Unraveling Knowledge-Based Chatbot Adoption Intention in Enhancing Species Literacy

Lindung Parningotan Manik, Dwi Setyo Rini, Priyanti Priyanti, Ariani Indrawati, Agusdin D. Fefirenta, Zaenal Akbar, Tutie Djarwaningsih Sumowardoyo, Niken Fitria Apriani, Yulia Aris Kartika
Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management  •  Volume 19  •  2024  •  pp. 011

This research investigated the determinant factors influencing the adoption intentions of Chatsicum, a Knowledge-Based Chatbot (KBC) aimed at enhancing the species literacy of biodiversity students.

This research was conducted to bridge the gap between technology, education, and biodiversity conservation. Innovative solutions are needed to empower individuals with knowledge, particularly species knowledge, in preserving the natural world.

The study employed a quantitative approach using the Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) and sampled 145 university students as respondents. The research model combined the Task-Technology Fit (TTF) framework with elements from the Diffusion of Innovation (DOI), including relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, and observability. Also, the model introduced perceived trust as an independent variable. The primary dependent variable under examination was the intention to use the KBC.

The findings of this research contribute to a deeper understanding of the critical factors affecting the adoption of the KBC in biodiversity education and outreach, as studies in this context are limited. This study provides valuable insights for developers, educators, and policymakers interested in promoting species literacy and leveraging innovative technologies by analyzing the interplay of TTF and DOI constructs alongside perceived trust. Ultimately, this research aims to foster more effective and accessible biodiversity education strategies.

TTF influenced all DOI variables, such as relative advantage, compatibility, observability, and trust positively and complexity negatively. In conclusion, TTF strongly affected usage intention indirectly. However, relative advantage, complexity, and observability insignificantly influenced the intention to use. Meanwhile, compatibility and trust strongly affected the use intention.

Developers should prioritize building and maintaining chatbots that are aligned with the tasks, needs, and goals of the target users, as well as establishing trust through the assurance of information accuracy. Educators could develop tailored educational interventions that resonate with the values and preferences of diverse learners and are aligned closely with students’ learning needs, preferences, and curriculum while ensuring seamless integration with the existing educational context. Conservation organizations and policymakers could also utilize the findings of this study to enhance their outreach strategies, as the KBC is intended for students and biodiversity laypeople.

Researchers should explore the nuances of relationships between TTF and DOI, as well as trust, and consider the potential influence of mediating and moderating variables to advance the field of technology adoption in educational contexts. Researchers could also explore why relative advantage, complexity, and observability did not significantly impact the usage intention and whether specific user segments or contextual factors influence these relationships.

This research has significant societal impacts by improving species literacy, advancing technology in education, and promoting conservation efforts. Species knowledge could raise awareness regarding biodiversity and the importance of conservation, thereby leading to more informed and responsible citizens.

Future works should address the challenges and opportunities presented by KBCs in the context of species literacy enhancement, for example, interventions or experiments to influence the non-significant factors. Furthermore, longitudinal studies should investigate whether user behavior evolves. Ultimately, examining the correlation between species literacy, specifically when augmented by chatbots, and tangible conservation practices is an imperative domain in the future. It may entail evaluating the extent to which enhanced knowledge leads to concrete measures promoting biodiversity preservation.

task-technology fit, diffusion of innovation, knowledge-based system, chatbot, trust, biodiversity, species literacy
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