Journal Articles
Table of Contents of the Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, Volume 17, 2018
. i - iii
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this exploratory case study was to understand how teachers, working with English Language Learners (ELLs), expanded their knowledge and instructional practices as they implemented a one-to-one iPad® program.
Background: English Language Learners experience linguistic, cultural, and cognitive shifts that can be challenging, and at times lead to isolation for ELLs. Whil ...
English Language Learners; 1:1 iPads, pedagogy
1 - 21
Aim/Purpose: The aim of this article is to develop a tool to detect plagiarism in real time amongst students being evaluated for learning in a computer-based assessment setting.
Background: Cheating or copying all or part of source code of a program is a serious concern to academic institutions. Many academic institutions apply a combination of policy driven and plagiarism detection approaches. T ...
plagiarism detection, plagiarism detection tools, computer-based assessment, quality education, dishonesty
23 - 35
Aim/Purpose: This study investigates the variations in student participation patterns across different types of instructional activities, learning modes, and with different instructional guidance approaches. In the current study, different variables, modes of learning (guided versus unguided), and types of guidance (social versus cognitive) were manipulated in a series of microblogging-supported c ...
instructional guidance, social media, microblogging, Twitter
37 - 54
Aim/Purpose: Bioengineering is a burgeoning interdisciplinary learning domain that could inspire the imaginations of elementary aged children but is not traditionally taught to this age group for reasons unrelated to student ability. This pilot study presents the BacToMars videogame and accompanying curricular intervention, designed to introduce children (aged 7-11) to foundational concepts of bio ...
biological engineering, elementary school, videogames
55 - 81
Aim/Purpose: This paper provides a general-purpose categorization scheme for assessing the utility of new and emerging three-dimensional interactive digital environments (3D-IDEs), along with specific pedagogic approaches that are known to work. It argues for the use of 3D-IDEs on the basis of their ludic appeal and ability to provide intrinsic motivation to the learner, and their openness that al ...
3D-IDE, virtual environment, immersion, ludic, intrinsic motivation
83 - 112
Aim/Purpose: The dynamic nature of the information systems (IS) field presents educators with the perpetual challenge of keeping course offerings current and relevant. This paper describes the process at a College of Business (COB) to redesign the introductory IS course to better prepare students for advanced business classes and equip them with interdisciplinary knowledge and skills demanded in t ...
curriculum design, course development, IS core course, technology
113 - 126
Aim/Purpose: This study was aimed at enhancing students’ learning of software engineering methods. A collaboration between the Computer Science, Business Management, and Product Design programs was formed to work on actual projects with real clients. This interdisciplinary form of collaboration simulates the realities of a diverse Software Engineering team.
Background: A collaborative approach im ...
software engineering education, interdisciplinary learning, collaborative approach
127 - 152
Aim/Purpose: The goal of this paper is to examine whether having female robotics teachers positively impacts girls’ performance on programming and robotics tasks
Background: Women continue to be underrepresented in the technical STEM fields such as engineering and computer science. New programs and initiatives are needed to engage girls in STEM beginning in early childhood. The goal of this work ...
gender, STEM, robotics, programming, early childhood
153 - 162
Aim/Purpose: This paper describes the context, development, implementation, and the potential transferability of an integrated online research environment that allows its users to conduct all aspects of research online.
Background: While the content of most traditional courses can be delivered online and learning outcomes can be achieved by adopting equivalents to face-to-face pedagogic approache ...
online research, virtual lab, innovation
163 - 179
Aim/Purpose: This paper presents the findings of an Activity-Oriented Teaching Strategy (AOTS) conducted for a postgraduate level Software Engineering (SE) course with the aim of imparting meaningful software development experience for the students. The research question is framed as whether the activity-oriented teaching strategy helps students to acquire practical knowledge of Software Engineeri ...
software engineering education, activity oriented teaching, learning environ-ment, flipped classroom
181 - 200
Aim/Purpose: The aims of this study were to investigate the feasibility of automatic assessment of programming tasks and to compare manual assessment with automatic assessment in terms of the effect of the different assessment methods on the marks of the students.
Background: Manual assessment of programs written by students can be tedious. The assistance of automatic assessment methods might pos ...
assessment of programs, automatic assessment, UTAUT, assessment goals
201 - 223
Aim/Purpose: To identify positive and negative aspects for learning of interactive tablet technology learning activities that promote student engagement and learning.
Background: Engaging students in mathematics classes is an on-going challenge for teachers.
In 2008 we were offered the opportunity to run interactive activities with a class set of tablet PCs that had just been released on to the ...
interactive, engagement, achievement, digital ink, feedback
225 - 239