundance of minute details. We needed a way to emphasize the higher level constructs important to this body of knowledg ...
principles of programming languages, CSE
111 - 117
Ju Long, Juntao Yuan, Hsun-Ming Lee
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2019 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 16] Aim/Purpose: In this article, we introduced a project on teaching chatbot programming in an information systems class. Background: One of the most fascinating developments in computer user interfaces in recent years is the rise of “chatbots”. ...
information system education, chatbot, artificial intelligence, student perceptions
John English, Tammy English
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2019 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 16] Aim/Purpose: Providing both formative and summative assessment that allows students to learn from their mistakes is difficult in large classes. This paper describes an automated assessment system suitable for courses with even 100 or more students ...
automated assessment, formative and summative evaluation, self-paced learning, feedback, ‘little and often’ assessment
Elena Maceviciute, Thomas D. Wilson, Zinaida Zinaida Manžuch
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2019 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 16] Aim/Purpose: To capture digital training experiences, the paper introduces a novel data collection method – a graphic questionnaire. It aims to demonstrate the opportunities and limitations of this tool for collecting feedback from socially disadv ...
digital literacy, digital divide, graphic questionnaire, elderly persons, people with hearing impairment, children, assessment
Shahar Golan, Dan Bouhnik
Aim/Purpose: Build a program that teaches prospect managers the skills that are relevant for leading data science activity. Background: Data science becomes ubiquitous in organizations. It is imperative to train students in management departments in the skills that are relevant to this field. Most courses in data science focus on technical knowledge like model building methods, and neglect orga ...
data-science, data-science instruction, management
125 - 140
Sophie McKenzie, Justin Rough, Aaron Spence, Nick Patterson
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2019 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 16] Aim/Purpose: This paper presents an exploratory case study into using 360° videos to present small segments of lecture content for IT students in an Australian University. The aim of this study was to understand; what is the impact of incorporatin ...
virtual reality, students, improving classroom teaching
Philip Olu Jegede, Emmanuel A. Olajubu, Adekunle Olugbenga Ejidokun, Isaac Oluwafemi Elesemoyo
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2019 issue of the Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, Volume 18.] Aim/Purpose: The study examined types of errors made by novice programmers in different Java concepts with students of different ability levels in programming as well as the perceived causes of such errors. Background: To improve code wr ...
concept, Java, achievement level, error analysis, programming
Daniel Acheampong
Aim/Purpose: This is a discussion of research in progress. The study will attempt to address the research question, what is the impact of the “No fear Act “on the current definition of diversity by the various CFO Act agencies and how does it influence the recruitment of CFOs and their deputies within the federal CFO agencies?
No Fear Act, discrimination, retaliation, work environment, financial manage-ment, diversity, cultural transformation, inclusive workplace environment, civil rights
145 - 148
Jennoa Graham
Aim/Purpose: Women continue to be underrepresented in corporate leadership positions in the global market. Research examining the impact of female leadership influence on corporate sustainability over time is limited. This paper contributes to the literature addressing leadership gender, corporate sustainability, and business ethics. Background: Previous literature suggests the long-term effec ...
leadership gender, corporate sustainability, CSR, business ethics
149 - 183
Terry McGovern
Aim/Purpose: Educational stakeholders have little understanding of digital educational badg-ing. Background A current overview of the developing educational badging ecosystem, key terminology, advantages, challenges, and examples of badge utilization. Methodology: Illustrative case study Contribution: Creates a record of the developing digital badge industry providing insights to educatio ...
badges, open badges, badging, access to higher education, transcript ambiguity, credential-fraud, open pathways, badge challenges
185 - 186
Gilad Shamir, Dina Tsybulsky, Ilya Levin
Aim/Purpose: Science is becoming a computational endeavor therefore Computational Thinking (CT) is gradually being accepted as a required skill for the 21st century science student. Students deserve relevant conceptual learning accessible through practical, constructionist approaches in cross-curricular applications therefore it is required for educators to define, practice and assess practical wa ...
computational thinking, science education, agent-based modeling and simula-tion, computational science, computational practices
187 - 205
Glenda Turner
Aim/Purpose: This paper describes the growing need for a new transdiscipline in cyberbiosecurity as well historical challenges associated with knowledge generation and integration among contributing disciplines. Background: Within the United States, there is an emerging call for cyberbiosecurity; however, cyberbiosecurity roles, practices and metrics have not been defined and federal agencies a ...
transdiscipline, knowledge framework, cyberbiosecurity
207 - 215
Tal Yachin, Miri Barak
Aim/Purpose: The increased production of processed food, rapid urbanization, and changing lifestyles have led to a shift in dietary patterns so people are now consuming more unhealthy foods. To change unhealthy dietary patterns, there is a need to educate the individuals to keep a balanced diet that is rich in nutritional requirements. One way to educate a heterogeneous population, from preschool ...
game-based learning, educational escape games, situated learning theory
217 - 226
Golan Carmi, Nethanel Drezner
Aim/Purpose: Today more and more transactions and acquisitions are controlled directly from mobile devices, especially smartphones applications. Previous studies have examined the adoption of financial applications based on a single theory as a theoretical basis. In order to examine the phenomenon in a wider way, we used in this study two theories as a theoretical basis. Background: It is impo ...
financial application, IT adoption, mobile banking, technology acceptance model, diffusion innovation theory
227 - 229
Talia Yeshua, Ya'akov Mandelbaum, Ragda Abdalla-Aslan, Chen Nadler, Laureen Cohen, Levana Zemour, Daniel Kabla, Ori Gleisner, Isaac Leichter
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2019 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 16] Aim/Purpose: The aim of this study was to develop a prototype of an information-generating computer tool designed to automatically map the dental restorations in a panoramic radiograph. Background: A panoramic radiograph is an external dental r ...
medical information, panoramic images, dental restorations, radiologic informative report, machine learning, computer vision, image processing
Talia Yeshua, Sarah Rebibo, Keren Jacobson, Ori Safran, Meir Liebergall, Isaac Leichter
Aim/Purpose: The aim of the study was to analyze the structure of the bone tissue by using texture analysis of the bone trabeculae, as visualized in a routine radiograph of the proximal femur . This could provide objective information regarding both the mineral content and the spatial structure of bone tissue. Therefore, machine-learning tools were applied to explore the use of texture analysis fo ...
medical information, machine learning, structure analysis, osteoporosis, bone strength
233 - 237
Dorian Stoilescu
Aim/Purpose: This paper discusses theoretical and curricular aspects of computational thinking in curriculum and challenges noticed on introducing recent ICT perspectives in Australian Schools. Background: It presents the way computational thinking is defined and understood in curriculum documents and a set of relatively new implementations that were de-signed nationally and in the New South Wa ...
computational thinking, computer science education, ICT education, Australian curriculum reforms
239 - 245
Dimitar Grozdanov Christozov, Katia Rasheva-Yordanova, Stefka Toleva-Stoimenova
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2019 issue of Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, Volume 22] Aim/Purpose: The growing complexity of the business environment and business processes as well as the Big Data phenomenon has an impact on every area of human activity nowadays. This new reality challenges the effectiveness of traditional ...
informing science, data science, transdiscipline, education
Mark Overgaard, Peter Fenrich
Aim/Purpose: This paper describes foundational principles of universal instructional design (UID), which is also known as universal design for learning, that support accessibility and inclusivity for a diverse population of students and discusses how these design principles and instructional strategies are being implemented in courses we instruct. Background: The goal of any instructor should b ...
universal design for learning, diversity, inclusion
249 - 256
William J Miranda-Hill, Jozef Goetz
Aim/Purpose: This project aims to prototype the functionality of a user-generated geospatial meteorology map. This includes the design and implementation of a database driven website with a public and a password protected admin component, in addition to database, web server and hardware components. Background: Previous research described and assessed the feasibility of a system in which end-use ...
GIS, weather, crowdsourcing, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Arduino, CSS, JavaScript
257 - 269
Anat Goldstein, Ruti Gafni
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2019 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 16] Aim/Purpose: This paper explores the benefits and challenges of experiencing virtual multi-cultural teamwork in order to learn entrepreneurship. Background: Entrepreneurial eco-system usually requires working in international, virtual multi-cul ...
entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial learning, multicultural, virtual, global team-work
Ewa Wanda Ziemba, Monika Eisenbardt, Roisin Mullins, Sandra Dettmer
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2019 issue of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management, Volume 14.] Aim/Purpose: The main purpose of this paper is to identify prosumers’ engagement in business process innovation through knowledge sharing. Background: In the increasingly competitive knowledge-based economy, companies must seek innovative ...
consumer engagement, consumer knowledge, prosumer, knowledge sharing, business processes, consumer innovations
Alisha D. Malloy, Yolanda Smith
Aim/Purpose: In this study, we explore the applicability of the social identity theory and the evolution of an initiative to address the issue of ensuring that women of color not only survive in the technology industry, but that they thrive in every aspect of leadership, including reaching the top senior executive levels (C-Suite) in their organizations. Background: Despite all the evidence tha ...
diversity, information technology, social identity theory, women, women of color, underrepresented minorities
275 - 293
Danielle Morin, Raafat George Saadé, Hamed Safaee Fard
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2019 issue of Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, Volume 18] Aim/Purpose: To understand readiness of students for learning in online environments across different age groups. Background: Online learners today are diverse in age due to increasing adult/mature students who continue their higher education while they are ...
online learning, readiness, age, motivation, self-efficacy, anxiety
Raafat George Saadé, Joe N Abou Jaoude, Mahesh Chandra Sharma
Aim/Purpose: To understand the current state of the body of literature in blockchain technology and propose dimensions for acceptance. Background: Blockchain technology has large promise to replace centralized and even distributed database systems. Its premise focuses on issues such as transparency, immutability, and privacy of transactions. Created for bitcoin, researchers and practitioners ha ...
blockchain, application, information systems, cryptocurrency
297 - 306
Raafat George Saadé, Fassil Nebebe, Dennis Kira
Aim/Purpose: Multimedia has been accepted as an enhanced learning medium. We present in this paper the application of a multimedia tool to teach the entity relationship diagram and its effect on performance. Background: Based on the theory of flow and, more specifically, cognitive absorption and perceptions (usefulness and, ease of use, attitudes and intentions) we propose a model to explain pe ...
multimedia, performance, cognitive absorption, flow, learning
307 - 319
Danny Toohey, Tanya J. McGill, Chad Berkelaar, Ananth Kadekodi, Dominika Kaminska, Melisa Lianto, Nathan Power
Aim/Purpose: The aim of this project was to explore the perceptions of information technology students about student-facing learning analytics dashboards that display ranking information, and whether they perceive that their motivation to study would be influenced by the use of dashboards that display their performance relative to other students. Background: While there has been a focus on the ...
learning analytics dashboards, student motivation
321 - 332
Meetu Thomas, Mali Senapathi
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2019 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 16] Aim/Purpose: The study describes empirical research into agile Requirements Engineering (RE) practices based on an analysis of data collected in a large higher education organization. Background: Requirements Engineering (RE) in agile developme ...
agile requirements engineering, case study, empirical, agile, Scrum, tertiary education
Minh Q. Huynh, Nicholas Walsh, Scott D McDonald
Aim/Purpose: This paper focuses on student newspapers in the midst of digital transfor-mation and the impact this has on their future survival. Background: The ramification of digital transformation on commercial newspapers is not new, but looking at it from a big picture helped to us to connect to what has been happening with student newspapers across the United States. Methodology: Through ...
student newspapers, digital media, hybrid approach, digital transformation
335 - 350
Jo Coldwell-Neilson, Ryan J Wood-Bradley, Blair Kelly, Alex Gentle, James A Armitage
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2019 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 16] Aim/Purpose: The aim of this project was to explore a method to enable an updated under-standing of digital literacy to be implemented in curricula in an environment of an existing, but outdated, understanding of digital literacy. . Background: ...
optometry, digital literacy, graduate learning outcomes
Sabra E. Brock, Yogini Joglekar, Ayushi Tandon, Gena Bardwell
Aim/Purpose: To update a 2010 study that recommended “rules of thumb” for more effective use of PowerPoint in the post-secondary business classroom. The current study expanded the focus to include the business classroom in India as well as the US and examined possible shifts in student perception of the utility of PowerPoint among Generations Y and Z. Background: The study examined students’ pe ...
PowerPoint, post-secondary business classrooms, Generations Y and Z in the US and India
353 - 369
Trevor D Joubert, Lisa F Seymour
Aim/Purpose: Improving or changing business processes is one of the most important roles for Information technologies functions. Yet, most organizations struggle with planned process change and even more with unplanned change. There is little support from research as the dynamics of planned process change is understudied and unplanned process change is seldom researched. Background: This paper ...
business process management, work system theory, systems thinking, un-planned change, #feesmustfall
371 - 395
Wing Shui Ng, Gary Cheng
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2019 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 16] Aim/Purpose: Drone technology has been increasingly used in education. This paper reports a study of assessing teachers’ readiness and training needs for using drone technology in their teaching. Background: New technology promotes new ways o ...
drone, unmanned aerial vehicle, teacher education, STEM education, TPCK
Jacques Ophoff, Steve Miller
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2019 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 16] Aim/Purpose: Bring your own device (BYOD) provides opportunities for both the organization and employees, but the adoption of BYOD also introduces risks. This case study of an organization’s BYOD program identifies key positive and negative influe ...
Bring your own device (BYOD), IT management, benefits, risks, Technology-Organization-Environment framework, case study, financial services, South Africa
Sherry Tarver-Grover
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this pilot case study is to provide details on developing a framework for e-mentoring graduate level online health education students as an added component of an online health education course. Background: E-mentoring gives faculty the opportunity to share professional knowledge with students and impart practical experiences. In addition, faculty can show how the ...
mentoring, e-mentoring, graduate students, health educators, ADDIE model, HEDTAM
401 - 404
Jyothi Thalluri, Joy Penman
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2019 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 16] Aim/purpose The purpose of this article is to discuss the psychosocial and emotional outcomes of an introductory health science workshop designed to support and assist incoming health science students before starting their university study. B ...
transition to university, first year, psychosocial, anxious
Ulrich Schmitt, Grandon Gill
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2019 issue of Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, Volume 22.] Aim/Purpose: In a world of rapidly expanding complexity and exponentially increasing data availability, IT-based knowledge management tools will be needed to manage and curate available information. This paper looks at a particular tool ...
knowledge management, personal knowledge management system, design sci-ence research, design evolution, informing system, digital platform ecosystem, fitness-utility-model, generativity
Erastus Karanja, Donna M. Grant
Aim/Purpose: Project Management (PM) capability is one of the skill sets that employers across a broad range of industries are seeking with a projected current talent deficit of 1.5 million jobs. Background A course syllabus is both a tool and a resource used by the learners, the faculty, and the school to articulate what to learn, how to learn, and how and when to access and evaluate the learni ...
project management, course syllabi, learner-centredness, AACSB, PMBOK
409 - 411
Georg Disterer
Aim/Purpose: We explore impressions and experiences of Information Systems graduates during their first years of employment in the IT field. The results help to understand work satisfaction, career ambition, and motivation of junior employees. This way, the attractiveness of working in the field of IS can be increased and the shortage of junior employees reduced. Background: Currently IT profe ...
professional life, working life, work satisfaction, work-life balance, information systems, graduates, survey, gender
413 - 427
Gila Cohen Zilka
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2019 issue of the Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Skills and Lifelong Learning, Volume 15.] Aim/Purpose: Following the widespread use of social networking applications (SNAs) by children, adolescents, and young adults, this paper sought to examine the usage habits, sharing, and dangers involved from the perspective of the children, adolesc ...
e-safety, social networking apps, WhatsApp, shaming, cyberbullying, privacy
Revital Cohen, Ilan Rahimi, Gila Cohen Zilka
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2019 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 16] Aim/Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine the sense of challenge and threat, negative feelings, self-efficacy, and motivation among students in a virtual and a blended course on multicultural campuses and to see how to afford every student ...
multiculturalism, threat, challenge, motivation, virtual course, blended course, transactional distance
Erik Bean
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2019 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 16] Aim/Purpose: Little is known of the cultural competence or leadership styles of a minority owned newspaper. This autoethnography serves to benchmark one early 1990s example. Background: I focused on a series of flashbacks to observe an African ...
cultural competence, microaggression, racism, prejudice, African American, newspapers, leadership, journalism, autoethnography, epistemology, flashbacks, reflection
Sarah Genut, Bnaya Ori, Yifat Ben-David Kolikant
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2019 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 16] Aim/Purpose: Our research goal was to examine the factors that motivate women to enroll in Computer Science (CS) courses in order to better understand the small number of women in the field of CS. Background: This work is in line with the growi ...
women, underrepresentation, computer science, culture, Haredi
Maor Weinberger, Dan Bouhnik
Aim/Purpose: In this exploratory study we examine personal information management within music streaming applications. Also, we investigate the sense of ownership over songs being played on music streaming applications and whether the use of these services may be considered a social activity. In a later stage, we intend to test privacy related issues in music streaming applications and the factors ...
music streaming applications, personal information management, privacy, personalization
437 - 447
Olga Zavalniuk, Volodymyr Nesterenko, Inna Zavalniuk
Aim/Purpose: The present research is devoted to teaching and training students in marine institutions of higher education including navigators that given the dynamic development of the maritime industry should still be in the early stages of education involved by teacher to lifelong learning and be able to teach others. Background: The rapid development of the marine industry, modern ship techn ...
competency based education, higher education, creative thinking, critical thinking, mentors
449 - 452
Joy Penman, Eddie L Robinson, Wendy M Cross
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2019 issue of the Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Skills and Lifelong Learning, Volume 15.] Aim/Purpose This study aims to determine where nursing students from a metropolitan university subsequently work following graduation, identify the factors that influence decisions to pursue careers in particular locations, ascertain educational ...
nursing, graduate destinations, educational aspirations, clinical experiences
Suzanne l Sackstein, Linda Spark, Bryan Turner
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2019 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 16] Aim/Purpose: Teachers are being asked to integrate mobile technologies into their content creation and distribution tasks. This research aims to provide an understanding of teachers taking on this process and whether the use of technology has infl ...
task-technology fit, education technology, content creation, content distribution, technology choices, teachers
Elizabeth W Wamicha, Lisa F Seymour
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2019 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 16] Aim/Purpose: This study aims to answer the research question titled What are the competencies required for the Business Process Analyst (BPA) role in organizations with ERP systems in Kenya. Through 4 hypotheses, this study focuses on two specific ...
Enterprise Systems, BPA competencies, Business Process Analyst, Context.
Yupawan Vannavanit
Aim/Purpose: The paper aims to discuss the experience of early Thai educators in adopting Educational Technology in IT and Marketing Education. Background: As the world become increasingly digitized, educators need to keep up through the use of educational technology to effectively increase learning efficiency. Methodology: Conducting an interview. Contribution: A hands-on teaching exper ...
educational technology, IT education, marketing education, Thailand
459 - 460
Dror Mughaz, Yaakov HaCohen-Kerner, Dov Gabbay
Aim/Purpose: Finding and tagging citation on an ancient Hebrew religious document. These documents have no structured citations and have no bibliography. Background: We look for common patterns within Hebrew religious texts. Methodology: We developed a method that goes over the texts and extracts sentences con-taining the names of three famous authors. Within these sentences we find common ...
citations, text-mining, information extraction, Hebrew
461 - 473
Chaya Liebeskind
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2019 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 16] Aim/Purpose: Any system that aims to address the task of modeling social media communication need to deal with the usage of emojis. Efficient prediction of the most likely emoji given the text of a message may help to improve different NLP tasks. ...
emoji prediction, machine learning, social media, supervised learning
Irit Nowik, Refael Hassin, Yair Y Shaki
Aim/Purpose: How does heterogeneous valuation of service affect optimal control of queues? Background We analyze this heterogeneity by adding a component of travel costs, which differ with distance from the service point. Methodology: Mathematical analysis of queuing theory. Analyzing the anarchy function. Contribution: Enabling consumers to make optimal choices based on knowledge about ...
queuing, profit maximization, price of anarchy, observable queue
493 - 494
Henry O'Lawrence
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this report is to provide an understanding of cultural diversity in today’s global economy and to understand what shapes our identities and what influences our behavior. Background: Culture is the way of functioning in today’s world and it refers to the shared language, beliefs, values, norms, behaviors, and material objects that are passed down from one generation t ...
diversity in the workplace, cultural diversity, socio-cultural differences, cultural differences, ethnicity
495 - 499
Nim Dvir, Ruti Gafni
Aim/Purpose: This paper describes a novel approach to systematically improve information interactions based solely on its wording. Background: Providing users with information in a form and format that maximizes its effectiveness is a research ‎question of critical importance. Given the growing competition for ‎users’ attention and interest, it is agreed that digital content must engage. Howeve ...
information behavior, text analysis, computational linguistics, information interaction, user experience (UX), knowledge acquisition, decision-making, user engagement, content strategy, digital nudging‎
501 - 512
Mathews Nkhoma, Clara A. Nkhoma, Susan Thomas, Long Tu Tu, Nha Quoc Le
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2019 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 16] Aim/Purpose: Blended learning can transform students experience and learning in higher education. Although the literature extensively explores benefits of blended learning, limited research exists to provide a detailed design principle for impleme ...
learning management system, learning pathway, community of practice, independent learning, content analysis, second language learners
Daniel Acheampong, Tanya S Benford, Carlos G Ramos
Aim/Purpose: The study examines the current credit treatment of Contribution in Aid of Construction (CIAC) on investor own utilities (IOU) and its impacts on the current state of utility infrastructure in the state of Florida Background: The Congressional Budget Office describes a synergist contributing to the present aged utility infrastructure is the cost of replacement within the water indus ...
Contribution in Aid of Construction (CIAC), debit treatment, investor own utilities, dilapidated infrastructure, financial resources, credit treatment
515 - 517
Sydney Freeman Jr., Karen Krier, Ahmed A Al-Asfour, Russell Thacker
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the 2019 issue of the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 16] Aim/Purpose: The aim and purpose of this study is to understand why there is a dearth of faculty of color ascending to senior levels of leadership in higher education institutions, and to identify strategies to increase the representation of facul ...
leadership development, higher education administration, faculty of color, glass ceiling, critical race theory
Agyei Fosu
Aim/Purpose: The goal of this study is to advance understanding of ICT utilization by SMMEs by checking access, ability (in terms of technological skills) and usage of ICT among some SMMEs entrepreneurs operating their businesses in an underdeveloped areas to enhance their business activities in order to utilizes the digital opportunities 21st century digital economies present. Background: In ...
information and communications technology, small medium and micro-sized enterprises, 21st century digital economies
521 - 522
Meg Coffin Murray, Jorge Pérez
Aim/Purpose: Being noticed as a scholar is becoming increasingly difficult as publication outlets proliferate and the number of scholars grows. The purpose of this workshop is to explore the use of online academic profiles to enhance the reputation and visibility of scholars. Background: A scholar's reputation is built by garnering the attention of peer experts capable of judging the credibilit ...
online academic profile, scholarly reputation, scholar visibility, academic social networks
901 - 903
Paul Nieuwenhuysen
Aim/Purpose: This contribution is a tutorial workshop on searching and finding information by using an image as query. Also related topics are addressed. Participants learn about state-of-the-art applications and limitations of reverse image search on the internet and WWW. So they will be motivated and enabled to apply this relatively new method to discover information and to support other potenti ...
search by image, reverse image searching, Internet, WWW, search systems, search services, TinEye, Google, Yandex, precision, semantic gap
905 - 909
Vicki L Gregory, Kiersten L Cox
Aim/Purpose: Participants will learn various digital tools to assist them in the discovery of appropriate keywords for their own research and writings as well as in teaching. Background: Experiences teaching undergraduates and graduate students information literacy and retrieval have identified several areas where students have problems in searching databases because of misconceptions as to w ...
information literacy, keywords, information instruction, undergraduate students, graduate students, researchers
911 - 912

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