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Fay Sudweeks
Table of Contents of the Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Skills and Lifelong Learning
Table of Contents, IJELL, e-skills, lifelong learning
. i - iii
Arnon Hershkovitz, Alona Forkosh Baruch
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of the current study is to explore positive and negative aspects of student-teacher communication via Facebook, as perceived by students in secondary education. Background: Student-teacher relationship is key to students’ cognitive, social and emotional development. In recent years, as social networking sites (e.g., Facebook) became popular, these connections have extende ...
student-teacher relationship, student-teacher communication, social networking sites, Facebook, SNS-mediated communication
1 - 20
Katherine A. Quinn, Nicole A. Buzzetto-Hollywood
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of faculty and student perceptions of the importance of resource, interpersonal, information, systems, and technology management competencies in the hospitality industry Background: The increasing complexity and technological dependency of the diverse hospitality and tourism sector raises the skill requirements needed, and expect ...
SCANS, career readiness, workplace readiness, 21st century skills, hospitality education, first generation college students, technology readiness, HBCU, mi-nority learners, UMES, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, e-skills, lifelong learning
21 - 41
Joy Penman, Eddie L Robinson, Wendy M Cross
Aim/Purpose: This study aims to determine where nursing students from a metropolitan university subsequently work following graduation, identify the factors that influence decisions to pursue careers in particular locations, ascertain educational plans in the immediate future; and explore the factors that might attract students to pursue postgraduate study. Background: The global nursing shortage ...
nursing, graduate destinations, educational aspirations, clinical experiences
43 - 57
Alona Forkosh Baruch, Arnon Hershkovitz
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of the current study is to explore positive and negative aspects of teacher-teacher communication via Facebook, as perceived by teachers in secondary education. Background: Teacher-student relationship is key to teachers’ wellness and professional development and may contribute to positive classroom environment. In recent years, as social networking sites (e.g., Facebook) ...
teacher-student relationship, teacher-student communication, social networking sites, SNS-mediated communication, Facebook
59 - 80
Aviad Rotboim, Arnon Hershkovitz, Eddie Laventman
Aim/Purpose: To examine how positive/negative message framing – based on peripheral cues (regarding popularity, source, visuals, and hyperlink) – affects perceptions of credibility of scientific information posted on social networking sites (in this case, Facebook), while exploring the mechanisms of viewing the different components. Background: Credibility assessment of information is a key skill ...
credibility assessment, message framing, social networking sites, peripheral cues, eye tracking
81 - 103
Esmael A. Salman, Amtiaz Fattum
Aim/Purpose: In the modern world, simulation has become a new phenomenon in education, which conveys new and innovative ideas of curriculum, instruction, and classroom management. It makes certain of Aristotle’s words when he said that “The things we have to learn before we do them, we must learn by doing them”. One might think that simulation in education is one of these technologies. This stud ...
conflict, satisfaction, simulation in education, simulation scenario
105 - 120
Hakkı ÇAKIR, Yusuf Alpaydin
Aim/Purpose: The aim of the research was to examine the relationship between the sub-dimensions of organizational culture perceptions, such as task culture, success culture, support culture, and bureaucratic culture and job motivations of ISMEK Lifelong Learning Center teachers. Background: It is thought that if teachers’ perceptions of organizational culture and levels of job motivation are ass ...
adult education, lifelong learning, organizational culture, job motivation
121 - 133
Nicole A. Buzzetto-Hollywood, Bryant C. Mitchell, Austin J. Hill
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to introduce, describe, and document the methods involved in the preparation of a mindset intervention built into a freshmen development course, and established after years of longitudinal research, that is designed to have a positive impact on the outlook, achievement, and persistence of first generation and under-prepared students. Background: A number ...
grit, growth mindset, mindset intervention, self-efficacy, social cognitive theory, learning intervention, student retention, student success, business education, first generation college students, HBCU, minority learners, UMES, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, learning self-efficacy, goal setting, grit in education
135 - 155

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