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Table of Contents for Volume 18, 2023, of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management
IJIKM, contents, Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management
.i - v
Clarita I Nainggolan, Putu Wuri Handayani
Aim/Purpose: This study aims to examine the ten factors from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) theories in order to analyze behavioral intentions to use the Indonesian online capital market investment platforms and the effect of behavioral intentions on actual usage. Background: The potential gro ...
behavioral intention to use, actual usage, financial technology, online investment platform, capital market
1 - 29
Ali Ahmad Trawnih, Ahmad Samed Al-Adwan, Anas Amayreh, Tha’er Majali, Hamood Mohammed Al-Hattami
Aim/Purpose: Social commerce is an emergent topic widely used for product and service sourcing. It helps companies to have frequent interaction with their customers and strive to achieve a competitive advantage. Yet there is only little empirical evidence focusing on social commerce and its adoption in SMEs to date. This study investigates the key factors affecting social commerce adoption in SMEs ...
perceived usefulness; security concerns; organizational readiness; consumer pressure; top management support; trading partner pressure; social commerce
31 - 58
Burkan Hawash, Muaadh Mukred, Umi Asma’ Mokhtar, Mohammed Islam Nofal
Aim/Purpose: The use of digital technology, such as an electronic records management system (ERMS), has prompted widespread changes across organizations. The organization needs to support its operations with an automation system to improve production performance. This study investigates ERMS’s potentiality to enhance organizational performance in the oil and gas industry. Background: Oil and gas ...
big data, big data management, ERMS potentiality, oil and gas, digital transformation, electronic records
59 - 86
Hoang Dang Tran, Ngoc Le, Van-Ho Nguyen
Aim/Purpose: Previous research has generally concentrated on identifying the variables that most significantly influence customer churn or has used customer segmentation to identify a subset of potential consumers, excluding its effects on forecast accuracy. Consequently, there are two primary research goals in this work. The initial goal was to examine the impact of customer segmentation on the a ...
churn prediction, machine learning, banking industry, classification models, SMOTE
87 - 105
Gangaram Biswakarma, Poojan Bhandari
Aim/Purpose: Using the Agile Adoption Framework (AAF), this study aims to examine the agile potential of software development companies in Nepal based on their agile maturity level. In addition, this study also examines the impact of various basic agile practices in determining the maturity level of the agile processes being implemented in the software industry of Nepal. Background: Even if most ...
agile practice, agile maturity, software companies, agile adoption framework
107 - 125
Ari V Alamäki, Marko Mäki, Janne Kauttonen
Aim/Purpose: This study aimed to increase our understanding of how the stages of the customer purchase journey, privacy trade-offs, and information sensitivity of different business service sectors affect consumers’ privacy concerns. Background: The study investigated young consumers’ willingness to provide consent to use their personal data at different phases of the customer journey. This study ...
data privacy, information sensitivity, privacy concern, trade-offs, customer journey
127 - 147
Jehad Imlawi, Atallah AL-Shatnawi, Bader M AlFawwaz, Hasan M AL-Shatnawi, Sultan Al-masaeed
Aim/Purpose: The aim of this study is to develop and evaluate a comprehensive model that predicts students’ engagement with and intent to continue using mobile-Learning Management Systems (m-LMS). Background: m-LMS are increasingly popular tools for delivering course content in higher education. Understanding the factors that affect student engagement and continuance intention can help educationa ...
engagement, continuance intention, m-LMS, TAM, TTF, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, interactivity, compatibility, enjoyment, social influence
149 - 172
Joshua Dwight
Aim/Purpose: This research study aimed to explore ecommerce fraud practitioners’ experiences and develop a grounded theory framework to help define an ecommerce fraud incident response process, roles and responsibilities, systems, stakeholders, and types of incidents. Background: With a surge in global ecommerce, online transactions have become increasingly fraudulent, complex, and borderless. T ...
cyber incident response, ecommerce fraud, fraud prevention, grounded theory
173 - 202
Dat Tho Tran, Khoa Dinh Vu, Phong Ba Le, Phuong Thi Lan Tran
Aim/Purpose: Given the increasingly important role of knowledge and human resources for firms in developing and emerging countries to pursue innovation, this paper aims to study and explore the potential intermediating roles of knowledge donation and collection in linking high-involvement human resource management (HRM) practice and innovation capability. The paper also explores possible moderator ...
high-involvement HRM, knowledge sharing, knowledge donating, knowledge collecting, radical innovation, incremental innovation
203 - 224
Thanh Ho, Van-Ho Nguyen, Thien Le, Hoanh-Su Le, Dã Thôn Nguyen, Tu Mai, Anh Tran, Hoai-Phan Truong
Aim/Purpose: In this study, the research proposes and experiments with a new model of collecting, storing, and analyzing big data on customer feedback in the tourism industry. The research focused on the Vietnam market. Background: Big Data describes large databases that have been “silently” built by businesses, which include product information, customer information, customer feedback, etc. This ...
data lake for big data, data collection, data storage, customer feedback, topic modeling, tourism
225 - 249
Khaled Halteh, Hakem Sharari
Aim/Purpose: This paper aims to empirically quantify the financial distress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on companies listed on Amman Stock Exchange (ASE). The paper also aims to identify the most important predictors of financial distress pre- and mid-pandemic. Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge toll, not only on human lives but also on many businesses. This provided the impetus ...
financial distress prediction, COVID-19, ANN, MDA, Jordan
251 - 267
Yunis Ali Ahmed, Muhammad Mahboob Khurshid
Aim/Purpose: The primary purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that impact the behavioral intention to use social media (SM) for knowledge sharing (KS) in the disaster relief (DR) context. Background: With the continuing growth of SM for KS in the DR environment, disaster relief organizations across the globe have started to realize its importance in streamlining their processes in ...
social media, knowledge sharing, determinants, behavioral intention to use, disaster relief, developing country
269 - 300
Caiyun Zhuang, Guohong Chen, Juan Liang, Yang Zou, Si Chen
Aim/Purpose: This study investigates the relationship between dual network embedding, dual entrepreneurial bricolage, and knowledge-creation performance. Background: The importance of new ventures for innovation and economic growth has been fully endorsed. Establishing incubation organizations to help new startups overcome constraints and dilemmas has become the consensus of various countries. I ...
makerspace, network embedding, dual entrepreneurship bricolage, startups, knowledge-creation performance
301 - 319
Ammar Abdallah, Alain ABRAN, Malik Qasaimeh, Alaeddin Mohammad Khalaf Ahmad, Abdullah Al-Refai
Aim/Purpose: This study identifies the scale types and measurement units used in the measurement of enterprise architecture (EA) and analyzes the admissibility of the mathematical operations used. Background: The majority of measurement solutions proposed in the EA literature are based on researchers’ opinions and many with limited empirical validation and weak metrological properties. This means ...
Enterprise Architecture (EA), metrology, software metrics, scale types, admissible mathematical operations
321 - 352
Maayan Nakash, Dan Bouhnik
Aim/Purpose. COVID-19 was an unprecedented disruptive event that accelerated the shift to remote work and encouraged widespread adoption of digital tools in organizations. This empirical study was conducted from an organizational-strategic perspective, with the aim of examining how the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak affected employees’ use of organizational information systems (IS) as reflected in fr ...
COVID-19, new normal, information systems, information technology, remote work, digital transformation, workplace environment
353 - 368
Pivithuru J Kumarasinghe, Qiubo Huang, Nilmini Rathnayake
Aim/Purpose: Most people use their phones for work and communication. Businesses today require sustainable mobile phones to limit the environmental impact of mobile phones. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a green product uses less energy. Green smartphones need low radiation emission, are made from recyclable materials, and are designed to last longer than typical smartphon ...
green awareness, environmental concern, altruism, green smartphones, purchase intention
369 - 385
Chih-Hung Chen
Aim/Purpose: The major challenges for firms to initiate corporate social responsibility (CSR) arise from resource constraints, complexity, and uncertainty. Consuming considerable financial and human resources is the main difficulty for smaller firms or those operating in less profitable industries, and the lack of immediate outputs from CSR initiatives poses a challenge for firms in prioritizing a ...
corporate social responsibility, blockchain technology, business performance, fixed-effects model, Taiwan Stock Exchange
387 - 405
Li Meiyi, Ree Chan Ho, Muslim Amin, Nelvin XeChung Leow
Aim/Purpose: Based on the stimulus-organism-response (SOR) model, the current study investigated social commerce functions as an innovative retailing technological support by selecting the three most appropriate features for the Chinese online shopping environment with respective value co-creation intentions. Background: Social commerce is the customers’ online shopping touchpoint in the latest r ...
new retail, social commerce features, consumer value co-creation, stimulus-organism-response (SOR) model
407 - 434
Qusai Shambour, Mahran Al-Zyoud, Ahmad Abu-Shareha, Mosleh Abualhaj
Aim/Purpose: This study aims to devise a personalized solution for online healthcare platforms that can alleviate problems arising from information overload and data sparsity by providing personalized healthcare services to patients. The primary focus of this paper is to develop an effective medicine recommendation approach for recommending suitable medications to patients based on their specific ...
medicine recommendation, semantic filtering, multi-criteria filtering, sparsity, new item
435 - 457
Mohammed Rashed Mohamed Al Humaid Alneyadi, Md Kassim Normalini
Aim/Purpose: The UAE and other Middle Eastern countries suffer from various cybersecurity vulnerabilities that are widespread and go undetected. Still, many UAE government organizations rely on human-centric approaches to combat the growing cybersecurity threats. These approaches are ineffective due to the rapid increase in the amount of data in cyberspace, hence necessitating the employment of in ...
AI, cybersecurity systems, UAE, protection motivation theory (PMT), intelligent systems, cyber threats, information security
459 - 486
Venera Genia, Imairi Eitiveni, Muhammad Rana Tirtayasa, Wahyu Setiawan Wibowo, Tito Febrian Nugraha, Tifanny Nabarian
Aim/Purpose: This study aims to evaluate the success of ERP post-implementation and the factors that affect the overall success of the ERP system by integrating the Task Technology Fit (TTF) model into the Information System Success Model (ISSM). Background: Not all ERP implementations provide the expected benefits, as post-implementation challenges can include inflexible ERP systems and ongoing ...
evaluation, enterprise resource planning, information system success model, task technology fit, organizational impact
487 - 519
Mohammad Muein Rasheed Shahin, Chin Wei Chong, Adedapo O Ojo
Aim/Purpose: The main aim of this study was to investigate the impact of knowledge-based Human Resources Management (HRM) practices on inbound and outbound open innovation in Jordanian small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Background: SMEs in Jordan lack tangible resources. This insufficiency can be remedied by using knowledge as a resource. According to the Knowledge-Based View (KBV) theory, whic ...
knowledge-based HRM practices, open innovation, inbound open innovation, outbound open innovation
521 - 545
Wahyu Setiawan Wibowo, Setiadi Yazid
Aim/Purpose: Blockchain technology (BCT) has emerged as a potential catalyst for transforming government institutions and services, yet the adoption of blockchain in governments faces various challenges, for which previous studies have yet to provide practical solutions. Background: This study aims to identify and analyse barriers, potential solutions, and their relations in implementing BC for ...
blockchain, distributed ledger, blockchain technology, government, challenge, problem, solution, systematic literature review, SLR, PRISMA, tollgate, TOE
547 - 581
Puspita Kencana Sari, Putu Wuri Handayani, Achmad Nizar Hidayanto, Pribadi Wiranda Busro
Aim/Purpose: This study analyzes health professionals’ information security behavior (ISB) as health information system (HIS) users concerning associated information security controls and risks established in a public hospital. This work measures ISB using a complete measuring scale and explains the relevant influential factors from the perspectives of Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) and Genera ...
information security behavior, hospital, health information system, protection motivation, deterrence
583 - 607
Omar Mohammed Horani, Ali Khatibi, Anas RATIB ALSoud, Jacquline Tham, Ahmad Samed Al-Adwan, S. M. Ferdous Azam
Aim/Purpose: This study utilized a comprehensive framework to investigate the adoption of Business Analytics (BA) and its effects on performance in commercial banks in Jordan. The framework integrated the Technological-Organizational-Environmental (TOE) model, the Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theory, and the Resource-Based View (RBV). Background: The recent trend of utilizing data for business ...
business analytics, technology adoption, banking, toe framework, data quality, diffusion of innovation, organizational readiness, business performance
609 - 643
Anas Husain, Mohammad Alsharo, saif Addeen AlRababah, Mohammed-Issa Riad Jaradat
Aim/Purpose: The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of review consistency between textual content and rating on review helpfulness. A measure of review consistency is introduced to determine the degree to which the review sentiment of textual content conforms with the review rating score. A theoretical model grounded in signaling theory is adopted to explore how different vari ...
review helpfulness, review consistency, regression analysis, sentiment analysis, signaling theory
645 - 666
Niko Ibrahim, Putu Wuri Handayani, Betty Purwandari, Imairi Eitiveni, Fadhil Dzulfikar
Aim/Purpose: This study aims to create customer segmentation who use Online Travel Agent (OTA) mobile applications in Indonesia throughout their hotel booking journey. Background: In the context of mobile hotel booking applications, research analyzing the customer experience at each customer journey stage is scarce. However, literature increasingly acknowledges the significance of this stage in c ...
customer journey, customer segmentation, mobile hotel booking application, online travel agent, smartphone
667 - 689
Zainab Meskaoui, Abdelilah ELKHARRAZ
Aim/Purpose: The aim of this research paper is to suggest a comprehensive model that incorporates the technology acceptance model with the task-technology fit model, information quality, security, trust, and managerial support to investigate the intended usage of big data analytics (BDA) in banks and insurance companies. Background: The emergence of the concept of “big data,” prompted by the wide ...
Big Data Analytics, TAM model, behavioral intention to use, Task Technology Fit, information quality, finance, banks, insurance companies, security, trust, managerial support
691 - 718
Tianpei Xu, Ying Ma, Changyu Ao, Min Qu, XiangHong Meng
Aim/Purpose: In this paper, we present an RFM model-based telecom customer churn system for better predicting and analyzing customer churn. Background: In the highly competitive telecom industry, customer churn is an important research topic in customer relationship management (CRM) for telecom companies that want to improve customer retention. Many researchers focus on a telecom customer churn a ...
CRM, churn prediction, feature construction, RFM, K-means, XGBoost, SHAP method
719 - 737
Zhu Fei, Md Kassim Normalini, Wan Normila Mohamad
Aim/Purpose: This study aims to develop a comprehensive conceptual framework that incorporates personal characteristics, social context, and technological features as significant factors that influence the intention of small-city users in China to use mobile health. Background: Mobile health has become an integral part of China’s health management system innovation, the transformation of the heal ...
mobile health, small cities, PMT, UTAUT, personal characteristics
739 - 767
Raed A Shatnawi
Aim/Purpose: To predict the change-proneness of software from the continuous evolution using machine learning methods. To identify when software changes become statistically significant and how metrics change. Background: Software evolution is the most time-consuming activity after a software release. Understanding evolution patterns aids in understanding post-release software activities. Many me ...
software evolution, software metrics, change-proneness, machine learning
769 - 790
Venkateswaran Vinod, SUDARSANAM S K
Aim/Purpose: Acquisitions play a pivotal role in the growth strategy of a firm. Extensive resources and time are dedicated by a firm toward the identification of prospective acquisition candidates. The Indian manufacturing sector is currently experiencing significant growth, organically and inorganically, through acquisitions. The principal aim of this study is to explore models that can predict a ...
Indian manufacturing industry acquisitions, mergers and acquisitions modeling, predictive modeling, machine learning, artificial neural networks
791 - 818
Anbalagan Bhuvaneswari
Aim/Purpose: The understanding of disease spread dynamics in the context of air travel is crucial for effective disease detection and epidemic intelligence. The Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Recovered-Hospitalized-Critical-Deaths (SEIR-HCD) model proposed in this research work is identified as a valuable tool for capturing the complex dynamics of disease transmission, healthcare demands, and mort ...
epidemiology, SIS-SIR model, SEIR-HCD models, disease dynamics, air traffic networks, disease transmission
819 - 840
Rinto Priambodo, Putu Wuri Handayani, Rizal Fathoni Aji
Aim/Purpose: This paper illustrates the potential of health recommender systems (HRS) to support and enhance maternal care. The study aims to explore the recent implementations of maternal HRS and to discover the challenges of the implementations. Background: The sustainable development goals (SDG) aim to reduce maternal mortality to less than 70 per 100,000 live births by 2030. However, progress ...
health recommender system, maternal care, antenatal care, systematic literature review
841 - 869
Ismail Bello, Mazida Ahmad, Maslinda Mohd Nadzir
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the key determinants hindering Knowledge Transfer (KT) practices for Information Technology Project Managers (ITPMs) Background: The failure rate of IT projects remains unacceptably high worldwide, and KT between project managers and team members has been recognized as a significant issue affecting project success. Therefore, this study tries ...
knowledge transfer, knowledge transfer determinants, project manager, information technology project
871 - 891
Imran Mahmud, Kodisvaran Supramaniam, Nusrat Jahan, Afsana Begum, Adiba Masud
Aim/Purpose: The study aims to explore the attributes of self-phubbing and partner-phubbing, as well as their impact on marital relationship satisfaction and the quality of communication. Furthermore, it aims to comprehend how these characteristics could impact an individual’s total level of life satisfaction. Background: The study aims to establish a clear association between specific mobile pho ...
phubbing, cellphone conflicts, communication quality, relationship satisfaction, and life satisfaction
893 - 914

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