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Journal Articles


Christopher Cheong
Table of Contents of the Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, Volume 20, 2021
information technology education, JITE, innovations in practice, table of contents
.i - iii
Benjamin Larson, Jeffrey A Bohler, Anand Krishnamoorthy
Aim/Purpose: Business analytics is a cross-functional field that is important to implement for a college and has emerged as a critically important core component of the business curriculum. It is a difficult task due to scheduling concerns and limits to faculty and student resources. This paper describes the process of creating a central video repository to serve as a platform for just in time tea ...
information systems, data analytics, expanding analytical instruction needs, videos, curriculum implementation, scaffolding, reusable learning objects, just-in-time-teaching, business curriculum, zone of proximal development
1 - 19
U. Yeliz Eseryel, Dan Jiang, Deniz Eseryel
Aim/Purpose: This paper investigates the influence of university student multitasking on their learning success, defined as students’ learning satisfaction and performance. Background: Most research on student multitasking finds student multitasking problematic. However, this research is generally from 2010. Yet, today’s students are known to be digital natives and they have a different, more pos ...
Multitasking, undergraduate students, learning success, learning performance, learning satisfaction, quasi-experiment
21 - 35
Martina Holenko Dlab, Sanja Candrlic, Mile Pavlic
Aim/Purpose: During the education of future engineers and experts in the field of computer science and information communication technology, the achievement of learning outcomes related to different levels of cognitive ability and knowledge dimensions can be a challenge. Background: Teachers need to design an appropriate set of activities for students and combine theory-based knowledge acquisiti ...
assessment, collaborative learning, course design, digital tools, process modeling
37 - 57
John R. Drake, Ravi Paul
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to develop and evaluate a debiasing-based approach to assessing the learning materials in problem-based learning (PBL) environments. Background: Research in cognitive debiasing suggests nine debiasing strategies improve decision-making. Given the large number of decisions made in semester-long, problem-based learning projects, multiple tools and techniq ...
cognitive biases, problem-based learning, e-commerce, debiasing, PDSA, continuous improvement
59 - 79
Irene Govender
Aim/Purpose: This study seeks to understand the various ways information systems (IS) students experience introductory programming to inform IS educators on effective pedagogical approaches to teaching programming. Background: Many students who choose to major in information systems (IS), enter university with little or no experience of learning programming. Few studies have dealt with students’ ...
information systems, introductory programming, outcome space, phenomenography
81 - 92
Nazire Burçin Hamutoğlu, Emine N Ünveren-Bilgiç, Hurşit Cem Salar, Yusuf L Şahin
Aim/Purpose: This study aimed to reveal the effect of the previous Internet-based education (IBE) experiences of the students’ readiness, attitude, and self-control / self-management variables towards the e-learning process, and also to determine their opinions. Background: The institutions have made efforts to ensure the continuity of education through their learning management systems and the n ...
e-learning experience, readiness, attitude, self-control / self-management, mixed-method
93 - 120
Sarah Alturki, Nazik Alturki
Aim/Purpose: One of the main objectives of higher education institutions is to provide a high-quality education to their students and reduce dropout rates. This can be achieved by predicting students’ academic achievement early using Educational Data Mining (EDM). This study aims to predict students’ final grades and identify honorary students at an early stage. Background: EDM research has emerg ...
Educational Data Mining (EDM), prediction of academic achievement, higher education
121 - 137

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