Journal Articles
Table of Contents for IISIT Volume 19, 2022
IISIT, Informing Science, information technology
.i - iii
Aim/Purpose: Digital literacy is critical to participation in a contemporary knowledge-based society and is requisite to both academic success and career development. Institutions of higher education have been slow to define, assess, and amplify digital literacy in parallel with advances in the enhancement of reading, writing, and arithmetic literacy. Perhaps as a consequence of the pandemic, awar ...
digital literacy, digital competency, critical digital literacy, digitally centered
1 - 13
Aim/Purpose: Designing augmented reality (AR) experiences for education, health or entertainment involves multidisciplinary teams making design decisions across several areas. The goal of this paper is to present a classification schema that describes the design choices when constructing an AR interactive experience.
Background: Existing extended reality schema often focuses on single dimensi ...
augmented reality, interactive experiences, design rationale, classification schema
15 - 40
Aim/Purpose: Two popular methods for encouraging active learning are Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Field Trips (VFTs). This exploratory case study examines college students’ perceptions of a prototype AR and VFT app as an active learning strategy.
Background: AR allows students to learn as they physically explore a destination, while VFTs give students the opportunity to visit exciting des ...
Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Field Trip (VFT), active learning, Systems Analysis and Design (SA&D), Science Technology Engineering, and Math (STEM)
41 - 59
Aim/Purpose: The low proportion of women currently working in the field of business information systems presents an opportunity to attract more women to this field. For example, in Germany, the proportion of women studying business information systems is currently 21%, compared to 48% in business administration (Statistisches Bundesamt, 2020). Which characteristics make the professional field of b ...
job satisfaction, career goals, work climate, gender, fairness
61 - 69
Aim / Purpose
This study examined the perception of the role of tutors in online training of preservice teachers during the COVID period, from the perspective of pre-service teachers and their tutors.
Because of the COVID pandemic, learning in schools was conducted online, therefore preservice teachers’ practicum also took place online, as did the tutoring process.
clinical training, field experiences, preservice teacher, online teaching practices, COVID-19, practical experience, e-readiness, digital learning literacies, 21st century
71 - 95
This paper focuses on systematizing and rethinking the conformity of modern transdisciplinarity with its prime cause and initial ideas.
The difficulties of implementing transdisciplinarity into science and education are connected with the fact that its generally accepted definition, identification characteristics, and methodological features are still missing. In order ...
transdisciplinarity, transdisciplinary research, systems approach, systems transdisciplinary approach, higher education
97 - 120
Aim/Purpose; Fostering student engagement is one of the great challenges of teaching, especially in online learning environments. An educators’ assumptions and beliefs about what student engagement is and how it manifests will shape the strategies they design to engage students in learning. However, there is no agreement on the definition of concept of student engagement and it re-mains a vague co ...
online learning, student engagement, teaching IT, higher education, human-ism, affective domain, student-teacher connection, classroom inquiry, reflexive teaching practice
121 - 133
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to address the issue of gaps in students’ knowledge at the time they enter a comprehensive Information Systems cap-stone course. This problem of knowledge gaps was exacerbated by the forced remote learning and isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim was to find a technique that would identify and fill those gaps. Ideally, the method would also r ...
knowledge gaps, pandemic, Teach Back, capstone, soft skills, interpersonal skills, curriculum, engagement, tutorials
135 - 148