Journal Articles
Volume 5, 2020
Table of Contents for Volume 5, 2020 of the Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education
Table of Contents, JSPTE, Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education
.i - iii
Aim/Purpose: This study examined Higher Education/Student Affairs (HE/SA) programs’ curriculum alignment with the CAS Standards.
Background: HE/SA programs have a limited number of credit hours (27-65) and must structure their curriculum within the confines. The CAS Standards guides HE/SA programs and recommends this curriculum include a focus on six content areas.
Methodology: A quantitativ ...
higher education programs, student affairs programs, graduate preparatory programs, professional preparation, student affairs, professional development
1 - 16
Aim/Purpose: Our goal is to provide understanding of if and how the institutional factors found to contribute to a chilly climate are experienced in an international setting and provide a broader understanding of the discourses that create challenges for marginalized and underrepresented groups in STEM.
Background: In August 2018 the Hungarian government stopped funding gender studies program and ...
institutional ethnography, Hungarian higher education, STEM in higher educa-tion, mathematics education
17 - 34
Aim/Purpose: Book Review: Student Learning and Development in Chinese Higher Education: College Students’ Experience in China
Background: This book describes and interprets student learning and development as perceived by students in Chinese higher education institutions.
Impact on Society: Overall, this book appeals to higher education scholars from all countries and regions. It is a good resou ...
student experience, student learning and development, Chinese higher education
35 - 38
Aim/Purpose: Neoliberal ideology in U.S. society and globally is transforming post-secondary institutions into economic drivers of their public purposes, that of promoting societal betterment and educational opportunity. Attendant with the neoliberal transformation of higher education’s purposes has been an erosion of the equity pursuits of postsecondary institutions as they privilege enrolling le ...
equity, public purposes, higher education, neoliberalism, institutional change, civic engagement
39 - 55
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this study was to better understand the sources of mentoring and ways in which mentors, as forms of social and familial capital, facilitate the development of capital among Latinx community college students
Background: A more focused and nuanced understanding of the role of mentors in further developing Latinx students’ capital is needed to guide mentoring programs in ...
Latinx, college students, mentoring, community colleges, faculty
57 - 78
Aim/Purpose: This essay highlights how the way educational places and spaces are imagined impacts higher education research, policy, and practice.
Background: Drawing on the rapid transition to online education in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, dichotomous thinking about education space is problematized by examining how the physical (e.g., the lecture hall) is intertwined with the digital (e.g. ...
spatial inequality, education technology, space, facilities, blended learning
79 - 84
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the factor structure of a newly developed Culture of Mattering survey (CoM) that evaluates mattering in the context of relationships with supervisors, colleagues, and the organization as a whole.
Background: Mattering can be defined as the experience of feeling valued and adding value. Despite the importance of mattering in personal and occupa ...
mattering, organizational culture, instrument development, employee, higher education
85 - 104
Aim/Purpose: This study examines how higher education and student affairs doctoral students and their partners navigate the graduate school experience through the lens of linked lives.
Background: Enhancing doctoral students’ ability to integrate their academic and personal lives can contribute to positive student outcomes such as retention and satisfaction. Yet, many features of graduate educati ...
graduate students, graduate education, work-life integration
105 - 123
Aim/Purpose: This paper illustrates the relationship between graduate students’ social identities and their ability to persevere in an academically rigorous graduate setting. Through our analysis we show that while many students experience marginalization and threats to their identity, they display no less grit than those who do not experience marginalization and threats to their identity.
Backg ...
grit, social identity threat, marginalization
125 - 144
Aim/Purpose: The following questions guided this study: 1) What are the major types of four-year graduation policies and plans being implemented by public four-year colleges and universities? 2) What explicit and implicit messages do leaders convey in constructing four-year graduation policies and plans? 3) What messages might four-year graduation policies and plans send to minoritized student pop ...
four-year graduation, timely graduation, degree completion, discourse, criti-cal discourse analysis
145 - 166
Volume 4, 2019
Table of Contents for Volume 4, 2019, of the Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education
Table of Contents, JSPTE, Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education
. i - iv
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine the phenomena of vicarious bullying, or an abetting bully, when a bully’s subordinate is used to inflict abuse on the target. This study examines who is most affected by this multi-faceted organizational abuse in American higher education.
Background: Workplace bullying has received international attention. Recent studies in the United States h ...
higher education, workplace bullying, vicarious bullying, gender, race
1 - 18
Aim/Purpose: This study explored the connection between Tinto’s notion of “rites of passage” and Kenny’s parental attachment. Specifically, this study sought to explain how students’ parental attachment (i.e., affective quality of parental relationships, parents’ ability to facilitate independence, and parents as source of support) influenced their rites of passage (i.e., separation, transition, i ...
persistence, parental attachment, rites of passage
19 - 32
Aim/Purpose: Using discourse analysis, this study analyzed language used at universities undergoing budget cuts.
Background: In times of economic hardship and declining public support, institutions can generate more revenue or reduce expenditures, referred to as retrenchment, to meet their resource needs. Yet, scholarship on organizational approaches to retrenchment is scarce.
Methodology: Usi ...
retrenchment, budget cutting behaviors, discourse analysis
33 - 48
Aim/Purpose: While there are studies that examine the experience of LGB or international students, we are not aware of any study that examines both intersectionalities. In this study, we attempt to be the first to examine the experiences of international LGB students and the resources they utilize on campuses.
Background: This research provides an understanding of how this population of students ...
LGBTQIA, international students, intersectionality, student engagement
49 - 65
Aim/Purpose: Persistence rates among Black and Latinx students continue to fall behind those of their White peers. One way to address this issue is to promote a stronger college sense of belonging. While student involvement has been linked to sense of belonging, postsecondary institutions need to seriously reflect on, and recommit to, their own role in engaging Black and Latinx students to promote ...
Black and Latinx students, sense of belonging, college student engagement
67 - 84
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to apply Albert Bandura’s findings of the Bobo Doll experiments to organizational behavior and workplace bullying in higher education. The Bandura social psychological experiments confirm that people who see aggression also need to witness an intervention to aggression to learn that the organization does not welcome aggression in their work environment.
B ...
workplace bullying, Bobo Doll, laissez-faire leadership, deliberate indifference
85 - 102
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative study was to understand how faculty members teaching undergraduate diversity courses at liberal arts colleges in the southern United States addressed the outcome of the 2016 presidential election in their classrooms.
Background: Humanities and social science faculty teaching undergraduate diversity courses faced the decision of whether, and how, to ad ...
politics, 2016 election, college faculty, diversity courses, diversity require-ment, general education, academic freedom, liberal arts colleges, qualitative
103 - 121
Aim/Purpose: Black contributions to higher education are frequently marginalized by some of the field’s most commonly cited historians. The purpose of this conceptual paper is threefold: to demarginalize the role of Black Americans within the higher education history narrative; to demonstrate the need to reconsider the course reading selections used to facilitate learning in this area; and, to emp ...
higher education, history, Black, African American
123 - 142
Aim/Purpose: This preface presents the papers included in this Special Series of the Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education.
Background: This special series was put together in an effort to show the interconnectedness of our world through globalization and internationalization within higher education.
Methodology: A qualitative conceptual analysis of the themes and insig ...
transnational education, globalization, internationalization, higher education, international research, study abroad, global responsibility, diversity, interfaith; campus worldview; campus climate
143 - 147
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare domestic and international students’ experiences of the campus worldview climate.
Background: Internationalization efforts have continued to increase and more institutions are codifying internationalization into their mission statements or strategic plans. However, most international students are coming to the United States from countries that ...
internationalization, international students, worldview diversity, interfaith
149 - 176
Aim/Purpose: This paper evaluates three community college internationalization plans using quantitative textual analysis to explore the different foci of institutions across three U.S. states.
Background: One of the purposes of community college internationalization is to equip future generations with the skills and dispositions necessary to be successful in an increasingly globalized workforce. ...
internationalization, community college, quantitative textual analysis, digital scholarship, international students
177 - 196
Aim/Purpose: Education is vital as it is a major investment in human capital. Tertiary education, in particular, contributes to the growth of knowledge and advances skills, which helps in the development of a country. This paper aims to look at the research and technological output at the tertiary level in Saudi Arabia and Iran.
Background: Saudi Arabia and Iran have an aspiration for leadership ...
academia, Iran, R&D, research output, Saudi Arabia, tertiary education
197 - 208
Aim/Purpose: In this study, we explored the learning experiences of graduate students enrolled at Vietnamese-German University (VGU), a transnational collaborative university that uses English as the language for instruction that is primarily conducted by German faculty.
Background: Transnational education has gained in popularity across the globe, often with English serving as the common languag ...
Vietnam, Germany, transnational education, English as lingua franca, student learning
209 - 225
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this collaborative autoethnographic research study was to explore how a shared Ghanaian study abroad experience would (re)shape how two U.S. first-generation Black women doctoral students understood teaching, learning, and academic achievement. Through our experiences, we reflected on what a reimagining U.S. higher education could look like to facilitate a cultural shif ...
Ghana, study abroad, graduate preparation, higher education, student affairs, African American students, counselor education
227 - 244
Aim/Purpose: This investigation examines 15 interviews at one critical case in Finland to explore the ways in which practitioners of higher education address the challenges associated with the pursuit of a global social good agenda. Employing the language of the participants, the purpose of this investigation is to explain the ways in which tertiary education practitioners conceptualize their “glo ...
social good, internationalization, higher education, global responsibility, Finland, critical, neoliberalism, global, university, coloniality, social justice, practitioner
245 - 262
Aim/Purpose: Higher education has faced increasing perceptions, mainly by students, of unwelcoming campus racial and diversity climates. As a result, during the past decade, there has been a peak in the inaugurations of chief diversity officers. Yet, little is known about how these offices are established.
Background: This study explores and describes the emergence of the chief diversity office a ...
diversity, campus climate, race, CDO, leadership, higher education, equity, inclusion
263 - 277
Aim/Purpose: Book Review: Multicultural and Diversity Issues in Student Affairs Practice - A Professional Competency Based Approach
Background: This text explores cases and concepts regarding multiculturalism, diversity, and inclusion in student affairs practice as guided by ACPA/ NASPA competencies.
Methodology: Review
Contribution: Review
Findings: Overall, this text is a useful resource for ...
multiculturalism, diversity, inclusion, student affairs
279 - 280
Aim/Purpose: To inclusively consider the diversity within student gender-identification at post-secondary institutions, we investigate expanding gender self-identification options on admissions forms; often the first point of student contact with campuses.
Background: Even if inspired and motivated by inclusion, many of the gender categories in use presently have challenges, including conflating ...
gender diversity, gender categories, gender data, demographics, education, post-secondary students, transgender, non-binary
281 - 298
Aim/Purpose: This paper establishes a research agenda for learning from global approaches to higher education as a field of study by encouraging research into new methods and practices in leadership development from emerging scholars and practitioners around the world.
Background: Significant growth has occurred in the number of academic programs, research centers, and scholars serving in the fie ...
higher education as a field of study, leadership development, international higher education
299 - 306
Aim/Purpose: This paper encourages the reader to think about the role history, or foundations, plays in graduate programs in the field of higher education. In so doing it looks at the types of conversations scholars in other fields and disciplines have had concerning the value of teaching students to think historically in settings where history is not the primary mode of scholarship, before think ...
higher education, foundations, graduate education, higher education programs
307 - 318
Volume 3, 2018
Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education, Volume 3- Printable Table of Contents
Table of Contents for Volume 3, 2018, of the Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education
Table of Contents, JSPTE, Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education
. i - iii
Aim/Purpose: Understanding how students develop a sense of efficacy as researchers can provide faculty members in higher education doctoral programs insight into how to be more effective teachers and mentors, necessitating discipline-specific research on how graduate programs are and can be fostering students’ research self-efficacy (RSE). Thus, the purpose of this study was to explore how doctora ...
graduate student socialization, research self-efficacy, research training
1 - 20
Aim/Purpose: Review of Beth Berila's book, Integrating Mindfulness Into Anti-Oppression Pedagogy: Social Justice in Higher Education
Background: I am a Fine Arts instructor who integrates contemplative methods in my curriculum and is interested in mindfulness techniques. Beth Berila is Director of Women's Studies at St. Cloud University, as well as a 500-hour registered yoga teacher.
Methodolo ...
pedagogy, mindfulness, contemplative, integrated, social justice, anti-oppression, higher education
21 - 23
Aim/Purpose: Service Learning is not used in graduate education to the extent it is in un-dergraduate education. This paper utilizes a developmental evaluation methodological approach and a strategic partnership conceptual framework in examining a service learning course in which higher education master students gain valuable experience they can use in their careers while assisting high school stu ...
service learning, college admission, graduate students
25 - 40
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore how the professional development of two Mexican-American women post-secondary educators was impacted by the reflective literacy practices (RLPs) of their students and themselves. RLPs were defined as verbal and written dialogue that fosters reflection of their learning.
Background: Research suggests that RLPs can be empowering for students, y ...
Mexican-American, voice, post-secondary, reflective literacy practices
41 - 57
Aim/Purpose: This qualitative study examines the discourse of study abroad (SA) electronic advertising and how it potentially constrains participation by students of color in education abroad using a critical race theory (CRT) perspective.
Background: Through visual and text communication, SA advertisements define the SA participant as affluent and White and construct SA as opportunities for tour ...
study abroad, critical race theory, students of color, advertising
59 - 76
Aim/Purpose: This paper invites readers to engage with analyses that diagnose the racial-colonial foundations of US universities as the root cause of many contemporary higher education challenges. To do so, it traces the “underside” of violence that subsidized three moments in US higher education history: the colonial era; land-grant legislation; and the post-War “golden age.” I argue that confron ...
higher education, history, foundations, capitalism, colonialism, racism
77 - 96
Aim/Purpose: Using a sample of historically Black college/university (HBCU) students, the study examined (1) differences in academic self-esteem (ASE) levels when considering students’ performance on an academic task that was either easy (low in cognitive demand) or difficult (high in cognitive demand), (2) gender differences in ASE levels, and (3) variations in academic self-concepts, given basel ...
academic self-esteem, perceptions of rigor, academic achievement, HBCU, col-lege students
97 - 116
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative study was to provide an appreciative re-telling of public regional universities (PRUs) to advance the study of postsecondary education.
Background: Journalists, scholars, and policymakers frequently describe PRUs from a deficit perspective. The dominant narrative about PRUs influences how we prepare new higher education professionals, where faculty and ...
public, regional, comprehensive, university, opportunity, narrative, president, qualitative, appreciative
117 - 134
Aim/Purpose: Using the lens of critical theory, the authors of this study analyzed if institutions of varying institutional type acknowledged the role of the presidents’ spouses in presidential biographies and press releases. The purpose of this investigation was to establish to what extent institutions are transparent about the involvement of the presidential spouse.
Background: Spouses of high ...
college president, presidential spouse, content analysis, organizational commu-nication, critical theory
135 - 153
Volume 2, 2017
Table of Contents for Volume 2, 2017, Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education
JSPTE, postsecondary education, tertiary education
i - iii
Aim/Purpose: The aim of this paper is to develop a unified methodology inclusive of the three primary areas of faculty responsibility (teaching, research, and service) to calculate departmental productivity that fills the gap in methodological bench-marking tools for overall faculty productivity.
Background: A disproportionate number of departmental and faculty productivity indices in higher ed ...
higher education departmental productivity, faculty productivity, productivity management, methodology, university mission, accurate benchmarking
1 - 11
Aim/Purpose: Appointment systems in today’s universities must now accommodate not only traditional tenured/tenure track faculty (TTTF) but a broad array of other professionals who collectively, are often labeled “contingent faculty” and who share the university’s teaching responsibilities for both undergraduate and graduate courses.
Background: Regardless of appointment type, providing institu ...
tenured faculty, tenure track faculty, contingent faculty, instructional staff appointment systems
13 - 22
Aim/Purpose The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of student affairs professionals who teach in a variety of college classroom settings.
Background Increasingly, student affairs professionals are serving in teaching roles inside the college classroom; yet, there are few empirical studies that explore that teaching role or the impacts of that teaching experience. Because there ...
student affairs professionals, teaching, classroom, practitioner, scholarship of teaching, college teaching
23 - 41
Aim/Purpose: To explore how early career faculty in the field of higher education administration develop and enact their personal and professional identities.
Background: Participants sought to understand themselves, to understand their environments and the “rules” of the academic “game,” and to reconcile conflicts between their own values and identities and the expectations and culture of thei ...
early career faculty, graduate students, professional identity development, men-toring, socialization
43 - 58
Aim/Purpose: In the United States, faculty who wish to pursue promotion to the rank of professor do so without clear guidance or structure. Even the timing of such a process is nebulous. As such, an individual engages in agentic action to pursue the rank.
Background: This study examined the experiences of faculty members who chose to pursue the application process to be promoted to professor bu ...
promotion, faculty rank, agency
59 - 75
Aim/Purpose : The role of college presidents has become increasingly critical, yet their tenure as institutional leaders have decreased over the last half century, leading to institutional instability and an expensive search process for new presidents. Scholars have sought to understand this phenomenon by focusing on either presidential characteristics, or institutional characteristics, with few ...
college presidents, turnover, presidential tenure, person-organization fit
77 - 93
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore how research skills and communities can be promoted in student affairs and/or higher education graduate preparation programs through a peer-led, team-based model.
Background: Numerous scholars emphasized a lack of empirical research being conducted by student affairs professionals, even though integration of scholarship with practice remains ...
Scholar-Practitioner, Student Affairs, Graduate Preparation, Communities of Practice
95 - 113
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of the present special series is to move conversations about people we treat as “other” within our field from the margins of higher education as a field of study to the center. For this spe-cial series we invited established scholars within the field of higher education to illuminate issues confronting the field that are often left to the margins.
higher education graduate programs
115 - 119
Background: Looking up the terms center and margin, synonyms found for center are “the middle, nucleus, heart, core, hub” and synonyms for margin are “the border, edge, boundary, fringe, periphery.” These terms and their synonyms prompt me to ask questions about the concepts of “margin” and “center” as related to higher education. Questions such as: What are the challenges and benefits of being at ...
faculty of color
121 - 126
Aim/Purpose: This article reviews the leadership development literature and posits that a learning centered approach will best support the development of community college leaders. But, it is important to recognize that community colleges have differing needs due to size, location, and the communities they serve.
Background: American community colleges have received a great deal of attention o ...
community colleges, leadership, leadership development, leaders, networks
127 - 145
No Longer Junior Colleges: Integrating Institutional Diversity in Graduate Higher Education Programs
Aim/Purpose: This article argues that given the isomorphic pressures on both community colleges and four-year institutions, historic divisions between community college leadership programs and general higher education programs are no longer serving the needs of new scholars and practitioners in the field. Graduate programs of higher education should integrate an understanding of community college ...
community colleges, graduate higher education, curriculum, isomorphism
147 - 163
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this article is to outline a pedagogical framework we as trans* educators utilize to center trans* identities and epistemologies in classrooms alongside graduate students.
Background: Little has been written about the experiences of trans* educators in classroom spaces, in particular how gender mediates pedagogical approaches.
Methodology : This article is conc ...
gender, trans* pedagogy, higher education, student affairs, classroom
165 - 179
Aim/Purpose: Doctoral students with disabilities represent 5 to 10 percent of the graduate student population and, yet, research seldom documents their experiences. We propose a research agenda and methodological approaches that circumvent these limitations, including a substantive focus on universal design to measure graduate program’s awareness of disability, experimental methods to minimize re ...
graduate programs, doctoral students, disability, diversity
181 - 193
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this manuscript is to bring communities of learners before Solerno, Bologna, and Paris from the margin to the center of history of higher education discourse.
Background: Most history of higher education coursework in the global west begins with institutions of higher learning in western Europe – Solerno, Bologna, and Paris. However, this tradition discounts the histor ...
history of higher education, ancient history, global history
195 - 205
Aim/Purpose: Book review
book review, higher education, social justice, law
207 - 209
Aim/Purpose: The book, Advancing Higher Education as a Field of Study: In Quest of Doctoral Degree Guidelines – Commemorating 120 Years of Excellence by Sydney Freeman, Jr., Linda Serra Hagedorn, Lester F. Goodchild, and Dianne A. Wright (Editors), Sterling, VA: Stylus, 2014, 340 pages, $49.95 (softcover) is reviewed and recommended for faculty and administrators who have a graduate program in hig ...
higher education, doctoral programs, master's programs, accreditation
211 - 214
Volume 1, 2016
Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education, Volume 1, Table of Contents
JSPTE, postsecondary education, tertiary education
i - iii
Introduction to the Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education (JPSTE). Pages 1-71 comprise the inaugural series of papers.
introduction, JSPTE, postsecondary education, tertiary education
1 - 8
In this essay, I touch upon three themes. First, I discuss the field of higher education and my views on the scholarship that we are producing within the field. Second, I discuss higher education graduate education and what contributes to sound training of doctoral students. And third, I provide commentary on how I’d like to see the field move forward.
Higher education, doctoral students, activism, writing, postsecondary education, tertiary education
9 - 12
Ethics content within higher education graduate programs can help higher education students as emerging leaders become more thoughtful about the decision making process. The purpose of the present manuscript is to explore one vehicle through which current and future higher education leaders can actively contemplate their values and how their values influence their actions when faced with an ethica ...
Ethics, Graduate Education, Professional Programs, Leadership
13 - 34
Prior research exploring professional socialization in student affairs has been grounded in models that do not fully capture the distinct features of the field. Moreover, these studies have primarily focused on the transition into full-time work positions, and they have captured what happens to new professionals rather than how individuals understand their socialization experiences. With these g ...
Professional socialization, graduate students, graduate education, student affairs, new professionals
35 - 52
This quantitative descriptive study examined the job placement success and challenges of graduate students in a higher education and student affairs professional preparation program at a mid-size public institution in the U.S. Specifically, this study investigated the impact of curricular standards in the form of supervised practice (i.e., internships and graduate assistantships) on the job place ...
graduate students, professional preparation, job placement, student affairs, higher education administration
53 - 65
Book Review for Inaugural Series
Higher Education Administration, Inventory, Worldwide, Book Review
67 - 71
In September 2015, the United Nations adopted the 2030 agenda including sustainable development goals, for the first time addressing access to all levels of education. This essay has two aims. Firstly, it will illustrate why access to post-secondary education is emerging as a major global concern and provide examples of access gaps. The second is to describe a young global initiative for access to ...
Access, Access to Post-Secondary Education, Access to Higher Education, GAPS, Education Policy, Social Movement, Global Access to Higher Education, Widening Higher Education Access for Underrepresented Groups, Diversity & Inclusion in Higher Education
73 - 79
In her book, Sentipensante (Sensing/Thinking) Pedagogy: Educating for Wholeness, Social Justice, and Liberation, author, educator, and Fetzer Institute Fellowship alumnus Laura I. Rendón lays the framework and provides the rationalization for the need for higher education professionals to embrace and integrate the concepts of “wholeness, consonance, social justice, and liberation” in teaching and ...
JSPTE, postsecondary education, tertiary education, book review
81 - 84
Intercollegiate athletic departments are complex organizations in need of individuals with specialized training and experience—credentials that aspiring practitioners have increasingly sought through graduate education. Despite the growing prevalence of graduate credentials, little is known about the motivations or choice processes of those seeking an advanced degree. Focusing on individuals enrol ...
College choice, graduate students, graduate education, intercollegiate athletics, Social Cognitive Career Theory
85 - 102
Using Feminist Phase Theory (FPT) as our analytical framework, we studied the status of gender awareness and influence in higher education leadership development trends in four premier higher education journals for the years 2008, 2011, and 2014. Our analysis was accomplished through the review of articles and book reviews published in two US and two international journals: Higher Education (Nethe ...
Feminist Phase Theory, gender, higher education administration, higher education leadership, leadership
103 - 120
This research examines contingent faculty’s perception of organizational support, workplace attitudes, and Student Ratings of Teaching (SRT) in a large public research university to investigate their employee-organization relationship. According to t-tests and regression analyses for samples of 2,229 faculty and instructional staff who answered the survey and had SRT data (tenured and tenure-track ...
contingent faculty, public research university, employee-organization relationship, perceived organizational support, workplace attitudes, student ratings of teaching
121 - 151
Many higher education administrators and researchers have considered certain “good practices” of institutions as an instrumental way to improve student outcomes. Chickering and Gamson’s (1987) seven principles of good practice has been particularly salient in defining these practices. Often, prior studies only select some of the seven principles for their analysis. Even studies that consider sever ...
good practices, learning outcomes, student experiences, liberal arts colleges, liberal arts education, Wabash National Study
153 - 175
Book Review
Academic Leadership, Book Review
177 - 180
Technology permeates higher education, yet less is known about the use of established technologies, such as email and other electronic communication mediums (e.g., discussion boards, listservs) for instructional purposes on important student outcomes such as cognitive development. In this study, we use data from the Wabash National Study to estimate the effects of email and other electronic mediu ...
Effective college teaching, pedagogy, technology, cognitive development, critical thinking
181 - 196
Although internationalization is often touted as a priority in higher education, little attention is given to infusing international perspectives into the formalities of doctoral education. Further, limited attention is given towards doctoral student training for conducting international research. This qualitative study provides insight on how 21 U.S. doctoral students in higher education programs ...
Doctoral preparation, international higher education, researcher development, international research, graduate education
197 - 214
In this duoethnography, we interrogate our roles as critical pedagogues in designing and teaching a graduate level course focused on the history of U.S. higher education. Throughout this dialogue, we surface tensions around what it means to enact critical pedagogy. Rather than just espousing a critical stance, we wrestle with how external pressures such as limited time, the need and desire to con ...
Critical pedagogy, history of higher education, graduate education
215 - 232
The academic department remains understudied as a context of faculty work, particularly in institutional settings beyond the research university. In this article, we report findings from a study of faculty experiences within academic departments in liberal arts colleges, through analysis of interviews with 55 faculty members representing a 13-member consortium of liberal arts institutions in the m ...
liberal arts colleges, academic departments, faculty careers, professoriate
233 - 252