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Journal Articles


Eli Cohen
Table of Contents for IISIT Volume 16, 2019
IISIT, Informing Science, information technology, InSITE
. i - iv
Ju Long, Juntao Yuan, Hsun-Ming Lee
Aim/Purpose: One of the most fascinating developments in computer user interfaces in recent years is the rise of “chatbots”. Yet extent information system (IS) curriculum lacks teaching resources on chatbots programming.. Background: To better prepare students for this new technological development and to enhance the IS curriculum, we introduce a project that teaches students how to program si ...
information system education, chatbot, artificial intelligence, student perceptions
1 - 31
Jo Coldwell-Neilson, James A Armitage, Ryan J Wood-Bradley, Blair Kelly, Alex Gentle
Aim/Purpose: The aim of this project was to explore a method to enable an updated under-standing of digital literacy to be implemented in curricula in an environment of an existing, but outdated, understanding of digital literacy. . Background: The changing healthcare environment increasingly emphasizes the importance of digital literacy skills; therefore academics in the optometry discipline at ...
optometry, digital literacy, graduate learning outcomes, health professional education
33 - 49
Eugenia M. W. Ng
Aim/Purpose: The flipped classroom approach is one of the most popular active learning approaches. This paper explores the effectiveness of a new pedagogy, known as FOCUSED, for postgraduate students. Background: The flipped classroom approach is a trendy blended learning pedagogy which capitalizes on the flexibility of online learning and the stimulating nature of face-to-face discussion. This ...
blended learning, flipped classroom, online learning, peer interactions, post-graduate students
51 - 59
Wing Shui Ng, Gary Cheng
Aim/Purpose: Drone technology has been increasingly used in education. This paper reports a study of assessing teachers’ readiness and training needs for using drone technology in their teaching. Background: New technology promotes new ways of practices. With the sophisticated design and the affordance to explore our world from a bird’s eye perspective, a drone has been increasingly used to sup ...
drone, unmanned aerial vehicle, teacher education, STEM education, TPCK
61 - 70
Revital Cohen, Ilan Rahimi, Gila Cohen Zilka
Aim/Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine the sense of challenge and threat, negative feelings, self-efficacy, and motivation among students in a virtual and a blended course on multicultural campuses and to see how to afford every student an equal opportunity to succeed in academic studies. Background: Most academic campuses in Israel are multicultural, with a diverse student body. ...
multiculturalism, threat, challenge, motivation, virtual course, blended course, transactional distance
71 - 95
Meetu Thomas, Mali Senapathi
Aim/Purpose: The study describes empirical research into agile Requirements Engineering (RE) practices based on an analysis of data collected in a large higher education organization. Background: Requirements Engineering (RE) in agile development contexts is considerably different than in traditional software development. The field of agile RE is still nascent where there is a need to evaluat ...
agile requirements engineering, case study, empirical, agile, Scrum, tertiary edu-cation
97 - 112
Elena Maceviciute, Thomas D. Wilson, Zinaida Manžuch
Aim/Purpose: To capture digital training experiences, the paper introduces a novel data collection method – a graphic questionnaire. It aims to demonstrate the opportunities and limitations of this tool for collecting feedback from socially disadvantaged participants of digital literacy training about their progress. Background: In training of digital skills for disadvantaged audiences through ...
digital literacy, digital divide, graphic questionnaire, elderly persons, people with hearing impairment, children, assessment
113 - 126
Sarah Genut, Bnaya Ori, Yifat Ben-David Kolikant
Aim/Purpose: Our research goal was to examine the factors that motivate women to enroll in Computer Science (CS) courses in order to better understand the small number of women in the field of CS. Background: This work is in line with the growing interest in better understanding the problem of the underrepresentation of women in the field of CS. Methodology: We focused on a college that diff ...
women, underrepresentation, computer science, culture, Haredi
127 - 141
John English, Tammy English
Aim/Purpose: Providing both formative and summative assessment that allows students to learn from their mistakes is difficult in large classes. This paper describes an automated assessment system suitable for courses with even 100 or more students. Background: Assessment is a vital part of any course of study. Ideally students should be given formative assessment with feedback during the cour ...
automated assessment, formative and summative evaluation, self-paced learning, feedback, ‘little and often’ assessment
143 - 151
Erik Bean
Aim/Purpose: Little is known of the cultural competence or leadership styles of a minority owned newspaper. This autoethnography serves to benchmark one early 1990s example. Background: I focused on a series of flashbacks to observe an African American weekly newspaper editor-in-chief for whom I reported to 25 years ago. In my reflections I sought to answer these questions: How do minorities i ...
cultural competence, microaggression, racism, prejudice, African American, newspapers, leadership, journalism, autoethnography, epistemology, flashbacks, reflection
153 - 164
Jacques Ophoff, Steve Miller
Aim/Purpose: Bring your own device (BYOD) provides opportunities for both the organization and employees, but the adoption of BYOD also introduces risks. This case study of an organization’s BYOD program identifies key positive and negative influences on the adoption decision. Background: The consumerization of IT introduced the BYOD phenomenon into the enterprise environment. As mobile and Int ...
Bring your own device (BYOD), IT management, benefits, risks, Technology-Organization-Environment framework, case study, financial services, South Africa
165 - 196
Jyothi Thalluri, Joy Penman
Aim/purpose The purpose of this article is to discuss the psychosocial and emotional outcomes of an introductory health science workshop designed to support and assist incoming health science students before starting their university study.   Background For the past two decades, a South Australian university offered an on-campus face to face workshop titled ‘Preparation for Health Sciences’ to ...
transition to university, first year, psychosocial, anxious
197 - 210
Sophie McKenzie, Justin Rough, Aaron Spence, Nick Patterson
Aim/Purpose: This paper presents an exploratory case study into using 360° videos to present small segments of lecture content for IT students in an Australian University. The aim of this study was to understand; what is the impact of incorporating 360° videos into class content for students and teaching staff? In this study the 360° videos are described as “learning atoms”. Learning atoms are sho ...
virtual reality, students, improving classroom teaching
211 - 219
Talia Yeshua, Ya'akov Mandelbaum, Ragda Abdalla-Aslan, Chen Nadler, Laureen Cohen, Levana Zemour, Daniel Kabla, Ori Gleisner, Isaac Leichter
Aim/Purpose: The aim of this study was to develop a prototype of an information-generating computer tool designed to automatically map the dental restorations in a panoramic radiograph. Background: A panoramic radiograph is an external dental radiograph of the oro-maxillofacial region, obtained with minimal discomfort and significantly lower radiation dose compared to full mouth intra-oral rad ...
medical information, panoramic images, dental restorations, radiologic informative report, machine learning, computer vision, image processing
221 - 234
Suzanne l Sackstein, Linda Spark, Bryan Turner
Aim/Purpose: Teachers are being asked to integrate mobile technologies into their content creation and distribution tasks. This research aims to provide an understanding of teachers taking on this process and whether the use of technology has influenced their content creation and distribution in the classroom. Background: Many claim that the use of technology for content creation and distribut ...
task-technology fit, education technology, content creation, content distribution, technology choices, teachers
235 - 254
Elizabeth W Wamicha, Lisa F Seymour
Aim/Purpose: This study aims to answer the research question titled What are the competencies required for the Business Process Analyst (BPA) role in organizations with ERP systems in Kenya. Through 4 hypotheses, this study focuses on two specific aspects: (1) Enhancing BPM Maturity and (2) ERP implementation. Background: The emergence of complex systems and complex processes in organizations i ...
enterprise systems, BPA competencies, business process analyst, context
255 - 275
Anat Goldstein, Ruti Gafni
Aim/Purpose: This paper explores the benefits and challenges of experiencing virtual multi-cultural teamwork in order to learn entrepreneurship. Background: Entrepreneurial eco-system usually requires working in international, virtual multi-cultural diverse teams. Higher education institutes are trying to educate future generation of entrepreneurs, coping with challenges derived from the virtua ...
entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial learning, multicultural, virtual, global team-work
277 - 305
Danielle Morin, Hamed Safaee Fard, Raafat George Saadé
Aim/Purpose: To understand readiness of students for learning in online environments across different age groups. Background: Online learners today are diverse in age due to increasing adult/mature students who continue their higher education while they are working. Understanding the influence of the learners’ age on their online learning experience is limited. Methodology: A survey methodol ...
online learning, readiness, age, motivation, self-efficacy, anxiety
307 - 317
Mathews Nkhoma, Clara A. Nkhoma, Susan Thomas, Long Tu Tu, Nha Quoc Le
Aim/Purpose: Blended learning can transform students experience and learning in higher education. Although the literature extensively explores benefits of blended learning, limited research exists to provide a detailed design principle for implementing instructional activities in blended courses and its usage as tool to influence learning outcomes for second language first year accounting learners ...
learning management system, learning pathway, community of practice, independent learning, content analysis, second language learners
319 - 342
Chaya Liebeskind
Aim/Purpose: Any system that aims to address the task of modeling social media communication need to deal with the usage of emojis. Efficient prediction of the most likely emoji given the text of a message may help to improve different NLP tasks. Background: We explore two tasks: emoji identification and emoji prediction. While emoji prediction is a classification task of predicting the emojis ...
emoji prediction, machine learning, social media, supervised learning
343 - 359
Sydney Freeman Jr., Karen Krier, Ahmed A Al-Asfour, Russell Thacker
Aim/Purpose: The aim and purpose of this study is to understand why there is a dearth of faculty of color ascending to senior levels of leadership in higher education institutions, and to identify strategies to increase the representation of faculty of color in university senior administrative positions. Background: There is a lack of faculty of color in senior level academic administrative pos ...
leadership development, higher education administration, faculty of color, glass ceiling, critical race theory
361 - 376
Nicole A. Buzzetto-Hollywood, Bryant C. Mitchell
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine whether grit was a contributing factor to student persistence and success at minority serving institutions. Background: A number of studies conducted in the past fifteen years have concluded that grit is a positive predictor of achievement across many domains. But, is grit really the ultimate panacea for student success? This longitudinal stud ...
grit, persistence to graduation, student retention, graduation rates, business education, student success, first generation college students, HBCU, minority learners, UMES, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, persistence and perseverance, grit in education
377 - 391

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