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Journal Articles


Eli Cohen
Table of Contents for IISIT Volume 20, 2023
IISIT, Informing Science, information technology
.i - iii
Roshanak Basty, Asuman Celik, Hazem Said
Aim/Purpose. This paper aims to answer the research question, “What are the development phases of the academic discipline of information technology in the United States?” This is important to understand the reason for the growing talent gap in the information technology (IT) industry by reviewing the evolution of information technology across time, how the discipline was formed, evolved, and gai ...
information technology, discipline of information technology, systematic liter-ature review
1 - 23
Josette R Riep, Kemi Akanbi, Hazem Said
Aim/Purpose. The goal of this publication is to explore methods for advancing student success in technology related disciplines via improved program classification and selection within higher education. Background. Increased demand for information technology (IT) professionals has been cited as a challenge in many fields including cybersecurity and software development. Many highlight the ch ...
information technology, systemic literature review, STEM, discipline, classification
23 - 38
Merav Aizenberg
Aim/Purpose. The study aimed to examine the remote and face-to-face experience of pedagogical training in kindergarten after the third COVID-19 closure in Israel. Background. The outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020 changed the training system, and preservice teachers were required to have their practical experience in the kindergartens both remotely and face-to-face. They had to adapt t ...
remote pedagogical training, face-to-face pedagogical training, preservice kindergarten teachers, kindergartens, COVID-19
39 - 52
Stephen J. Andriole
Aim/Purpose. Business schools need to design, develop and deliver courses that are relevant to business problem-solving. Current pedagogies do not often provide the insight – or experience – necessary to close the gap between theory and practice. Background. The paper describes an initiative to design, develop and deliver courses in business-technology problem-solving that thoroughly immerse ...
experiential learning, immersive learning, cases, relevance, business
53 - 66
James J Meadows, Samuel Sambasivam
Aim/Purpose. The problem statement in the proposed study focuses on that, despite the growing recognition that teenagers need to undergo security awareness training, little is known about the impacts security training experts believe implementing a mandatory gamified security awareness training curriculum in public middle schools will have on the long-term security behavior of students in Texas. ...
cybersecurity, security awareness training, gamification, security habits, middle school security training
67 - 94
Wissal Neji, Naouel Boughattas, Faten Ziadi
Aim/Purpose. The aim of this study is to propose a teaching approach based on AI-based chatbot agents and to determine whether the use of this approach increases the students’ motivation. Background. Today, chatbots are an integral part of students’ lives where they are used in various contexts. Therefore, we are interested in incorporating these tools into our teaching process in order to pr ...
AI, chatbots, digital tools, student motivation
95 - 110
Gila Cohen Zilka
Aim/Purpose. This study examined the self-perception of adolescents and young people aged 17-21 – how they perceived their personal characteristics, self-image, vitality, belonging to a local and global (glocal) society, happiness index and activity, media usage habits in general and smartphones in particular – in other words, it sought to produce a sketch of their character. Background. Diff ...
information and communication technology (ICT), smartphones, teenagers, young adults, generation Z, cluster analysis
111 - 128
Ilan Daniels Rahimi, Gila Cohen Zilka
Aim/Purpose. Higher education institutions face difficulties and challenges when it comes to distance learning. The purpose of this paper is to examine self-efficacy indicators and student satisfaction during online English classes. Background. E-learning has been very relevant since the Covid-19 era and is still relevant today. It is possible for students to study regardless of their locati ...
information and communication technology (ICT), 21ct century abilities, social emotional learning, distance learning, digital environment, e-learning
129 - 147
Chaya Liebeskind, Giedre Valunaite Oleskeviciene
Aim/Purpose. The most crucial aspects of teaching a foreign language to more advanced learners are building an awareness of discourse modes, how to regulate discourse, and the pragmatic properties of discourse components. However, in different languages, the connections and structure of discourse are ensured by different linguistic means which makes matters complicated for the learner. Backgr ...
translation, corpus, multi-word expression, discourse, discourse marker
149 - 169
Jonathan Marquez, Joy C Penman
Aim/Purpose. This study seeks to determine the impact of a card game intervention in improving the English verbal communication of nursing students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Background. Many international students studying in Australia experience setbacks in their university studies due to English language difficulties. This paper outlines how an educational card ...
card game, nursing, English language learning, ESL, Verbal communication skills
171 - 184

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