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Conference Proceedings

Volume , 2024

proceedings, InSITE, conference, informing science, IT education
Trang Pham
Aim/Purpose. This study captures and describes the discrepancies in the performance matrices of comparable Chinese and American scholars as recorded by Scopus. Background. The contributions of Chinese scholars to the global knowledge enterprise are increasing, whereas indexing bibliometric databases (e.g., Scopus) are not optimally designed to track their names and record their work precisely ...
ethnic scholars, bibliometric data, research performance, Chinese vs. American scholars
Maayan Nakash
Aim/Purpose. This exploratory study seeks to surface a richer understanding regarding the direct experience of software developers (SDs) working in sprints as part of the adoption of agile methodology principles. Background. The software development industry is increasingly adopting agile development methods. In the agile methodology, the delivery cycle is broken down into sprints, also known ...
software development, agile, sprint, software project management, adaptive software development
Ron Keinan, Dan Bouhnik, Efraim A Margalit
Aim/Purpose. This paper addresses the challenge of emotional analysis in Hebrew texts, specifically focusing on enhancing machine learning techniques with psychological feature lexicons to improve classification accuracy in identifying depression. Background. Emotional analysis in Hebrew texts presents unique challenges due to the language's intricate morphology and rich derivation system. Th ...
emotional analysis, Hebrew texts, machine learning, psychological feature lexicons, depression detection
Maayan Nakash
Aim/Purpose Given the widely acknowledged significance of intellectual capital (IC) for organizational success, managing knowledge assets remains a multifaceted challenge. This study investigates the role of human and social factors in intellectual capital management (ICM) within businesses. Background. A company’s IC is the collective embodiment of knowledge resources that provide a strategi ...
intellectual capital management, knowledge management, change management, corporate culture, processes, performance improvement, employee engagement
Gila Cohen Zilka
Aim/Purpose. The present study aimed to understand in depth the experience of identity formation of beginning teachers (BTs), members of Gen Y in their first year at elementary school, and teaching students of Gen Alpha from the perspective of BTs and their teacher mentors (TMs). Background. The purpose of the study was to compare the aspects described by BTs and their mentor teachers of the ...
information and communication technology (ICT); smartphones; internship, beginning teacher, teacher-mentor, identity, interactions, mental wellbeing, the Gen Alpha, Gen Y, teacher retention, teacher attrition
Maayan Nakash
Aim/Purpose: The study aims to elucidate the intricate relationship between Organizational Learning (OL) and Knowledge Management (KM), two pivotal organizational capabilities whose interplay remains enigmatic. This study ventures into the depths of this relationship, seeking to demystify the interplay between the structured, strategic management of knowledge and the more fluid, organic process ...
organizational learning, knowledge management, human capital management, collaborative culture, knowledge dynamics, technological integration
Rimvydas Skyrius, Justina Valentukevičė
Aim/Purpose. The paper addresses the two important dynamic features of business intelligence (BI) – maturity and agility – and the interrelation between the two, projected into support for BI agility. Background. An analysis of published research sources, together with interviews with BI professionals, resulted in defining important traits of BI environment that support its ability to change ...
business intelligence maturity, business intelligence agility, organizational culture
Tommy R Gill, Grandon Gill
Aim/Purpose: In this paper we propose a framework identifying many of the unintended consequences of information technology and posit that the increased complexity brought about by IT is a proximate cause for these negative effects. Background: Builds upon the three-world model that has been evolving within the informing science transdiscipline. Methodology: We separate complexity into three ca ...
complexity, task complexity, information technology, homophily, punctuated equilibrium, systemic risks, information overload, fitness, rugged landscape, unintended consequences
Amir Reza Asadi, Taiwo P Akinremi, Hazem Said
Aim/Purpose. The aim of this study is to recognize the factors that contributed to the development of IT in the healthcare industry. Background. The healthcare Information Technology (IT) solutions market has experienced remarkable growth, with the healthcare sector emerging as a $303 billion industry. However, despite its substantial size, the healthcare industry has faced criticism for its ...
eHealth, healthcare information systems, healthcare industry
Hansinie M Jayathilake, Hazem Said, Lily Edinam Botsyoe
Aim/Purpose: To investigate the impact of the evolution of Information Technology on global workforce skills and explore emerging approaches that address the IT talent shortage faced by diverse companies in finding skilled IT workers. Background: This paper explores diverse approaches to bridge the skilled IT workers shortage gap, especially in the context of the widening gap following the i ...
information technology, workforce skills, thematic analysis, BERTopic, globalized workforce, lifelong learning, COVID-19 impact
Siddique Abubakr Muntaka, Joel K Appiah, Hazem Said
Aim/Purpose. This study addresses the research question: “What are the developmental phases of Information Technology in the industry?” Existing research has explored the impact of Information Technology (IT) on specific industries. However, it is essential to understand the evolution of IT within industries, its influence on the workforce, and technological advancements. Addressing this knowledg ...
information technology, evolution of information technology, industry and information technology, phases of information technology
Albert Tay, Sebastian M Hayes, Drew Wilson, Emmie Hall, Dallin Kaufman
Aim/Purpose. Capture the Flag (CTF) challenges are a popular form of cybersecurity education where students solve hands-on tasks in a game-like setting. These exercises provide learning experiences with various specific technologies and subjects, as well as a broader understanding of cybersecurity topics. Competitions reinforce and teach problem-solving skills that are applicable in various techn ...
cybersecurity, Capture-the-Flag, information search process, gamification
Azad Ali, Umesh C Varma, Shardul Pandya
Aim/Purpose. The aim is to conduct a comparative analysis and summarize findings on the difference between the key sections of quantitative doctoral dissertations versus qualitative doctoral dissertations. A summary of the findings will be presented in a tabulated format with bullet points to help clarify the differences between the two approaches. Background. Doctoral students often face ch ...
doctoral dissertations, qualitative vs quantitative dissertations, comparative analysis, qualitative vs quantitative research
Eli Cohen
The paper discusses various factors contributing to disagreements, such as differing experiences, perspectives, and historical narratives, leading to disagreements within families and societies. It explores how beliefs, values, and biases feed into disagreements, with confirmation bias affecting decision-making and the media. Cultural values also play a role, showcasing conflicts between meritocra ...
informing, values, disinformation, soft power, fake images
Christina Junior, Nicole A. Buzzetto-Hollywood, John H Padgett
Aim/Purpose . The quantitative comparative ex post facto research study covered in this paper aims to fill gaps in the literature by focusing on whether gender influences perceptions of leadership; diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA); and job satisfaction among federal employees within the Department of Justice using empirical data. The study also explores whether there are rel ...
employee motivation, FEVS, job satisfaction, public service employee satisfaction, DEI, DEIA, leadership, federal government, public service motivation, gender and job satisfaction, leadership and job satisfaction
Ilan Daniels Rahimi, Gila Cohen Zilka, orit Avidov Ungar
Aim/Purpose. In this study, we examined, from the perspective of the participants, aspects of information and communications technology (ICT) and resilience, comparing first-generation students in higher education with students whose parents had higher education. Methodology. We examined self-image, motivation, happiness, and the use of ICT. This was a quantitative study. Respondents answered ...
higher education, social gaps, multiculturalism, first-generation students, generation Z, generation Y

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