Journal Articles
This table of contents will be updated throughout the year as new papers are published.
i - iii
The purpose of the study is to identify influential factors in the use of collaborative networks within the context of manufacturing. The study aims to investigate factors that influence employees’ learning, and to bridge the gap between theory and praxis in collaborative networks in manufacturing. The study further extends the boundary of a collaborative network beyond enterprises to include supp ...
Employees’ learning, collaborative networked learning, collaborative networks, socio-technical systems theory
1 - 19
This project shows a creative approach to the familiar scavenger hunt game. It involved the implementation of an iPhone application, HUNT, with Augmented Reality (AR) capability for the users to play the game as well as an administrative website that game organizers can use to create and make available games for users to play. Using the HUNT mobile app, users will first make a selection from a lis ...
Software Engineering, Augmented Reality, iOS Application, Scavenger Hunt
21 - 35
Health Data collection is one of the major components of public health systems. Decision makers, policy makers, and medical service providers need accurate and timely data in order to improve the quality of health services. The rapid growth and use of mobile technologies has exerted pressure on the demand for mobile-based data collection solutions to bridge the information gaps in the health secto ...
Health Data collection, Short Message Service, Open Source data frameworks, Mobile Technologies, Vaccination, Kenya
37 - 46
It can be argued that public organizations, in order to provide the public with sufficient services in the current, highly competitive and continuously evolving environment, require changes. The changes that become necessary are often related to the implementation of information systems (IS). Moreover, when organizations are faced with changes, a change management (CM) process needs to be put in p ...
project management, change management, public organizations, information systems, IS, critical success factors, CSF
47 - 62
This research seeks to analyse the project success factors related to project managers’ traits. The context of the research entails a ‘United Nations’ type of organization. Critical success factors from previous recent studies were adopted for this research. Nineteen factors were adopted and a survey methodology approach was followed. Sixty six participants completed the survey. Exploratory factor ...
Project Manager, United Nations, Critical Success Factors.
63 - 80
The purpose of this paper was to explore the current and potential use of Facebook for learning purposes by Jordanian university students. The paper attempted to compare such use with other uses of Facebook. Further, the paper investigated Jordanian university students’ attitudes towards using Facebook as a formal academic tool, through the use of course-specific Facebook groups. To that end, quan ...
Facebook, social networks, academic context, purposes, uses, universities, Jordan
81 - 103
Knowledge management and knowledge assets have gained much prominence in recent years and are said to improve organizational performance. Knowledge capture and acquisition mechanisms enhance organizational memory and performance. However, knowledge capture and acquisition mechanisms in higher education institutions are not well known. The aim of this study was to investigate the knowledge capture ...
Knowledge Management, Mechanisms, Knowledge Capture and Acquisition mechanisms, knowledge capture and acquisition
105 - 116
Power differences affect implementation of information and communication technology (ICT) in a way that creates differences in ICT use. Involuntary non-use of new ICT at work occurs when employees want to use the new technology, but are unable to due to factors beyond their control. Findings from an in-depth qualitative study show how involuntary non-use of new ICT can be attributed to power diffe ...
ICT implementation, power, organizational change, involuntary non-use, working conditions, learn-ing, ICT resistance
117 - 143
This study aims to examine the impact of organizational environment (top management support, company-wide support, business process reengineering, effective project management, and organizational culture) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) vendor environment (ERP vendor support) on ERP perceived benefits. In order to achieve the study’s aim, a questionnaire was developed based on the extant li ...
top management support, business process reengineering, effective project management, company-wide support, organizational culture, vendor support, SMEs, ERP benefits
145 - 172
Collaboration technologies enable people to communicate and use information to make organizational decisions. The United States Navy refers to this concept as information dominance. Various collaboration technologies are used by the Navy to achieve this mission. This qualitative descriptive study objectively examined how a matrix oriented Navy activity perceived an implemented collaboration tec ...
Government, Business Intelligence, Collaboration, Information Technology, E-collaboration
173 - 192
This paper contributes to the limited research on roles ICT can play in impression-management strategies and is based on case studies done in the Swedish Police. It also gives a theoretical contribution by adopting a holistic approach to explain how ICT can contribute to giving a misleading picture of conditions. Output generated by ICT has nowadays a central role in follow-up activities and decis ...
ICT, information quality, output, impression-management, misleading, decision-making
193 - 215
Return on Investment (ROI) is one of the most popular performance measurement and evaluation metrics. ROI analysis (when applied correctly) is a powerful tool in comparing solutions and making informed decisions on the acquisitions of information systems. The purpose of this study is to provide a systematic research of the accuracy of the ROI evaluations in the context of information systems imple ...
Return on Investment, ROI, evaluation, costs, benefits, accuracy, estimation error, error propagation, uncertainty, information system, performance measure, business value
217 - 233