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Conference Proceedings

Volume , 2021

Michael Jones
List of Presentations at the 2021 InSITE Conference
proceedings, InSITE, conference, informing science, IT education
Grant P Trudel, Samuel Sambasivam
Aim/Purpose: A design science tool to improve code maintainability for PHP programs. Background: This paper addresses this issue by providing an enhancement to an existing tool that specifically addresses and improves program maintainability for PHP programs. Methodology: This paper uses design science research which involves creating or modifying one or more artifacts. In this case, the art ...
software quality, software development, PHP, programming, quality assurance, maintainability, metrics, design science, refactoring
Laura A. McLaughlin, James McLaughlin
Aim/Purpose: To build the skills of innovation, we must first establish a framework for the belief system that surrounds effective innovation practice. In building any belief system, sometimes outdated beliefs need to be replaced with better, more carefully researched ideas. One such belief, discovered in our research and elsewhere, is that creativity is innate and that great ideas arise through ...
creativity, ideation, innovation, mindset, professional development, problem solving, training
Nicole A. Buzzetto-Hollywood
Aim/Purpose: This brief paper will provide preliminary insight into an institutions effort to help students understand the application of the scientific method as it applies to the business discipline through the creation of a dedicated, required course added to the curriculum of a mid-Atlantic minority-serving institution. In or-der to determine whether the under-consideration course satisfies de ...
first generation college students, transdisciplinary education, scientific method in the business discipline, scientific reasoning in management education, scientific literacy, management education, business education, rubric, student learning outcomes, assessment of student learning, HBCU
Laura A. McLaughlin, Joanne Ricevuto
Aim/Purpose: This research study explores the challenges, successes, and supports de-sired in implementing virtual learning following a survey of faculty for their experiences and interests. Faculty in higher education need quick, practical tools and strategies to enhance teaching and learning in a virtual classroom. Background: The sudden and ongoing COVID-19 pandemic had created an urgency to ...
virtual teaching and learning, flexibility, mindsets
Christina Ellis, Tori Hollas, Mae Lane, Jaime Coyne
Aim/Purpose: The authors provide different technology applications useful in online instruction in addition to providing effective strategies for use in a virtual environment. Background: Last year, educators were forced to move their instruction online almost overnight. Many were not prepared to teach effectively in a virtual environment. Contribution: This paper serves as a resource to ed ...
online instruction, technology applications, strategies
Shannon Block, Steven Munkeby, Samuel Sambasivam
Aim/Purpose: Board of Directors seek to use their big data as a competitive advantage. Still, scholars note the complexities of corporate governance in practice related to information security risk management (ISRM) effectiveness. Background: While the interest in ISRM and its relationship to organizational success has grown, the scholarly literature is unclear about the effects of Chief Techno ...
big data, CTO leadership styles, information security risk management effectiveness, digital transformation
Ali Wahid, Steven Munkeby, Samuel Sambasivam
Aim/Purpose: In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) tracks the disease activity using data collected from medical practices on a weekly basis. Collection of data by CDC from medical practices on a weekly basis leads to a lag time of approximately 2 weeks before any viable action can be planned. The 2-week delay problem was addressed in the study by creating mach ...
CDC, correlation, flu trends, machine learning, regression analysis
Rimvydas Skyrius, Mindaugas Krutinis, Svetlana Nemitko, Justina Valentukevičė, Norbert Andžej Gulbinovič, Marija Sanosianaitė
Aim/Purpose: This paper, although conceived earlier than the emergence of COVID-19 pandemic, addresses the problem of informing agility as part of organizational agility that has become a rather important issue for business survival. Background: While the general issues of business informing, and business intelligence (BI) in particular, have been widely researched, the dynamics of informing, t ...
organizational agility, business intelligence agility
Tao "Eric" Hu, Hua Dai, Ping Zhang
Aim/Purpose: In spite of the insights in paving solid grounds and avenues for meaningful studies, the predicament of the literature in lacking fruitful understanding of the critical success factors and models of Big Data remain elusive and unexplored. A systematic literature review of research topics, perspectives, and substantial findings of Big Data is needed, so an overarching framework of Big ...
grounded theory, Big Data, IS research, literature review, success theory
Moshe Leiba, Ruti Gafni
Aim/Purpose: The COVID-19 pandemic demanded an immediate and massive adaptation of higher education to distance learning. Teachers had to transform from face-to-face to distance teaching, with insufficient pedagogical and technological knowledge and resources. This study aims to capture higher education faculty experiences in the very early stages of the crisis-prompted transition into synchronous ...
distance learning, online learning, COVID-19, e-learning, faculty, higher education
Nicole A. Buzzetto-Hollywood, Austin J. Hill, Troy Banks
Aim/Purpose: This paper provides the results of the preliminary analysis of the findings of an ongoing study that seeks to examine the social media use, cultural and political awareness, civic engagement, issue prioritization, and social activism of Gen Z students enrolled at four different institutional types located in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. The aim of this study is to loo ...
generation z, civic engagement and college students, minority learners, HBCU, information gathering of college students, learning preferences of gen z learners, issues important to gen z, social activism and college students, Black Lives Matter and college students
Gila Cohen Zilka
Aim/Purpose: This study examined learning during the COVID-19 crisis, as perceived by preservice teachers at the time of their academic studies and their student teaching experience. Background: The COVID-19 crisis is unexpected. On one hand, it disrupted learning in all learning frameworks, on the other, it may create a change in learning characteristics even after the end of the crisis. This ...
distance learning, digital environment, social emotional learning – SEL, digital literacy, e-readiness, m-learning, teacher presence, social presence, Zoom fatigue, COVID-19
Azad Ali, Shardul Pandya
Aim/Purpose: Provide methodology suggesting steps to doctoral mentors to work with students in constructing their research problem statement in their dissertation. Background: Doctoral students face difficulties writing their dissertation and they begin by writing the research problem statement. Methodology: This paper uses a framework widely used to describe student adjustment to graduate s ...
research problem statement, research dissertation, problem statement
Tana Feyt, Gwamaka Mwalemba
Aim/Purpose: The aim of this study is to explore the role of service-learning in Information Systems (IS) education. Background: While the use of modern technologies presents many operational benefits, such as the lowering of the costs, it may also aggravate social-economic is-sues. IS professionals should account for these issues as well as exhibit the skills demanded by modern-day employers. ...
information systems, service-learning, education, reflection, critical thinking, social awareness, teamwork, community
Entisar A Al Ghawail, Sadok Ben Yahia
Aim/Purpose: This study aims to examine the effectiveness of the flipped learning approach in a computer principles course at Alasmarya Islamic University, Libya. Background: The reason for this consideration was to evaluate the viability of conventional lecture-based educational programmes versus the active learning of computer concepts in flipped classrooms for college economics students at ...
flipped classroom, flipped learning, effectiveness of flipping learning, flipped model, Libyan higher education
Eli Cohen
The purpose of this paper is to provide a model to help explain why ideas about reality differ. Misinformation is an important topic that in the past several years has gained prominence. The author developed a model of informing. NOTE: This Proceedings paper was revised and published in Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, 24, 31-49. Click DOWNLOAD PDF ...
created realities, misinformation, disinformation, fake news, beliefs, informing
William D Senn, Gayle Prybutok, Kittipong Boonme, Victor R. Prybutok
Aim/Purpose: This study builds upon theory to develop and test a parsimonious model of service quality importance, the Higher Education Service Quality Importance (HESQI) Model, for use in standardized, frequent surveys of student satisfaction in higher education service delivery. Background: Educational institutions operating in the higher education marketplace are facing increased competition ...
service quality, student satisfaction, consumer satisfaction, Structural Equation Model, SEM, PLS-SEM
Minh Q. Huynh, Eraj Khatiwada
Aim/Purpose: In the midst of COVID-19, classes are transitioned online. Instructors and students scramble for ways to adapt to this change. This paper shares an experience of one instructor in how he has gone through the adaptation. Background: This section provides a contextual background of online teaching. The instructor made use of M-learning to support his online teaching and adopted the U ...
COVID-19 transition, online teaching, UTAUT, web app, participant-observer, action research
Grandon Gill
Aim/Purpose: Labeling a journal as “predatory” can do great damage to the journal and the individuals that have contributed to it. This paper considers whether the predatory classification has outlived its usefulness and what might replace it. Background: With the advent of open access publishing, the term “predatory” has increasingly been used to identify academic journals, conferences, and pu ...
predatory journals, peer review, replication, complexity, scientific research
Joy Penman, Kerre A Willsher
Aim/Purpose: This research paper reports on the evaluation of a mental health self-management program provided to immigrant nurses working at various rural South Australian aged care services. Background: The residential aged care staffing crisis is severe in rural areas. To improve immigrant nurses’ employment experiences, a mental health self-management program was developed and conducted in ...
nursing, female immigrants, aged care, mental health, management, mixed method
Yahel Giat, Amichai Mitelman
Aim/Purpose: This study’s objective is to demonstrate the wisdom of the crowds phenomenon in construction project tenders and relate it to cost overruns in these projects. Background: The wisdom of the crowd’s phenomenon is an age-old idea that argues that collective opinion is better than any single (even expert) opinion. The first data-based evidence for it is from the beginning of the twenti ...
construction projects, tenders, minimum bid, winner’s curse, wisdom of the crowds
Ilan Daniels Rahimi, Gila Cohen Zilka
Aim/Purpose: This study examined students’ attitudes to characteristics of learning in Zoom, attitudes to the quality of teaching in Zoom and ways of learning, about a year after the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis. Background COVID-19 crisis caused exposure to online learning on the largest scale known in human history, and that together with the challenges of the transition to online learning, ...
information and communication technology (ICT); distance learning; digital environment; Zoom; Zoom fatigue; COVID-19

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