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Michael Jones
Printable Table of Contents for IJDS Volume 11, 2016
IJDS, Table of Contents, International Journal of Doctoral Studies
i - iii
Jennifer M Phelps
This article draws on findings from a broad study on the influences of globalization on the experiences of international doctoral students at a large, research intensive Canadian university. It focuses specifically on these students’ lived experiences of change in their national identities and senses of belonging in a globalizing world. Using a qualitative, multiple case narrative approach, stud ...
international doctoral students, transnationalism, graduate education, globalization, identity, belonging
1 - 14
Meghan J. Pifer, Vicki L. Baker
Studies of doctoral education have included an interest not only in processes, structures, and outcomes, but also in students’ experiences. There are often useful recommendations for practice within individual examinations of the doctoral experience, yet there remains a need to strengthen the application of lessons from research to the behaviors of students and others engaged in the doctoral proce ...
doctoral education, doctoral student experiences, faculty members, administrators, challenges, strategies for success
15 - 34
Kay Devine, Karen Hunter
The primary aim of this study was to better understand the antecedents of doctoral students’ emotional well-being, and their plans to leave academia. Based on past research, antecedents included departmental support, the quality of the supervisory relationship, and characteristics of the supervisory relationship. We used a mixed-methods study, and surveyed 186 doctoral students from nine countries ...
doctoral students, emotional exhaustion, attrition, support, supervision
35 - 61
Guanglun Michael Mu, Ning Jia, Yongbin Hu, Hilary Hughes, Xiaobo Shi, Muchu zhang, Jennifer Alford, Merilyn G Carter, Jillian Fox, Jennifer Duke, Matthew Flynn, Huanhuan Xia
Workshops and seminars are widely-used forms of doctoral training. However, research with a particular focus on these forms of doctoral training is sporadic in the literature. There is little, if any, such research concerning the international context and participants’ own voices. Mindful of these lacunae in the literature, we write the current paper as a group of participants in one of a series o ...
International doctoral forum, Bourdieu, capital, field, power relations, autobiography
63 - 85
Martha L. Orellana, Antònia Darder, Adolfina Pérez, Jesús Salinas
A key aspect of the effective supervision of PhD research is the supervisor-student relationship. This interaction is affected by the characteristics and needs of students and institutional conditions, as well as the skills, attitudes, and roles of supervisors and their supervisory styles. When supervision is carried out at a distance, it entails an additional challenge, mainly concerning interact ...
postgraduate research supervision, distance supervision, PhD supervision, supervisory styles, supervisor attitudes and roles, supervisor-student relationship
87 - 103
Reuven Katz
This paper presents quantitative results of a comparative study evaluating the management skills of doctoral candidates working toward a PhD and additional information related to their lifestyles. We conducted a survey among enrolled doctoral candidates at five universities in Israel and three technological universities in Western Europe. 1013 Israeli candidates and 457 Western European candidates ...
Doctoral research management, Adviser-candidate relationship, Doctoral education
105 - 125
Karen Card, Crystal R Chambers, Sydney Freeman Jr.
Currently the study of higher education has been referred to as a multidisciplinary field. Consensus is continuing to evolve regarding both what is considered the appropriate coursework and the foundational knowledgebase of this field. The study of higher education is maturing and has the potential to transition from being seen as a field to being respected as an academic discipline. The purpose o ...
Academic Curriculum, Doctoral Education, Higher Education as a Field of Study
127 - 146
Monica R. Kerrigan, Kimberly Walker Hayes
Today’s educational practitioners are expected to know how to gather, analyze, and report on data for accountability purposes and to use that information to improve student outcomes. However, there is little understanding of how to support practitioners’ learning of and engagement with research and few studies on the research experiences of students enrolled in Doctorate of Education (EdD) program ...
Doctoral students, practitioner-researcher, research skills, self-efficacy
147 - 162
Jason Draper, Armand A Buzzelli, E. Gregory Holdan
An Instructional Management and Leadership doctoral program (IML) incorporated the use of Twitter to examine what this looked like in practice. Did students actually use Twitter, and if so, how frequently, for what purpose(s), and were there differences between students on the pattern of use? Additionally, we sought to determine if Twitter is a legitimate instructional tool and if the use of Twitt ...
Higher Education, Case Study, Social Media, Twitter, Doctoral Cohort, Accelerated program
163 - 183
Lucy Johnston, Kaylene Sampson, Keith Comer, Erik Brogt
Provision of both high standards of thesis supervision and high quality research environments are required for doctoral candidates to flourish. An important component of ensuring quality provision of research resources is the soliciting of feedback from research students and the provision from research supervisors and institutions of timely and constructive responses to such feedback. In this manu ...
supervision; surveys; feedback; resource allocation; student evaluation
185 - 203
Samantha J Charlick, Jan Pincombe, Lois McKellar, Andrea Fielder
Selecting the most appropriate methodology for research as a doctoral student is one of the most important yet difficult decisions. Not only should the methodology suit the research question, it is important that it resonates with the philosophy of one’s discipline and produces needed results that will contribute to knowledge. Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) is an approach to qualit ...
Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA), doctoral studies, qualitative research, midwifery, individualized care, exclusive breastfeeding
205 - 216
Helen L MacLennan, Anthony A Pina, Kenneth A Moran, Patrick F Hafford
Is the Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A) a viable degree option for those wishing a career in academe? The D.B.A. degree is often considered to be a professional degree, in-tended for business practitioners, while the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree is por-trayed as the degree for preparing college or university faculty. Conversely, many academic programs market their D.B.A. programs t ...
Doctor of Business Administration, doctoral degrees, faculty credentials, regional accredita-tion, programmatic accreditation, teaching
217 - 226
Parveen Ali, Roger Watson, Katie Dhingra
There is a need for research exploring postgraduate research students’ expectations from research supervisors, the characteristics of effective student-supervisor relationships, and the opinions of students and supervisors about research supervision. We also need instruments to explore the student-supervisor relationship. The present study investigated postgraduate research students’ and research ...
supervision; effective supervisor; research students’ expectation; supervisors’ expectation; PhD supervision; opinion
227 - 241
Adeola Bamgboje, Michelle Ye, Helen Almond, Songlak Sakulwichitsintu
This is a report on a qualitative investigation into the challenges and solutions for Information Systems PhD candidature in Australia by conducting a three-phase research process. Information Systems doctoral theses approved within the past 10 years in Australia were identified in three areas of research, using structured evidence-based search and review methods. This was followed by two focus gr ...
PhD candidature, doctoral students, research pathway, information systems, SWOT analysis
243 - 267
Floralba Arbelo Marrero
Doctoral student retention remains a challenge in higher education with an average attrition rate of 50%. This study focuses on analyzing pre-entry variables of admission for 81 doctoral students admitted to a doctoral program in psychology to determine whether significant associations existed between specific variables in the graduated and withdrawn groups in this cohort with over 48% Hispanic do ...
Doctoral Student Retention, Hispanic Doctoral Students, Retention, Hispanic Serving Institutions, Attrition, Doctoral Completion, Quantitative, Pre-Entry Variables
269 - 284
Veronika Paksi, Beata Nagy, Gábor Király
In spite of tremendous efforts, women are still under-represented in the field of science. Post-graduate education and early tenure track employment are part of the academic career establishment in research and development during periods that usually overlap with family formation. Though women tend to leave science mainly after obtaining their PhD, and the timing of motherhood plays a vital role i ...
PhD, timing of motherhood childbearing, women, uncertainty, life course, engineering
285 - 304
Jay R Avella
Among the typical dissertation research designs, one particular design that is slowly gaining acceptance is that of the Delphi Method. Using a panel of experts to achieve consensus in solving a problem, deciding the most appropriate course of action, or establishing causation where none previously existed, particularly in areas of business or education research, are uniquely ideal to employment of ...
Delphi, consensus, dissertation research, problem-solving, expert panel, critique
305 - 321
Suzanne Franco
New qualitative research methods continue to emerge in response to factors such as renewed interest in mixed methods, better understanding of the importance of a researcher’s philosophical stance, as well as the increased use of technology in data collection and analysis, to name a few. As a result, those facilitating research methods courses must revisit content and instructional strategies in or ...
qualitative research methods, pragmatism, researcher worldviews, conceptual frameworks, research model
323 - 339
Petro Du Preez, Shan Simmonds
In South Africa four key policy discourses underpin doctoral education: growth, capacity, efficiency, and quality discourses. This article contributes to the discourse on quality by engaging with quality assurance from the perspective of the decision makers and implementers of macro policy (national), meso (institutional), and micro (faculty/departmental) levels. We explore the perceptions that me ...
higher degree committee members, quality assurance, doctoral education, academic freedom, mode 3 knowledge production, higher education, South Africa
341 - 365
Lucy Johnston, Thomas M Wilson, Alexander MacKenzie
This article describes the experiences and outcomes for 761 doctoral students enrolled at the University of Canterbury who had their research disrupted by a magnitude 6.2 earthquake on 22nd February 2011. We describe the measures that were put in place to assist the students to continue their studies through continued disruption from aftershocks, dislocation, building demolition and remediation, e ...
doctoral studies, doctoral completion, attrition, disasters, supervision
367 - 382
Sarah R Booth, Margaret K Merga, Saiyidi Mat Roni
Many PhD candidates bring with them a wealth of knowledge and skills; however, these may not sufficiently prepare candidates to work with high autonomy on a project with often limited interaction with the wider research community. A peer-mentor program model, in which a mentor delivers dyadic and group support to higher degree by research students from different disciplines and backgrounds, has th ...
autoethnography, peer-mentor, reflective practice, teaching as learning, HDR experience
383 - 402
Roberta K. Weber, Ethan J. Allen
American society faces complex educational issues which impact many facets of its national interests. Institutions of higher education are granting doctoral degrees to educational leaders, but it is not known to what extent their dissertation topics are aligned with both longstanding and critical issues in education. Using a theoretical framework synthesizing Paul and Elder’s critical thinking mo ...
dissertation topics, EdD and PhD dissertations, critical issues in education, doctoral supervision, selection of dissertation topics
403 - 417
Joanna A Gilmore, Annie M Wofford, Michelle A Maher
Doctoral attrition consistently hovers around 50% with relevant literature identifying several mediating factors, including departmental culture, student demographics, and funding. To advance this literature, we interviewed 38 graduate faculty advisors in science, engineering, or mathematics disciplines at a research-extensive university to capture their perceptions of factors supporting graduate ...
faculty mentorship, graduate student development, graduate student motivation
419 - 439
Laurie Stevahn, Jeffrey B Anderson, Tana L Hasart
Community-based research (CBR) is an advanced form of academic service-learning through which university students, faculty, and community organizations collaborate to conduct inquiry projects aimed at producing social change. Despite its potential for advancing learning in graduate studies, little research exists on CBR implementations or outcomes in doctoral programs. This study examined the effe ...
community-based research, academic service-learning, doctoral student development, education doctorate, educational leadership, cooperative learning, experiential learning, pro-ject-based learning
441 - 465
Christelle Devos, Gentiane Boudrenghien, Nicolas Van der Linden, Mariane Frenay, Assaad Azzi, Benoit Galand, Olivier Klein
The purpose of the present study is to explore the “misfits” occurring between doctoral students and their supervisors. More precisely, we investigate the types of incongruences that occur, whether and how they are regulated and their consequences on students’ outcomes. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 21 former PhD students (8 completers and 13 non-completers). Results show that, when f ...
PhD students, doctoral attrition, supervisor support, fit, coping
467 - 486

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