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Journal Articles


Christopher Cheong
Table of Contents of the Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, Volume 21, 2022
information technology education, JITE, innovations in practice, table of contents
.i - iii
Alanah Mitchell, Amy Grace Vaughan
Aim/Purpose: The complexity of today’s organizational databases highlights the importance of hard technical skills as well as soft skills including teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. Therefore, when teaching students about databases it follows that using a team approach would be useful. Background: Team-based learning (TBL) has been developed and tested as an instructional strategy th ...
team-based learning, collaborative learning, database technology, database management, information technology education
1 - 23
Christine Bakke, Rena Sakai
Aim/Purpose: This research aims to describe layering of career-like experiences over existing curriculum to improve perceived educational value. Background: Feedback from students and regional businesses showed a clear need to increase student’s exposure to career-like software development projects. The initial goal was to develop an instructor-optional project that could be used in a single mi ...
Agile, Scrum, software development, programming, Student Ownership of Learning, active learning, iterative development, information technology, software engineering
25 - 60
Yessine Hadj Kacem, Safa Alshehri, Tala Qaid
Aim/Purpose: This paper presents a machine learning approach for analyzing Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs). The aim of this study is to find a model that can check whether a CLO is well written or not. Background: The use of machine learning algorithms has been, since many years, a prominent solution to predict learner performance in Outcome Based Education. However, the CLOs definition is still ...
course learning outcomes, paraphrasing, machine learning, classification, out-come based education
61 - 75
Merav Hayak, Orit Avidov Ungar
Aim/Purpose: The goal of the study was to examine the perceptions of senior academic staff who also serve as policymakers in Israeli colleges of education, regarding the integration of technology in teacher education, and the shift to online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. There is little research on this issue and consequently, the aim of the present study is to fill this lacuna. Backgrou ...
Covid-19 pandemic, senior academic staff; the new institutional theory, online learning, colleges of education
77 - 94
Nitin Kumar, Anuj jain
Aim/Purpose: This paper proposes a new approach to developing a deep learning-based prototyping wearable model which can assist blind and visually disabled people to recognize their environments and navigate through them. As a result, visually impaired people will be able to manage day-to-day activities and navigate through the world around them more easily. Background: In recent decades, the dev ...
visually impaired, handheld assistive technology, assistive technology, wearable devices, blind, navigation, object detection
95 - 114
Jonathan M Bryce, Rajermani Thinakaran, Zairul Amri Zakaria
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this research is to determine whether ESL teaching videos as a form of asynchronous online knowledge sharing can act as an aid to ESL learners internalizing knowledge in language acquisition. In this context, internalizing knowledge carries the meaning of being able to remember language, and purposefully and accurately use it context, including appropriacy of language, ...
knowledge management, English as a second language, asynchronous online instructional videos, internalizing language
115 - 133
Amal Khalifa Alkhalifa, Marie Devlin, Mona Alkhattabi
Aim/Purpose: To encourage students’ engagement in peer assessments and provide students with better-quality feedback, this paper describes a technique for author-reviewer matching in peer assessment systems – a Balanced Allocation algorithm. Background: Peer assessment concerns evaluating the work of colleagues and providing feedback on their work. This process is widely applied as a learning met ...
peer assessment, peer review, matching peers, adaptive peer assessment
135 - 153
Priyanka Gupta Priyanka, Deepti Mehrotra
Aim/Purpose: This paper focuses on designing and implementing the rubric for objective JAVA programming assessments. An unsupervised learning approach was used to group learners based on their performance in the results obtained from the rubric, reflecting their learning ability. Background: Students' learning outcomes have been evaluated subjectively using a rubric for years. Subjective assessme ...
rubric, JAVA programming, objective assessments, subjective assessments, rubric based evaluation
155 - 173

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