Developing Case-based Learning Activities Based on the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy

Mathews Nkhoma, TRI K LAM, Joan Richardson, Booi H Kam, Kwok Hung Lau
InSITE 2016  •  2016  •  pp. 085-093
This study proposes the use of case study in teaching an undergraduate course of Introduction to Business Information Systems Development in class, based on the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. According to the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy of cognitive skills, it includes six levels which are knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, evaluation, and creation. The lower level of skill is required to be formed before progressing to the higher levels. Therefore, two lower levels of skills comprising knowledge and comprehension are inherent in the course before commencing a case study. In this study, learning activities associated with the Revised Taxonomy-based learning strategy are proposed to support the development of higher-level cognitive skills. The potential effects and benefits of these activities to teaching and learning will be discussed. A conceptual model and hypotheses will be recommended for future study.
Incremental Learning, Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, Case-based Learning, Cognitive Skill
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