Journal Articles
Volume 9, 2025
Today, automation, digitization, and integration of AI are becoming increasingly pervasive in the work environment, and as AI applications become integral to the rapid evolution of digital workplaces, a critical audit concern revolves around how professionals respond to this new milieu; in this realm, the adoption of AI in professional practice may require a cultural shift given that auditors tend ...
Disruptive Technology, culture in audit, audit Automation, artificial intelligence, intelligent automation, digitization, and the tone at top.
In essence, an accounting firm is a company that helps its clients make sure their financial transactions are accurate and legal. The particularity of South Africa (SA) with the audit profession resides in the expectation that, in addition to the auditor’s duty to express an opinion on a client’s financial statements, the external auditor is also expected to highlight ‘reportable irregularities’ t ...
Corporate culture, accounting scandals in South Africa (SA), tax avoidance/evasion, bribery, corruption, money laundering.
Volume 8, 2024
Change has been posited as important today by some of the top journals such as Harvard Business Review, California Management Review, Muma Business Review, and MIT Sloan Management Review, but what exactly does the change mean to you? For example, the COVID-19 change is certainly tantamount to many people’s minds. That change is so broad, readers view it as changing everything from the price of fo ...
Organizational Change, The Soft Side of Change, The Hard Side of Change, Team Building, Top Management Support, Employee Buy-In, Alignment.
1 - 7
Artificial intelligence is one of the most fascinating developments that the business world is facing. In the right hands, it could be positive while in the wrong hands, it could be devastating. In the 1990s, it was tech-savvy people that were in demand, today it is computer espionage people in demand as the world becomes even more complex with the use of artificial intelligence. If you want to su ...
Artificial intelligence (AI), Leadership, Organizational pyramid hierarchy, Learning, Trust, Multidisciplinary teamwork, Adaptive Leadership, Organizational Change, Organizational strategy.
9 - 14
Small businesses are the backbones of both developed and developing economies of the world and play a vital role as drivers of growth and development. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, small businesses have an 80%, 70%, 50%, and 30% survival rate across one, two, five, and ten years in business. About 25% of new businesses cross the 15th year. This trend has remained the same for dec ...
Small technology, business failures, predominant causes, proactive prevention strategies, business growth, sustainability
15 - 30
Mr. Jeffrey Johnson is Executive Vice President of PNC Bank, N.A., one of the largest banks in the country. He has successfully managed and led organizations in the banking industry but also in consulting and auditing. He is a graduate of the University of Illinois and Harvard Business School and earned his doctorate in business from the University of South Florida. He has been, and remains, an ac ...
Authentic leadership, crucibles, Jeffrey Johnson, phenomenology, narrative research, sensemaking, True North
31 - 53
Dr. John Couris is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Tampa General Hospital (TGH). Since becoming the CEO of TGH, John has established himself as an influential and successful leader of the large non-profit hospital. A two-person research team from the Muma College of Business at the University of South Florida focused on the lived experiences of John and the degree to which these experiences h ...
Jewish influence, principle-centered, transformative, entrepreneur spirit, academic healthcare, business improvement, lifelong learner, driven, forward thinker, John Couris
55 - 65
Innovation is widely considered an important element of organizational success and vital for the long-term survival of the enterprise. For organizations to innovate, however, their employees must ideate: they must first offer creative ways of doing things or solutions to problems that their employers may then implement. However, regardless of whether ideas are implemented, how to encourage creativ ...
context variables, employee creativity, leadership, relevance, research synthesis, rigor, systematic literature review, training, transformational leadership
67 - 78
Luis R. Visot is an American educational administrator and former Army commander who served as a Major General and Chief of Staff of the United States Army Reserve. During a three-interview series Visot reflects on his life, his most significant leadership roles, and the meaning he attaches to each. The interviews and subsequent analysis reveal how Visot’s values, especially those imbued by his ...
Thematic narrative research, value-expressive behavior theory, phenomenological, qualitative research, coding, leadership, lived experience, interview, and reflection.
111 - 124
This study presents an in-depth analysis of the entrepreneurial journey of an individual, Scott Fink, within the auto sales industry, through a series of interviews. With data collected and analyzed through the grounded-theory approach to industry interviews, explores the multifaceted nature of entrepreneurship, emphasizing the critical roles of relationships, financial freedom, opportunism, persi ...
Entrepreneurship, philanthropy, automotive sales
125 - 164
On November 2, 1978, the Detroit Free Press ran two big headlines. The first, "Chrysler in the Valley of Loss," and the second, "Lee Iacocca joins Chrysler." A savior was born. Haphazardly looking was the CEO John J. Riccardo's office. Iacocca immediately understood why Chrysler was on the brink of failure---no order. Besides the fact that Riccardo needed discipline, the CEO's assistant spent most ...
Leadership, Leadership Development, Human Relations, Social Capital, Quality, Marketing Strategy.
165 - 171
In the context of this study, citizen developers are defined as individuals outside formal Information Technology (IT) departments who create applications using low-code/no-code platforms. The citizen developer role becomes pivotal as organizations navigate the intricate pathways to address increasing business demands for creating applications as part of their digital transformation journey. The d ...
citizen developers, effectiveness factors, low-code, no-code, development platforms, digital transformation, productivity model, effectiveness model
173 - 180
With Mostafa and Luca in senior management consulting roles in the UK and Australia and Michael as Andreas School of Business senior faculty professor, we found several gaps in the literature, especially when it comes to artificial intelligence and leadership: there needs to not only be better leadership but also an authentic leadership approach. AI and thrive effectively as they operate and compe ...
Leadership, Authentic Leadership, Artificial intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Corporate Culture, Trust, Learning.
79 - 86
Culture is a term that we take for granted in today's business world. We show up and worry about customers, finances, expenses, marketing, stocks, bonds, and investments and culture is kicked to the side. We are in the age of digital disruption and uncertainty and if we do not embrace culture, our business will be in chaos. Customers prefer smart homes, smart workplaces, smart friends, and most im ...
Organizational Culture, Design Thinking, Design Thinking Culture, Business Success, Organizational Innovation.
87 - 96
The purpose of this rapid evidence assessment is to investigate the determinants of effective negotiation in cross-cultural settings. For methodology, a systematic review of empirical evidence based on a thematic synthesis was performed following an evidence-based management approach. The findings reveal that the interplay of cultural intelligence and cultural values significantly influences the d ...
cross-cultural negotiations, cultural intelligence, cultural values, negotiation styles
97 - 110
Volume 7, 2023
Entrepreneurs’ options for raising capital in the 21st Century have changed dramatically. Of the new options for individuals and businesses to raise funds, none has received more attention in the last decade than Crowdfunding. Crowdfunding, having emerged from crowdsourcing, allows fundraisers to collect funds from funders, usually via the internet, and most often through an intermediary, the crow ...
Systematic Literature Review, Crowdfunding, Success, Performance, Reward, Reward-Based, Campaign, Funder, Fundraiser, Backer, Crowdfunder
1 - 22
Crowdfunding research has primarily been composed of attempts to identify crowdfunding performance and success factors. A research gap exists concerning funder motivations and behaviors as well as the dynamics that occur with pledge changes during crowdfunding campaigns. Therefore, understanding funder motivations and pledging behaviors during reward-based crowdfunding campaigns was the focus of t ...
Entrepreneurship, Crowdfunding, Motivation, Qualitative, Grounded Theory, Cancel, Decrease
23 - 52
The crucial role in developing transformational leadership skills for the future is at the heart of business acumen today and while our model worked in this environment, we encourage additional experimentation using the magic spark model. In our experiment, we found a new way of leadership succession planning which is crucial for business success. Without selection and progression of leadership, t ...
The Magic Spark Model, Transformational Leadership, Leadership Succession Planning, Human Resources Development, Organizational Learning, Systems Management Theory, The Future of Work
53 - 59
Japanese leadership style has encompassed worldwide success and criticism. For example, Toyota is an example of a leading and successful Japanese company in industry. With its new and creative ideas, this company was able to rebuild the marginalized image of Japanese cars in the international business scene and take a large share of the car market in the world. Our interviews with 34 Japanese lead ...
Strategy, Social Capital, New Competencies, Leadership Development, Systems Approach.
61 - 65
As the world recovers from the COVID-19 crisis, the world economy is still in flux. Many jobs disappeared from the scene as many organizations adjust their workforce. Attracting the best skills and best talent has also been a challenge for many organizations. Traditional recruitment methods are outdated, and our recommendation is to move to use a competency and knowledge-based recruitment process. ...
The Post-Pandemic Crisis, Knowledge-based, Skills, Competency, Recruitment, Innovation.
67 - 71
The leadership literature often emphasizes innovation coupled with disruption as a source of competitive advantage based on the assumption that, without it, organizations constrain social progress in organizations. We identify a new model that comprehensively considers not only disruptive innovation but also the social impact of future decision-making. We create a comprehensive framework which we ...
Social Innovation, Disruptive Innovation, The Impact Model, DEI, Innovation, HRM
73 - 78
Work values shifted in the face of profits versus layoffs during the Covid 19 pandemic. Employees working from home were intellectually stunted without learning opportunities to stay engaged and flailing to find inspiration. Business as usual now needed the new leader to emerge in a virtual environment.
With revenue goals to meet, and increased pressure to perform with newly approved FDA medicat ...
Post Covid 19 leadership, Attraction selection attrition (ASA), Leader Member Exchange (LMX), Transformational leadership, Intrinsic motivation values, Autonomy, Ethical value
79 - 90
In their efforts to remain competitive, organizations are routinely faced with the challenge of adapting to changeable environments and ensuring employees possess the necessary skills to compete. However, businesses often must contend with forces, whether internally or externally generated, that tend to discourage or undermine innovation, leaving practitioners to question how their organizations m ...
Social exchange theory, agency theory, law of diminishing marginal utility, Deprivation-Satiation Proposition, economic exchange theory, innovative work behavior, training and development, transformational leadership
91 - 105
Maturity models are a simple but powerful tool applied across an ample range of business disciplines. Originally emerging out of quality management and software engineering, these conceptual models help assess the quality of certain processes or strategies; and identify opportunities and actions needed to move to the next stage in maturity (Wendler, 2012). However, there is a lack of such a useful ...
Marketing strategy, Process Maturity, Competitive Maturity, Marketing Capabilities, Maturity Model, CMM, CMMI, BPMM, Self-Assessment, Value Proposition.
107 - 120
Supply chains of large-scale, technologically complex products rely on a vast network of suppliers. While supply chain efficiency has improved with the expansion of globalization, supply chain resiliency appears to have worsened. Some would argue, in light of the effects of a global pandemic and war in Eastern Europe, that supply chains are increasingly fragile. Since 2000 academic research has ...
Supply chain risk management, multi-factor modeling, factor analysis, Department of Defense, DoD, resilience, fragility, corporate failure prediction, risk factors
121 - 132
The problem addressed by this research is that some businesses are not motivated to incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) into their plans. As a result, progress toward global sustainability has been impeded. The purpose of this study was to identity those strategies that motivate businesses to embrace ESG. Among the barriers impeding ESG is the lack of agreement whether it can co ...
Environment, social, governance, ESG, sustainability, motivation, stakeholder(s)
133 - 139
While promising, online biometric studies with crowdsourced participants have vagaries that can limit success. This paper shares researcher experience with biometric online data collection and a study that compared the differences of online and lab-based eye tracking (ET) and facial expression (FE) data.
Students and the public were separated into two groups to place orders from a well-known r ...
Affective Computing, Emotional AI, Biometrics, Online Data Collection, Crowdsourcing, Eye Tracking, Facial Expression Analysis
141 - 148
This study outlines the use of a phenomenological interviewing process, as defined by Irving Seidman (Seidman, 2019), to explore the traits that contribute to shaping an individual as an innovator, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. The study involved interviewing Dr. Andy Hafer, Founder of Dynamic Communities Inc. DCE Productions Inc., Synapse, and other startup companies. The resulting data was a ...
Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Philanthropy, Innovator, Learning, Servant leader, Faith, Family impact, Community leadership, Attachment theory, Generativity theory, Entrepreneur mindset theory, Self-leadership
149 - 172
Japanese companies, led by bureaucratic management have not stifled innovation. In fact, the rigidity of leadership functions has led to the management by objectives (MBO) style of leadership decision-making. MBO, while criticized for rigidly, works. Look at Chrysler under the leadership of Lee Iacocca, who led the way in the automotive industry during challenging times. Japanese companies have re ...
Japanese Companies, Leadership Model, Organizational Design, Organizational Innovation, Japan.
173 - 178
There is growing interest in the global marketplace on innovation. For example, Tesla dominates Electric Vehicle (EV) sales but is losing market share to more affordable EVs from competitors, including Ford and Hyundai. A recent Forbes article captures the innovative momentum today, “With the rapid pace of technology, innovation is making SpaceX moon voyages and other grandiose concepts that seem ...
Innovation Strategy, Knowledge Management Processes, Continuous Innovation, Disruptive Innovation, Long-Term Approach, Deign Thinking, Incentive Systems.
179 - 184
Volume 6, 2022
The organizational capability of a firm to create, integrate and maintain cyber versions of complex physical systems known as Digital Twins is a key enabler for joining the 4th Industrial Revolution. This article highlights the business case for firms in the petrochemical process industry to manage digital twins as valuable business assets based on academic and business literature, webcast and liv ...
Digital Twin, 3D Model, Oil & Gas, Process Industry, Industry 4.0, Engineering Data, Complex Facility, Information Asset Lifecycle
1 - 19
During the design phase of major capital projects, information content about complex process facilities is created and used to model how the facility will operate once completed. In the Oil and Gas (O&G) sector, this digital design data is referenced to plan material orders, stage testing, and track commissioning of the facility components. It can also inform decisions related to construction, ins ...
3D Model, Digital Twins, Information Management, Industry 4.0, Visualization, Value, Lifecycle, Maintenance, Oil & Gas, Process
21 - 51
An industry standards organization sponsors a project to design a standard and document a means to assess the practical and economic benefits of 3D model maintenance throughout the complex process facility lifecycle. This article chronicles the elaborated action design research (eADR) approach used to evaluate the design and implementation stages of this project, reflecting on this ongoing effort ...
eADR, Design Science Research, 3D model, Digital Twin Maturity Model, Industry 4.0, Operations Information Lifecycle Management, Standards, Action Design Research, total cost of ownership
53 - 77
Internships have been a long-standing opportunity for students to gain work experience before graduation. Increasingly, savvy companies have come to realize that as a result of experiential educational experiences like internships, vocationally oriented student organizations, and university programming many students are ready to contribute in a meaningful way to the firm at graduation and in many ...
Internship, Sales, Marketing, Education, Mixed Methods, Recruiting
79 - 86
How the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted entrepreneurship in America is a critical question. Despite the pandemic, entrepreneurs have been, and still are, looking to finance their ongoing, established businesses, as well as finance new ventures. Reward-based crowdfunding has filled an important gap in alternative finance since the 2008 financial crisis, and many are wondering if it can do the same f ...
Entrepreneurship, Crowdfunding, Alternative Finance, Pandemic, COVID-19, Finance, Startup, Financial crisis
87 - 112
A literature review shows conclusive information that suicide within the construction industry is high compared to society, with documented common themes for suicide and suicidal ideation.
A subset of the common themes tied to the industry includes stigma associated with discussing mental health and suicide, both prescribed and self-medicating for injuries, and seasonal employment that leads t ...
Suicide, construction, mental health, executives, risk factors, employment
113 - 124
This study examined a cross-section of operating nonprofits to understand what governance policies they utilize and compare these policies and practices to those recommended in the literature. The study was based on interviews of 18 board members of nonprofits in the Tampa Bay area.
Governance, Nonprofit, Board of Directors, Policies and Practices
125 - 128
Management scholars have identified three dimensions for organizational culture that stand out as we recover from the pandemic. One is the dimension of trust, which is expressed by mutual trust and respect for the common good. The second is the dimension of learning that focuses on exploration and innovation. The third, is collaboration, which is an example of actively supporting employees. These ...
Corporate Culture, The Post-Pandemic world, Trust, Collaboration, Learning, Change Leadership, The Future of Work
129 - 135
This narrative profile of Moez Limayem, Dean of the Muma College of Business, was developed using the thematic narrative research method, which included three exploratory interviews. The initial interview on which this narrative is based focused on the formative experiences that shaped Dean Limayem's life and career up to the present day. The objective was to derive the meaning of Dean Limayem's l ...
Innovation, Servant Leadership, Technology, Relationships, Student Success, Dean Limayem, Muma, USF
137 - 155
Volume 5, 2021
This qualitative study provided insights into the top 17 blockchain use cases identified by Financial Services leaders in 2018 and how much progress (or lack of progress) has been made in 2020. This research provided insights for Financial Services managers and practitioners to use to develop strategies and to prioritize/deprioritize specific blockchain use cases.
Blockchain, Distributed Ledger, Financial Services, Use Cases
1 - 4
The research described in this paper affirmed the strong, positive, direct relationships between Psychological Capital and Engagement and Transformational Leadership and Engagement. Additionally, it showed that Transformational Leadership could positively moderate the Psychological Capital and Employee Engagement relationship.
Psychological Capital, Employee Engagement, Transformational Leadership, Trust, Transactional Leadership, Passive-Avoidant Leadership, Positive Psychology
5 - 7
Every year, medical billing errors cost the United States government billions in public funds wrongfully or erroneously paid out. While recent reports indicate modest decline in hospital billing errors, the rate of physician evaluation and management billing errors show no signs of improvement. Opinions vary on the causes of these billing errors and consequently on the appropriate countermeasures. ...
Evaluation and management, coding accuracy, documentation, billing errors, fraud, medical billing, medical necessity, up-coding, health information technology.
9 - 29
Cybersecurity breaches have been at the forefront of most news outlets, recently. People’s Digital Identity has been at the epicenter of cybersecurity breaches. Defining the composition of digital identity is the first step at risk identification and the first step towards risk mitigation. Cybersecurity risk management tools are lacking in user-centricity. Organizations like the National Institute ...
Cybersecurity, Digital Identity, Privacy, Information Security Management, Online Interactions, Online Threats, Adapted Thematic Analysis.
31 - 33
Using the eADR research method we address a problem of practice in the U.S. staffing industry which is the need for more innovative sales lead generation solutions. Working with a leading U.S staffing firm, we designed and implemented a solution that allows the partner firm to discover new leads.
innovation, sales, machine learning, eADR
35 - 37
Achieving institutional relevance, distinctiveness, and affordability among present and future stakeholders determines sustainable viability for small, private, nonprofit higher education institutions. Actionable findings are discussed and a conceptual framework for decision-making is presented.
decision-making, organizational adaptation, organizational culture, stakeholders, strategic management
39 - 43
Despite the high cost and high frequency of failure in expatriate assignments, the potential value and opportunity gained by sending employees overseas is driving the number of business expatriates skyward. One way organizations can significantly mitigate risk is by assessing and selecting candidates for intercultural competence. Intercultural competence has affective, cognitive, and conative as ...
Intercultural Competence, Cultural Intelligence, Intercultural Adaptability, International Assignments, Business Expatriates, Meta-review, Assessment, Instrument, Selection
45 - 61
U.S. participation in stabilization efforts create conditions for locally legitimate authorities to manage conflict and prevent violence. Stability functions conducted by the U.S. government include security, foreign humanitarian assistance, economic stabilization and infrastructure, the rule of law, and governance. This research seeks to improve the understanding of the relationship between perce ...
Stabilization, Economic Development, Counterinsurgency, Economic Perceptions
63 - 66
The past 19 years of war have impacted the U.S. Army in countless ways. One is arguably on its most precious capability—its officer leaders. As the Army rose to war-related challenges, it did so at leader-development costs. Little time, focus, and a battle environment left developing others and oneself low on the list of priorities. Less officer nurturing in the past will have an amplified and har ...
Adult learning, Self-determination, Self-determination Theory, Self-development, U.S. Army, Leadership, Leadership-development, War
67 - 70
Using the best available evidence from multiple sources can lead to more effective management practice. However, management practitioners often make decisions based on limited evidence, mostly from personal experience and judgment. Values, beliefs, and practices may conflict with a manager’s ability to use research evidence in practice.
This systematic review suggests that an integration of th ...
beliefs, diffusion of innovations, evidence-based management, planned behavior, management practitioners, organizational behavior, organizational culture, practices, systematic review, values
71 - 83
This essay examines what is necessary for business school professors to encourage deeper learning in their students. Business faculty (and academia in general) are improving student involvement by using pedagogies of engagement (e.g., problem-based learning, team-based learning, POGIL) or integrating techniques that improve engagement (e.g., flipped classes, reflective writing). Adoption of thes ...
Learning, Pedagogy, Teaching, Formative assessment, Summative assessment, Deeper learning
85 - 99
A worldwide shortage of developers has made low- and no-code platforms important and necessary. This paper investigates the use of these platforms in organizations, along with the role of workforce automation tools. A survey was conducted to find out how prevalent low- and no-code platforms and workforce automation tools are within companies. These platforms are used by citizen developers, employe ...
Low-code, no-code, citizen developer, digital transformation
101 - 111
This is a Rapid Evidence Assessment focused on the identification of leadership styles and traits that enable industry partners to optimize their support on collaborative research projects. While there is considerable research on collaboration, there is a gap related to the leadership contributions that industry partners bring to team science projects. Literature searches returned 192 titles and a ...
collaboration, empowerment, hierarchical leadership, innovation, servant leadership, systems theory, systematic review
113 - 127
Microbusinesses demonstrated resilience through creative ways to survive during the COVID-19 pandemic closures. Seven critical success factors of internal and external influence are found from this research question review.
When COVID-19’s shutdown rolled out, many microbusinesses were forced to close since they were not considered essential services and activities. These microbusinesses had t ...
Microbusinesses, Critical Success Factors, Closure Prevention, Pandemic, Management Skills
129 - 137
In today’s work environment, factors that support the transfer or learning from the training room to the job are sometimes absent. Leaders hold the key to ensuring the commonly missed factors are present, securing the value of the training program and successful attainment of business goals.
Learning Application, Work Atmosphere, Climate, Trainee
139 - 142
The complexity of today’s operational environment where military organizations are conducting campaigns has grown exponentially. To address this expanding complexity, the Defense Department introduced ‘design’ into its problem-solving doctrine. This study seeks to understand the challenges with design by examining two areas: 1) the common challenges facing senior planners responsible for solving ...
Complexity, problem solving, planning, strategy, reasoning, sense-making
143 - 146
The research question explores the importance of corporate brand’s impact on sales / revenue per share
generation. This is important because it allows communications executives to understand the impact
of their work and justify budget allocations and expenditures.
Branding, Quantitative, CHAID, Branding Value, Branding Output
147 - 149
Volume 4, 2020
Housing preferences are changing. According to (Koebel, Lang, & Danielsen, 2004; Kolson, 2016; Myers & Ryu, 2008; Shaver, 2017; Woo, 2016), the largest demographic, the millennials, prefer low- to mid-rise housing units that are in the walkable urban core areas. These areas have access to cultural activities, entertainment, restaurants, shopping and other amenities such as parks. The retiring baby ...
Missing middle housing, millennials, baby boomers, traditional, neo-traditional neighborhoods, diversity of housing types, walkability, perception and design, perceived-density.
1 - 15
There is a need for a variety of low-rise housing types in walkable urban core neighborhoods. These housing types once existed in the urban core but are now missing. Daniel Parolek (CNU, 2018) proposed bringing back the Missing Middle Housing (MMH) types as one way to increase the supply. However, the risks of regulations, neighborhood opposition to increased densities, and apparent under-capitali ...
Missing Middle Housing types (MMH), Diverse Housing Types, Traditional Neighborhoods, Urban Core, Qualitative Data Analysis, Grounded Theory, NVivo, Barriers, Millennials, Boomers, Risk, Risk Reduction, Capital Flow, Supply in Housing
17 - 33
An underlying theme of risk, risk reduction, and capital emerged from qualitative research on the factors that affect the supply of the MMH types in urban core neighborhoods in Tampa Bay, Florida (Ojah Maharaj, 2018a). This theme emerged from interviews conducted with different stakeholders, leaders, and experts related to MMH types in the area. The research uncovered the core and underlying facto ...
Risk, Capital, Risk Reduction, Novel Idea, Grounded Theory on Missing Middle Housing (MMH) Types, Missing Middle Housing Supply, Housing Supply, Stakeholders, Developers’ Alliance, Cooperative Risk Reduction, Capital Strategy
35 - 48
Case Study: A Systematic Review of the Most Effective Career Training Programs for a Workforce Board
A systematic review was conducted for a state-sponsored workforce board, a non-profit quasi-governmental workforce development organization located in the northeastern U.S., to determine what are the most effective career training programs in healthcare, advanced manufacturing, hospitality, and marine economy industries for job seekers in U.S. based organizations. The absorptive capacity theory wa ...
absorptive capacity, career development, employment, hiring, OJT, systematic review, workforce board, workforce initiatives
49 - 63
In over 40 years in the workplace, I have witnessed creativity and communication stifled because of toxic leadership. Though my experience was in the military and my research was with the military, my goal is to better understand toxic leadership to inform potential mitigation techniques that are applicable to both business and military environments. Toxic leaders tend to draw conclusions hastily ...
Abusive, Behavior, Control, Destructive, Organizational
65 - 79
This research summary for practice looks at the factors impacting employee turnover in Central Florida sales organizations. Surprisingly compensation is not the factor most recognized by participants in my research study. Flexibility and dynamics were most important and included discussions along scheduling to key performance indicators.
Sales, Turnover, Internal, External, Dynamics, Flexibility
81 - 84
There are over 7,000 chambers of commerce in the United States. Most are led by a paid staff Executive who serves for multiple years as a fulltime employee. They are also driven by a volunteer Chairperson who, typically, serves for one year. Working together is critical for organizational success.
Chamber of commerce, Leadership, advocacy, convening, competition, self-promotion
85 - 86
This study intended to address the question, “How would a purchase price be impacted if a seller provided buyers a notice that the residential property that has been listed for sale is located within a Potential Impact Radius (PIR) of a natural gas transmission line?” Does the notice of the location affect the purchase value a buyer is willing to offer for a residential property? Does the percei ...
Easement, Right of Way, Pipeline, Land Use, Disclosure, High Consequence Area
87 - 89
With veteran retention rates as low as 20% to 35%, in the first two years post-service transition, organizations need to have a better understanding of the factors that affect veteran churn (Ford, 2017). This high rate of churn has a huge financial impact on employers, costing billions of dollars in addition to the loss of productivity. In addition to the high cost for employers, veterans are also ...
Veteran integration, veteran culture, veteran transition, cultural competency, social support, supportive leadership, social identity theory, combat disabilities, Maslow’s Hierarchy, mental health, veteran churn, veteran retention
91 - 106
The purpose of this systematic review is to explore retaliation within organizations and their culture. Specifically, this research examines extant scholarly literature regarding retaliation and how senior leaders, managers, and workers can help reduce it. Further, this study provides organizations intervention recommendations to help mitigate retaliation in small and medium organizations.
In t ...
Collective identity, complaint, complex adaptive systems, inclusive, justice, retaliation, systematic review
107 - 118
The dissertation culminates in an artifact creation called the Practitioner Driven Action Research (PDAR) framework. It was conceptualized, refined, and field-tested during a yearlong Action Research project at the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). PDAR focuses on immediate problem-solving and driving practitioners towards adopting action-driven outcomes grounded in Action Rese ...
Action Research, Organizational Problem Solving, Mixed Methodology, Quantitative Research
119 - 121
Drawing from telework and organizational politics literature, this case study of a sales team at Midwest Global Manufacturing (MGM) sought to understand whether the work location of office-based employees and teleworkers influenced their perceptions of organizational politics (POP). The commonly held belief was that given the numerous outcome differences teleworkers experience, they would also ha ...
perceptions of organizational politics, telework, telecommute, organizational politics
123 - 132
Internal audit independence lays the foundation for its assurance services. Although the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) requires that chief audit executives (CAE) report to the board to ensure internal audit independence, regulations are silent on this requirement. The variances of governance models added complexity. CAEs’ relationship with the board differs depending on the organization’s ...
audit committee, board, board structure, corporate governance, internal audit independence, IIA Standards
133 - 134
Rural communities are often overlooked when it comes to offering cutting edge consumer
healthcare technologies. Mobile applications usually exclude populations in rural demographics
due to the infrastructure requirements and available technology in the region. The population
studied is a low income rural health plan in southwest Georgia. They are uniquely considered as
they have the highest he ...
Mobile applications, Platform development, Assimilation gaps, Design Science Research (DSR), Elaborated Action Design Research (EADR), Multi-level assimilation gaps, Rural healthcare, Consumer platforms
135 - 138
Lack of workplace retirement plan adoption by small business owners is driving todays retirement savings crisis. This paper addresses how the use of two artefacts that were developed and implemented using nudging principles influenced small business owners to adopt workplace retirement plans at a much higher rate.
Nudging, status quo bias, information asymmetry, action design research, savings crisis, covereage crisis
139 - 141
In March 2011, Warren Buffett stepped into chaos. The Chairman of one of Berkshire Hathaway subsidiaries, David Sokol, had resigned his position, but there was more to the story. As soon as Buffett is informed of the insider trading claim, the situation turns into a decision-making problem with four core elements: 1) Managerially difficult; 2) Emotionally charged; 3) Intense media coverage; 4) Eth ...
Warren Buffett, Insider Trading, Ethics, leadership, Stockdale Paradox, Case Study
143 - 156
Organizations have long struggled with appropriate interventions to mitigate knowledge worker turnover. Because of their unique skills, knowledge workers have a considerably higher rate of turnover than traditional workers, and they are expensive to replace. Organizations use performance appraisal systems to identify and retain critical employees. Knowledge workers enable organizations to remain c ...
Performance appraisal, appraisal systems, knowledge worker, knowledge worker segmentation, competent rater, retention, systematic review
157 - 168
Strategic acquisitions continue to emerge as a critical business strategy to expand an organization’s sales, customer bases, and growth opportunities. However, research and anecdotal evidence highlights that many of the strategic acquisitions fail to achieve their stated financial and non-financial goals (Mirvis & Marks, 2011). Many theories constructed to explain this phenomenon. However, there ...
Acculturation, acquisitions, organizational culture, post-acquisition, and sociocultural
169 - 176
The Artificial Intelligence (AI) industry has experienced tremendous growth in recent years. Consequently, there has been considerable hype, interest, and even misinformation in the media regarding this emergent technology. Practitioners and academics alike are interested in learning how this market functions in order to make evidence-based decisions regarding its adoption. The purpose of this man ...
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Organizational Ethics, AI Adoption, Technology-Organization-Environment Framework, TOE Framework
177 - 192
In Huston’s (2010) framework regarding financial literacy, she provides the following conceptual model (Fig 1). This model, which is widely accepted within the research on financial literacy since 2010, reveals that while financial literacy is certainly part of the story influencing financial behavior, it is not the whole story. We see that Huston includes “other factors” as informing financial ...
Financial literacy, financial behavior, financial planners, self-efficacy, self-control
193 - 200
The Ministry of Tourism and Arts (2018) identified an overall goal of utilizing Zambia’s natural and cultural resources as a tourism driver to increase economic growth for the country. However, the industry has experienced problems with attrition, productivity, and high mortality rates of wildlife police officers (WPOs) which negatively affects the ability to protect the wildlife and natural resou ...
Africa, health program, HIV/AIDS policy, MOTA, rapid evidence assessment, systematic review, tourism, wildlife police officer, workplace wellness, Zambia
201 - 220
Despite having tried extensively to recruit females to the financial management sector, the industry finds women remain a distinct minority. This paper utilizes the 2017 National Survey of College Graduates to further examine the female financial manager retention issue. The findings confirm that females who studied finance are not working in their field (positions closely related to finance) to ...
Financial management, gender, financial services, financial planning, job satisfaction, work motivation, self-determination theory
221 - 234
Volume 3, 2019
Through the 2016-2017 academic year, student aid applicants completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid used the immediately previous year’s tax information. Beginning in 2017-2018, students were required to use two-year-old tax return information creating a lag in the timeliness of financial health data used to calculate financial aid eligibility. This older data is called Prior-Pri ...
Student Financial Aid, FAFSA, Prior-Prior Year
1 - 25
This research was conducted to address leadership concerns regarding managers’ effectiveness in leading a multicultural workforce. Essential leadership skills for frontline managers were explored via pilot study interviews and a follow-on survey. Six leadership skills were identified and prioritized that are currently informing the company’s new leadership development program initiative.
Leadership Skills, Leadership Development Programs, Frontline Managers, Multicultural Organizations
27 - 28
Next Horizons is an entrepreneurial for-profit networking business group. The company operates similar to a professional organization with selective membership and membership fees. Next Horizons aims to expand its current business model by increasing its paying membership. The purpose of this case study is to systematically gather and review evidence on members’ perceived benefits of their members ...
Professional association, professional organization, membership, social exchange theory, systematic review, rapid evidence assessment, rapid evidence assessment
29 - 39
The paper uses a mixed method approach to conduct a literature review of existing econometric studies to determine the key drivers of export diversification and economic growth, and to examine whether export diversification propels or hinders economic growth. The paper differs fundamentally from previous studies, as it focuses on identifying the key variables used, the frequency with which they ar ...
Export Diversification, Economic Growth, Developing Countries, Developed Countries, Small Island Developing States.
41 - 54
Operating a business in an Economic Development Zone can offer benefits allowing a business owner to reduce its operating expenses and increasing the competitive advantage.
Rural Enterprise Zone, Enterprise Zone, Economic Development District, Economic Development Strategy, Housing and Urban Development, Rural Development, Smart Rural Development, Rural Incubator, Empowerment Zone, Enterprise community, Entrepreneur, Opportunity Zone and Promise Zone
55 - 69
Government, private business, and academia have been placing increasing emphasis on collaboration in multi-stakeholder, multicultural environments. Persons working within the Department of Defense Theater Security Cooperation environment must regularly interact with others coming from cultures that are dissimilar to their own. They must adapt to these different cultural environments.
collaboration, effectiveness, sensemaking, expatriate, adaptation, power distance, self-monitoring
71 - 74
Entrepreneurship has emerged over the last three decades as arguable the most potent economic force the world has ever experienced. This economic expansion has paralleled rapid growth in the field of entrepreneurship education. Recent developments in curricula and programs devoted to entrepreneurship, new venture creation and corporate innovation have been remarkable. The number of colleges and ...
Entrepreneurship Education, Universities Entrepreneurship Education, University Innovation Concept Centers, New Collegiate Entrepreneurship Programs
75 - 87
A culture of innovation is an attribute in business, which can be measured both qualitatively and quantitatively. The measurement of innovation empirically correlates with other measures of the corporate brand, such as overall reputation, perception of management, and investment potential. It seems logical then that the process of innovation may be a more strategic tool that is akin to corporate b ...
Innovation, innovative, innovation management, innovation processes, business culture, innovative culture, disruptive innovation, intangible assets, brand measurement, brand equity, customer experience
89 - 97
Fifty million years ago, the equine is chronicled in the early days of Eohippus, the earliest known horse to man. In the 1400s, Cortez and Christopher Columbus transported the first domestic horses to the Americas. Ancient times supported the use of horses in times of war where the industry began utilizing the horse as a vehicle. Today, the equine industry is strongly steeped in traditions and cul ...
Equine, Horses, Hoof care, Natural Horsemanship, Farrier, Shod, Barefoot, Change, Status Quo
99 - 120
The equine industry is changing after hundreds of years of solid foundations built on long-standing beliefs. The natural horse and hoof introduction have spurred a push to wake up this sleeping, yet strong industry. Both factions of the industry, hoof care, and horsemanship are affected. The debate of natural versus traditional is growing causing friction in some areas and asking participants to p ...
Horses, Equine, Natural Horsemanship, Qualitative Data Analysis, NVIVO, Status Quo, Change
121 - 135
Change management is at the forefront of many business leader’s minds and at the center of most boardrooms. Change is inevitable yet change for many is a very hard task. The Wall Street Journal reported in 2017 that the U.S. spent $63.2 billion on consulting costs, which is an 8.1% increase from $58.7 billion in 2016 (Shumsky, 2018). Many companies pay for high-level consultants to aid around orga ...
Change Management, Status Quo, Grounded Theory, Resistance to change, Organizational Change
137 - 146
Are U.S. Millennials Really Disengaged at Work? A Review of the Academic and Practitioner Literature
This is a generational workplace engagement article focused on millennials. The article introduces a variety of academic and practitioner information and research relating to millennial disengagement in the workplace. Concepts covered include employee engagement and disengagement, generational differences and specifically millennial engagement and disengagement. The goal of the article is to revie ...
Millennials, generational differences, workplace engagement, workplace disengagement
147 - 156
For healthcare insurance companies, managing and reducing medical costs is important to remain viable and/or meet investors and stakeholder expectations. The accountability to minimize costs and remain competitive becomes a responsibility for managers who work in these companies. Therefore, managers must continually look for methods to identify and implement opportunities that improve case manag ...
Case management, case management processes, efficiency, medical cost reduction, healthcare insurance, scientific management theory
157 - 163
From the beginning of their inception, Student Loans have been a powerful and many times necessary tool to allow middle and low-income families to send their children to college despite the increasingly higher costs (Collier, D. A., & Herman, R., 2016). These loans are highly regulated by the government under different policies that have changed over time based on the needs of the borrowers and go ...
Student Loan History, Student Loan Policies, National Defense Education Act (NDEA), Federal Loan Regulations, Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP), Department of Education, Direct Loans, Income Driven Repayment programs, Student Loan Consolidation, Higher Education Act
165 - 175
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are critical to managing student information and college operations, but can be challenging for colleges to implement. Consortia present a unique solution to colleges to address gaps in their expertise and skills needed to achieve a successful ERP implementation, even if that collaboration takes place with a competitor.
Higher Education Consortia, ERP in Higher Education, Coopetition in Higher Education.
177 - 179
By 2020, the AI market is expected to grow by $47 billion, with the international big data analytics industry expected to grow by $203 billion. The vast majority of AI development is conducted by a modest number of techno-giants (Twitter, IBM, Amazon, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Apple...). There are over 7 billion people worldwide, yet all of the code is being written by a mere 10,000 people in s ...
Artificial intelligence, AI, AI bias, executive function, decision-making, AI dependency
181 - 192
Autonomous Vehicle (A/V) technology has been advancing at a rapid pace but the prospect of mass deployment has not been achieved. Inherent expected benefits of this technology such as reduced loss of life, productivity improvements, and greater vehicle efficiency utilization have yet to materialize. The American public’s resistance, and governmental regulation have prevented widespread adoption ...
A/V technology, Driverless, Lidar, Cloud-based computing, Artificial Intelligence, Radar, Mapping, Self-driving, Robotic, Data Analytics, Connected Vehicles (CV’s), Smart Cities, DSRC, C-V2X, ADAS
193 - 205
Autonomous Vehicles have made rapid advances, yet remain elusive for mass adoption. Technology remains in beta phase, and fully autonomous vehicles are not expected until the 2030’s as numerous companies have spent billions of dollars racing towards a safe and reliable solution. Almost 40,000 Americans lose their lives in traffic fatalities every year. The technology for Connected Vehicles and ...
Connected Vehicles (CV’s), Semi-Autonomous vehicles, Autonomous Vehicles technology, Smart Cities, DSRC
207 - 212
The Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division Logistics Competency is implementing new technology that will transform the way that logistics analysis is performed. Implementing technology can be a challenge for organizations and especially when the technology disrupts the existing logistics processes. Some of the workforce may view the use of digital devices as frustrating and are likely to be re ...
Technology acceptance, TAM, user perceptions, trust, organizational alignment, digital processes, logistics, case study, systematic review
213 - 224
A large complex government organization is planning a restructure of their organization from a hybrid matrix or competency-aligned team structure to a more dominant mission-aligned structure. This restructure has the potential to spur organizational problems from employee churn, including a decrease in employee engagement as well as detract from product delivery. The purpose of this study is to sy ...
Ambidextrous leader, employee engagement, rapid evidence assessment, reorganization, restructuring, systematic review
225 - 236
The purpose of this article is to synthesize the current literature on social capital theory in the field of management. The contribution to the management literature lies in presenting a theoretical framework that incorporates the organizational factors that may impact the three dimensions of social capital. The literature, to date, has failed to provide a comprehensive framework which incorporat ...
Social Capital Theory, Structure, Culture, Strategy, Inter-Company Networks, and Stakeholder Orientation
237 - 244
Volume 2, 2018
What triggered the crash of the U.S. housing market? This analysis looks at the economic and industry forces that led to an economic downturn that put as many as half of all U.S. residential builders out of business.
Since the Great Depression, the U.S. housing market has significantly influenced economic production and employment levels. Direct and indirect investments in the housing industry, a ...
Business Failure, Economics, Financial Bubbles, Financial Regulations, Great Recession, Home Building, Housing Bubbles, Housing Market, Sub-Prime Lending
1 - 19
The discovery and development of life-saving drugs have been central to improving health worldwide. However, the state of pharmaceutical innovation has been recently challenged due to falling industry outputs, with breakthrough therapies remaining elusive for many companies. Sustaining drug innovations is a top priority for pharmaceutical executives. This researcher examines existing literature to ...
Pharmaceutical innovation, management strategies, sustained innovation, biopharmaceutical, R&D, strategic alliances.
21 - 36
The president recently signed an executive order fulfilling his pledge to reduce federal regulations because it is a widely held belief that unfettered business activity and free-market solutions are integral to economic growth and prosperity, and that government intervention and regulation would be inimical to growth and prosperity. It is difficult to argue with the success of a laissez-faire ec ...
Competition, rent-seeking, monopoly, regulations, government, information asymmetry, externalities, rent-seeking, economic growth.
37 - 42
Quality management (QM) in one of its many forms has become an integral part of contemporary business. Since its mainstream introduction to the United States in the early 80’s it has become more than a strategy or a competitive differentiator. QM is now a customer expectation. Most of the voluminous research done in this field was conducted by large businesses for large businesses. However, th ...
Quality, Quality management, TQM, Small business, SME, Small enterprise
43 - 54
The Legend of Martha Stewart: Insider Trading
For decades institutional investment managers and individual investors have searched for different ways to make outsized returns in the stock market. Finance theories were created by academics to suggest that this task is not possible because the market is efficient. However, as a scholar-practitioner, I have come to realize that Insider Trading discl ...
Insider trading; Inside information; information content; Sarbanes-Oxley Act; Efficient market hypothesis; Stock returns; Insider transactions; Electronic filings; Financial market anomaly.
55 - 61
This Industry Analysis looks into the aspects of the stakeholders within the constructs of the college football environment and seeks to explain the various impacts on key stakeholders within the constructs of this industry. More importantly this research tracks the student-athlete both decision paths of the process of seeking a professional football career or an education with the benefits to pla ...
NCAA, Division I, Student-Athlete, Parents, College Football, Conferences, SEC, ACC, Big Ten, Big 12, Conference USA, High School, Recruiting, Recruit, Coach, Head Coach, African American, Student, University, College, College Football, Football, NFL Draft, NFL, Revenue, Academics, National Championship, BCS
63 - 82
According to Michael Kratsios, Deputy US Technology Officer, and Executive Assistant of President, UASs will contribute to 100,000 new jobs and provide nearly $80 Billion in economic impact in the United States over the next decade, but "errant use poses unique safety and technological challenges" (Kratsios, 2018). It is these two opposing potential results that pit the advocates for fully integra ...
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Aerial Photography, DJI, Drones, FAA, Disruptive Technology, Aviation, Law Enforcement, Emergency Response, Agriculture, Construction
83 - 104
The UAS industry is experiencing a rapid expansion, doubling every year since 2013, as adopters of this disruptive technology find new ways to benefit from these aerial platforms (Spencer, 2018). Of particular interest is the use of small to medium sized UASs, with a cost to the user of less than $2,000 that are the catalyst for this growth. Despite this rapid growth, UAS operators claim an inabil ...
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Aerial Photography, DJI, Drones, FAA, Disruptive Technology, Aviation, Law Enforcement, Emergency Response, Agriculture, Construction.
105 - 121
The commercial unmanned aircraft industry exists in a rapidly evolving and uncertain environment, with a multitude of well-established, well-financed stakeholders in associated industries each vying to influence that environment. Although influence can come in many forms, Congress holds the ultimate power, and gives agencies like the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) a recurring authorization ...
Drones, Unmanned Aircraft Systems, FAA, Reauthorization Act of 2018, UAS, H.R. 4, S. 1405, H.R. 302
123 - 128
The researcher provides information about Economic Development Zones to assist readers’ understanding of these programs. Then, business leaders would be able to make informed decisions about the merits of these programs and whether it makes sense for them to relocate their businesses to one of Florida’s Economic Development Zones
Rural Enterprise Zone, Enterprise Zone, Economic Development District, Economic Development Strategy, Housing and Urban Development, Rural Development, Smart Rural Development, Rural Incubator, Empowerment Zone, Enterprise community, Entrepreneur, Opportunity Zone and Promise Zone.
129 - 145
Intangible assets are growing exponentially as a component of company value, but these assets are often unmanaged due to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), which provide no accountability. This research paper reaffirms and expands a proven alternative approach, which utilizes the CoreBrand Index® to measure, value, and manage intangible assets, and their financial impact on the corpo ...
Intangible assets, fair value, brand equity, innovation, brand value, intangible capital,
147 - 149
This research investigates the sociological, psychological, and physiological factors known to affect women’s career advancement opportunities. It examines how awareness and knowledge shared through the #MeToo (hashtag Me Too) movement influenced gender specific perceptions about the factors affecting women’s workplace opportunities. Finally, it recommends measures to alter the divergent gender ...
Equality, Workplace, Gender, Culture, MeToo, #MeToo
151 - 154
Hospitals typically plan and allocate labor from a siloed, department focused perspective. This approach, however, does not align with the system perspective of patient movement through a hospital. This disconnect results in a breakdown of system feedback loops concerning labor planning and allocation resulting in sub-optimized results. A systemic, centralized approach to labor planning and all ...
Labor Staffing, Labor Scheduling, Hospital Labor Management, Performance Metrics
155 - 158
The purpose of this research is to examine the progressive and regressive factors that affect a small business owner’s decision to implement an exit strategy. An exit strategy can be defined as an entrepreneur’s strategic plan to sell his or her investment in a company he or she has controlling interest in. An exit strategy gives a business owner a way to reduce or eliminate his or her stake in th ...
Exit planning, Mergers and Acquisitions, small business, entrepreneurship
159 - 164
Volume 1, 2017
The Muma Business Review (MBR) is a new peer-reviewed open access journal specifically intended to serve the needs of both the practitioner-researcher. Its mission is to publish empirical findings and conceptual analyses that have been rigorously developed, that are communicated in a manner that is accessible to practicing managers and, most importantly, that address the real world challenges faci ...
Mission, authors, reviewers, editors, readers, policies
1 - 8
There is no one best course through a Doctorate of Business Administration program but there are paths that maximize your time and value. Some people will wander through the research wilderness until having an epiphany, while others will treat the program like a journey-man and “do the work”, and still others will panic at the end of the third semester and “have to pick a topic for the dissertatio ...
Executive Education, DBA, Executive Learning, Active Learner, Life-long Learner
9 - 29
Chris Kay, Humana’s Chief Innovation Officer, shared insights into the innovation decision-making process. Kay discussed specific strategies employed by Humana to bring consumer insights to action and he shared examples of the development of innovation ideas.
“The first, and most often wrong, question is, ‘How much is this worth?’” Chris Kay, the Chief Innovation Officer at the $50B health and we ...
Humana, Innovation, Disruptive Innovation, Co-creation, Chief Innovation Officer
31 - 38
Firms struggle with transforming sales teams and sometimes resort to replacing sales people to accomplish business objectives. Sustainability theory provides a framework for analyzing the effects of replacing sales people for all stakeholders. By applying sustainability theory to sales transformation, managers can improve understanding of externalities and thus the total cost of the hiring circle.
Sales, Salespeople, Sustainability, Sustainable Development, Externalities, Hiring, Firing, Hiring Cycle, Transformation, Organization Change, Change Management
39 - 45
Companies literally spend billions training sales people and yet continue to have problems transforming sales teams. In support of finding new approaches to this problem the following paper applies different theories to the problem and describes the results of a pilot survey conducted with sales teams in the Americas and Asia.
Sales, Innovation Diffusion, Motivation, Organization Change, Training, Change Management, Management
47 - 55
Is Entrepreneurship a skill to be trained, a natural ability, or both? Understanding the source of supply and/or the quantity supplied of entrepreneurs is crucial to encouraging new business creation.
Can a community increase the supply and/or quantity supplied of entrepreneurs through programs, training, stimulus, and regulatory change? It is generally agreed that small and medium sized busines ...
Nature, Nurture, Entrepreneur, Intrapreneur, Entrepreneurship, Intentions, Startup, Small And Medium Business (SME), Stimulus, Factors of Production, Jobs, Employment, Incubator, Small Business Development Center
57 - 67
Organizations are constantly seeking ways to reinvent themselves through innovation. The process of selecting ideas in the early stages of innovation has a significant impact on the probability for success of new products or services. This paper investigates the critical factors organizations consider in the selection process.
Innovation management in organizations should be viewed in the conte ...
Decision-making, Idea Selection, Innovation, New Product, New Service, Selection Criteria
69 - 80
Using the Risk Analysis for Initial Needs (RAIN) planning model and its resource-based audit (RBA) tool to support the creation of a time zero startup business plan will improve the perceived value of the startup plan to founders and stakeholders by identifying gaps between the needs and availability of the needed resources at time zero.
The case has been made that successful startups are benefic ...
81 - 95
A summary of a qualitative and quantitative investigation into what factors are present at time zero that increase the probability that a startup will achieve long term sustainability. The findings of this study will empower advisors and founders on how to improve startup survival rates.
Survival rates for startups in the United States (U.S.) are disappointingly low and economically inefficient ...
Accelerator., Business Canvas., Business Creation, Business Model, Business Plan, Incubator, Launch, Lean Canvas, Lean Strategy, Startup, Startup Business Plan, Strategy, Sustainability
97 - 114
Open Forest is a provider of online mental health self-help programs and, in this context, it is crucial to understand the needs of potential users. With a high prevalence of ADHD, user needs to establish commitment and loyalty centered on the ability to engage with others online.
Access of care, purported cost savings and convenience for both clients and healthcare professionals are but some ...
Amazon Mechanical Turk, Behavioral Research, Healthcare Management, Self-Help, Social Exchange Theory, Social Penetration Theory, Telemental Health
115 - 124
Labor cost is the single highest expense for hospitals. Rather than relying on new technology, this case study seeks to utilize Human Interaction Management to redesign work structure and process to improve labor forecasting and scheduling outcomes.
This study takes a distinctly unique approach to the hospital workforce planning (forecasting and scheduling) problem. The study is differentiated ...
Hospital Labor, Hospital Scheduling, Hospital Staffing, Human Interaction Management, Workload Demand Forecasting.
125 - 139
In a study published in 2015 by Ganesan, Brantley, Pan, and Chen (Ganesan, Brantley, Pan, & Chen, 2015) researchers recognized that there is a problem with the search process when trying to visualize the correlation between a large collections of documents and a given set of topics. Chaney and Blei emphasize in a 2012 study the importance of science, industry, and culture to have the ability to ex ...
141 - 155
During the initial literature review on this research question, areas of focus included the following:
• Current qualitative and quantitative methodologies for technology risk analysis.
• Business applications for expanding the use of qualitative and quantitative technology and security risk models.
• Implementation of qualitative and quantitative technology and security risk analysis methodolo ...
Quantitative Risk Models, Qualitative Risk Models, Risk Analysis, Risk Management, Technology Risk Management System.
158 - 169
Facilities management has become increasingly challenging over the years as facilities expand and the cost of construction increases, all while available funds continues to remain volatile. Deferred maintenance is a mounting problem that is insurmountable in some cases. Why is this the case and how did we get here?
Lack of funding, growth cycle, productivity, crisis, asset, facilities management, maintenance budget, priority, communication, knowledge, strategic plan
171 - 188
Academic researchers and practitioners disagree on the value and methodology of creating a startup plan. An analysis of the differences and the motivations of these two district communities gives insight into the challenges of planning a successful launch.
startup, startup plan, business plan, business creation, emerging business, SWOT, auditing, incubator, lean strategy, lean startup, founding, strategic management, early stage business, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, accelerator, time zero plan, initial business plan
189 - 197
Facilities management has become increasingly challenging over the years. Given all that history has shown us regarding catastrophic failures due to a lack of maintenance, why do public facilities continue expanding at a rate that surpasses the ability and/or commitment to responsibly maintain them?
Lack of funding, growth cycle, productivity, crisis, asset, facilities management, maintenance budget, priority, communication, knowledge, strategic plan, outsource, technology, training
199 - 215
Based on both historic and current study, the industry of facilities management faces an ever growing challenge that puts our public assets at risk. The outcry for additional funding has become universal. Unfortunately, the federal and state governments delegate responsibility for funding solutions down to the local governments. The result; our public facilities are suffering chronic deferred m ...
Lack of funding, growth cycle, productivity, facilities management, maintenance budget, priority, communication, knowledge, strategic plan, technology, training, outsourcing
217 - 231
This article provides value to hiring managers and academics by positing a conceptual model that could potentially revitalize the methods employed to train, coach, interview and hire new college graduates. The model shows that success (measured as employee productivity) is the summation of education (hard skills) plus experience (time in one’s domain) plus soft skills. Each of the variables (empl ...
Soft Skills, Hard Skills, Employee Productivity, Education, Experience, Cost, Culture
233 - 239
Economic Development Zones were created to reduce unemployment in depressed areas of the country. Different levels of government offer companies’ incentives to relocate to these areas or expand their business by creating Economic/Empowerment/Enterprise Zones. These incentives for relocating, expanding, or starting a business can be very lucrative for a company. Understanding why there is a disconn ...
Rural Enterprise Zone, Enterprise Zone, Economic Development District, Economic Development Strategy, Housing and Urban Development, Rural Development, Smart Rural Development, Rural Incubator, Empowerment Zone, Enterprise community, and Promise Zone.
241 - 249