Journal Articles
Aim/Purpose: The focus of this study is to find the relationship between the components in Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) such as attitude, subjective norms (Media), subjective norm (celebrity), psychological attribute (self-esteem) and psychological attributes (social status) which influence Seoul Korea female intention to undergo cosmetic surgery in Seoul, Korea.
Background: South Korea was ra ...
Beauty Industry, Women Behavior, Cosmetic Surgery, Intention, South Korea
1 - 16
The study seeks to examine the strategic interventions needed to promote the performance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Specifically, it analyzed the relationship between organizational learning, cultural values and SMEs performance.
The performance of SMEs has been identified as one of the most important success factors behind growth, development and indu ...
Strategic interventions, organizational learning, cultural values, performance, SMEs
17 - 29
The main aim of the study is to critically examine the forces that can impede or support students to use e-learning in higher education teaching and learning environment which require not only pre-technological literacy’s but easy access to the e-learning platform and ICT devices.
The concept of e-learning has grown considerably in the past three or four decades, which ac ...
Information and Communication Technologies, technological skills, training.
31 - 41
The Malaysian government has given numerous incentives to small and medium enterprises (SMEs), including those in the food manufacturing sector, in an attempt to boost their performance. This study aims to assess the effects of these incentives, particularly financial and tax incentives, on the performance of SMEs in the Malaysian food manufacturing sector.
Millions of ...
small medium enterprises, structure-conduct-performance, food manufacturing industry, financial incentives, tax incentives
43 - 55
This study aims to identify the level of perception level of consumer and the relationship between knowledge, attitude and practice toward consumer perception on the halal cosmetic product.
Halal labelled cosmetic sector is expected to thrive in Malaysia. The consumption and expenditure among Malaysian consumers on cosmetic products in personal body care, beauty and wel ...
Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Cosmetic Halal label
57 - 64
The purpose of this study is to expand the knowledge base on factors likely to impede implementation and adoption of web-based learning management systems to blend with traditional methods of lecturing in universities to cater for the next generation of learners in Africa and Eastern Cape Province South Africa in particular.
The shift from the industrial economies to 21 ...
ICTs, next generation of learners, teaching, technological skills, lecturers, web-based learning management system, 21st century digital economies.
65 - 77
Aim and Purpose:
The African-Canadian Career Excellence (ACCE) initiative was developed to address the loss of highly-educated, English-speaking Black youth from the Greater Montreal Area (Quebec, Canada) facing issues of unemployment and underemployment.
The ACCE initiative partners – African and Caribbean Synergic inter-organizational Network of Canada (ACSioN Network), Black C ...
African-Canadian, Black-African youth, multiculturalism, Quebecers, English-speaking, discrimination, systemic discrimination, employability, workforce development, labor force development, community economic development, labor market, skills gap, diversify, diversity, recruitment strategy, public policy, African issues
131 - 155
Data from two large Canadian surveys are used to analyze educational and earnings performance of Blacks and Whites. The main purpose of this study is to determine how well blacks perform relative to Whites in these two areas.
Canadian researchers have been studying black performance in education and labor markets since the 1970’s. Much of this research was done before 2 ...
Canada, Racism, Blacks, Ordered probability Models, Beta Distributions, Mixtures
157 - 170
This paper presents a general overview of the challenges faced by English-speaking Black community members in Montreal, as well as the exacerbation of those barriers for individuals with a history of justice involvement. Frontline community initiatives focusing on education, employment, and entrepreneurship at DESTA Black Youth Network are profiled as an example of grassroots efforts to ...
Black Community, English-speaking, Montreal, Intersectional, Anti-Black Systemic Racism, Justice, Education, Employment, Income, Entrepreneurship
171 - 178
This article explains the movement for Afrocentric public schools in Canada, particularly in Montreal, and the controversy it has generated. It is also argued that Black youth would gain significantly from community based educational programs that root their learning more closely in the life, experiences and needs of their community.
The Black Academic Scholarship Fun ...
Black learners, equity, education, non-profit organization
179 - 185
On December 7, 2018, the Black Community Forum of Montreal held a conference on “Community Education and Development: perspectives on English-Speaking Blacks and Other Minorities”. The IJCDMS Journal has selected a number of the conference papers for publication in its Special Conference Series: “Collaborative Unity and Existential Responsibility.” This article serves as an overvi ...
English speaking visible minorities Quebec and Canada, non-visible minorities, social and economic indicators, fitness landscape, complex adaptive systems, employment rate, social entrepreneur, ruggedness of landscape
79 - 130